Chapter 59
Mark's POV
"Anti!" I repeated, smiling brightly.
"Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm great!" Anti cheered a few feet away, smirking.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as I stood up.
"Well, after I woke up from being punched unconscious by Dark," he paused to glare at Dark, who was walking up behind him,"I found out he brought you here and I demanded to come help you out."
"I was planning on breaking him out before you said anything!" Dark defended.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Anti replied, rolling his eyes.
"I was! I figured that Mark would find out where Percy is, then I would break him out and save Percy!" Dark stated.
Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me back onto the floor next to him and Chica. "Mark, why do those people look just like you and me? I met Anti back at the orphanage, but no one ever explained why we look just alike."
I smiled a bit. "Anti and Dark are our demon alternatives. They're relatively nice until you piss them off."
"Hey! We're nice all the time you piece of shit!" Anti yelled.
Jack chuckled, "So Mark was right. Umm, who are the other two people out by that van?"
"Oh!" Anti began excitedly. "Those are the demon versions of Dan and Phil!"
"They're super fun," I whispered to Jack.
"No, they aren't!" Anti argued.
"You only think that because they dumped syrup on you," I stated.
"It wasn't just any syrup," Phil started as he and Dan approached us, "it was maple syrup."
"Because that makes so much of a difference," Anti grumbled.
"Wait," Jack stood up, "Dan and Phil dumped syrup on Anti? Why didn't you just run? Dan and Phil essentially have no athletic abilities."
Dan smirked, resting his elbow on Anti's shoulder. "Yeah Anti, why didn't you just run? You could have easily escaped the syrup."
"Oh, that's simple," Phil answered. "He didn't see it coming."
"Would you two shut up," Anti responded.
"Sorry dude, but seeing you upset is way more entertaining than seeing you proud," Dan chuckled.
"So are you guys here to break out Mark and Jack?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah, who are you?" Dark questioned.
"This is Thomas and Logan," I answered. "They had a plan to break out me and Jack, which we were just about to put into action."
"Cool, well, we'll be taking them off of your hands," Anti stated as he helped me off the ground.
"No," Jack and I replied in sync. I glanced at him and he continued, "We're all going together. Mark and I aren't leaving Thomas and Logan here."
Dark seemed ready to argue, but Phil spoke first, "There's plenty of room in the van."
"Yeah, I don't see a problem with that," Dan added.
I looked back to Thomas and Logan. "You guys okay with this?"
"Why not? This might be fun," Thomas replied.
Logan nodded. "Yeah, sure."
"Alright, let's go!" Phil cheered as he began leading us to the van. Chica trotted alongside Dark.
Jack and I decided to talk to Anti. "So, what's the plan for breaking Percy out of the king's castle?" I asked.
Anti stared at the ground. "I'll tell you in a minute, but first, I'm sorry for not answering your questions. If I had just explained everything, you wouldn't have gone to Dark's room, and we would have broken Jack out sooner."
"It's okay," I replied, smiling. "Everything so far has worked out alright. Plus, I got to hang out with Jack without you bugging us."
Anti faked being offended while Jack laughed, "Yeah, we had a ton of fun without everyone worrying us."
"I'll answer your questions now, though. The king of the Underworld is–"
"King Felix. I know," I interrupted.
Anti stared at me with wide eyes. "How did you–"
"It turns out that Thomas gives out information a lot easier than the rest of you do," I chuckled lightly.
"Wait, the King of the Underworld is Felix? We're breaking into Felix's house?" Jack asked.
"Yup, and once we get back to the human world, I'm going to be sure to tell him all about this," I replied, smiling.
Once we reached the van, Phil pulled the door open. Chica trotted in, followed by Dan and Phil. Dark got into the driver's seat, and Anti loaded into the passenger's seat. Jack and I followed Thomas and Logan into the van and took our seats behind Dark.
I checked the small timer illuminating the car from the radio. Zero three.
"I assume you guys have a plan for breaking Percy out of the king's dungeon?" Thomas asked.
"Obviously," Dark replied as he plugged the key into the ignition. "We wouldn't have come to get you guys if we weren't saving Percy, too."
"So how are we getting Percy out?" I questioned as Dark pulled the car away from the cafeteria and began driving away from the prison.
"We're going to talk to Felix while the rest of you interrupt the execution and pull Percy out," Anti answered.
"How are you guys going to distract Felix long enough for us to get Percy out?" Jack asked skeptically.
"You're just going to have to trust us on that one," Phil replied, watching as Dark pulled onto a highway.
"Yeah," Dan added, "Felix has quite a bit of history with the four of us. There's no doubt in my mind that we'll be able to distract him long enough for the rest of you to save Percy."
Chica rested her head on the top of my seat. "Wait, what're we going to do with Chica?" I inquired. "We can't just leave her in the car by herself."
"Of course not!" Dark declared. "We might be demons, but that's animal cruelty! Who in their right mind–"
"Before you lecture all of us on why we need to be kind to animals, I'm going to ask you to shut up and calm down," Dan interrupted.
"Hey, I'm just trying to make a point," Dark stated as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
"Yeah, a point that you've made at least sixty times in the past month," Phil retorted, making Anti snort.
"Don't laugh!" Dark directed at Anti. "Animal cruelty isn't a funny subject!"
I leaned over to Jack. "Am I this annoying in the human world?"
Jack grinned. "No, you're way worse."
I shoved him softly, causing both of us to laugh quietly. Anti turned around to face us. "What are you two laughing about? Animal cruelty isn't a funny topic, remember?" he asked, mimicking Dark. Everyone in the van erupted into fits of laughter.
"Why am I always the one being laughed at?" Dark grumbled from the driver's seat, but I could see a smile playing at his face.
After a few minutes, everyone calmed down, and I was able to quietly enjoy the view from the car window. We were on a highway that went far above the ground. Outside the window, I could see tall, black buildings piercing through the skyline. The sky was just as red as I remembered it being, with a few splotches of orange and yellow. Silhouettes of flying demons accented the sky, making it all look like some sort of beautiful painting.
Jack must've seen me staring in awe because he nudged my arm and whispered, "Take it in while you can. We're getting out of here soon. Then, we get to help everyone else!"
I grinned and turned to face him. "Yup, and I get to brag about how I journeyed to literal hell and back to save you without any of their help!"
"You might not have had their help," Dan began, flicking a small piece of paper at me, "but you did have help. Don't get too full of yourself."
"Besides, they probably saved a couple people while you were gone." Dark smirked. "In reality, they've likely accomplished more than you have."
I crossed my arms. "Yeah, but did they get to hang out with a group of surprisingly chill demons? I think not."
"Wait," Thomas spoke up, "Dark, don't you watch the human world as part of your job? Can't you tell Mark and Jack what's going on up there?"
"All I have to say is that your friends are having one hell of a time. Not as fun as you two got off with, but just as exciting."
I straightened up. "They're all safe, right?"
Dark bit his bottom lip. "They're all alive."
"And soon," Anti added quickly, "they'll have you nerds to help them out! You'll all be fine!"
"I sure hope so," I mumbled.
"Guys, we're here," Dark reported.
*Author-chan is drowning in excitement
*Author-chan hopes the rest of you are okie
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