Chapter 3
Mark's POV
Jack looked like he was about to say something, but was cut off by screaming. I whipped my head back around to where the boy was standing. He was still nowhere to be seen. I then looked behind Jack to see Phil protecting his face with his arms, while Dan's mouth hung agape.
"What do you mean you forgot the Maltesers?" Dan asked, sounding pissed.
"You never asked me to grab them!" Phil retorted.
Dan looked like he was about to scream again, when Felix intervened, "Guys, come on! We haven't been here for an hour and you're already getting in a fight! And you aren't even hitting each other? SHAME!" Felix smirked and took a step back.
Dan made eye contact with Phil and whispered, "I. Am. Going. To. Kill you!" Dan dove at Phil, but he sidestepped to dodge Dan's attack. Before they could continue, I stepped in between them.
Oh shit, they're tall, I thought to myself. "Dan! Stop trying to kill Phil! We can just order you some Maltesers online!"
Felix mumbled, "Come on Mark! Let 'em–" I shot him a death glare and he coughed.
"Okay, fine. Whatever," Dan replied quickly.
This was where Jack stepped in, "Umm..." We all looked at him. "Uh, isn't that my bag?" He pointed toward a security guard taking a bag off the baggage disposal. "HEY!" Jack screeched, sprinting toward the security guard. We all winced in sync.
"Okay, everyone go get your bags and meet back here," I instructed as I started chasing after Jack.
When I caught up to Jack, he was already getting his bag back. He smiled and thanked the security guard. As we were walking back to the meeting spot, Jack's phone started going crazy. He didn't bother checking it, he just smirked.
"You look like a younger sibling after they got away with blaming the broken window on their older siblings. What did you do?" I asked him, a smile playing on my face.
"Oh, nothing~" he responded, his smirk growing.
I smiled back at him. "So who's spamming your phone?"
His smirk grew bigger, if that were even possible, as he answered, "Probably just my millions of amazing fans."
I knew he was lying. He had all his apps on silent except for iMessage. It could be his girlfriend, Albertha, or maybe his family. Maybe he had been texting Matt and Ryan. I shrugged it off and responded with, "Suuuure."
He laughed that beautiful laugh of his. Wait, what did I just–
"What took you guys so long? We've been standing here forever!" Felix exclaimed.
"Calm down we were only gone for ten minutes," I responded.
Phil piped up, "So, uh, where are we all staying, and how are we going to get there?"
"My car's in the parking lot, and I think we should discuss the rest of the plan over food–"
"YES! FOOD!" Dan cheered, earning weird glances from most people in the airport. A slight blush crept onto his face as he suddenly became aware of all the people staring at him.
Phil chuckled lightly and declared, "Alright Mark, lead the way!"
"It would be my pleasure," I replied, bowing. I marched out of the airport and everyone single filed behind me, marching in sync with me.
I'm definitely taking advantage of this hehehe.
I started singing, "The ants go marching one by one."
Everyone responded, "Hurrah, hurrah."
Jack face palmed as Dan started taking a video on his phone.
I sang even louder, "The ants go marching one by one."
"Hurrah, hurrah!"
"The ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to suck his thumb, and they all go marching down, to the ground, to get out, of the rain!"
All together, we yelled, "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!"
We all erupted into fits of laughter as Dan turned his phone off. While I was laughing, my only thought was, this is gonna be one hell of a YouTube series.
As we approached my car, I realized there were only five seats. I smiled knowing that someone would have to sit on someone else's lap. Everyone loaded their bags into the back as I got in the driver's seat and started the car. Jack jumped into the passenger's seat and started messing with the radio.
Dan opened the door to the back seats, looked at the seats for a moment, then looked at me a bit confused. "What? Were you expecting a limo?" I asked, smiling.
"No, but I CALL MY OWN SEAT!" and with that, Dan dove head first across the three seats. He sat up in the window seat across from the open door. Phil climbed in next and sat in the middle seat.
Then, Felix and Cry stood at the door. Cry sat down in the last seat. Felix looked at me through the rearview mirror, and asked, "Mark, bro, c'mon. Where am I supposed to sit?"
"I don't know," I responded, "you could sit on Cry's lap?"
Felix looked taken aback, "W-what?!"
Jack jumped into the conversation, "Why not Felix? You're just friends! Friends sit on each other all the time!"
I swear I saw a lightbulb materialize over Felix's head as he replied, "Fine, I'll sit on Cry's lap. But only if you sit on Mark's lap, on camera, at some point during the collab."
Jack looked Felix dead in the eye as he whispered, "Deal."
Felix slowly sat down on Cry's lap, and his face immediately turned bright red.
"Okay, so where do you guys want to eat?" I asked.
*Time Skip, brought to you by me (who tf else?)*
We were at Old Chicago Pizza, waiting for our waitress to come back with our food when the question finally came up. The question I had been dreading all day.
"So Mark, what are we collabing on?"
It was Jack who asked the question. Jack who brought up the problem I didn't know how to explain.
Ya know what?
Fuck it.
"Before I start, there's no backing out."
Everyone nodded their heads. Oh, if only they knew what my next words would be.
"Okay, so this is going to sound completely insane and ridiculous."
They all nodded again. They were all still enthusiastic as to what I was getting at.
", as you guys know, I sent out a tweet asking for crazy ideas. Well, this is the one I picked." I dug around in my pocket for my phone. I pulled it out and went on Twitter.
I read the tweet.
"You, uh, want us to foster kids?" Cry asked.
"I'M DOWN!" Jack exclaimed.
I looked over at him. He had the biggest smile I'd ever seen in my life plastered across his face.
"You are?" I asked, in complete shock.
"Well, I can't just let my best friend do something that stupid on his own!" he shouted. I smiled at him.
"Hey! I thought we were all best friends!" Felix pouted. "And as they say, don't let your best friends do dumb things if you're not there to do it with them!"
Jack threw his hand in the middle of the table. "I'm in!"
Felix screamed, "Hell yes!" as he threw his hand atop Jack's. I laughed a bit. How was I so lucky to get these amazing people as friends?
Cry slapped his hand on Felix's, "What could go wrong!"
"A lot, but I DON'T CARE!" Felix shrieked.
Dan and Phil glanced at each other wearily. Dan spoke up first, "I'm too lazy to rent an apartment and you're offering a free place–" Phil elbowed him in the ribs.
"OF COURSE WE'RE IN!" Phil exclaimed, as he grabbed Dan's hand and smashed them both onto the pile.
I was the last one.
And who the heck would I be to leave my friends hanging?
I gently placed my hand on Phil's. I mumbled, almost inaudibly, "YouTubers on three."
Felix and Cry whispered, "One."
Dan and Phil, in their normal voices, said, "Two."
Jack and I exchanged glances. He smiled warmly at me, and I couldn't help but smile back, as the two of us yelled, "Three!"
Writing this chapter warmed by dead, cold heart.
Is that cheese I smell? Nah, it was just this ending.
Also, this chapter is two times longer than the first one...oops
*whispers* the ants go marching one by one
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