Chapter 40
Mark's POV
I bolted upright on the air mattress and fell off of it onto the floor. Jack's locked up?
My eyes frantically searched the room looking for Anti, but I didn't see him on his bed. I threw the covers off of myself and dashed to his bed, crashing into a bookshelf on my way. Books spilled onto the floor and I hurriedly grabbed them and packed them back on the bookshelf.
I noticed a small light illuminating the room from beside Anti's bed. After approaching it, I figured out it was an oddly shaped alarm clock. According to it, it was three in the morning.
Where the heck was Anti?
Before I fell asleep, he had mentioned something about waiting for Dark with Dan and Phil. Had Dark never made it back here?
I began walking toward the door before realizing I couldn't leave. If Dark was here and I ran into him without Anti to help explain or cover for me, I was in for it. I sighed and stumbled back toward Anti's bed in the dark.
I sat on his bed and looked down at the air mattress. Sleeping probably would have been the best thing for me to do, but I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep due to anxiousness.
Why hadn't Anti come back? I wasn't really listening when he explained what he was doing, but I was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to take this long. Then again, I didn't know what time it was when he left, so for all I knew, he could have just been gone for twenty minutes.
Or he could have been gone for six hours.
I shook my head, trying to clear it. He was probably fine, and I'd be fine too if I just went back to sleep.
After my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I glanced around his room. I was still unsure of whether to trust Anti or not about Felix. Would Felix really have died that quickly? And I was pretty sure demon Dan and Phil knew something about the topic as well. They both froze up when I brought it up. It didn't seem like they simply didn't know who he was.
Maybe Nate and Jason would be able to tell me something about it.
This idea brought another thought to my head. Where were Reagan and Percy? If the demon versions of ourselves knew the same people as the human versions, then everyone in the building should know Reagan and Percy.
Maybe Reagan, Percy, and Felix were all somehow connected. If I found one, I'd find the rest? However, if Felix was really dead–
My thoughts were interrupted by the door to Anti's room opening slowly, letting in a small amount of light.
He was still wearing what he had been wearing all day. The only thing that changed was his hair being messed up. He rubbed his face as he silently closed the door behind him.
When he turned around and saw me on his bed, he let out a short shriek. He calmed down a bit after realizing it was me. "What are you doing on my bed? And why are you awake?"
"I woke up around three according to that alarm clock–"
"I don't have an alarm clock in my room," Anti stated tiredly.
"Yeah you do, it's right here," I returned, pointing toward the strangely shaped alarm clock.
Anti's eyes widened slightly. "Mark, that's not an alarm clock. That's...well, a timer, I guess."
"A timer?" I asked. "A timer for what?"
"It's," he paused, as if contemplating whether or not to tell me, "It really isn't that important. You should be back up to the human world before anything happenings with it, so don't worry."
I glanced at the timer, which now read two-twenty three, and began to sweat. Was that referring to days and hours?
"If it doesn't matter, why can't you tell me?" I asked.
"To be blunt, it has nothing to do with you. You really don't want to get mixed up in demon drama, okay?"
I sighed, "Sure, fine."
Anti smiled faintly before approaching the bed. He pushed me off the end before jumping into it. "I'm sleeping in my bed, and you're sleeping on the air mattress. We can continue this conversation after we both wake up."
"Hold on a second," I demanded as I began shuffling across the floor to the air mattress, "where were you?"
"Oh, don't tell me you were worried," he chuckled as he tucked himself into his bed.
"Of course not!" I stated defensively. "But I thought you were just going to wait for Dark to get back home." I rolled under the bed sheets on the air mattress.
"That's exactly what I did. Except I might have fallen asleep on the couch while waiting for him," he mumbled under his breath.
"Did you just say you fell asleep on the couch? Weren't Dan and Phil out there with you?" I chuckled.
"Shut up and go to sleep," he murmured.
I giggled, "Yeah, yeah. Do demons even need sleep?"
"Yeah, ya know something that humans don't need? A tongue. Shut up and go to sleep."
I kept my mouth shut and after a while, I drifted back to sleep.
I was woken up by Anti shaking me. "Come on, wake up! Dark left the house and we only have a couple hours before he comes back!"
I groaned and rolled over. "I wanna sleep forever," I mumbled.
"There's a word for that. It's called death. Now, get off this dumb air mattress so you can do what you need to do to find Jack! In a couple hours, I have to bring you back here! Dark can't know that you're in the Underworld, so get up while he isn't here!"
I rubbed my face with my hand and slowly sat upright. Anti did a victory lap around the air mattress before grabbing me by the hand and dragging me out of the room. He sprinted through the elaborate house with me close behind before we finally made it to, what I assumed was, the living room.
Anti let go of my hand and dove over the couch, landing on it. I glanced around the living room to find that it opened up into a kitchen. "Am I allowed to eat your food or no?"
Anti sprung up from the couch and raced toward me. "Knock yourself out! I haven't eaten yet either, so I'll show you where the stuff is. Dan always has the shelves stocked with cereal, so it shouldn't be a problem."
We walked into the kitchen to find Dan and Phil flinging cereal at each other using plastic spoons. "The hell–"
"Oh! Hey, guys!" Phil cut Anti off as he flung a piece of cereal at us.
Dan jumped out of his seat with his spoon in his mouth and raced to the counter. He scrambled through a drawer before pulling out two spoons and throwing them at Anti and me. "Care to play a game?" He smirked after we caught the spoons.
Anti launched his spoon at the floor. "Last time I did this, Dan dumped milk in my hair."
"I wouldn't use the same trick twice! Especially on the same person!" Dan defended.
"Don't care! All I want is food to eat, thank you," Anti decided as he walked toward the counter.
"Mark?" Phil asked with an innocent face.
"What?" I replied hesitantly.
Dan launched a small piece of cereal at me. "Care to join?"
I glanced at Anti, who was standing at the counter eating cereal and drinking milk looking quite entertained, then back to Dan and Phil. The two of them were smiling innocently at me.
My competitive side got the best of me. "Considering I'm probably a better shot than the two of you combined, why not?"
Anti spit out the milk he had been drinking because of his laughter. He looked at me. "I swear you're literally just a more sassy version of Dark." Anti dug another box of cereal out of a cabinet and passed it to me.
After I opened the cereal, I looked back to Dan and Phil. Both of their jaws were dropped, though in slight smiles. I scooped a spoonful of cereal on my spoon and prepared to launch it. I aimed it at Dan and Phil, but right before I let go, I swung around and sent the cereal flying directly at Anti. The cereal hit him on his forehead.
I dug another spoonful of cereal out of the box and ate it while Dan and Phil tried to stop laughing and Anti tried to comprehend what I did.
Finally, Anti glared at the rest of us. "Oh, you're so on."
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