[AN: The pic above is something I whipped up for this book and its Danny's appearance. I'm thinking about doing Sam next then Tucker. Also this is gonna feature SOME cannon relationships and not everything is gonna be the same as the Harry Potter books as I am gonna draw some things from the movie as well though not much. Also the Danny Phantom story line is way out of wake and I'm just gonna rewrite it for this books sake. Also as much as I don't mind Sam X Danny there not gonna be a couple in the book. They may try to be one but it won't work out in the end. I have a few characters in mind to pare Sam and Tucker with but you guys can suggest to me. Danny is already paired with someone and your not changing my mind on it. It's cute and there needs to be more long term stories for this ship.]
In America there's a certain town that's vastly different from others. This town was cut off from the outside world due to a very special circumstance. The town was haunted and attacked by spectators of the dead. This place, this town, was called Amity Park though another society called it by different names. No man's land, Dead man's graveyard, and other names similar to that.
This place was abandoned and thought to hold no life of magic but, of the ghosts that haunted those grounds. They were wrong. Three exceptional teens lived with dormant magic in their blood. They came from old lines long though to have died off. Though these teens remained.
The first to awaken this dormant magical power, did so at a cost. His appearance was forever changed and he was never allowed to walk the earth as a human again. He became the first of his kind and a tether to three worlds. He walked a thin line that he could never fall off from.
The second to awaken the power was a young and brilliant man. He strived for knowledge and was open to new things so long as he held something familiar in his grasp. Though he like any normal human being had his sins of envy and greed. He envied his less then normal friends power and of the words he spoke. He was greedy and wanted the power for himself as well. Though his friend saved him from going down a path that would have lost his friends and what family he hand. He became the grateful friend that looked at life as something to treasure and that treasure held true knowledge and words of wisdom.
The third one to awaken their power was an executable young woman. Her love of plants and unique look on life attracted the attention of an elder ghost. A being considered a God among most of the living. She was possessed tell she was freed by her friend who walked the thin line. Once freed she herself punished the ghost of a God by banning him from the living plain. If he had changed his ways he could have gained a daughter. Though it did take her a while, she did begin to see him and teach him of the proper way to act, to talk, and to get what he truly wanted for the earth.
These three teens of long thought dead blood became known to a school that offered there hands to teach and house these troubled and yet powerful teens. These three teens will change the lives and perspectives of quite a few.
This is the story of three teens going to a place called Hogwarts. A place of magic and family, of hope and dreams, of understanding and forgiveness.
(That's the original prologue)
Amity Park, Dead Man's Graveyard, No Man’s Land. This place was crawling with strange folk that lived with the dead. The constant fighting, damage, drills. It was second nature to those that lived there.
The fighting had finally calmed down abit only a fight once a week, or a major catastrophe every other three months. It was getting predictable and that was a good sign to those that dealt with the restless dead.
A team consisting of three teens alone dealt with these being of supernatural origins. The eldest of the three was an interesting looking young man. He had white and black hair that was impossible to tell which was his real hair color or if it was naturally like that. His eyes were different colors one an erie neon acid green and the other a cold icy deep sea blue. His skin was very pale, pale enough that people though he was always sick. If anyone were to shake the boys hand they would be shocked at how cold his skin felt and question if he was even alive. Unknown to many, his pulse was slow but strong and his blood was darker them most with a tint of green flecks. Unless you caught him hurt enough to where you could possible see bright green swirled and mixed in with his dark red blood. This young strange boy was Daniel Fenton. He preferred to be called Danny or if you were a spector you'd call him by his given dead name, Phantom.
The second member of this special but unacknowledged group, was a boy with dark skin and bright green eyes that held a thirst for something new, something different. The boy always wore a red cap and thick black rimmed glasses. Always clutched in his hand was some sort of technology that he would sometimes comfort like a child. He was strange indeed but he was brilliant and even considered a bit mad for some of his strange behaviors. This boy was Tucker Foley only referred to as Tuck by his close and only friends.
The third member of the group was a girl who rebelled against common belief. She had long black silky hair that she kept part of it up in a high ponytail, her skin was a bit pale but healthy looking, her eyes shone like bright violets, and her choice in clothing was always noted to everyone. She loved the gothic style and absolutely hated anything with bright colors. Unless of course you were a plant. Plants were the only thing she had and the only thing she connected with before she meet the other boys. This girl's name was Samantha Mason, preferred to being called Sam.
These three had to face many challenges that many would not have thought a couple of kids would be capable of handling. Finally after years of fighting and the attacks finally being controlled. A visitor was coming to them with three letters in hand and a chance of a lifetime.
