Chapter 15
Mark's POV
I stopped following John once I saw Nate rush past me to Dan. I turned around and saw Jason, frozen behind us, staring at the floor. "Jason?" I called.
He looked up and I noticed tears rushing down his cheeks. He wiped them away with his sleeve as he choked out, "W-What?"
I held my arms out, suddenly feeling the need to hug him. He sniffled and hesitantly walked over. He buried his head in my chest and let me hug him. "What's up bud?"
"Guys, hurry up!" John yelled at us.
"Come on, we can talk about it later," I explained.
I smiled sympathetically at him before we continued on our way. Reagan joined us once we caught up. "He–whoa Jason, what happened?"
He looked at her, then continued to stare at the floor. I heard him sniffle again.
"Does anyone know what time it is?" Cry asked.
Dan pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit the power button, but it didn't turn on. He raised an eyebrow at it and tried again, but still, nothing happened. "That's weird, it was at seventy percent when we left Mark's house," Dan mumbled.
I pulled out my phone, and, just like Dan's, it didn't turn on. Felix and Cry had their phones out as well, but just like the rest of ours, nothing happened. "Weird's one way to put it," Reagan mumbled.
"You have another way of putting it?" Nate asked, skeptically.
"Ever hear of paranormal phenomenons?" she asked, making over dramatic hand motions.
"Reagan, there's no paranormal activity–"
"Felix, SHUT UP!" Reagan started. "Have you already forgotten about that monster in the hallway? Or that weird door that John's reminding us about every five minutes? What about the fact that Jack, Phil, and Percy are being tortured, or worse, while we speak? Do I need to go on?"
Felix stood completely dumbfounded, while Cry just laughed, "Ya know, she's got a point."
"Shut up," Felix muttered, as he punched Cry gently on the shoulder. Cry only smiled in return.
"Is anyone else tired as fu–"
"Don't. You. Dare," John cut Dan off.
"I was gonna say 'fudge' mind you," Dan replied. Jason and Reagan tried not to laugh.
"Okay, seriously though," Felix began, "I'm tired. How long have we been here?"
"If I had to guess, a few hours," I assumed.
"John, can we take a break?" Dan asked.
"But I'm tiiiiired," Reagan complained, making John sigh.
We continued to walk until we reached the end of the hallway, where we all sat down and started to relax. Cry and Felix laid together on the floor and cuddled in each other's arms. They fell asleep almost immediately.
How late could it possibly be?!
I sat against the wall with Reagan and Jason, while Dan and Nate sat on the other side of Cry and Felix. John refused to relax, so he stood guard at the fork in the hallway.
"Uh, Jason?" Reagan asked.
"Hmm?" he replied, still with tears running down his face.
"What do you mean 'hmm'?! I thought you kissed him!" Reagan whisper-screamed.
"I did," he responded, his voice cracking mid-sentence.
"Did I miss something here? You actually kissed Nate?" I asked, shocked.
"Oh, I kissed him."
"But, why are you sad if you finally grew a pair and kissed him?" Reagan asked. The way she said it, I was pretty sure she already knew the answer.
"B-Because he didn't k-kiss back," Jason responded, burying his head in his lap and bursting into tears.
I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug without warning. He didn't seem to care, though, he just hugged back and sobbed into my chest.
"H-He freaked out about not being g-gay," he rambled on about what had happened.
"Tell him he's bi," Reagan suggested. Immediately after, her eyes widened. "Umm, you probably shouldn't do that, actually."
"Yeah, but tell him he's pan. That'll have more of an effect," I responded, trying to cheer Jason up.
"I don't think anything could effect him more than me trying to kiss him." He finished his sentence by hugging me tighter.
"Hey," I started, but he didn't look at me. I moved his head with my hands so that he was making eye contact with me. "It's going to be okay. It's not the end of the world, and who knows? Maybe he really does have feelings for you, but he forgot about them."
"Yeah right."
"Jason," Reagan spoke up, "I think I know why it didn't work."
Jason sniffed and looked at Reagan. "What do you mean?"
"I mean what if it didn't work because I said something about it? You didn't have a natural buildup, ya know?"
"Or maybe he just doesn't like me back," Jason whispered as he buried is head in my chest again.
I grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him away from me. I bent down a bit so that I was eye level with him. "Jason, anyone with common sense would like you back. It's ridiculous to think that much of Nate when he's had his memory erased. He doesn't remember you, and all you need to worry about now is scoring tickets to the friend zone."
"Why the heck would I want to go to the friend zone?" Jason asked.
"Because you can't just walk up to someone you like and kiss them. It doesn't work like that. You have to see how well you get along as friends, and if things are supposed to become something more, then they will. Everything that happens in life happens for a reason, all you have to do is either accept that, or do what you're probably supposed to do and keep fighting for it."
"Are you implying that I should become friends with Nate, then try to build up a relationship?"
"That's exactly what I'm implying. He doesn't remember you, so you have to start fresh. Remind him of what some of his favorite things are, and work your way up from there."
"Ya know," Reagan chimed in, "you give pretty good advice for someone who's never been in a working relationship."
Jason smiled. "Not yet, but let's not forget about that Septiplier kiss that's coming."
He and Reagan laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh as well. It made me so happy to see these kids happy, and I already couldn't imagine my life without them.
Which just gave me all the more reason to save the others, because I really couldn't wait to spend a month with them.
