Chapter 3
I woke up to my alarm going off. I turned off my alarm, and I got out of bed. I took a shower and got ready for school. I put on my Teal and blue colored uniform, some light makeup, and my blue Converse. I grab my book bag on my phone, and I was heading out the door to school.
As I was heading out the door my phone went off telling me that I had gotten a text message from someone. I looked at my phone to see who the text was from. It was from Luke, and the text read " today's the day, hon!"
I just smiled and walked out the door. As soon as I got to the sidewalk Luke came running out of his house. His tire is crooked and his shirt buttons were messed up. His bookbag his slung over one shoulder and his hair is messed up. "Jenny! You didn't answer my text," Luke said running over to me.
"I know, and you didn't bother to get dressed for school," I said slightly giggling.
"What Do you mean? I am in my school uniform," Luke questioned.
"May I?" I asked pointing at his messed up uniform.
"Go ahead," Luke said.
I fix the lopsided buttons on his shirt and tied his tie. I fixed his messy hair, I then grabbed his tie import his face down so he was looking at me in the eye. "Now you're dressed for school," I said pecking his nose.
"Thanks, Jenny!" Luke smirked.
"Now, go inside so I can go to school," I ordered playfully.
"No, I'm walking with you. I already told Casady I was," Luke smirked.
" fine, but aren't people going to think that we are an item?" I asked annoyed.
" Yeah, but who cares what they think? Plus, would that be a bad thing?" Luke asked trying to make me less annoyed.
"I care! What if some hot Casanova likes me, but thanks I'm in a relationship?" I asked sarcastically.
" wow. Wait, you mean it might be another hot Casanova who likes you?" Luke asked.
"No, I mean there might be a Casanova that has a chance with me," I joked.
Look out onto the joke and said, "Wow Jenny, am I not good enough for you?"
He placed his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt by my statement.
As you're walking to school I got tired of walking. "Carry me!" I yelled as I jumped on Luke's back.
" People are going to think we are an item," Luke mocked.
"Shut up and walk you, dork. Why am I your best friend again?" I laughed.
"Because I've been there for you ever since we met two days ago," Luke said in a "duh" tone.
"Yeah, so we are going to the police station after school, right?" I asked.
"Yup! I told my dad I'd be home a little later today, so I'm good to go," Luke smiled.
"Awesome!" I said.
Luke carried me the rest of the way to the school.
When we got to school Gabe came up to me, and he had a jealous look on his face. I got off Luke's back to see the look on his face. Luke had a look of anger on his face.
"Boys, I know I'm hot, but there is no need to fight over me," I stated bluntly.
"Yeah you are hot, hun," Lukes whistled.
"I know," I said.
"I d-don't like y-you l-like th-" I cut Gabe off.
"That is a total lie! You got jealous when you saw me on Luke's back, and it is written all over your face," I said.
"Fine! That's not what I came over here for though. I have some people I want you to meet," Gabe blushed.
" lead the way kind of sir!" I yelled in a funny accent, "First I must hop onto my Noble steed."
I hopped onto Luke's back again, and we followed Gabe to a large group of people. "Luke, Jenny, I would like you to meet my friends Trenton, Alex, Daniel, Katelyn, Abby, Nicole, and Kamron," Gabe said pointing at each person as he said their name. Trenton had white hair and green eyes, Alex had black hair and eyes, Daniel had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, Katelyn had powder blue hair and light blue eyes, Abby had and black hair and Amber eyes, Nicole had gray eyes and red hair, Lucy Had red eyes and orange hair and Cameron had Amber eyes and bright pink hair
"Guys this is Luke and Jenny," Gabe said.
"Hi! Are you guys dating?" Abby and Kamron asked in unison.
"No, we aren't," I said getting off Luke's back.
"Yet," Luke added with a smirk.
Just then David came over to the group. "Oh, guys this is David!" Gabe smiled.
"L-Luke h-help m-me," I stuttered in fear.
"It's okay hun. I'm not going to let him anywhere near you ever again," Luke said holding me close.
"Promise Boo?" I asked.
"Promise," Luke said.