This visitor was was a tall, thin and very old man, judging by the silver of his hair and beard which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. His choice of clothing was strange as he was wearing long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, buckled boots. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. This man was famous in another land but here he stood out among the people.
Though some where else in this city of ghosts the three teens involved with the dead were at a warehouse dealing with a troublesome ghost. While he was harmless he needed to return to his world.
Sam stood next to Tucker as they both glared up at the annoying blue man in overalls. He was slightly see through but he wasn't a poltergeist like many thought. He was just strong enough that he wasn't considered one.
The ghost was yelling in an annoying voice about a cardboard kingdom or bubble wrap for his new daughter. They two living teens just rolled there eyes as they looked at the other floating figure. This was their far from normal friend Danny. He floated there his hair ruffled up more then usually as his arms crossed over his chest. He wore a leather jacket with white trimmings over a plan white shirt, he had black pants with white lines and trimming down his sides, white leather boots were on his feet barely reaching below his knee. His hands were covered with white fingerless gloves. If you looked closely his jacket, gloves, and boots were branded with a strange symbol a sort of wispy D with a hidden P.
His multi colored eyes narrowed at the hysteric ghost in front of him. "Boxy, Lunch Lady is pissed as hell that you left her alone." His eyes soften a bit as he drifted closer to the overweight man. "I can't imagine the shock of you two having a baby but you need to man up and face her. She wants you to come back, she wants your help with facing parenthood. She wants to do it with you together. Your child will want to listen to you talk about your box kingdom or how entertaining bubble wrap can be."
By now Danny was really close to the angsty ghost that was nearly calmed down. He reached a hand out and patted the box loving ghost's back. He looked up at Danny with respect and gratitude. "I'm sorry for my fit of rampage... I just wasn't prepared for her to say that she was pregnant and that we were gonna be having a family..."
Boxy looked at Danny and gave him a bear hug. If Danny didn't need to breathe much he would have been gasping for air. "Your gonna be the Godfather Phantom. Don't ask questions about it, your the God father through and through." He said crying of joy.
Phantom or Danny just patted his back comforting the overjoyed ghost. When Boxy finally let him go he said thanks again and flew off heading for the nearest portal to the Ghost Zone.
Danny lowered himself tell he was on the ground standing next to his friends. He looked at his friends and smiled. "It's always nice to not have to beat him to a pulp..." he stated smiling.
Tucker laughed shaking his head. "And you totally skip over the fact your gonna be Godfather to yet another one of your enemies kids..."
Sam wrapped an arm around both boys necks. "Boxy only makes two and besides he was never really an enemy. He couldn't scare anyone tell he stole Pandora's box."
"Don't remind me." Tucker stated rolling his eyes and shoving Sam's arm off his shoulder.
"Doom back at my place?" Danny asked throwing a hand over his shoulder in the general area his house was. He shrugged Sam's arm off as well.
Sam frowned when she wasn't aloud to lean on either of them. Though she then frowned in worry at Danny's suggestion. "You sure that's a good idea? Your parents are home and they haven't been the kindest around you as of late."
"So long as Jazz is there, I'm safe. They won't do anything with her there. They don't wanna lose there brilliant daughter." He pointed out weakly. He knew it was a weak defense but now that he was thinking about it. That was a terrible idea.
Sensing his friends distress about the topic Tucker narrowed his eyes at him with worry. "Danny, this is starting to get seriously dangerous. I'm scared for your safety dude."
"I know..." he said quietly getting uncomfortable with this topic on him.
Tucker knowing his friend discomfort lead a way of escape for him. "How about we play at my house instead? So we don't have to deal with them." Tucker offered.
"Yeah that sounds better..." He agreed quietly.
Tucker grinned shoving his friend playfully to cheer him up. "Don't worry you can even spend the night over. My parents won't mind it."
Sam grinned evilly and added her two cents in. "The only thing you'll have to worry about is his appetite."
"Hey! Don't hate on my diet. I'll have you know my diet consists of all the major food groups Steak, pork, fish, and sugar." Tucker stated with pride as he listed off his version of the all famous food period.
Sam rolled her eyes and mock a look of hopelessness. "Your hopeless..."
Danny already knowing were this was going and fast. Shook his head and asked in a feeble attempt to stop the up coming argument. "Do you guys really need to have another fight over meat and veggies?" While he was dreading the argument ahead a small smile was on his face.
"YES!" Sam and Tucker yelled getting in each others faces as all three of the teens walked to Tucker's house. Danny wondering over the shouts of his friends why on earth he was even still friends with the two.