"Alright Jason, so go talk to Nate. You probably knew a lot about him, so try jogging his memory."
Jason smiled at me. "I'll try."
"Yes!" Reagan exclaimed as she grabbed Jason by the arm and dragged him to Nate.
Jason's POV
Once we got to Dan and Nate, Reagan leaped onto Dan. "Hey!"
"Umm, OW!" Dan replied, pushing her off of him. She giggled as she hit the floor.
I noticed Nate staring awkwardly at me, blushing a bit. The blushing made me wonder if he had enjoyed the kiss.
But why wouldn't he have kissed back if he did? Something wasn't adding up.
"Hi," Nate said.
"H-Hey," I stuttered.
"Welp, this is awkward," Reagan bluntly stated the obvious, "Dan, go talk to Mark. He's super lonely without Jackaboy."
Dan chuckled, "Sure."
With that, Dan got off the ground and walked to Mark. I saw him and Mark start to mess around with the sleeping Felix and Cry.
Reagan turned back toward Nate and I. "Nate, we're jogging your memory."
"Ya know," Nate started, "you have one heck of a personality."
"Yup, and you're about to remember every little detail about it, as well as Jason's, so buckle up!"
"Just start! I really do want to remember you guys," Nate responded, glancing at me.
I smiled at him. "We want you to remember us as well."
I thought of how to start this off for a moment. What had Mark said? Start simple?
"Okay Nate, we're going to start off with some simple stuff and work our way up to the big stuff," I decided.
Reagan looked like she was thinking for a second, before she started, "Well, your favorite color is green."
"Not the light green," I put in, "it's that shade of green that isn't too light, but also isn't too dark. It's the perfect in between."
"Okay, cool."
"Jason, random fact! Go!" Reagan yelled.
I laughed, "Hmm, your favorite food is pizza–"
Reagan cut me off, "All of our favorite foods are pizza–"
"That's a lie! Yours is cookie dough, isn't it?"
"Oh yeah," she chuckled out.
"I'll be honest," Nate chimed in, "pizza and cookie dough sound pretty great right now. But are we going to move on to other facts or dwell on this?"
"Whatever makes you remember–WAIT!" Reagan yelled.
Nate and I looked at her. She had that look in her eye that gave away the fact that she had an idea.
"Reagan, we're waiting," I told her.
"Dude!" Reagan exclaimed, "What about the musical?"
"No," I started, suddenly feeling very embarrassed, "no no no no–"
"What musical?" Mark asked from across the room.
"It's nothing!" I declared.
"It's not nothing! Nothing's ever nothing!" Reagan yelled before running over to Mark and Dan. She grabbed Mark by the arm and dragged him to Nate and me.
"Reagan, you son of a bitch," I commented, but I could feel a smile forming on my lips.
"Correction: daughter of a bitch," she replied.
"Umm, what are you guys talking about?" Nate asked.
"Sit tight! We got chu!" Reagan said.
"Hi I'm Phone Guy–"
"Reagan, stop."
"Pleasure to meet you–"
"Please stop?"
"I'd like to leave a few quick words."
I sighed and shook my head. I held my head in my hands as I sang, "Freddy's friends can be a bit active–"
"Blah blah blah that's completely absurd," Mark sang his line, making Reagan and I fangirl a bit.
I noticed Nate staring at us wide-eyed, confused, yet intrigued.
"Bonnie Freddy time to get ready," Reagan sang, and I was pretty sure I could hear Nate humming along.
"Midnight already?" I sang, looking at Nate.
"TIME TO PLAY!" Dan sang from across the room. We all looked over at him, a bit shocked. "What? I thought we already established that I was YouTube trash."
I glanced over at Reagan. We made eye contact for about half a second before erupting into fits of laughter.
"Hey, I heard they hired a new guy," Nate whisper-sang. We all whipped our heads toward Nate to find him staring at us with wide eyes.
"You remember the lyrics?" I asked. I was ready to tackle Nate into a huge hug.
"I don't know what happened," Nate started. "It felt like I never really forgot them. I had no idea what you were singing when you started, but the lyrics just...hit me."
I sat down on the floor next to him. "That's okay. It's a start, and a pretty great one."
Nate starting staring into my eyes, and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Yeah..." he trailed off.
I could have sworn Nate was leaning in, ever so slightly. My eyes widened as I realized it wasn't my imagination. I felt my heart beat in my ears. Nate kept leaning in, and I found myself leaning in, just a bit, as well.
Then, our lips made contact.
It was the best sensation I had ever felt. He shuffled a bit closer to me as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I found myself holding his waist after he gently placed his hands around my neck. He pulled away a bit, pressing our foreheads against each other.
I noticed tears running down his cheeks. "What happened?" I asked sympathetically, praying I hadn't done something wrong.
"I-I still don't remember," he choked out between sobs.
Reagan's POV
Mark and Dan started walking me back over to where they were sitting on the other side of Felix and Cry.
How the hell did they manage to sleep through all of that?
I sat down against the wall, Dan sitting to my right, and Mark sitting to my left. I cuddled into Mark's side and began drifting to sleep. I hadn't realized how tired I really was, but then again, a lot happened today.
The last thing I recall before falling asleep was Mark whispering, "Night Reagan," and a soft pressure on my forehead, that could only be one thing.
Mark had kissed me goodnight.
A group of my friends want to sing fnaf the musical at our school's talent show in February.
I'm kinda scared
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