"Jenny! Baby! Come kiss your boyfriend," David said.
"Leave her alone," Luke growled.
"I told you to stay away from her! She is mine! You can't have her! Plus she's not desperate enough to get with you," David hissed.
"Wait, so you're dating David?" Lucy asked.
"No! Never again! I can't believe I stooped so low the first time!" I yelled.
"I'd be an upgrade compared to you!" Luke shouted.
"Please, you don't even have a chance," David mocked.
"No, David, you don't have a chance! You cheated on me! You are a no good, two-faced, lying, cheating snake! I don't need you in my life I found someone who truly cares! Don't ever talk to me again! If you do I will drop you quicker than lightning! I don't care where we are!" I yelled and dragged Luke to class.
After our first 3 classes, it was time for lunch. Luke and I grabbed our lunch and sat at an empty table. "Jenny? What's wrong?" Luke asked concerned.
"I'm just scared. What if my father doesn't go to jail, and what if David starts bothering me again?" I asked.
"For your father, I will kidnap you and you can live with me. As for that Blue haired jerk, we, as in me and you, will cross that bridge when we get there," Luke smiled.
"Thank you, Luke. Why do you care about me so much?" I asked.
"Jenny, I care about you because you're my best friend, and you are super nice. I don't want you to get hurt by anyone ever," Luke said.
I hugged Luke, and he kissed my head. We sat like that for a couple more minutes.
We finished our lunch and then we went to our next class. After our last 3 classes school was over.
I was at my locker and someone came up to my locker and someone came up to my locker. I grabbed my bookbag and shut my locker. I looked to see who had approached my locker. "Oh hi, Gabe! Did you need something?" I asked.
"No," Gabe shrugged.
"Well, I have to be somewhere," I said.
As I tried to move past him he pinned me to the lockers. "G-Gabe what a-are y-you doing?" I asked.
He didn't say anything he just leaned in and kissed me. My eyes grew wide and I try to push him off, but it didn't work. He eventually had to part for air. When he did I pushed him away from me. "What the heck! Gabe, why did you do that!" I screamed.
"I couldn't help it. You're just so perfect," Gabe flirted.
"You ever do that or flirt with me again, and I'll tell Luke. You don't want to know what he can do when he is angry," I threatened.
"Y-Yes Jenny," Gabe said and walked away.
As I turn around, getting ready to go look for Luke, he was standing right there. "How much of that did you see?" I asked.
"I've been here since you started yelling at him." Luke said, "What did he do to you?"
"He pinned me against the locker the lockers and kissed me, but I can deal with him later. We have to get to the police station," I said.
"Yeah let's go," he sighed a grabbed my hand.
We walked hand-in-hand to the way to the police station. It was only a couple of blocks away from the school.
When we got to the police station, we walked in. We walked up to the receptionist's desk, "Hello, how may I help you two today?" She asked with a smile.
"We would like to speak with officer Rebecca please," I answered politely holding onto Luke out of worry.
"Just a moment and I will go get her," She said kindly.
"Thank you," Luke replied hugging me slightly to calm me down.
We stood there for a few moments until the receptionist came back with Officer Rebecca. When she saw me she slightly smiled. "Come on back to my office, and we will chat," Officer Rebecca said.
"Can Luke come with us?" I asked.
"Yeah I don't mind if you are okay with him being with us," she smiled.
"O-Okay let's go!" I said.
Officer Rebecca took us to her office so we could chat. When we got to her office she shut the door, and we all took our seats.
"So straight down to business. Why did you flinch when Officer Andrew said your father's name?" Officer Rebecca asked.
"W-Well you see, m-m-m-my f-f-f- Rodger, h-he," I started crying.
"He hits her, throws her into things, beats the living daylights out of her! For absolutely no reason what-so-ever! He did it right in front of me!" Luke exclaims with anger laced in his voice.
"Is this true Jenny?" Officer Rebecca asked.
"Yes, he also threatened Luke," I cried.
"And do you have proof of both of these things happening?" she asked again.
"Yes," Luke and I said in unison.
