Chapter 53
Dan's POV
"Who should we save next?" Nate asked as all of us made our way to the laboratory exit.
"We haven't exactly saved Percy yet," Jason commented.
"Yeah," I added, "shouldn't we be more focused on how we're going to get passed Alex?"
Limping beside Nate, Percy questioned, "You guys said that you thought the voice had something to do with Alex, right? Does that mean you can get Alex to explain some stuff about the voice?"
"As much as I'd love to upset the person who seems to be the mastermind behind all of this, I think we should focus on saving everyone else first," Phil replied.
"Save everyone else?" Percy asked. "I thought only Nate, Phil, Jack, and I were captured. Nate and Phil are here, so shouldn't that just leave Jack? I assumed everyone else was looking for him while you guys came to get me."
"Actually, as far as we know, everyone who isn't here right now has been captured," Phil explained.
"I think kidnapped is a better word," I directed at Phil. "I mean, captured works too, but kidnapped–"
"Does it matter? Can someone just explain what happened?" Percy asked.
Nate began explaining, "I don't remember exactly what happened, but Reagan, Mark, Felix, and Cry essentially disappeared. We still have no idea where Jack is, nor have we begun searching for him yet."
"You're the first person we've saved," Jason finished.
"We still haven't saved Percy," I commented. "We have to get passed Alex and escape for him to be officially saved."
We continued walking down the hallway but stopped once we reached a corner that turned toward the laboratory. Nate peeked around it and reported, "Alex is still waiting beside the door. She probably thinks we're still inside that room."
"Are we just going to sneak out of here, or are we going to take her out?" Percy asked.
"She could have vital information about the voice," Phil mumbled.
"I think I have a plan," I announced.
"What is it?" Jason questioned.
"Kyle's back at the entrance with Nate's backpack–"
"Wait, who's Kyle?" Percy interrupted.
"Kyle is Mark's sword that Dan has been using," Nate replied. "Continue explaining your plan."
"I think we should get Alex to come with us back to the entrance. Once we're there, we can use Kyle to threaten her and get her to tell us what's going on with our friends."
Everyone thought for a few seconds before Percy responded, "It's a good plan, but how are we going to get Alex to the entrance? She isn't just going to casually come along with us."
"I know exactly what to do!" Nate exclaimed before running into the laboratory.
"Nate, wait!" Phil called after him, but it was too late.
Before any of us knew what was happening, we heard Nate yell, "Hey, you dumb robot! A group of absolute morons just completely deceived you!"
"We aren't that stupid!" Jason defended.
"Just start running! She's going to chase us now!" Nate called back as he started running on the outskirts of the laboratory, toward the entrance.
I exchanged a quick glance with Phil before getting Percy to stop limping and get on my back. Jason and Phil had already started sprinting after Nate.
Before I could start running, Alex zipped passed the corner and began chasing after everyone else. "We aren't going to follow right behind her, are we?" Percy asked.
"Definitely not," I replied as I began weaving my way through tables. "Keep an eye on Alex, alright?"
"Sure," he answered. We had been running around the tables for several minutes when Percy announced, "Alex stopped chasing Phil, Nate, and Jason!"
"Wait, really? She just gave up?" I asked. I felt Percy's grip around my shoulders tighten. "Shit, what happened?"
"So she stopped chasing everyone else, but now she's chasing us."
I sighed and sped up a bit. "How fast is she going?"
"Uh, I'd say pretty fast, as she is now only a few meters behind us."
"Alright, Percy! Team plan!" I exclaimed. "Start grabbing stuff off the scientist's tables and throw it at Alex!"
"You want me to just throw random stuff–"
"Are you more afraid of being tortured more or throwing crap?!" I yelled over my shoulder.
I could hear Alex's footsteps getting faster from behind us. However, before she could reach us, I saw Percy's arm flash passed my right eye. A loud scream sounded from behind us.
"What was that?" I asked.
"I just threw a syringe at Alex and it's sticking out of her forehead!" he exclaimed, chuckling.
"You threw it and the needle part went through her skin?!"
"Oh, I guess no one told you. Well, I have some unique skills when it comes to weapons. I've never worked with swords, though."
"That is both incredibly awesome and incredibly scary," I replied as we approached everyone else at the staircase that led to the entrance. "Is she still chasing us?"
"She fell down, but it looks like she's getting back up."
"Hurry up! Alex looks pissed!" Nate yelled.
I caught up with everyone else and we began jogging up the stairs. Once we reached the platform, I set Percy down next to Nate and Jason. They helped him quickly limp after me as I led the group into the room with the two guards.
"Jeremy, was it? What are you–"
Before the guard could ask, I sent a punch to his right temple. He fell to the ground unconscious.
"He had a pretty solid memory," Nate commented from where he stood in the doorway.
"Forget his memory! Did Dan just knock him unconscious?!" Percy exclaimed excitedly. "I thought you were a vlogger!"
"I learned it from a wikiHow," I replied as I did the same to the other guard.
"What did you search to find a wikiHow on that?" Jason asked.
I shrugged. "I'm not sure how I came across half the stuff I've found on the internet."
"Alex is coming up the stairs!" Phil reported as he jogged into the room.
Jason and Nate set Percy on a table. Jason jumped on it and sat next to him while Nate followed me to where we had set our stuff. Nate unzipped his backpack and pulled out Kyle.
"Whoa. You guys weren't kidding about having a sword?" Percy asked.
"Why would we lie about that?" Jason replied as Nate put his bag on and sat next to them.
Phil stood next to the door, prepared to slam it shut once Alex entered. I stood in the middle of the room, holding Kyle up.
Alex dashed into the room not long after and Phil slammed the door closed. In her moment of confusion, I lunged at her. I twisted her arm behind her back and held Kyle up against her throat.
"Let me go!" She screamed.
"Not until you answer a few questions," Phil stated.
"The master won't stand for this!" she argued.
"No one cares. Who's 'the master'?" Nate asked.
"She's the one you've been calling the voice. Now release me!"
"Not a chance. Why do you guys want us dead so badly?" I asked.
Alex turned her head away from us and let out an annoyed sigh. "Your sword isn't very threatening. Alex is already dead."
"I guess we should ask a simpler question," Phil suggested. "What exactly are you?"
She sighed again. "In basic terms, I'm a brain chip that has been placed in Alex's body. I was sent by the master to obliterate Nate, Jason, Dan, and Phil. Then, we would have had everyone."
I tensed up. "What do you mean 'have everyone'?"
Alex smiled a type of sinister, knowing smile. "All of your friends are either assumed dead, have been mentally and or physically tortured, or are being held captive."
"Assumed dead?" I mumbled.
"If you killed any of our friends I'll fucking end you!" Percy screeched.
"Well you see, that's the bright side. We didn't kill anyone. We just sent them to places that are out of our hands. Places they won't survive a day at."
"Where the hell are our friends?!" Nate yelled as he jumped down from the table and approached Alex.
"Places of misery, pain, and suffering. Places where they'll die before they find out a single thing. Places where you can't get to them. You'll never have any confirmation that they died! You'll only know for the rest of your sorrowful lives that you never found them! That you never even stood a chance!" Alex screamed.
I pressed Kyle against her throat. "And where exactly are those places?"
She grinned an almost demonic grin. "For one, the Underworld."
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