Chapter 65
Mark's POV
Once Chica broke off into a sprint down the right hallway, the rest of us quickly chased after her, cheering quietly. I heard several prisoners in their cells begin to talk and reach out through the bars, but I kept my focus on Chica.
We turned a corner to the left, then Chica abruptly stopped in front of one of the cells. We all skidded to a stop, but Thomas fell forward, landing on his face. Logan grimaced before walking forward and helping him up.
Once Thomas was back on his feet, we all stared at the cell we were in front of. It looked just as gloomy as the other cells, but this one didn't have bars on the entrance. Instead, a beat up metal door stood in front of us.
Chica approached it and scratched it excitedly. Dan and Phil smiled brightly while Jack commented, "Percy's in the only cell with a proper door?"
"It could just be because he's being executed soon," Logan replied.
Dan took a step toward the door, but I extended my arm to stop him. "Something about this doesn't seem right."
"What could possibly not feel right? Chica followed Percy's scent to the door!" Phil exclaimed.
"I agree with Mark," Jack stated. "Why would Felix let us come down here, fully aware that we would find Percy, and not do anything to stop us?"
"You two could just be paranoid because of everything you've been through," Dan replied.
Before I could retort, Logan sighed, "I'm going to have to agree with Mark and Jack. This feels way too easy." Thomas nodded in agreement.
Dan and Phil exchanged glances before Phil grinned. "I propose a compromise. Someone opens the door while the others wait here, prepared to attack if Percy isn't there."
A few seconds of silence followed while everyone thought it over. Thomas was the first to speak, "It's a good plan, but who's going to open the door? Also, what happens if all we end up doing is freeing some crazed lunatic?"
"Or if the person who opens the door gets dragged into the room and the door slams shut?" Jack added.
"You're all ignoring the obvious problem." Logan stared at the door. "It's likely locked, and I for one didn't grab a key on the way here."
"Alright, how about this: If the door's unlocked, that's a sign that Percy isn't in there and it's a trap. If it is locked, Percy's in there and we need to find out how to break in," Dan suggested.
Everyone thought it over for a couple seconds before Logan decided, "Sounds good, just make sure whoever goes to check the door doesn't open it if it's unlocked. The last thing we need right now is to fight personnel working for the king."
Chica scratched the door again and whined quietly. Dan pointed at her. "There's no way Percy isn't in that room. Why else would she be throwing such a fit?"
"She isn't throwing that much of a fit," Jack muttered under his breath.
"So who's checking the door?" Thomas inquired.
After a few seconds of no one offering, I slowly raised my hand. "I can do it."
I saw Jack tense up slightly out of the corner of my eye while Phil motioned toward the door. I turned and looked at Jack briefly before walking to the door. It's not like I'm going to get hurt. I'm just seeing if the door moves.
But then why had Jack seemed worried? I knew I'd be fine.
I shrugged away the thought as I reached out for the door handle. Maybe I'd just imagined him tensing up.
My hand enclosed the cool metal, then I pressed down to turn it. The doorknob stood firm.
"It didn't budge," I announced. I could've sworn I heard Jack let out a sigh of relief, but guessed that it was probably my imagination.
"So we're assuming that Percy is in there?" Phil asked.
Dan nodded. "Yeah, but we need a key to get to him."
I stared down at the door handle. I couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't right. I took my hand off of the handle and turned around to face everyone else. "Where would a key be? I haven't seen any knights down here, so I'm guessing there's probably a security room of some sort where the keys are."
Logan nodded. "That's my guess, but there might also be a keypad or something similar to that that we need to enter a code onto. Is there anything on the door?"
I took a step away from the door so everyone could get a clear view of it. Now that Logan had mentioned it, I didn't see a keyhole anywhere.
Logan stood next to me at the door and grabbed the handle. I walked back to my spot next to Jack while he shook it a few times. Logan spun around to face everyone after a few seconds. "The door handle seems to be loose."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Thomas asked.
Logan smirked, then moved to the side so that we could all clearly see the door handle. He grabbed it, but instead of pushing it down to open the door, he twisted it upward. The handle stopped and made a clicking noise once it was ninety degrees up. A small keypad extended out of the side of the handle.
We all stared at Logan in shock while he jokingly bowed. "How did you think to do that?" Phil asked.
Logan shrugged. "Ever since I was little, I've been stupendous at solving problems like this."
Thomas smiled proudly. "Good job! Now all we have to do is figure out what the code would be."
"So we're back to square one," Dan sighed.
Logan chuckled to himself, "It's as if none of you have ever seen a crime show before."
"You have any more bright ideas?" Jack asked.
"Of course I do," was the short reply Logan gave before turning to look at the keypad.
After a short pause, I questioned, "What exactly are you doing?"
"If you look closely at the buttons, you can tell which ones have been pressed and which ones still look brand new. For instance, the number two button seems awfully faded compared to the other buttons."
"So you're just going to put in all the codes it could possibly be until the door opens?" Thomas asked.
Logan nodded. "It shouldn't be too difficult since it's likely to be a four digit passcode. The buttons two, nine, six, and four are all faded. That would mean there are twenty-four passcode options. Give me five minutes to figure this out."
Logan pressed four buttons, then what I assumed was an 'enter' button, before a short buzzer sounded, indicating the passcode he entered was incorrect. Chica trotted over to me and Jack and sat down.
I smiled and sat on the floor next to her. Her tail wagged back and forth as I scratched behind her left ear. Jack laughed and dropped to the floor next to me.
However, once Jack sat down, the buzzer went off again, followed by a robotic voice, "If one more incorrect password is entered, the king will be notified."
"Well shit," Dan grumbled as he walked to Logan. "How many did you try?"
There was a short pause before Logan whispered, "I only put in two."
"So we're screwed unless you're an incredibly skilled guesser," Jack stated.
"Yeah, and seeing as I don't guess on things ever, we're in trouble," Logan replied.
"Maybe not," I commented as I stood up, grinning. "I think I could figure out what it is."
Dan and Phil exchanged glances. "And how would you figure it out? It's a passcode in Felix's..." Dan trailed off, getting what I was hinting at.
"When we got here, Anti and Dark said that all of Felix's passwords were the same, unless he changed them. Anti put in a password at the farmhouse, proving that Felix hadn't changed any passwords. I'm willing to bet that the demon version of Felix and the human version think similarly. Jack and I could probably figure out the password."
The room fell silent for a couple of seconds before Logan murmured, "Why didn't I think of that?"
I sat down next to Jack and asked, "What's a four letter word that Felix might have used that uses those four numbers?"
Jack shrugged. "I'm not sure. Umm, Maya? Bros? Pewd? Frog? Almost any curse word?" He paused. "Please tell me it's not Nazi?"
My eyes widened. "He wouldn't." I paused. "Would he?"
"Actually, King Felix locked up a group of demons who were calling themselves Nazis," Phil commented. "He seemed angry with them about something, but no one really knew why. You might try it."
I looked at Jack. "Are we actually–"
A short ding sounded from the door. "It worked," Logan announced.
"No way," Jack mumbled in disbelief.
"Six two nine four." Logan grinned.
"If that was incorrect, we all could have died," Thomas pointed out.
"Well, we didn't, so let's go save Percy!" Dan cheered.
A sinister, familiar laugh sounded immediately after Logan opened the door. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but Percy isn't here."
I feel like someone's about to get triggered...
On a different note, what's a hilarious show to watch??
Like, I want to watch a show that has zero drama and it's literally just shitty jokes. shows like this even exist?
That's what I need in my life right now pLEASE
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