Chapter 13 - End..... No. Never The end
It was going great for everyone. Life just seemed to go up and up. Virgil and Roman have been together for the past year and a half. So have the rest of the sides. Remy and Emilie moved into the mind palace as main sides. Remy calls Roman dad or bossman. Forever forgetting his real name.Roman is still as short as Virgils ribs. Remus has refusto change him back because he likes to laugh whenever Virgil throws him up in the air with not effort. But...
It was a nice day the sides were all hanging out in the living room. Roman had walked into a door and Some of the sides had seen. This included Virgil and to old antics they ahd their little bickering back and forth. It was their thing! It never hurt anyone.....but this time got a bit heated..... No very heated.
To the point they were full on fighting.
"Virgil listen to me! I used to call you roses names only because I though thats what the others wanted!" Roman was having a full melt down because Virgil had mentioned how he used to hate him. Roman didn't like to be reminded of things like this and Virgil knew that.
"You know what! Your only still here because I loved you! Mabey I shouldn't have!" Virgil slapped a hand over his mouth as more tears spilled from Romans eyes. The other sides, Remus, Janus and Logan (Patton, Remy and Emilie were at the cartoon therapy with Thomas recording) were just watching horrorifed. They all knew how much pain they felt in their heart when Roamn died. They were so happy when Remys and Virgil saved him. And Virgil had just said he wished he never loved him.
"R-Ro i-I -"
"Save it." Roman looked to the other sides. He then looked to Logan. "Logan come here." they were all nervous for what he'd do. Logan did not want to cheat so he was casous of getting close. "I'm not going to kiss you. I'm just going to show you something." Loagn came closer with the confirmation that he wasn't going to be kissed. Roman pulled up thing on his phone.
After Care of Hanahaki.
For about two years after confession seeds will still be in lungs. Make sure to keep relaxed about them though. If Relationship breaks apart but the Victim of hanahaki still loves the person the flowers will start to regrow until the love is given back or they die. The surgery will not work this time as the seeds have now become permanent.
Logan deadplanned. He went so pale. He looked to Remus who from the looks of Logan, only instinct was to shoot out of the chair. Followed by Janus. The two read the paragraph. Remus nearly slit Virgils through right there and then. Of course Virgil still ahd no idea what was going on. He was just standing in the corner feeling guilty and confused.
"R-Ro?" Remus spoke.
"Don't tell him. If he really loves me he'll figure it out" and with that Roman left the room.
He left a pale Logan.
A frozen Janus.
A remus trying to fight not to kill his brothers lover.
And a Lover. Who had broke everything.
(haha! Plot twist! Ik your all probably sick of them but it's fun, and I have too many ideas so hope oyu enjoy this and the next chapter that is the actual end..... Hopefully.)
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