Luke pulled out the recording he took and I pulled out the one I took, and we both showed her both recordings. As she watched and listened she gasped in shock and growled in anger. When both recordings were over Officer Rebecca gave me a sympathetic look.
"I'm going to arrest your father. Do you have a place to stay until I can get his money released to you and put in your name?" Officer Rebecca asked.
"Yeah, I'll be staying next door. That is where Luke lives, so I know I will be safe," I smiled.
"Okay, I will let you know when the trial will be," Officer Rebecca said.
"Trial?" Luke questioned.
"Yes, he will have a trial to see if he will be sent to prison or released," Officer Rebecca explained.
"Okay, here is my number. Just call me and let me know the date. I will gladly testify against him. That is as long as Luke can be at the trial with me," I proclaimed.
"That is perfectly fine Hunny. Do you two need a ride home?" Officer Rebecca offered.
"That would be great! Thank you!" Luke and I said in unison.
"Okay, well let's get going," Officer Rebecca said.
"Yeah, my dad goes to get drunk in about 30 minutes," I stated.
"Okay, let's head there." Officer Rebecca said.
We went out to the police car. When we got to the car Officer Rebecca got into the diver seat and Luke go into the back with me. We speed off to my house with the lights on and siren blaring.
Once we arrived at my house we pulled into my driveway. I looked at the time on my phone as Officer Rebecca opened the door allowing me and Luke to exit the vehicle. "He leaves in five minutes," I said.
"Okay, let's go cuff him, and take him to the slammer," Luke said.
"How long have you wanted to say that?" I asked.
"A long time," he laughed.
"Okay then," Officer Rebecca laughed.
We went up to the door and knocked on it. After about a minute my father opened the door. "Ugh, what did that brat do?" My father scoffed.
"Actually, Mr.Goodwin, I am here for you," Officer Rebecca said.
"What?! Why the heck are you here for me?! Last I checked I have done nothing illegal!" My father yelled.
"Child endangerment or abusing your daughter is illegal sir," Office Rebecca stated.
"How the heck did you get the idea that I abuse my daughter?"My dad said extremely irritated.
After my so-called father said that I stepped but from behind Rebecca with Luke's hand in mine. "It's not an idea we have proof. I was the one who turned you in with the help of Luke that is," I said completely emotionless which slightly startled Luke.
"Why you little-," Robert started.
"Ah ah ah, that's a bad word and I'm just a little girl. I shouldn't be around that kind of language," I said with a little girl's voice.
"That voice is adorable you should talk like more often," Luke cooed.
"No, not happening," I said.
"Okay, well Officer Rebecca you can take him away now," Luke said in a deep voice trying to sound like an adult.
"Okay, Mr.Zegron, will do," Officer Rebecca laughed.
Officer Rebecca went up to my father and handcuffed him. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney you will be provided with one," I said before Officer Rebecca could.
"How Long have you wanted to say that?" Luke said mocking me.
"I've only ever wanted to say it too him. I have wanted to say it since he started abusing me, so about 12 years now," I said.
"Awe, Jenny, I'm so sorry you had to go through this for so long," Officer Rebecca sympathized.
"I wish I could have been there for you Jenny," Luke sighed.
"I didn't know you existed up until a few days ago Luke. Don't worry about my past and help me make my future the best that it can be," I smiled kindly.
"Well, I'm going to take Mr. Goodwin away. Jenny, I will call you concerning his trial," Officer Rebecca said.
"Okay, Luke and I will head over to his house. Than you so much for your help in this matter," I smiled.
"No problem sweety," Officer Rebecca said.
She took my father to the cop car. After she put my father in the back she got in the front seat and started heading back to the station.
"Well, now that your father is taken care of let's go hang out or do something to celebrate your new-found freedom," Luke suggested.
"Like what? Plus shouldn't we tell your dad what's going on first? He might start to get worried about you," I reasoned.
"Fine, but then can we do something fun?" Luke asked.
"Sure," I answered.
With that, we went over to Luke's house to explain everything that was going on and to let him know that I will be staying starting tonight. We asked if we could go out for a bit and he was fine with it. Luke and I left the house and went to the park.
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