The Hacker: Chapter 28
"Rest at ease, I wish to not fight," the creature soothed, the trainers beside me sheathing their pokeballs from sight. Her softened gaze softly scanned each of us, wincing as it glided over me. Her small chest puffed like a robin trying to seem dominant, "I know you all. I have read your minds, your hearts and your souls." Her eyes faltered towards me, "If I hadn't known already."
Mew's mind looked as if it were racing between our trio, hesitantly to make a selection of sorts. "Mew," was all I could utter.
"I'm coming," Mewtwo's voice shook solely me from wherever he was, chilling my deepest bones.
I believe the god before me was able to sense the fear that slipped from my being, her head nodding softly to decide, "I know everything about this mission. About what is to come of me," the legendary swerved in the air, explaining to us in a knowing tone. "And, I will do so. To save this world I love. But, I must be able to trust you all."
I should turn around, I told myself. Just leave, because she can't trust me.
"Tell me what truly lies in your hearts. Reveal to me a single haunting secret that tears you to pieces by every breath you take. Who knows, the more you say, the chances may heighten of living." Mew drifted over to Blue, her small paw tickling the skin of his forehead. "You first. The boy of the Façade."
For once, this ego I've known had not shown anger, or confusion, or sadness. A mangled mess of hatred, sorrow and a broken past. His head pointed down. He really had no words to give the Mirage, just the truth to us all, "Daisy and I have been on our own since I was only five. Living with our grandfather Professor Oak. But why? Why..." His lips curled back like a Persian in the starts of a fight. "Geovanni. That's why."
Red and I waited, attentively listening to this boy's story that he kept concealed for so long. He had most surely displayed a magnificent façade for his life. Even I was barely able to believe the story I would be told.
"No one knew the name 'Team Rocket' back then. My family and I lived a nice quiet life in Celadon City. My mom and dad had run the Game Corner," he hissed out, his demeanor fallen. "That was until a band of thugs broke in. Well, that isn't right. Mom and Dad going to open the Game Corner one morning, like they usually do, when two gun was suddenly pressed to the base of each of their skulls. Forced to enter the building. Where they were shot. It wasn't for many years later on my own Journey across the Kanto region that I learned it was Geovanni himself who killed them. A man prided for never dirtying his hands, leaving it to the grunts. That was a lie... And so what him disappearing."
His knuckles where a frost white, the edges of his bone almost translucently seen though his skin from how hard his fists were furled. "Take your time." Mew eased, "We have it."
No we don't. We don't have any time. I told myself, reflecting on how Mewtwo could come in at any moment. Why is Mew doing this?
Blue nodded tiredly, letting his fingers roll out from their balled up states. "I waited in the gym a night, After Red had finally crushed Team Rocket for good. After Leaf defeated me at the pokemon League. I waited in that gym. I just wanted to know why. So why was his answer that he didn't even remember them?" His voice escalated. "He killed them and he didn't even remember! I lost it... He's dead. Geovanni is dead now. I didn't think it would end like that. I didn't, I swear. It just happened. I was angry, I shoved him into one of those gym statues he has a-and it came down right on him. The blood, oh Arceus, so much blood. There was no way he could have lived.
"But that wasn't the end. I little voice called from another corridor, 'Father?' it asked. A young boy, with blood red hair popped around the corner, with silver dime eyes." Blue gritted his teeth angrily, his voice though beginning to fracture. "He had a son. Now, how was I any better that the monster who killed my parents? I didn't mean it, but--- but still. The child looked between his father and me, horrified. I pulled him aside and spoke to the boy. His name was Silver. I told him that in this world being eaten by the Glitch, only the strong would be able to live--- to survive. And that is father wasn't strong enough. It was the worst thing I could say, because it wasn't even true. But it was all I could say. And the child- Silver just looked at me, his face turning harsh before nodding. He claimed: 'I will be the strongest. And I will beat you one day.' before running off out of the gym. I don't think I'll ever see him again."
None of us could even muddle a response, for this was something none of us could have seen coming. He truly was a boy of the Façade. But that could be said for anyone. Maybe Blue was looking for any sort of response, but upon taking nothing he had spun around and began slamming his fist into a ruin's wall. The pyramid starting to tremble on its foundation from the rage Blue used. Maybe he wanted someone to tell him what he did was okay. Maybe he wants forgiveness. Maybe he knows that whatever we say can't change what happened.
