First C-Rank Mission!
(Music that calms Ayako down)
Ayako/Tatsuya POV:
"Lunar, I'm going to get the mission from the Hokage, I'll be back in an hour or so!" I yell. I rush over to the Hokage's office and you will never believe what happened. I WAS THE FIRST ONE THERE, HELL YEAH!
I was outside the Hokage's office for about 3 hours when I see an ANUBI coming towards me. "What can I do for ya?" I ask bored.
He stares at me, "Your on the wrong floor." He states.
I sigh. "Fuck my life. What floor am I on?"
He chuckles, "The First floor."
I deadpan. "Wow, I'm an idiot, thanks." I laugh. I run up to the actual Hokage's office and sheepishly walk in.
"Heey." I awkwardly say.
Everyone glares at me. "We have been waiting for you for at least three hours. Where were you" Jiraiya-sensei growls.
I nervously laugh. "Haha, well, funny story actually. I was on my way over, when a black cat crossed my path, so i had to take another route. Then I had to help on old lady cross the street. Then, the same black cat crossed my path AGIAN, so I had to take a different route, again."
Everyone sweatdrops. "Liar." They say synonymously.
"So! What's the mission?" I ask cheerfully.
"Your going to be hunting down 4-5 rogue ninja who stole information on on us. The ninja should be Chunin level, so be careful." The Hokage orders.
We leave the office and walk outside. "Ok guys, go and get packed we leave in 10 minutes. Meet at the village gates.
I walk to the gates lazily, in my awesome mission clothes might I add, with Lunar flying behind me.
"Tatsuya, I said 10 minutes not 11." Jiraiya-sensei sighs. "Hey, at least I'm at the right gate."
Jiraiya-sensei gets a tick mark, "THERE ARE NO OTHER GATES!"
I look to the side, "tch."
Kushina punches me in the head. "Ita!" I cry. I run over and anime cry on Minato. "MITO-KUUUN KU-CHAN PUNCHED MEEEE!"
Minato blushes. "Mito-kun?"
I smile brightly. "Yep! It's your nickname I made up for you." I giggle.
Minato smiles and whispers in my ear, "Then your nickname is Koko-chan, and only I can call you that Ko-ko-chan."
I blush and smile ear to ear, "OKIE DOKIE MITO-KUN!" I shout.
Jiraiya-sensei sighs, "Lets go."
Ok so here's an overview of the situation. Me, Kushina, and Minato are surrounded by 10 rogue ninja, all joinin level. Where is Jiraiya-sensei you ask? He's about 50 miles ahead of us because his toad scroll was taken by a snake summon about an hour ago. Anyway, we are surrounded by our target who's actually joinin level and twice as many people. Great... NOT!
"We aren't leaving you!" Kushina screams.
I glare at her. "Either go now or I knock you out and teleport you to Konoha. Now GO!" I ordered and there was no room for objection in my voice, but Minato stands his ground. "Ayako we are not going to leave you here with enemy ninja. You could die!" He growls.
I smile warmly at him. "Mito-kun, I won't die if you promise to believe in me ok." I say in a warm voice.
Minato falters. "B-but-" I look at him sternly. "Fine. I believe in you so don't die." He looks at me worried before grabbing Kushina's hand and dashing off.
When they were out of sight I turn to them. "Thanks for waiting!~" I smile cheekily.
They laugh, "it's fine girly, cause after we kill you, your little friends are next." The leader, I'm guessing, smirks evilly.
I glare coldly. 'Lunar merge with me, we are going to be goin level 3: Fallen Angel' I mentally order. 'I hope you won't regret this Tatsuya.' Lunar lands on my shoulder and sinks inside of me. "You shouldn't have done that human." I crazily giggle as my hair grows longer and turns white. My skin gets paler, my eyes turn black, and jet black wings grow out of my back, and my left arm turns into a wing as well.
"You will all die today puny humans." A metal staff with a circle and a cross on the top, comes out of the ground. I grab it a fly up a bit so my toes are barely touching the ground.
"W-what the hell is she!?!" One of them scream.
"A-A DEMON!" Someone crys.
I darkly laugh. "Yes, a demon is correct. Now, who should I kill first." I pondered. I randomly point at someone. "YOU!"
Before he could blink I'm in frount of him and stab him in the stomach with my staff. Blood splatters onto me. They all stare in horror, scream, and try to run away. But before they could I create a barrier made from the black souls of hell. The souls scream an ear piercing scream and try and grab the ninja to pull them down to hell. "It's no use trying to escape humans. It's better to die by my hands then them." I laugh bitterly.
The leader of the ninja throws a kuni at me. I grab it and snap in half in my hand. I go up to him and cut off his arms and legs. I giggle cheerfully. "I think I'll let you watch as I slowly kill all of your comrades, then leave you here to die!" I giggle. "Doesn't that sound like fun!" I smirk. One by one, I kill all the ninja painfully and walk up to the leader again. And glare "If you hadn't threatened Ku-chan and Mito-kun, I would've just sent you home with minor injuries, but I couldn't risk you harming the ones I care about."
I stalk off and teleport to a mountain, contained with dragons. One glance at me and they start playing peaceful music to transform me back. When I'm in my human form again Lunar flies up and sits with a dragon. All the dragons look at me pitifully, they have good reason too. Let me explain.
"Mister Dragon King?" 7 year-old me asks. The Dragon King looks at me fondly.
"What is it hatchling?" He asks.
"What would be my punishment if I went into my demon form level 3?" I look at him curiously.
He frowns, "If you ever go into demon form level 3, I will take Lunar away from you and have you banished. Hatchling, if you want to vist us when your older, you will behave." He demands.
I look at him sadly, "Yes Mister Dragon King." He smiles again.
"Good, now go and play with the other hatchlings." I giggle and run off.
"Hatchling, you now the punishment for using demon form level 3." Dragon king growls.
I bow lowly with tears in my eyes. "Yes King-sama. I shall resign to them peacefully." My voice cracks.
He looks at me sadly, "Leave Lunar and go Ayako, become a strong shinobi, like you alwats wanted." He turns his back to me and leaves, as does all the other dragons, including Lunar.
I fall to my knees and cry. "Goodbye..."
I wobbly stand up and teleport to my team. I fake smile at them. "Hey guys." I say as my voice cracks, AGAIN! Stupid voice.'
"Ayako! I was so scared! We came as fast we could and when we got there we saw all the dead shinobi and there was boold everywhere! What happened?" Kushina cries. I stole a glance and see Minato look at me worried.
I look at Kushina, "I killed them, then tried to find you." I lie.
"Ay-" Minato was about to say, but everything went black.
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