PS you are 25
Ray/Saeran is 22
707/ Luciel/Saeyoung is 22
Jumin is 27
V/Jihyun is 27
Zen/ Hyun Ryu is 24
Jaehee is 26
Yoosung is 21
(Y/N)-Your name
(L-n)- last name
(F/C)-favorite color
(H/C)-Hair color
(H/L)-hair length
(E/c)- Eye color
H/l- is hair length
(F/f) - favorite food
(F/ca)- favorite cake flavor
(N/n)- nickname
Y/n Pov
We had gotten home the babysitter was on her phone I see the girls playing with a corgi and Elizabeth sleeping in their Playpen I look at Jumin he looked pissed he then makes the girl leave I go pick up the dog from the girls they start to cry I look at the dog is a girl I then look at Jumin and say it's name Is Mia he then sighs and looks at the girls and then says Ok we can keep her the girls start to laugh I put Mia down I then pick up the girls and Jumin picks up Elizabeth and puts her on the floor I then put the girls in the playpen I then kiss their heads alright you two be good me and um daddy will be back I blush knowing Jumin heard me I then give the maid the list I then grab Jumin's arm we go to the dinner place and we see Jumin's dad we sit down then Jumin get up to use the restroom I smile and nod then Mr. Chairman grabbed wrist and he then says would you like to go home with me. I shake my head I get up when I fell I see Jumin's dad on top of me he hold me to the ground I struggle when I heard a voice DAD GET OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!
Jumin Pov
Work was done we had got home when I saw a corgi and me Elizabeth In our daughters playpen I then tell the girl to leave she does I then see your name holing the dog. I then look at the girls and Elizabeth I then say she can stay. The girls giggle Y/n puts down the dog I then pick up Elizabeth and put her down me and Y/n goes to the dinner with my dad but I know he's going to try to be with her so I'm going to protect her when we got there and food was on it's way I had missed a phone call from the maid I then said I needed to go to the bathroom I call her back
Hello Mr.Han I wanted to ask do you want me to feed Elizabeth and got to the store with the girls and by dog food
Yes and thank you now I must go
I go back and see my dad on top of Y/n I then yell DAD GET OFF MY GIRLFRIEND I go up to My dad and punch him and I say stop please I hate you dad she is mine this time don't you dare touch her I then grab Y/n and we go home We then see the place a mess the maid dead and Y/n runs as fast as she can to the girls room JUMIN THE GIRLS ARE GONE she yells I then look around and see the dog and Elizabeth hiding I then bend down Elizabeth girl come her The dog protects her I notice shes hurt I then yell Y/N COME HERE y/n comes down crying i then hug her we will get them back I promise I will find who kidnapped them.
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