First Day At The Academy
(Picture-Ayako's outfit for today)
Ayako/Tatsuya POV:
I yawn and look at the clock that reads 7:55 a.m.
"CRAP I'M DUCKING LATE!!!!!!" I ran around the apartment getting ready. "Lunar stay in the apartment, kk? GOOD!" I say as I slam the door and run to the academy. I look in the window and see Kushina being introduced and an open window near the frount of the classroom. I smirk. "It's now or never" I mumble. I do 2 backflips, frount flip and jump into the window.
Minato's POV:
"Good morning class, today we have two new students today, first we have Kushina Uzumaki" Sensei says. Kushina introduces herself. And the kids start to make fun of her.
~~Timeskip cause I'm feeling lazy today~~
"Our second new student is Tatsuya Hayashi." We look to the door to get a glance at the new kid.
I look to the front and see a kid on top of Kushina.
Tatsuya POV:
"Gomen, Kushina-san." I say monetone as I stand up. I put on a black face and stand as if nothing happened and state in a montone voice, "Ohiyo, I'm Tatsuya Hayashi please take care of me." I bow and sit next to a kid with blonde hair.
I look over and see him with a sweatdrop. 'Was it something I said?' I look over at Kushina who's being bullied because of her "tomato red" hair.
"Do you have a problem with her hair." I growl as i stalked up to them.
"Why? You gotta problem with that, freak?" One of the guys smirked. I narrow my eyes at them. 'I guess I'll pull the sister card just this one time.' I pull Kushina over and sling an arm over her sholder.
"Yeah, she's my sister." I surround myself in fire. "And if I ever see you bothering her again," I glare harshly, "I'll fucking kill you." I put a blank face on and walk back to my seat.
I glance at the blonde kid and see him smirk. 'Werido. -_-'
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