(What Ayako looks like after makeover)
Ayako POV:
I shift uncomfortably in my chair as Kushina talks with her friend Mikato. And by talk I mean squealing and giggle about 'cute' boys. I don't even want to know. "Ano, Ku-chan..." I say uncertain. "Yes Aya-chan?" I fiddle with my fingers. "Well.... I wanna look a little more girlish....." I say nervously and look to the side.
Now, your probably saying 'AYAKO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!' Well, I want to be a girl for the first time in 5 years! Don't judge. *mentally sticks nose in the air*
Kushina blinks once..... twice..... three times, before, "AYA-CHAN OF COURSE WE'LL HELP YOU!!!" She squeals. She whispers in my ear, "I bet you wanna empress Minato, huh?" I blush lightly and look to the side again. "I don't know what your talking about." I deny. She laughs, "Whatever you say~" She sings. 'She and singing are definitely dating-_-' Kushina converses with Mikato about what their gonna do. "We should cut at shoulder length and dye her hair red!" Mikato squeals. "That's an awesome idea! Ok here's what we're gonna do, you take care of her hair, I'll talk care of her wardrobe." Kushina punches the air. I back away slowly. 'Mom, dad, if you ever loved me at all, please let me escape...' I internally plead. They turn to me, eyes shinning. 'They never loved me...'
~~5 Minutes Later~~
"Guys, you don't need to drag me. I can't run away anyways, you put a leash on me like a dog." I sweat drop. "Ugh, Fine." Kushina whines. They let my stand, and start walking again. "So... Where are we going?" I ask. They smirk. "You'll see~" They sing. I grow a tick mark. 'They're singing again!' I look around the street, admiring all the visable merchandise. We walk in a hair salon. "Hello. How can we help you today?" The lady asks politely. Mikato smiles, "My friend here wants her hair cut to shoulder length and dyed a scarlet red." I almost, ALMOST, fall when they pushed my upfront of them. I laugh awkwardly. "Hi..." She smiles at me, "Right this way miss...." She trails off. "Ayako, Ayako Uzumaki." I smile cheekily. She chuckles, "Okay."
~~2 Hours later~~
I bounce on my toes waiting for Kushina and Mikato at the salon. I look to my left and see Kushina, Mikato, and Minato coming over to me. I try to tackle Mikato, "MIKA-CHAN!!!" I yell. She side steps me and I fall on the ground. "Ita..." I groan. I jump up and pout childishly. "Miiiikkkkkaaaa-ccchhhaaannn." I whine. She holds up a bag with the most ADORABLE dress ever!!!! I smile. "Thank you Mika-chan." I say calmly. She gives me the bag. "Yay!" I cheer.
I look over at Minato and Kushina. Minato smiles and holds out his hand, "Hi, I'm Minato Namikage." He greets. I look at him weirdly. "Ummm... yeah... I know." I smile. He looks at me asking an unasked question, I smirk. "I'm your stalker." I say monotone. His eyes widen and he backs up half a step. "I know everything about you." I circle him hands behind my back. I go up into his face. "I even know about your little love confession." I smirk. His face shows a face of horror.
I stare at him for a couple seconds before falling to the ground laughing with Ku-chan and Mika-chan. "HAHAHAHA HE FELL FOR IT!!" I stand up and wipe away stray tears. "You should've seen your face Mito-kun." I giggle. His eyes widen, "KOKO-CHAN!!!" Minato yells surprised. I smile cheekily, "The one and hopefully only." He looks at me shocked, "What did you do to your hair!" I smile, "I cut and dyed it, duh. I wanted to look a little more girlish." I mummer the last part. He sighs, "You looked like a girl as you were, Koko-chan." I smile, "That may true, but I'm not finished with my outfit, yet. I'll be back."
I go into a bathroom and change into the dress. The dress was a sleeveless rose red and white dress (rose red at the top, white at the bottom), it had a white choker with a rose and 2 long baby pink ribbons.
I walked out ,grabbed a banquet of roses, and walked back to everyone. Minato stares at me wide eyed, slack jawed, and lightly blushing. I giggle and walk up to him. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I wink. He blushes and looks away. Somehow Kushina and Mikato leave without either of us noticing. "Oh! I forgot to respond to your confession." I realized.
Minato looks at me, nervous. I grab his hand and teleport into the forest. "There, now we can have some privacy." I mumble. I look at Minato smiling. I go up and wrap my arms around his neck, "I love you too, Minato." I lightly kiss him. When I pull back I see him smiling like and idiot. I'm guessing I am to though.... I zone back in when I hear him ask, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I look at him and smile, "Of course Mito-kun!" He laughs happily, and picks me up and spins me in a circle by my waist. I laugh along with him, that is, until he slipped and we tumbled down a hill. "Ita." I groan. We look at each other and break down in gigle fits. Once we settled down we look at the sky, and stayed there till we fell asleep.
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