It took about a half hour to get to Tucker's place of resident. It would have been a shorter trip if a police car hadn't stopped next to them and ask for Sam and Tucker could be quite. Which resulted in more fighting and arguing over what the officer thought of the topic of the fight.
Tucker walked up his porch and swung open the door without much care. His friends following behind. "Mom, Dad! I'm home and I hav- "
All three of them were half way through the door with Tucker stopped mid yell at the sight in his living room. Both his parents were looking at their son and his friends for a bit of help. As in the living room sat a elderly man with and odd choice in clothing. He was wearing long purple robes, high-heeled buckled boots. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. His silver hair and beard were both long enough to tuck into his belt.
The trio were instantly on guard as they slowly made their way into the living room. They glanced at each other silently discussing amongst each other if this guy was a threat or not.
Tucker's parents smiled at them all with a bit of confusion and worry. Mis. Foley was the first to speak. "Tucker dear, this man wants to talk to us about something."
Mr. Foley looked at Sam and Danny. "Why don't you two go to Tuckers room he'll join you guys up there in a moment."
Danny and Sam gave worried looks of confusion to Tucker but before the two could make it to the stairs, the strange elderly man stopped them.
"You two wouldn't happen to be Daniel Fenton and Samantha Mason would you?" He asked. His voice portrayed his intelligence and a inner wisdom.
Danny frozen and looked at the man with a guarded look but he slid his cold look under a mask of interest. He could tell Sam and frozened with him at the motions of there full names. He answered in a thoughtful tone "Yeah... though I prefer to be called Danny."
Sam while she was genuinely curious for a bit was instantly mad at the realization of the use of her full first name. "It's Sam..." she all but growled at him.
Not surprised at all by there looks or reactions the man nodded. "Well you two should sit with the Foleys then. This saves me two trips."
The three friends took up a chair with Tucker sitting in it. Sam and Danny sitting on the arms of it on either side of him. Like they were there to protect Tucker at a moment's notice.
Danny's eyes never left the man. He couldn't tell if he was good or bad. His mind made him out to be a potential threat, a predator. Though his gut couldn't make up its mind about him.
Sam ,he could tell, had instantly labeled him as a threat and was guarded against him. Tucker was leaning towards good but he was indecisive about him to. The Foleys however seemed to trust the guy but were still confused with the matter.
The man looked at them all and then spoke. "I'm Albus Dumbledore and I came here with some news for you three..." he began jestering to the trio. "Before I start let me ask you... Do you believe in magic?"
"Frankly I wouldn't be surprised." Danny stated shrugging. He shouldn't be surprised either after all Desiree, Clockwork, Princess Doria, and several other ghost had magical powers or magical items.
"I'm open to the possibility" he heard tucker say casually. He should be scenes he is of royal blood according to Hotep-ra servant to the staff.
"Yes" Sam stated with interest. He didn't expect anything else for her answer to that question.
"Good, Now what would you think if I told you three that you were magic?" Dumbledore asked the twinkle in his eyes brightened abit. The air of mystery was enough to push aside for this question.
"As in witches and wizards?" Tucker asked shocked. Danny could tell his friends mind was racing as he fiddled with his PDA.
"Yes" Dumbledore answered looking at all three of there reactions.
Sam's reaction was at first surprise and total utter glee before she rooted
herself back down to earth and cleared her mind. Though the look of excitement was still in her eyes.
Danny himself was just about taken back by this but again he really shouldn't be surprised. 'After all if I'm magic then that could be why I am the way I am.'
Tuckers mind was still racing but he answered Dumbledore truthfully. "Then I would think your crazy and laugh at you but, then potentially take you seriously if you were to show us evidence." His friend looked ready to laugh historically but kept himself in check for once.
Dumbledore nodded seemingly expecting something like this. He pulled out a stick from his robes. Danny tensed as he felt the power from that stick of his. He just barely kept himself from shooting it out from the man's grasp. He felt that it was powerful but that at the moment it wasn't a threat. Dumbledore pointed the stick at a lamp and turned it into an screech owl. It flew around the living room screeching its head off before it was turned back into a lamp in mid air. Though the old man didn't allow the lamp to touch the ground and carefully placed it back on the end table.
After a moment of silence Sam was the first to speak. "Ok that was awesome. Where do I go to do that." She stated now dubbing him a good guy and giving him her full attention. Tucker also looked at Dumbledore with interest. The Foleys were at awe with the display of magic and even clapped for Dumbledore's display.
