Chapter 6
Mark's POV
It was time to leave for the orphanage. I didn't know what to expect, and for some reason, I started getting nervous. What if the kid doesn't like me? What if none of the kids like us? What if they're camera shy?
I knew I was probably worrying about nothing. That my dream was still freaking me out a bit. I just couldn't help the weird feeling in my gut.
On the car ride there, Jack was blasting Panic! At the Disco, and I really don't know if that helped calm me down, or if it made me worse.
Then, Crazy=Genius came on.
That was my favorite song by Panic! At the Disco and I couldn't help but want to sing along. I guess Jack saw me smiling—or he just liked the song—because he turned it up even more and we all started singing it.
I was laughing and singing along and damn, I had no idea Dan could make his voice that high pitched.
Before I knew it, we were pulling into the parking lot next to the orphanage. It was four o'clock. We all got out of the car pretty quietly, though a certain Phil was making fun of a certain Dan for a high pitched voice. I laughed along with everyone else, and I had completely swallowed my fear by the time we made it to the door.
Felix ran ahead of us and opened the door. He held it open for Cry, then closed it on the rest of us, mumbling something about "Help your own shipmate".
Dan opened the door for the rest of us, saying, "See Felix, this is how nice people work."
Felix shot him a glare, but before he could say anything, a woman, who looked to be in her early thirties, came out of the side door. When she saw us she almost fell over from surprise. Was she not used to visitors or something?
"Umm, hi! I'm Ms. Higgins, but," she stepped closer to Phil and winked at him, "you can call me Harper."
Phil looked confused, but before he had a chance to say anything, Dan spoke up for him, "Umm, one: Harper Higgins? What an embarrassing name. Two: we're here to foster kids. As a pair."
Dan was protectively standing in front of Phil, while Phil was blushing a bit. What was their ship name? Phan? That's definitely going on my OTP list!
Ms. Higgins looked taken aback. Though, in all honesty, she looked more confused over the fact that we wanted to foster kids than the fact that Dan and Phil were paired together doing so. "You want to foster a kid? From here?"
"Actually, we want to foster three," Cry responded sassily.
"Hallelujah! Someone might actually get some of those asshats out of here!"
Wow, she really shouldn't be the person greeting people.
Jack was the next to respond to this asshole, "Don't call them asshats, dickhead."
He mumbled the last part under his breath, but Ms. Higgins heard loud and clear. "Excuse me?! Would you use that type of language in front of children?!"
Before we had a chance to respond, a child's voice cut in from the other side of the closed door, "YOU LITTLE FUCKER! GET BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"
"Looks like someone already has," I directed at Ms. Higgins.
I could tell Jack was trying not to laugh, but his plan was ruined when Felix shrieked, "SASSIPLIER UP IN THIS!"
Everyone broke into fits of hysterical laughter. Well, everyone except Ms. Higgins, who looked beyond outraged. "Do I need to kick you out?! I don't get any respect from anyone! Not those fuckers!" She pointed toward the door. "And not you assholes who just walked in here acting like you own the place!"
"We'd probably run it better than you," I heard Cry whisper to Felix, earning him a high five. Thankfully, the old hag didn't hear them.
"Sorry, ma'am!" Phil apologized to Ms. Higgins. "We really do just want to foster some kids if that's alright with–"
"Harper? Who are you talking to, dear?" a voice rang out from behind the door. The door swung open to reveal an older woman pulling what looked to be a thirteen-year-old boy, by the ear, out of a hallway.
The boy had brown hair. Darker then Jack's natural, but not quite as dark as Dan's. He had brown eyes and a deep blush on his face.
"Don't do that again, you hear me?" the older woman questioned the boy. I could hear kids laughing from the other room. The boy didn't respond. "Nathan?! Do you hear me or not!"
The boy mumbled a quick, "Whatever," and glared at someone I couldn't see.
