People commit suicide for many reasons that you may never know. Whether it be rough upcomings or simply stress and confusion. You may think that even though someone has had a rough upcoming, they shouldn't commit suicide. You may think that they have someone to talk to, someone to come to instead of commiting suicide. The sad truth of the world is, most people don't. I do, but, I simply choose not to talk to anyone. I keep it all inside. That is the worst thing that someone can do, the thing that leads people to suicide. Having nobody to talk to and even if they do, not talking to them or going to them. Even though that may be the scenario for me, I will not commit suicide. I am holding on for the 2 best things in my life. My 2 best friends, we have grown up together, we are basically sisters. We love eachother and wish nothing bad would ever happen to one another, that is the reason I am still alive. They are like an older and younger sister to me. I feel like I have to protect one, and look up to the other, they are the GREATEST people I have ever met, and that says A LOT coming from me...
The thing that leads people to suicide, is not having anyone to go to and to talk to..
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