Chapter 5
Mark's POV
I woke up to find that a small weight had been put on my chest. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jack cuddled into my side, his head resting on my chest. Our legs were twisted together under my blankets, and he had an arm wrapped around my waist.
I smiled to myself. He's just so cute when he's sleeping! That was when the realization hit me: I was crushing on Sean McLoughlin.
I groaned. I'm fostering a child with my crush. What could go wrong?
I sighed as I slowly began getting out of my bed. I tried my hardest not to wake Jack, but, unfortunately, while I was trying to untangle our legs, I kneed him in his–well, his crotch area.
Still with his eyes closed, he let out a small, "Owww." His eyes slowly opened and he looked at me.
I smiled softly at him, "Morning."
"Did you knee my balls for a reason or did you just want me up?"
I let out a nervous laugh, "Sorry, I was trying to get my legs out of that abomination."
"What time is it?" Jack mumbled.
I glanced over at my clock. "About eleven."
Jack's eyes shot open and a small smile appeared on his face. "Is anyone up yet?"
I shrugged. "Not sure, I just woke up, why?"
Jack didn't answer my question, instead he replied with, "Let's see who's up." He grabbed my hand and started leading me out of my room. I rolled my eyes and walked next to him. We entered the living room to see Phil and Felix watching Steven Universe.
"Morning guys!" Phil cut Felix off as he greeted us. Felix sent a glare in Phil's direction, but Phil ignored him.
"Hey!" Jack greeted. "So, who all's up?"
"Cry's taking a shower and Dan is still in his room, we don't know if he's awake yet though," Phil stated, ignoring Felix cussing out the TV.
Jack replied, "That lazybones!" in his Papyrus voice, as he grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs. I felt my face heat up a bit.
"Umm, what are we doing?" I asked him. Jack just let a small smirk take place on his face.
We walked past my room, then past his. We passed the bathroom and stopped in front of Dan's closed door. Jack put his finger up to his lips, as he slowly opened Dan's door.
Dan was facing away from us, a small light illuminating his face. He was most likely on his phone. He didn't turn to look at us, so we carefully entered his room. Jack crept up beside his bed and slowly took his phone out of his pocket. He began to video himself in vlog form, making sure Dan was in the shot.
Like I said before: this is gonna be one hell of a series.
Jack slowly bent down, placing his head dangerously close to Dan's ear. Then, all of the sudden, Jack screamed, "TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA DAN!" directly into Dan's ear.
Dan yelled and rolled off the bed. I, along with Jack, erupted into laughter. Dan sat up and stared both of us down, as he mumbled, "Why. The hell. Would you do that?"
"Because you're sleeping when we should be at an orphanage!" Jack shouted back.
I facepalmed while Dan looked at me, smiling a bit. "Jack you idiot. The kids are probably in school," Dan stated, trying not to laugh.
Jack had one of those oh-shit-I-messed-up looks on his face as he apologized, "Sorry...but this will make for great footage!" And with that, Jack sprinted past me with Dan, who was desperately attempting to grab Jack's phone, behind him. They raced down the stairs, and I followed. Jack dove face first onto an empty couch. Dan sighed and sat next to Felix, who was still shouting at the TV. I peeked around the wall to see Phil making pancakes in the kitchen.
Cry walked down the stairs, "Hey–"
"IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU GOT OUT OF THE SHOWER!" Felix shrieked. He got up off the couch and ran past Cry up to the bathroom.
Cry giggled, "Did Steven Universe get him pissed again?"
"Again? Do explain," Dan remarked, as he turned around, pretending to be intrigued.
Cry chuckled a bit before answering, "Last time we saw each other, we decided to binge watch 'kids shows'. We watched all of Gravity Falls and started watching Steven Universe, but before we could finish it, he fell asleep. After screaming about how stupid the characters were being, of course."
"I can still hear you ya know!" Felix yelled from upstairs.
"That's why I said it!" Cry yelled back, with a smile plastered across his face.
"Guys! The first few pancakes are done!" Phil chimed from the kitchen.
"DIBS!" Jack and Dan shouted at the same time. They stared at each other for a couple seconds before both of them broke into a dead sprint for the kitchen.
Cry and I looked at each other for a second before we both started laughing. Felix came running back down the stairs, still putting his shirt on, "What'd I miss?"
I could've sworn I saw Cry blushing, but I shrugged it off. "Dan and Jack fighting over pancakes."
"THERE'S PANCAKES?!" Felix ran toward the kitchen, Cry and I followed behind.
When we got into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filled my nose and I couldn't help but smile. Dan and Jack were both sitting at the table, eating pancakes and talking, Cry and Felix were in line to get pancakes, and Phil was flipping pancakes in the pan like a master chef. I jumped in line too, and it wasn't long before I was up. I felt like a little kid waiting in line to sit with Santa, only this was better! Phil placed three pancakes on my plate, then I thanked him and sat down next to Jack.
Once I sat down, I was bombarded with questions.
"When are we going to the orphanage?"
"Are we calling our teams by our ship names 'cause that would be awesome!"
"Are we fostering girls or boys?"
"What age are the kids gonna be?"
"I can't even take care of myself, how the hell am I supposed to take care of a kid?"
The last one was Dan, and Phil answered his question before I got a chance to even think about it, "Dan, I'm helping, remember?"
Jack jumped in, "Well, at least your kid won't go hungry. Phil, these pancakes taste amazing!"
I started answering the questions, "We can go to the orphanage whenever you guys are ready. I don't see any reason why we can't call teams by ship names. I don't care what gender we foster, and I was thinking thirteen to fourteen-year-olds..."
After I said the ages, I started thinking about Reagan and the other boy. My memories from the dream came rushing back. I took a deep breath. They were just figures of your imagination, I told myself. They aren't real people and they aren't dying in real life. I took another deep breath and calmed down a bit.
After I zoned back into the conversation, I noticed all of them were staring at me. "What?" I asked.
"We'll be right back," Jack told everyone as he grabbed my hand and began dragging me up to my room.
"What's up?" I asked him, hoping he didn't pick up on my weird behavior.
"I wanted to ask you about why you were crying last night."
Damn it.
"Oh, sorry about that," I mumbled, blushing a little.
"It's fine, I just wanted to know why you were crying, and uh, screaming."
"I just had a stupid nightmare. Nothing to worry about!" I tried to sound as happy as possible and pulled a fake smile.
"I am worried though." Immediately after he said that he started blushing. "I mean, uh, do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really–"
"Mark, stop lying. I can tell you haven't been telling me the truth. What could you possibly have dreamed about that's making you lie to your best friend?"
"Well, it's kind of a long story."
"I've got time."
I sighed and explained my nightmare.
After I had finished, Jack's eyes were wide and he was flustered. Though, instead of asking about the fact that kids were dying in my dream, he asked, "Your mind made up a thirteen-year-old female version of me?"
"That's what you're asking about?!"
"Mark, calm down. It was just a dream! Dreams don't tell the future, and if you've never seen that girl in real life, she probably doesn't exist. Not to mention you said she looked just like me! Your mind probably made her up because we're trying to foster kids today! You really shouldn't be this worried."
I sighed again, "Okay, thanks for letting me vent..."
"No worries, I'll always be here for you! Now let's go finish our food and get going!"
While writing that last paragraph I started singing the Friends theme song
^That was random af oops
How are you guys enjoying the book so far? :3
Scary stuff should be happening soon~
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