Mew still was able to gracefully appear beside him, her head sinking into his bush of ginger hair. "It was an accident."
"And I caused it."
"We make mistakes."
"And they hurt someone."
"We will always hurt someone. But it is our job then to do something about what has passed," her very presence seemed to be able to ease the trainer. "Now, it is time to listen to the others like how they had listened to you."
The two came back to where Red and I waited. The pink creator of pokemon easing close to Red. He, shockingly, began to speak first. "Before I say about my secret," the red-eyed trainer became hasty, "were you the one?"
"You must be specific, my dear."
The quiet trainer ran his fingers though his tossed hair, picking is words with care. "At the labs. When I was a kid. A fox pokemon, Vulpix, took care of Mewtwo, Amber and I. When I saw you on Mt. Silver as a Vulpix, the ambience you had was the same. So was it you who took care of us?"
The pokemon was possessed with a haunted smile for a brisk moment before resuming her seldom air. "What can I say? Humans are just so irresistible. And I am the protector of the weak. Even if it is not in a most orthodox way. I tried my best not to become attached to you all."
"... Thank you." Red lipped, a simmering sadness grazing across his expression before shooting a glance to me. His Adam's apple bobbed nervously as he took a quiet gulp. His chalky skin being scribbled with a blooming rose shade. He held his eyes with me the entire time, "I can't do it anymore, Leaf."
"Do what?"
His breath rose, chest puffing out as he nervously bit his lower lip. "I can't cheer for you anymore. I can't say I support you anymore." He looked over to Mew in a sudden plea.
She though lingered in her spot with knowing orbs piercing Red's. "Go on, please do say it."
Red's chest fell back onto itself, his confident line of sight falling to his shoes. "I wanted to hate you. I wanted to blame you, Leaf, for everything after I found out. Me being on that mountain, the reason my home town is now gone. Hell, I wanted to even blame you for my past. 'If the player didn't exist, then this game wouldn't have been played and I wouldn't have suffered that.'" The pale trainer spat, his hands trembling with open palm. "I knew from the beginning. Deep inside. But, you cried. Back in Lavender Town you, of all things, had cried. I had thought to myself at that person, 'no cruel person would cry and be vulnerable like this.' You had also stayed with me during the coldest days. You became my friend when I felt I had none but my pokemon. You were my best friend, too." He stole a look to Blue, "Sorry," he winced, as if apologizing to the former champion for him not being in the best friend position.
"Hey, you finally acknowledged me."
"This is a surprising secret to reveal of all you hold." Mew interjected, "But are you sure it is the right one? Is it haunting enough?"
My eyebrows furrowed together at Mew, What is she trying to do?
"Yes, this is the right one," He answered almost tiredly before returning focus onto me. "When Blue said you were the player. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to. I thought about everything you said to me, how no matter what, you were able to understand and still stay by my side. Thinking about what happened in our short time, I felt something change. But I didn't know what. Not until we found Amber." Red returned to peering at me. "She knew. I knew. And I felt regret for feeling as I did. I tried to deny those feelings for Amber's sake. I tried to push you away. And then you go and be there for me. Ask if it was something you did. I wanted to say that it was all your fault, why this world was like it is, why I felt that way. But you already knew... It was me, I was wrong. To deny how I felt, because it only hurt more. A-And when you ran out after Eos, when I found you buried under a house as the storm still tore everything apart... It hurt more to imagine not being with you anymore..."
"I don't get it." I tried to feign obliviousness, denying what I thought was going to happen. What did happen.
"Leaf, I love you."
Neither of them made this any easier as Blue began to encroach closer to Red angrily. Mew innocently pushed between them and smiled. Her head signaling to me. "And now you." In her eyes, she was sad. Like she was apologizing to me.
"W-well... I'm going to be short about this." I stuttered with my heart pulsing in my throat. "Unlike the rest I guess, sorry." I was half-grateful for Mew. For getting me out of responding to Red, seeing that my heart is already so confused. But now, I was going to rip off the Band-Aid as fast as I possibly could.
Mew gave a nod for me to proceed, expressing a sorrowful aura.
I sucked in both of my lips, the flush of my cheeks washing away with the drowning feeling of what was to come next, "I... I've fallen for this world, the people here. Some more than others." I glanced over at where Blue and Red stood, who both hung onto my every word. My insides spun together in a mess of emotions as I stared at them. "And, I made a deal with the devil, per se. To keep them safe. He was holding my feelings against me that I held for this world. He said he would burn it faster and torture the ones love the most... If I-I didn't deliver Mew to him."
