Untitled Part 2
My life change after my parents dead. My aunt killed herself about two days after their death and I don't have anyone else in my family. Now, I'm alone in this world and what can I do to change that. I started to get ready for school then I stop and heard something.
"Nothing you are alone and that will never change," a voice said.
"Who said that?" I said looking around to find the the source of the voice.
I waited about two to three minutes and finish get ready and went out the door. I was walking to the school and I heard it again but I decided to ignore it and keep walking to school. Everyone was looking at me and it was freaking me out a bit. So, I hurried to my locker then straight to my class. The voice keeps on talking and talking. I stood up in the middle of class and yelled "SHUT UP!" and everyone looked at me and stared at me that is the day I lost it or at least that what most people would think but they don't understand what is going on.
"They will never understand you should kill them all." said the creepy voice with eria arau.
"You don't know that?" I said in tears but to myself. "Go way! Leave me alone!"
"I'm always here. I'm you well sorta you but darker" said my evil self.
"Why me"
"You the one that let me in"
"I did not let you in. Why would I? I questioned.
"Because you're alone and you want everyone to feel your pain." she said.
"Yea but that's not the point here." I screamed. I went home and the officer from last night was a my house.
"Hello again," he said.
"Um hi can I help you with something." I asked. He shook his head.
"No, I'm here to take you to foster care and since I know you they asked me to take you there." He said.
"Okay let me grab my stuff." I said. He nodded and I ran inside grab my stuff and head out to the police officer's car.
"Ready to go." he asked
"Yea, I guessed." I said with sadness in my voice looking at the house that I grew up in. Next thing I knew I was in this old decrepit house that look like a abounded and hunted. The Officer and I walked up to the front door. We looked at each other.
"Oh yea what is your name?" he asked.
"It's Sam Lee Shad," I said and then asked for his name. "What's your?"
"Officer Mark Banks," he replied.
"Are you sure we are in the place, officer?" I said looking at the place more.
"That what it said on the address" he said looking so confused. He knocked on the door and then a lady came out looked at the officer.
"What do you want?" she said looking at him then at me. I was terrified at that moment.
"I'm here to drop of miss Shad here to your care." he said and looked at me and then back at her.
"Well come on in don't be shy now." she said
We walked and started showing us around the building, but I did not want to be there. I can feel them staring at me. I kept walking knowing that their eyes will flowed me. I look back to see two kids that might be twins staring holding hands with a creepy smile on their face which that gave me goosebumps all over my body.
"Come play with us," they said in unison.
"No thanks I'm good," I said backing away from the creepy twins. I walked as fast as I can to get back to Officer Banks. When I got caught up we head to the room that I will be staying at while I'm here.
"This will be your room Miss Shad," She said with a smile that gave me the creeps. "And you can call me Miss Share. I nodded my head and went into my room and started to unpacked my things until I heard a knock at my door.
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