Chapter 71
Mark's POV
As I ran alongside Felix, I began to get the feeling that I'd been in the house before.
Really, 'house' wasn't the right term. The building seemed more like a hotel.
"Are you sure this place is a house?" I asked as Felix opened a door to reveal a staircase.
He stopped once we walked to the stairs and the door closed. "Didn't you notice?"
I stared back at him blankly. "Notice what?"
Felix grinned. "The building looks like a house from the outside. Just a normal, one floored house, right? Once you enter, though, you'll find that there's enough rooms for everyone here."
"Does that mean a room appeared for me?" I inquired.
"That's the weird thing about it!" Felix exclaimed. "All the rooms are filled and no new ones appeared, but here you are! It's as if you weren't supposed to come here in the first place!"
"Then why am I here?"
He smiled. "You might've come in here to save all of us. Maybe you didn't know your memories would be erased."
I thought for a minute. "Maybe, but how would I have even gotten here in the first place?"
Felix shrugged. "You said your head hurt when you first woke up. Mine hurt, too. Maybe something happened to our heads?"
Before I could reply, Felix grabbed my arm and dragged me up the stairs. I ran after him, trying not to trip, while he yelled, "Finish asking questions when you can ask them to Cry! I honestly have no clue what's going on, but he seems to have a theory at least."
I nodded as we stopped on a platform and he opened the door. Once it was open, we darted through it and started down a hallway. Doors with names on them lined both sides.
A few doors had dog doors, urging me to ask, "Are there dogs here?"
"Yeah!" Felix called over his shoulder. "There's two pugs! Some people are allergic or just don't want dogs walking in and out of their room, so they don't have dog doors, but other people absolutely love them!"
Felix came to a stop in front of a door with a dog door. The label on the door read, 'Cry'.
Felix knocked on the door three times. He motioned for me to be quiet while he listened. After a moment, a meek voice called, "What?"
"It's me!" Felix cheered, seeming happy that he got a reply.
"Felix?" The person, who I assumed was Cry, asked.
Felix smiled. "Yeah, someone showed up. We need to talk to you!"
Immediately, the door swung open. A person wearing a mask stood in the doorway. "What do you mean someone showed up?"
Felix's grin spread across his face. "Cry! You opened the door!"
Cry put a hand up to his head. "Of course I did? You said someone appeared! That never happens, but I think it might work with my theory." He paused to look in my direction. "I'm assuming you're the person who 'showed up'?"
I nodded. "I guess. My name's Mark."
"Cry," he replied before adding, "the two of you better come in my room. You never know who's watching."
Felix led me into the room and as we took a seat on the floor, I whispered, "He seems paranoid. Are you sure he's alright?"
Felix shrugged. "I think he's being put on edge from everything that's happening. He seems to be the only person with concerns over everything that's happening. That is, besides you and me, of course."
I nodded. "Alright."
As Cry pulled a chair away from his desk, I looked around the room. It seemed like it used to be brightly colored and lit up, but black paint was smeared over certain areas. A few walls looked like someone had tried to carve something into them with a pencil. There was glass covering the floor near one of the corners.
Cry placed the chair in front of me and Felix. "So, Mark just...appeared? That's never happened before."
"That's exactly why I'm freaking out at the moment," Felix replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
Cry turned to face me. "Do you remember anything from before you got here?"
"No," I answered, "but Felix mentioned that you felt like you were under someone's control, and that seemed familiar. I also recognized Felix's voice." I paused. "Actually, now that I think about it, Cry's voice sounds familiar, too."
Cry nodded excitedly. "I thought Felix's voice sounded familiar when I first got here! Yours kind of does as well!"
"I think Mark came here to try to help us!" Felix shouted.
Cry looked at Felix, then to me. "That–that would work! If everyone here is from some other place–a different world, for example–we would have just disappeared to come here-"
"What if you didn't disappear?" I suggested. Cry stared at me in a confused manner, so I continued, "I mean, what if our physical bodies are back wherever we're from? What if only our minds came to this place...does that even make sense?"
Cry slapped his desk and grabbed his head. "That makes perfect sense! Felix, it's exactly what I've been telling you! I feel as if I'm under someone's control. What if I really am under someone's control? I mean, if my physical body is being controlled!"
Felix stared back at us. "You're suggesting that our bodies are just...laying around somewhere? And how would someone separate our minds from our bodies?"
Cry opened his mouth to answer, but I cut in first, "I think a better question would be why that's something that needed to take place. I mean, in what situation would you guys need your minds removed from your bodies? And if it wasn't planned for me to be here, how did I get here, and why was it designed for only a certain amount of people?"
"Whatever situation we were in doesn't matter," Cry replied. "It's pretty simple, really. The people who did this needed to...well, in a manner of speaking, isolate the variable. They needed to remove some of us from the equation. I'm not sure why they would need to get us away unless we know something, but it's not important right now. Mark, you must've figured out what they were doing and came to...whatever this place is in order to save all of us. That would end up getting the information back to where it needs to be, and we'd know what to do to solve whatever problem we were facing."
"That's all hypothetical, though, right?" Felix asked.
Cry frowned. "Unfortunately, yes. We don't exactly have a way of knowing what's going on for certain, but I think Mark might."
I stared at him blankly. "How would I know what's going on? I wasn't even supposed to be here."
"That exactly it!" Felix exclaimed. "No one planned for you to come!"
Cry nodded. "There's likely loopholes for you since you weren't planned for. For instance, your body probably isn't being held anywhere. It would be by itself somewhere you put it, or even with a group of friends. Speaking of friends, you might've come up with a failsafe to get yourself out that involves them pulling you out somehow."
"So, you're saying that I might be in a completely safe position, where as the two of you are not," I restated.
"Not just the two of us," Cry continued. "I don't think anyone in here is safe except for you."
"But your friends might have a way to get you out. Then, you could explain everything to them to get the rest of us out!" Felix cheered.
I nodded hesitantly. Could I really have forgotten people who might've been planning to save me? Friends? There was also the possibility that everything Cry had said had been utterly incorrect.
I sighed, "Maybe, but how would we know for certain?"
"We don't," Cry stated blatantly.
"Wait," Felix replied, "is there no way for us to break out of here from this side of things? Do we actually have to wait for someone to come save us?"
"Unless we somehow manage to remember everything, but I don't know how we would do that, or if it would even work," Cry answered.
My eyes widened as a realization struck. "Cry, you said that this place was designed, right?"
Cry nodded. "Yeah, it had to have been."
"Don't you think that if this place was designed specifically to hold you all here, someone who knows everything about it would be watching?"
Felix and Cry considered it for a moment. "That's a good point, but why does it matter?" Felix asked.
I grinned. "I'm willing to bet that someone's here with us who knows everything that's going on."
My best friend started watching Attack on Titan and it takes every fiber of my being to not spoil the entire show when he explains theories and crap to me.
It's a tough life, man
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