Everyone is mortified. All but Mew. She knew. She knew.
"Why would you---"
"Who." Red cut his childhood rival off. An angered flame flickering about his air. "Leaf, tell me who."
I began to say, only to be cut off a dethatched laughter of amusement. A laugh like a child would as he plays with ants, blocking their way from their nest or even stabbing them from existence, "That would be me," Mewtwo sneered, lowering himself into the room from the broken roof of the ruins. "Hello, my old friend," the monster spat in distain to Red.
I can't do it. I can't do it. My mind began to repeat, "I don't want to do this." I was positioned in the space between Mewtwo and the others, being torn up on the inside.
The clone turned his head to me sharply, "Don't even think that! Would you rather see them all burn? Would you rather watch as their lives flicker? One single life."
"But she's my friend. She was there the entire time. How can I betray someone like her?" I asked in a muted tone to Mewtwo. "I don't want to."
"Well you don't have the luxury to get what you want. You made a deal,"Mewtwo snarled to me like a feral creature.
Blue heard my words, ensnaring his fingers with mine to yank me over to where he and Red stood firmly, "Leaf. You have me, Red, Mew and your own pokemon. There is no way he can beat us! We can take a stand here and now!"
"Leaf, you count them. One or all."
I helplessly turned my head between Mewtwo and my companions. Red held a gaze of determination. Blue almost matching. Mew's shoulders dropped as she waited for the decision she seemed to know. And Mewtwo's icy glare reading every thought that probably crossed my mind.
I must. My hand clutched on tightly to Blue's, knowing I couldn't even take a risk losing what I have left. We had the numbers, but we were out powered most definitely. "I know what I must do."
"Leaf." The room waited on me, breathing together in a single chorus.
I threw out my pokeball with all my effort moving my body. From the bursting capsule, an aurora of silver beams blinded the room for a brief second before giving off my starter a dramatic entrance.
"Venusaur use Frenzy Plant." I called. The one who has been with me since the beginning, trusted me with everything, took her position. Her feet sinking in like roots to the ground for a battle ready.
Red nodded from behind me with Blue rallying up, "Yeah, we can beat Mewtwo!""
"On Red and Blue." I made no faltered to utter.
My starter turned to me with disbelieving cranberry eyes only to lock with my definite ones. Her face snapped with sadness as she obeyed my words. Her leaves trembled as she released a mighty roar that shook the ruins, pillars of thorn enthralled vines growing into one another sprouted from the ground, rattling the foundations of the building, they spiraled to capture the ones I love.
"What! Gah!" Blue screamed as the attack pushed him further back, cutting though his skin to let ruby blood stain the plants that attacked him. He didn't give up though.
Red's silence killed me. His eyes glinting with a betrayal as he limply let the volley of thistle tossed him back. With the pokeball that once contained who I believed was Vulpix, I summoned Mew back into the prison of a capsule. Her eyes showing that she knew this would happen and what would come next.
But I held up my facade as if I didn't care. My fingers though trembled as I held Mew's pokeball, irregular breaths panting in my ribcage. Still, I carelessly tossed the pokeball to the clone. He dare not move a muscle as the ball was engulfed with a mauve power bringing with only a smirk of his. So it slowed to drift into his hand. Shooting an obsidian glance to me he spoke, "Good girl. Now, come."
Obedient like the bitch I was, I went to Mewtwo's side. "I've kept my bargain. Now you do the same. Don't hurt them, they're all I have left."
The monster continued to smile, his open hand brushing the side of my face, "Oh Leaf," he began, using his powers to move Mew's capsule farther away, "you foolish girl." I had no time to react, only my face could melt before his hands pressed against my temples. All I could see was that sinister smirk as my mind started to crash in on itself.
I screamed at the top of my lungs, ringing across the area. My skull feeling as if it was crushing back down onto my brain, my throat being stretched like a rubber band to the point of near snap. I thought that if I squeezed my eyes shut the pain would go away, but I couldn't even do that action. I just stared at the horrid clone as he pulled his fingers away lithely. I had no control as my body crumpled to the ground like a tossed away rag. I was scarcely able to breathe as Mewtwo towered over.
"You really thought that something so simple would quench my thirst?" he hissed, spitting into my eyes which didn't even attempt to blink away. "I want revenge on your disgusting race. Mew was a sympathizer who needed to be eradicated. She was an insufferable pest.You were the perfect tool. A broken toy trying to repair itself. So I said to myself: Why not use this to my advantage?"
