7) The Restaurant
*My twin drew Ava above^*
They had finally gotten to the restaurant because they had gotten stuck in traffic. "Im so hungry I think I might die!" Angle stated while going limp and leaning onto Jake. "Aww, my poor baby, its ok. We are here so you should be ok." Jake said with a chuckle. "Carry me? Please? My body is so week!" Angle asked with his best puppy dog eyes. "Your lucky your cute." Jake laughed while Angle got onto his back happily. "Are you girls gonna be cute like us or are you just going to be lame?" Angle asked while trying not to fall off of Jake as he spinned around trying to make Angle dizzy. "Of course we are gonna be cute! Get on." Ava said through laughs. "Haha ok!" Sophie said and then jumped on her back. Now that everyone was situated Jake and Ava carried their significant others inside on their backs to the restaurant. They got a lot of stares, some confused, some revolted, and some happy. Anything that wasnt happy or "aww" twards the boys Ava and Sophie would death glare at them. Anybody that would look at the girls in an inappropriate manner or rude manner the boys would eather say something like "Stop staring you perv!" Or just death glare at them. Once they were seated (the girls on one side and boys on the other) they started talking. Then a waiter and waitress came over. "Hello, we will be taking care of you today, my name is Bae." Bae stated and then she winked at Angle. Angle got very uncomfortable, very quickly so he moved so close to Jake that he was practically in his lap. Then the waiter said "Yes and my name is Tom." Tom then winked at Sophie. That caused her to laugh nervously and scoot closer to Ava. "Here are your menus, what would you like yo drink?" Bae asked. "Lemonaid." Ava and Angle said together as Jake and Sophie said "sweet tea please." They all laughed slightly. "Ginks!" Bae said with a smile. Then both her and Tom walked away, not before winking again. Bae even decided to swing her hips even more than a normal human would when she walked away. Jake and Ava had now wrapped their arms around Sophie and Angle. Angle was in Jakes lap too. Once out of earshot Jake stated "I don't like them at all, how much you wanna bet that Angle and Sophie get their numbers by the end of the night." "I agree, I dont like them and all of that winking is gross, she looks like she has something in her eye that she is trying to get out." Angle replied sounding disgusted and amused at the same time. "If that guy Tod, Tom, whatever his name is does anything more than wink at me then I think I might just throw up all over him." Sophie stated with a small laugh. "Why do we have two people serving us anyway? There are only four of us here." Ava asked, clearly annoyed that someone was hitting with her girlfriend. "I dont know but here they come so lets ask them!" Jake said with an evil smirk. "Here are your drinks!" Bae stated while giving Jake his drink, then Sophie, Ava, and finally Angle but his had a note with it. It had her number on it. That set Jake off a little. "So why are there two of you when there are only four of us?" Jake snapped. "Well he is new and I am training him so he is helping me, getting some first hand experience." Bae snapped back. Jake was about to say something back at her but Angle turned around and whispered "She's not worth it, just leave it for now. We don't want her spitting in anyone's food." So Jake nodded with a sigh. Angle smiled, grabbed his hand and leaned more into him, he still hadn't moved from Jake's lap. "So, I think we are ready to order now." Sophie stated while leaning into Ava's side. "Ok" so they gave their orders to Bae and Tom and then they left to go and give the order to the chef. "Dang Angle, I think that's a new record!" Ava laughed. "Yah. Did you see how mad she was when you whispered into Jake's ear? She was furious!" Sophie giggled. "Yah." Angle laughed while ripping her number up and putting it into a napkin. "What about you Sophie, when you leaned on Ava Tom looked mad, these people sure are oblivious." Jake laughed. They all just started to talk and laugh about random things.
*15 Minutes Later*
"Here is your food." Tom said while handing everyone their food, he also slipped Sophie his number with her plate. She visibily cringed and, grabbed Ava's hand, and pecked her on the lips. They all turned to the boy who just looked happier and leaned over and whispered "You can give her the number too if you want." Then Sophie punched him in the gut because he tried to kiss her cheek. "WHAT IN THE WORLD YOU PERV! LETS GO!" Sophie yelled, causing the entire place to look at them, waiting for what was going to happen next. "Im happy to go!" Jake yelled while glaring at Bae. Then Angle kissed Jake on the lips, glared at Bae, and then pulled Jake and Ava (who had Sophie's hand) out of the restaurant. Once they got to the car Angle started to drive because he was the calmest out of them all and that was saying something. After a little while of angry silence Jake asked "So are yall good with Wendy's? We can just do the drive through and then go and eat by the Hotel pool." "Yah, that sounds much better than being sexualy harassed by pervs." Sophie stated, sounding very adgitated. The car fell silent at the small outbreak. "Sorry." Sophie said while looking out of the car window, trying to avoid any eye contact. "Its ok really, do you want tk just go to the hotel and skip dinner? I'm not really hungry anymore." Angle asked while keeping his eyes on the road. "No, lets just go to Taco Bell and eat by the pool like Jake said." Ava said (changing the place to Sophie's favorite) and unbuckling. She then slid over to Sophie so they could cuddle. "Ok." The other three agreed.
*20 Minutes Later*
I am so sorry people but this is how everything is going to look like now. I have pre-written everything forever ago and I'm working on too many other books to re-write them. So they will only be photos. Sorry, I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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