Chapter 14
Jason's POV
Reagan and I looked at each other. Reagan started squealing and jumped on me. I yelped and fell over. "Reagan, if you don't get off of me right now–"
"Would you two mind telling me what 'it' is?" Mark cut in.
Reagan leaped off of me. "'It' is Jason doing the do with Nate."
Did she just.
I shoved her a bit. "No, it's not. 'It' is me...well...kissing Nate."
"It's gonna work!" Reagan cheered.
"What's gonna work?" Dan questioned as he and Nate walked over.
"THIS!" Reagan yelled as she pushed me towards Nate. I gasped out of shock as I fell on Nate. I was planted on top of him, and we both started blushing bright red.
"H-Hi," I stuttered out. I could feel my cheeks heating up with every passing second.
"D-Did this happen often?" he asked.
"The super awkward moments, or us laying on each other?"
He giggled a bit. At least he didn't lose his adorable laugh. "Either," he choked out.
I felt a smile crawl onto my face. He looked absolutely adorable, just like he always had. It took my brain a minute to even comprehend that he still had his shirt off.
"Well," I started, blushing harder, "things got awkward sometimes, and I'll explain why in a minute, but the whole 'laying on top of your naked top half' thing is new."
His eyes widened and his blush spread quickly. "Ohmygosh–OW!"
I gave him a confused, yet concerned look. It took me a second to understand that I was the one causing his pain. I was on his bruised body, "Sorry! Sorry!" I repeated as I jumped off of him.
"It's okay," he responded. I held out my hand and he took it gratefully. I pulled him up so he was standing next to me.
"Reagan," I started, "if I'm gonna do this, promise you won't push me onto him."
"I don't make promises," she mumbled.
"What are you talking about? You made promises with Per–" I stopped myself in the middle of my sentence as my eyes widened. "Shit, I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
"Can I ask or–"
"DUDE," Dan cut Felix off, "delicate subject! Well, probably, by the sound of it–"
"Will you guys shut up already!" John yelled. "All that matters is getting to that door!"
"What about Nate?" Reagan asked.
"You either get him to walk with us, or we leave him here."
"I'll come," Nate responded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I looked back at him to find him smiling at me. I smiled back in return.
"Exactly, that's what I–wait, what?" John asked, shocked.
"You heard right," Nate decided, "I want my memories back, and according to you guys, hanging out with you should do the trick. So don't think for a second that you could leave me behind."
I was so caught up in Nate's moving speech, I almost didn't hear Mark whisper, "Because Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."
"Bitch, you ain't in Hawaii," Felix said.
We all started laughing. Well, everyone besides John, who was beyond outraged. "You guys really can't stop cussing, can you?"
"No, we cunt," Reagan replied, which only caused the rest of us to laugh more.
John sighed, "Whatever, just," he took a deep breath, "come on."
He started leading us again. Felix and Cry followed behind him, and Dan behind them. Reagan walked over to Nate and me, "I'm staying with you to make sure you actually k–"
I slammed my hand over her mouth. "DUDE! Nate is literally standing right next to me!"
Nate looked worried, "Were you–erm,"
"Reagan, right. Were you about to say 'kill'?"
Reagan's eyes widened. "No! We aren't going to kill you!"
"Then what were you guys talking about?" Nate asked with a tilted head.
Before I had a chance to respond, Reagan butted in, "JASON'S GONNA KISS YOU!" and with that, she ran ahead of us to catch up with Mark.
Nate's eyes were wide with shock, "Wait, what? Was I gay? Were we dating? Is that why they want you to trigger my memory!" He was yelling and sounded all around pissed. I didn't know how to respond or what to do, so I did the first thing that came to mind.
I kissed him.
I smashed my lips against his, just like I always wanted to. But something was wrong.
He didn't kiss back.
He pulled away from me, "What the fuck dude! I don't even remember you, and you decide to kiss me! I'M NOT EVEN GAY!"
My mind stopped working after he said that. 'I'm not even gay.' It was exactly what we had yelled together earlier. Before everything got so complicated. It was weird to think that when I woke up this morning, the only thing on my mind was to get through the school day. Well, that and to wait for my parents to get back home. They went on a business trip to Chicago, so I was staying with Percy and Nate. Reagan had a separate room, down the hall, for obvious reasons.
Nate had fallen asleep earlier than normal. He crashed around ten, saying something about 'you guys should get to bed as well'. But I wasn't going to bed anytime soon. I started talking to Percy. The clock hit eleven, but still, neither of us were tired. We decided to play truth or dare, and that's when everything started pouring out.
"Alright dude," Percy started, chugging down some soda, "truth or dare?"
I thought for a moment. "Truth?"
He chuckled at me, "You always pick that. Umm, have any crushes I should know about?"
My breathing hitched. "Dare! DARE!"
His eyes went wide before a smirk took place on his face. "I dare you to answer the question. Who do you have a crush on?"
I took a deep breath. "Please ask a different question."
He thought for a minute. "I won't ask a different question, but if you answer it, I'll answer it?"
"I thought you didn't get crushes," I asked, a bit shocked. Percy was the 'bad boy' of the class and made it clear on a daily basis that he didn't have a crush on anyone. He didn't so much as talk to anyone outside of our circle of friends.
He smiled gently at me, his face tinted a light shade of pink. "Everyone gets crushes."
I sighed and whispered, "Nate."
"Umm, what about him?"
"Percy," I took a deep breath, "I'm gay, and I like Nate."
His mouth dropped open. "WHAT?!" he whisper-screamed at me.
"Shush! Don't wake him up!" I exclaimed before staring at Nate, asleep on his bed. His mouth was slightly open, his hair flopping on his head lazily, yet, he looked stunning.
I looked back at Percy to see him smiling warmly at me. "I ship it, but one question: do your parents even know that you're gay? I mean, I just found out."
"No, they don't know. I was planning on telling them when they got back from Chicago, though."
"Oh, cool. Wait, is Nate gay too?"
I looked down, avoiding eye contact. "Probably not."
"Well, on that sad note, I say we go to bed."
"Hey!" I started, "What about you! Who's earned the honor of having Percy crushing on them?"
He rolled his eyes at me. "Do you really want details on my nonexistent love life?"
"You wanted details on mine!"
He let out a nervous laugh, "I, umm, I like Reagan, actually."
"I KNEW IT!" I cheered, "Reagan and Percy sitting in a tree–"
"Don't you dare–"
"STOP!" he yelled, his face bright red from blushing. I started laughing.
"Will you two please shut up," Nate mumbled from his bed. I looked over at him, relieved to find his eyes shut.
"Sorry," Percy and I replied in sync.
"I got the lights," Percy declared.
"I got the gay," I whispered in his ear, making him chuckle lightly.
"For Nate, no less," he whispered back, before turning off the lights and crawling into his bed. I cuddled up in my sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep, happy that Percy hadn't judged me for being gay.
Praying that Nate hadn't heard our conversation.
*End Flashback*
"S-Sorry!" I stuttered out. Nate just huffed and turned around. He ran ahead to Dan, leaving me to wonder why this kiss hadn't done anything.
With the only answer being the simple one: Nate didn't like me back.
And probably never would.
How'd you guys like the flashback? I've been considering doing more of them so you can get a better feel of the relationships the four kids share.
I've also been considering adding in new YouTubers, but would need to somehow make sure you wouldn't kill me for shipping...a certain something...
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