Danny however wasn't gonna be so easily won over but he played along as the surprised and intrigued kid. Well he was interested but he wasn't gonna fall out friend this guy any time soon. He sensed good but there was something he didn't like and he couldn't place it.
Dumbledore smiled at them kindly the twinkle in his eyes seems to sparkle a bit more at Sam's question and of the looks everyone was giving him. "Well Mis Mason. That is why I'm here, to offer the three of you a chance to learn and harness the magical power you have." He then handed them each an envelope with green writing on it.
As he took the envelope with caution. He looked down, feeling ruff texture of the paper between his finger tips. The envelope was made of some sort of odd paper ,that he could tell clearly. Though what caught his attention was the red wax seal on the front of the envelope. The crest stamped into the wax had four animals on it a lion, an eagle, a badger (Danny shivered at the thought of the animal), and a snake. All of them surrounding a H. He flipped the envelope over to read the green cursive writing.
For Daniel Fenton
The smallest bedroom on
the second floor
of FentonWorks.
Danny looked up at his friends and read the front of their letters as well. 'Well that's creepy and abit too detailed.' Danny looked back at his letter, flipping it back over and broke the wax seal. He opened up the letter and pulled out a piece of parchment. 'That's what the envelope was made of..' he thought as he read the letter.
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr Fenton,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Danny looked back up at Dumbledore to see if this was a joke. He sensed that the he man before him had no ill attempt with this. He looked at Sam and Tucker to confirm this with them to. They all agreed at that and looked at Dumbledore.
"Can you tell use more about the world you come from?" Sam asked probably to satisfy her curiosity of the world she was already planning on nose diving into.
The teens use of the word world intrigue Dumbledore and slightly concerned him also. It was common for children of muggle family's to refer to the Wizarding World as a community of sorts but, never world. That only happens after that child is exposed to the magical culture do they then referred to it as world. It was incredibly strange to see the three teens in front of him already accepting magic as another world.
Pushing that train of thought aside he gladly indulge them with the information they want "The wizarding world is vastly different from yours. You three are what most would call half-blood or muggle born. I'm not entirely sure in your cases. Half-blood means you have a parent that's of magic origins and a parent that doesn't. Muggle-born means you have no magical ancestry but somehow ended up with magic. The reason I say you'll probably be referred to both is cause of your heritage. You have distant magical blood running through your family's." He was examining each of the teens faces carefully. He was watching for their reactions but also testing something out. Something he sensed from one of the teens was very paculer but he couldn't tell which one it was coming from. "But from what I was able to find there were no magical children for quite a few centuries. Though you Mr Fenton are quite peculiar, you come from a distant line of witch hunters. Successful ones no less."
Danny nodded already knowing of this after a certain incident involving a dead vampire with a power hungry obsession. A slight shiver ran through his spine, he didn't particularly enjoy that experience. At least he was able to make friends with the Far Frozen tribe.
Sam and Tucker were thinking hard about the new information given to them. Danny could already tell tonight was gonna be a long night of research.
"You want use to go to your school... where is it?"
"It's in Scotland."
"That's a long ways away..." Tucker mutter looking at his shocked but proud parents. He was gonna say more but he was cut off by Sam.
"I'M IN! When do I pack and leave." Sam yelled enthusiastically as a rare smile was spread across her face as she muttered to herself about the benefits of this. "I can be away from my parents!"
Danny looked at Tucker. His face held conflicting emotions about this as he looked at his parents for input. Mr. Foley spoke up first to his son. A proud smile on his face. "You should go son. It's not everyday your offered to go overseas and explore a new culture."
Mis. Foley nodded as she held her husband's hand. An overwhelming proud look was shown through her eyes as she smirked at him. "Your father's right. Tucker you should go and learn. I'd hate to see you lag behind because of us."
Danny wasn't to sure but it would be better than staying here in town with bullies, ghosts, and -. He shook his head to think of something else besides them. "I'm in as well... " if his friends were going then so was he. The ghosts would stop coming here of he were to leave and if some came Valery could handle them.
"I will warn you all right now. You three have missed two years of school and will need to catch up with the other third years over the summer brake." Dumbledore warned when Miss Foley finished talking Tucker into agreeing to go.
A sudden thought seemed to cross Sam's mind as she snapped her finger. Her eyes showed what she was thinking and it made a lump form in his throat when he thought about it now to. "Do we have to tell our parents that we're going to a wizard school? Cause if my parents find out they will flip and have you arrest. If an adult HAS to know the truth then my grandma will be more then willing to be that adult."