With his psychic powers, my drooping body was lifted, careful to prop me up against a broken wall, "But you, of all these humans, are the worst. You broke into this world, destroying it with each step you took. They, just as foolish to order you to fix it. And when it came down to this end, you still turn your back to this place."
"No..." I croaked, shaking my head with all the effort I had left. My brain thinking of everything and nothing at the same time, "I was trying to protect them."
"No. You were trying to protect your heart," he laughed as the tossed Venusaur easily across the room, breaking the ancient walls apart even further. "Now, this is your true punishment."
I couldn't help but shake my head, too weak to do anything else. "No," my dying voice tried to yell. "Stop."
Blue and Red where quickly subdued by Mewtwo's psychic grasp. The cruel clone put a hand up to each of their heads, his alien like fingers spreading to incase their skulls. "Let your secrets, which never met the light, burn you with the most severe agony." He snarled with amusement laced in.
His voice tilted only towards my throbbing mind, the quickest will kill with the ultimate suffering.
Horror shrouded me as I could merely stare at how their expressions broke into little shards and take in their nightmarish shrieks filled with nothing but a gargled torture. The two boy's trembling while their eyes refused to close. Blood running down from their noses and bubble up from their agape mouths.
Their torture broke all that held me together on the inside. My heart was a house of cards and they were a ravaging storm.
"I said stop," I stumbled over back to the ground, crawling like an injured animal. "Stop!"
Both were cut off at a hair-raising gurgle before their bodies were thoughtlessly dropped back to the floor torn by an old Frenzy Plant.
Neither twitched. Not a sign of breath. Wildly I had dragged my struggling self over to them. Given the option of who to check first I weakly moved. My heart giving the final sway of motion. My heart finally deciding who it belonged to.
My head falling against Red's chest as my hand clutched at his ice cold wrist, searching for the smallest sign of life. "Come on," I choked, my gaze never ungluing themselves from his peacefully gruesome face. "Come on, Red."
"Grn..." My head snapped up with a flake of false hope to see something. Nothing. "Rn..." It was from the other limp body in the room. Blue stirred slightly, and a feeling broke within me that at least someone was alive. Though his body soon fell back to unconsciousness. Venusaur dragged her own battered body over to Blue, seeping out a healing aroma. It was good to see he would be okay soon. But this small feeling was wiped away as I shook at Red.
"Come on, Red. Blue is okay," I snapped inside like a stick, my grip tightening at his non-pulsing wrist. "Red. Red. Red, come on," his body was as cold as the mountain he resided on so long ago.
My mom was right. Falling in love only can bring pain. Love can only be stolen from you right as you realize it. Or maybe right before.
My face buried into his chest as I hissed out erratic breaths, my shoulders sulking violently as I let go of his wrist. "Damn it. Damn it!" My fists beat against his concave chest. "Why. Why! Why couldn't it just have me! Why couldn't have you just killed me?"
"I think I just did," Mewtwo crackled, finding entertainment in how I floundered with nothing left.
I hate it. I hate this feeling. It's worse than any physical infliction. It's worse than being stabbed in the chest, worse than when I glitched, worse than the melting of my brain by Mewtwo. It's indescribable. I weakly pulled myself to where Red stared blankly up to the fragmented ceiling. Emotions no longer running though that would always baffle me. Just the last echo of pain and a final taste of betrayal. Who was the real traitor that gave this ghost in his eyes? I'm not exactly clear, nor would I be. My lips gingerly pressed against his forehead while a single teardrop splattered against his ashy skin. After, I pulled his eyelids shut with a brushing touch.
I'm sorry Red. I'm so sorry for causing this pain that hurt you. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, Blue, my teacher since the beginning. No matter how this ends, it isn't going to be well. If I fail, you die. If I don't--- you still might die. I took every little piece of myself and put it together to stand.
Mewtwo shot me a shocked glance, "I'm surprised you can stand after my attack."
"You killed him. You deceived me. You tore me apart from the inside," I wasn't going to cry about this in hysterical sobs. Not yet. So I smiled like a fool that my enemy claimed I was. "I never had father. My mother distances herself from me. That world wasn't fit for me. This world is on its last leg. I'm on my last leg. And I've got nothing else to lose."
"Good job stating the obvious, genius."
"And nothing is more dangerous than an injured animal with nothing to lose."
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