Chapter 22
Mark's POV
I got comfortable with Reagan on my lap. I decided that it would be at least a few hours before Phil fell asleep, so I could get some sleep too. I cuddled Reagan a bit as I started to drift off.
However, I never got to fall asleep.
Before I could drift off, a hooded figure appeared in the hallway and yelled, "Hey!"
My head shot up. The voice sounded slightly familiar, but I didn't know where I'd heard it from.
"Uh, who's that?" Felix called from the top of the stairs.
"Not sure!" I yelled before I began shaking Reagan. She didn't wake up, she just turned a bit in her sleep.
The figure was staring at Reagan and I as it asked, "Mark Fischbach? I need Reagan."
"HOW THE FUCK DOES EVERYONE KNOW OUR NAMES?!" I screeched before stumbling to get up. I laid Reagan on the floor and stood between her and the figure.
Felix and Cry came rushing down the stairs. "What's going–WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!" Cry yelled.
The figure laughed sinisterly, "This'll be easier than I thought."
It slowly walked toward me, lifting its arm up a bit. Felix and Cry ran next to me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason and Nate in the stairway. I shook my head at them, hoping they would understand that I wanted them to go upstairs with Dan. Jason started walking up the stairs, but Nate stared at Reagan. I could see the hesitation in his eyes.
Jason grabbed Nate by the hand and led him up the stairs, but only far enough so that the figure couldn't see them.
The figure continued walking toward us, and it might've been instinct, or maybe it was out of fear, but I didn't wait for it to advance on us. Instead, I sprinted at it. I lifted my fist a bit, preparing to hit it at full force.
I let my fist fall toward its face, but it caught it. It held my fist in its hand and stared directly at me.
Time seemed to freeze until Felix ran up to me and hit the figure in the back of the head with a flashlight.
"Where'd you get that?" I quickly asked after pulling away from the figure.
"Nate threw it in his backpack!" Felix yelled before pushing me out of the way of the figure's punch.
The figure looked at Felix before swinging a punch at him. Felix dropped to the ground, barely dodging the punch. Cry gasped and Felix turned around to look at him, smirking. "Like this weirdo was gonna–"
Before he could continue his sentence, the figure kicked him in the back of the head, causing Felix to black out.
He stormed at the figure, but his anger blinded him from seeing the flashlight being chucked at his face.
Cry was knocked out cold, leaving me to deal with the figure. I decided that fighting it probably wouldn't work, so I tried reasoning, "What are you doing?!"
"I'm retrieving Reagan," was the only answer I got before I was punched in the temple and knocked unconscious.
I woke up to find my head aching terribly. I clutched my left temple in my hand as I sat up. I looked around to find that I was no longer in the hallway. I was in a small room that was about the same size as a dorm. There were no windows, but I was laying on a bed and could see a three-course meal waiting for me on a small table.
My stomach rumbled as I realized it had been two or three days since I'd eaten anything. I stumbled over my feet as I ran to the waiting food.
There were painkillers next to a glass of water on the table the food was on. I swallowed them and took a drink of water before realizing there was a note on the table as well.
Dear Mark,
We've given you what we believe you will appreciate. Felix and Cry are in rooms similar to yours. Jack, your dear friend (or more?) is with us and is not being hurt.
However, this letter is not about Jack or any of your other friends. This letter is about Reagan.
You encountered someone who is currently bringing her to us. If you allow us to keep her, you will be rewarded with all of your friends, Jack, the other three kids, and your freedom.
If not, you will remain here until you agree to let us keep her. There is a button on the north wall. If you press it, an intercom will activate that will allow us to discuss the matter.
I read the letter over several times. If I agreed to the terms, who knew what would happen to Reagan. All I would be getting was my friends back.
And I wasn't sure if that was all I wanted in life anymore.
I decided to press the button, as that was the only way to get some real answers.
I walked toward the wall that I assumed was the north wall, as it was the only wall with something on it. I slowly lifted my hand to press the button.
I pressed it, and there was a response instantly, "Hiya Mark! We've been waiting for you to press that button! So, have you come to a decision?"
The voice didn't sound familiar in the slightest, and in all honesty, it sounded horrifying. The obviously forced happiness mixed with impatience was enough to make me want to yell, "UNDO."
However, I didn't. I continued with why I pressed it, "I haven't made a decision, I just want some clarification."
"On what?"
"Well," I took a deep breath, "what exactly happens if I say 'no'?"
"Oh, by the time we're finished with you, you'll be begging us to keep Reagan and let you leave."
My breathing hitched, "And why is that?"
"Because if you don't take our deal, you'll all be where Percy is right now."
I froze and gulped, "W-Where's Percy?"
"Being transformed into something that'll destroy you if you don't take our deal. But don't worry. Jack will receive a far worse fate because of Dan."
I refused to ask the question that was itching at my mind: what could Dan have possibly done to cause Jack to 'receive a far worse fate'?
The person who answered the button call stopped talking to me, leaving me with my own thoughts.
And by 'thoughts', I mean I was plotting an escape.
There was no way in hell I was accepting either of the options given.
Reagan's POV
Robert explained that he found me in a hallway by myself. Apparently, no one was with me.
However, I knew for a fact that I fell asleep on Mark, which only caused me to freak out that much more. Something had to have happened to Mark and the others. They wouldn't just leave me on the ground.
More and more questions flooded my mind, but I decided to ask the one that I truly couldn't find an explanation to, "Robert, what are you doing at an orphanage in L.A.?"
The question seemed to take him by surprise, as he stopped walking entirely. I turned around to face him with an expectant look on my face.
"Uh, a friend who lives here called me. He told me to meet him outside this building, but after he didn't show up for about twenty minutes I decided to wait inside. Let's, uh, just say you guys aren't quiet."
I thought about it for a moment. It made sense, but I wasn't sure if I fully believed him. Wouldn't he have made a video, or at least posted something, if he was coming to L.A.? I uneasily responded with, "Okay."
I didn't ask him any more questions. I was pretty sure he was lying straight to my face.
I honestly didn't believe that he found me alone, either. Not only was I asleep on Mark, but there were three other grown men and two teenagers up a staircase directly across from where I was sleeping. There was no way none of them were there, or none of them saw me being picked up and carried away.
After we walked for what seemed like hours, even though it had probably only been five minutes, we stopped in front of a door. Robert knocked on it three times before it swung open.
There was no one on the other side of the door. Robert led me into the room and flipped on a light.
There was a bed that looked like it was made out of clouds. No windows, but multicolored lights hung from every wall. There was a laptop on the bed that was opened to Netflix, and next to it was a change of clothes. There was practically a buffet waiting for me on a small desk. I turned around to leave the room, feeling slightly uneasy, to find the door closed and Robert gone.
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