Danny nodded abit sadly. "Yeah... my parents can't know either. I'm already on thin ice with what I am. Adding that I'm a wizard will get me a one way ticket to a table..."
Danny hadn't notice that Dumbledore had caught the fact that he let slip he was more than human. This was very peculiar and very strange. He looked at the boy with a new light. His appearance could be explained through accidental Magic. Though nothing seemed different about him. He then tried to see if perhaps he could fish this mystery out of the boys memories. He's eyes widen a bit when he couldn't find the teens mind at all. Turning to look at the other teens and to his surprise again. There minds were blocked with some powerful barriers that weren't entirely there's.
As Dumbledore thought about this strange and quite intriguing mystery. He was admittedly only half paying attention to everyone else's conversation.
"Grandma Ida can over for you." Sam offered. Ida was one of the few who figured out or guessed the secret of Danny's and had helped him out many times before.
Tuckers parents frowned as the looked at each other. They may not have been included in the circle but they figured out a long time ago that Danny did not like to be at his house much. Miss Foley spoke up as well about the issue. "We'd also be willing to help you out as well, Danny."
Dumbledore looked at the strange teen before him. There was obviously something wrong with Mr. Fentons family life and that got more of his attention and interests spiked. "I will allow it so long as a member of your family knows of your true whereabouts."
Sam and Tucker nodded as they looked at Danny. Tucker then offered an opinion "What about your sister?"
Danny shrugged abit but reluctantly nodded. "She's not 18 yet but I will have to tell her. She'll probably set us up with a studying schedule for the first month..." He sighed now dreading their summer. A thought came to him now that he was thinking about the school. "Speaking of classes, What classes are there?"
"The classes you'll need to take for third year are Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, and two or more electives. The electives currently available are Divination, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Ruins, and Muggle Studies." Dumbledore said with his friendly old man smile.
Danny's eyes widen when he said Astronomy. He took a small glance at his friends. Sam was practically beaming with happiness at the mention of Herbology if Danny had to guess. Tucker looked interested in Arithmancy (and in Danny's opinion Tuck probably knew what that class was about). he looked back down at the letter and then Danny's eyes were back on Dumbledore.
They asked for what some of the classes were about and Dumbledore explained them all to them. Though he had a hard time trying to explain Arithmancy and Tucker just said it was future math from what he new. When the classes were explained, the three teens were thinking about what classes they wanted.
Though an interesting topic came up when Tucker's huffed in confusion when he reread his letter. "What does it mean by we await your owl? Is that British talk for email?"
"No we quite mean what it says. We use owls to deliver are mail and send messages." Dumbledore looked amused at Tucker's and Danny's shocked looks at this news. Though he nearly laughed at Sam's nearly immediate reaction to this news.
"If I get an owl I'm not letting it near you two." She stated with a glare and a smirk that just dared them to go against her words of law. Of course the only one to take up this up was of course Tucker.
"Aw come on Sam, please? I promise to pay for my expense and if there hurt I'll pay for it." He mockingly begged Sam. He looked ready to get on his knees and bow to her.
Danny Ignore them discussing about the owl Sam was getting in the near future. "So do you want use to just tell you what classes we want now? Since we don't have owls."
Dumbledore nodded a smile of his face."That would be fine." He couldn't help but think Danny would fit into Gryffindor quite nicely.
"I'll take up Care For Magical Creatures, Divination, and the Ancient Ruins." Danny stated leaning back on the arm chair he was sitting on the arm off.
"I'll take the Ancient Ruins and muggle Studies." Tucker said pushing the argument so they could get there classes down.
"Divination and Magical Creatures" Sam stated and resumed the argument with her meat loving nerd friend of hers.
"I also brought some books for you three. There on the years you missed." He pulled out several books from seemingly nowhere and handed them to Danny. Seeing as he was the only one besides the Foley's that were still paying attention to Dumbledore. "I'll be back in a few weeks to take you to London. There you'll finish your Studies."
Danny nodded and Dumbledore teleported away with a loud pop. Danny rubbed his sensitive ears abit. He looked at the nearly twenty books that were handed to him and sighed. This was gonna take awhile....
5035 words
My God is that a lot of words....
If you see any editing erros that my friend and I may have missed. Please tell me and I'll get it fixed when I can. Also I welcome criticism if you want to point out were I could improve my very rusty writing. Though please don't straight up hate on they way I write. I did originally try to do this in Danny's point of view but it ultimately ended up where it is.
In the future when or if I ever finish this I may go through and rewrite everything.
So see you guys in the next chapter which should hopefully be soon.
Floof out~
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