Then, the woman spoke again, "JASON! I saw that!" She pulled another boy out from behind the wall, and this time, I could hear two distinct voices laughing. It was a boy and a girl—or sounded like it anyway.
The other boy she pulled out was taller than the first boy, Nathan, and also had brown eyes. He was wearing a wristband that read, 'Visitor', and was staring at Nathan. Nathan stuck his tongue out at the boy, but the boy just smirked in return. The woman pushed both of them into the doorway, and said, "Now Jason, no more middle finger! And both of you, stop flirting with each other!"
Both of their faces were bright red with blush. Jason looked like he was about to say something, but the woman closed the door on them.
"Sorry about–"
Oh man, had I heard that one before.
I heard the boy and girl laughing again, and I couldn't help but smile. There were four kids, one of them being a visitor, but that leaves three. The exact number we needed.
"Like I was saying, sorry about–"
"Who were those kids?" Dan asked. I looked over at Dan and Phil to see Dan staring at the door in awe, while Phil was just smiling like an idiot.
"Well, Jason was just visiting. He's friends with Nate, as well as two other thirteen-year-olds here–"
"DIBS ON NATE!" Dan stood up and yelled, while Phil cheered in the background. Ms. Higgins and the older lady looked completely shocked.
"And those other two kids!" Jack added quickly.
Ms. Higgins started to answer, "You want our biggest trouble–"
"OF COURSE!" The older woman cut her off. "Let me just pull up some files..." She started typing on an ancient keyboard.
I turned to Jack to see him smiling at me. "What?" I asked, now smiling a bit too.
He started blushing, probably caught off guard by the fact that I saw him mindlessly smiling at me.
"Just, this was a, uh, great idea, ya know?"
My smile quickly turned into a smirk. "Did Sean McLoughlin just compliment me?"
"My name's Jack, asshole," he replied, giggling a bit.
"Okay, here we go!" The older lady started, "Umm, so, this is Nathan." She turned her computer around toward us to show a picture of the boy, Nathan, who was just in here. In the first picture, he looked outraged. His arms folded over his chest, his eyebrows bunched together, his eyes narrowed at something, or someone, behind the camera.
The next picture was taken outside. Jason was jumping on Nate from behind, and both of them had huge smiles on their faces. The next picture looked like it was taken immediately after. Neither of them was smiling as they were falling over.
Phil was cringing, but Dan looked like he would erupt into laughter at any moment. Ms. Higgins swiped to the next picture, and that was when Dan burst into laughter. The next picture was of Nate being squished on the ground, but he was laughing it off. Jason was on top of him, laughing as well. He was leaning back while sitting on Nate's back.
Jack and I chuckled a bit. The older lady interrupted the laughing room, "The rest of you wanted the other two kids?"
"YES!" The rest of us shouted back. I barely heard Ms. Higgins mumble, "Oh Lord, they'll fit in perfect."
"Alright then!" the older woman cheered. "Umm, so, this is Percy."
She brought up pictures of a different boy. He had green eyes and dirty blond hair. If I had to guess, I'd say he was about the same height as Nate. The boy looked slightly familiar, though I had no idea where from. I shrugged it off and looked at the pictures.
Some pictures were just of him, while some had other people in them. I recognized Nate and Jason in one or two. There was also, what seemed to be, a girl, though, she wasn't facing the camera in any of the pictures, so I wasn't completely sure.
Felix and Cry shouted, "We call him!" in sync. Jack and I shrugged it off, not really caring which kid we got.
"Alright!" the older woman cheered. "Let me just pull up the last file."
Jack and I smiled at each other. I couldn't help but think about how cute he looked. His green hair was flopping in just the right way. His smile was stunning, and don't even get me started on those eyes!
"Okay, here's the file!" The older woman stated, turning the computer to face me and Jack.
Those eyes.
That smile.
"This is Reagan!"
*awkwardly strolls in*
iT's rEaGAn aNd fRieNdS
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