Chapter 69
Mark's POV
"How the hell are we supposed to get Cry away from himself?" Dan asked doubtfully.
"We need to convince him that he's under someone's control," I explained. "We have to separate the part of him that's being controlled from the part that's still sane."
"How are we supposed to do that?!" Thomas yelled as Cry took another step toward us.
"Hey, Cry!" Logan shouted. "You're under someone's control and we can prove it!"
Cry stopped walking. "I'm not under anyone's control. Neither was your stupid dog. Now, if you're done stalling, I'd like to get this over with quickly. I've got an execution to see."
"If you're not under someone's control, why is your skin turning blue?" Jack replied.
Cry briefly moved his head to glance down, but looked back up immediately. "I'm wearing a robe. All of my skin is covered. How would you know something like that?"
"When you walk, your robe rises. Whoever designed this should've thought it through a bit more," I answered.
"Who watches someone's legs while they're walking toward you threateningly?!" Cry shouted, only, it wasn't Cry's voice.
I exchanged a quick glance with Jack. He smirked. "I'm starting to lean more towards the idea that you're being possessed more than you being controlled."
Cry shook his head. "I'm not being possessed or controlled."
"Then why's your skin blue? That isn't normal," Phil commented.
Cry stood in silence with his fists clenched at his sides. Edgar and Maya stood on either side of him in attack positions. Chica sat near the door looking utterly confused.
After a few moments, Cry's breathing quickened. He started hyperventilating before collapsing onto the floor. A stream of foam escaped from his hood. Edgar and Maya looked at him and sat down.
I didn't miss a beat. I sprinted over to him, ignoring everyone's warnings. I even managed to ignore Jack reaching for my arm. I ran toward Cry, slid on my knees, and rolled him onto his side.
"Shit, Cry!" I shouted as I tried to hold his head up.
The foam stream abruptly stopped. I sighed and looked back to Jack and everyone else. "I think he's okay."
Cry shot upright and placed his thumb on my forehead. "Try again."
As an excruciating pain shot into my head and passed though my body, I let out a pathetic scream. I watched as everyone's eyes went wide and Jack yelled something I couldn't quite hear before I collapsed onto my side.
I clutched the rug in my hands, but quickly lost all feeling in my body. I felt my eyes roll back as my eyelids closed.
I groaned. There was an agonizing pain in my head, but I couldn't quite place why. I put my hand up to my forehead and opened my eyes.
I was laying in a grass field under a large tree. The sky was a pleasant blue and the sun was directly above me. I sat up and leaned against the tree, taking in my surroundings.
There was an old house on the other side of the field. A few kids ran amongst themselves in the field, and there was a picnic basket a few yards away from where I sat.
In the distance, I could see a town. Brick buildings covered the land with people and cars moving about in an oddly exact way.
"Hey, you're awake!" An energetic voice called from above me.
I brought my eyebrows together. It sounded familiar.
I glanced up just in time to see a blond male jump out of the tree. He took a seat next to me. "I almost thought you wouldn't wake up! You've been laying there for a while, now."
I stared at the male for a moment before asking, "Where exactly am I?"
He frowned. "I'm not sure. I showed up here," he paused, "a couple months ago, I think? Actually, it might be a bit closer to a year. No one here has any memory of what happened to them, too."
I stared at him blankly for a minute. "Are we dead?"
He shrugged. "We might be, but no one would know. A couple people think this is Heaven or Purgatory or something."
I looked back down to the kids running around in the field. "Kids are here, too?"
"No one knows what happened to any of us. It's just as likely that we're all in a coma or something that all of us are dead."
I thought for a second. "Why does my head hurt so badly?"
He grabbed my shoulders, practically making me fall over. "My head hurt when I got here, too! I think something happened to our heads that sent us here!" He placed his hands on the grass. "Or we both got shot through the head. That's possible as well."
I leaped off the ground. "We need to get out of here."
The male stood up next to me. "Everyone's been trying for a long time. The only problem is that we don't know where we are. We don't even know where to start."
I nodded. "Well, I'm going to help figure that out." I took a step before turning back to face him. "By the way, what's your name?"
He smiled. "Felix is the one thing I could remember when I got here. What about you?"
"Uh, Mark?" I blinked. "Why can we remember our names, but nothing else?"
Felix shrugged. "That's just how it was designed, I guess." He wrinkled his eyebrows. "Mark sounds really familiar."
"Your voice sounded familiar. Maybe we know each other?"
He grinned half heartedly. "I wish, but if we know each other, that means some serious shit was going down that got us stuck here."
"Some serious shit was probably going down either way," I replied. "If we know each other, we might be able to trigger each other's memories. One of us would have to remember something, though."
He grabbed my arm. "We're gonna go find Cry. I bet he'll be able to help figure this out. He's been here longer than me."
I tilted my head. "Did you just say someone's name is Cry?"
Felix nodded. "We don't know if that's his name, but that was the only thing he remembered, so that's what everyone calls him."
"Weird?" He offered.
"I was going to say 'odd', but yeah, kind of weird."
"Don't worry! You'll get used to it. There's a couple people here with weird names. At first, I thought they were nicknames of some kind, but why would someone's nickname be 'Cry'," he chuckled.
Felix reestablished his grip on my arm and ran me through the field. "Cry's in the house! Once we find him, you can ask him all your questions. I haven't seen him today, so he probably locked himself up in his room. Lately, he's been saying that he feels like he's under someone's control, but I don't see how that could be possible."
Under someone's control.
I abruptly stopped running, causing Felix to get yanked backwards. He looked at me worriedly. "What happened?"
"What did you just say? About Cry being under someone's control?"
Felix tilted his head. "He said he feels like someone's controlling him, but no one understands what he's talking about, so we've all been shrugging it off. Why?"
"I need to talk to Cry. Now."
Felix sent me a confused glance. "Did you remember something?"
"I," I took a deep breath, "I don't know. That sounded really familiar, though. I've heard that phrase before."
He nodded. "Alright, come on. Like I said, he's probably in his room. Just follow me!"
Felix broke into another sprint, dragging me behind him. I couldn't stop thinking about what he told me. Under someone's control. What did Cry mean he was under someone's control?
How would he have even come to that conclusion if he didn't have his memories?
Felix stopped in front of the house and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a key with a dark blue skull on it and plugged it into the keyhole.
"That's a, uh, decretive key," I commented.
"You should have one, too. Mine was in my pocket when I first arrived."
As he opened the door to the brightly lit house, I stuffed my hands in my jean pockets. I pulled a key identical to the one Felix had out of my right pocket and a cell phone out of the other.
I clicked the power button on the phone, but it didn't turn on.
"My phone doesn't work," I commented.
Felix shrugged. "Mine didn't either. Now, come on!"
He grabbed my arm again and dragged me through the house.
I have a plan for this and I feel like everyone's gonna be split on murdering me or hugging the crap out of me once I do it
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