"Hey, Lan WangJi~" a certain someone called with a playful tone.
The person being called looked over, taking his eyes off his book and onto his lover who was sitting on the sofa. They had been married for around five months now, living together in a house peacefully, just the two of them.
Despite the playful tone and cheerful smile that was plastered on his face, Lan WangJi knew that his husband was nervous about something again. It was true that Wei WuXian could be a crybaby, but only about trivial matters. Lán WangJi also knew that at peaceful times like this, Wei WuXian's mind was always worried that something bad would happen and he would never tell anyone about his worries, burying it into the pit of his mind.
Sometimes he was too insecure for his own good.
Seeing as the man was still worrying for his reply, Lan WangJi closed his book and said, "En."
The other's smile got wider if that was even possible. "You know, families have children and all that but I don't think I'm ready for kids yet. Maybe in like, a year or so. I don't think I'll be a good parent, anyways. I hope that's okay with you?" Wei WuXian tried to explain, rambling a bit. It was a hint that he was nervous, but Lan WangJi couldn't quite pinpoint what was troubling him yet.
"En." He nodded instead.
"But you know, Lan Zhan, I do want a pet," he continued.
At this, Lan WangJi stared even more intensely at the man sitting next to him, trying to find out if he was serious. Wei WuXian continued smiling, although a bit awkwardly from how hard his lover was inspecting his face. Finally, he responded, "Dogs?"
"No! No way!" Wei WuXian gasped, showing a purely mortified expression, imagining how they would even live with those monsters. He wouldn't feel secure at his own home. "Are you teasing me? That isn't funny, Lan Zhan! I swear if you buy me one of those things, I'll kill you!"
He added after a moment, "Then, I'll kill myself cause I can't live without you."
It got the reaction he wanted, with Lan WangJi's ears reddening. Wei WuXian laughed in glee and hugged his lover, internally screaming about his cuteness. No matter how many times he saw it, Lan WangJi's unique blush was something that made his insides go wild.
"Lán Zhàn! Lán Zhàn, come over here!" the certain someone called again, this time while waving his hands like an excited child. The people who worked in the pet shop only shook their heads and smiled, thinking about how cute this couple was.
When the person being called finally walked over with that elegance he always seemed to glow from him, Wei WuXian finally announced while pointing at a pair of rabbits, "Look, these two kind of resembled us, right? They seem to be very close friends! And they're both males!"
Indeed, the two rabbits, black and white, seemed to be very close friends. In fact, they were so close that they started getting into a mating position and doing that in front of the customers.
The humans looked at them in masked surprise, or at least that was what Lan WangJi was doing, because Wei WuXian was very obviously holding back a laughter and probably itched to take out his phone to record this very crucial moment.
After a few seconds of quiet, simply watching the rabbits, Lan WangJi broke the silence. "You're the black one. Because you bottom," he pointed out in a deadpan manner as he always did.
This time it was Wei WuXian's turn to blush, especially seeing as the workers were also paying attention to their conversation due to them being the only customers in this pet shop. He didn't deny the statement, instead trying to change the subject and save the least bit of his dignity. There was nothing wrong with bottoming, but he didn't have to say that out loud, did he?
"Of course, of course." Wei WuXian laughed, trying to cool down the warming up of his cheeks. "Anyway, can we get them, though? Please?" he asked.
Wei WuXian cheered.
Lán WangJi had gone back to reading his book while accompanying his partner who was playing with the rabbits on their backyard. Every few seconds, he would look up from his book and see what exactly Wei WuXian was doing. Sometimes, they would make eye contact and Wei WuXian would smile brightly while Lan WangJi's ears' tips would redden in an innocent blush.
But he was thinking.
It seemed that, despite all that, his partner was still uneasy about something and of course he couldn't just force it out of him. Lan WangJi was trying to read his expression, wondering what was wrong.
"Wei Ying." It was his turn to call the other.
"Yes, Lan Er-Ge?" he responded.
"I want to talk."
There were times before that the pair would misunderstand something, mainly because lack of communication, which was caused by their own awkwardness and stupidity. Neither of them wanted to go through that again and had promised that if something was wrong of even felt wrong in the smallest bit, they would talk it out like adults--which they probably weren't.
It was difficult for the two of them, with Wei Ying's nature to worry on his own and Lan Zhan who was already so used to hiding his emotions. People would say that they wouldn't work as lovers due to those facta, but both of them had promised they were willing to go past all that to stay peaceful.
"Something's wrong," Lan Zhan stated, still with his usual expression.
The worry on Wei Ying's face became more and more prominent. He let go of the white rabbit that he was petting and stood up to walk over to his partner. He sat down next to him on the swing of their backyard. "What is?" he finally asked, nervous evident in his voice.
"I don't know," Lan Zhan replied honestly. "You're hiding something from me."
He made sure his tone wasn't one that sounded like he accused Wei Ying of something really bad like cheating. Instead, he enveloped his hands with his own and sent him the most reassuring look he could give, which probably wasn't much.
Wei Ying looked surprised before he sighed with a smile that showed resignation. "I can't get anything past you, can I? You really know me best, Lan Zhan," he stated, taking his hands away from the pair that was holding his. Lan Zhan furrowed his brows in confusion before he was hugged by his husband who hid buried face on his chest.
"What's wrong?" he asked after a moment of silence, urging Wei Ying to start explaining. Sometimes, if not urged like this, the man would start crying on his own and kept apologizing.
Wei Ying sniffed. "I don't think I want a child, Lan Zhan. I'm not saying I'm not ready, I just... don't want one."
A moment of silence, with both of them waiting at what each other was going to say.
Seeing that Wei Ying wasn't about to continue anytime soon, Lan Zhan gave his one-word input about what he thought of that statement:
"Huh?" Wei Ying asked, looking up at the other person with confusion plastered on his face. "You... Don't you want a child?"
"I've always known you don't want one," he pointed out in response, making his partner's eyes widen. "Just because other families have a child doesn't mean we need to have one. If we force ourselves, we just might not give them the love they need. And you don't have to force yourself, Wei Ying."
But it was one of those times Lan Zhan felt worthy enough to give a speech, so he cut him off. "For me, all that matters is you. I never even really thought of getting children, so I'm not disappointed or whatever it Is you assume I am."
Wei Ying looked at him, stared at him, inspecting his eyes to make sure he was completely serious and wasn't lying. Then, he let out a little smile before hiding his face on his partner's chest again, as if trying to hide the smile that was blooming just now.
His voice was muffled, but it was still clear what he said. "So, even if it's just the two of us you won't feel... bored?"
Lán Zhàn smiled a little at that statement. His response was clear:
"Thirteen years I waited for you. If I could be bored, I would've been bored a long time ago."
He paused.
"I love you, Wei WuXian."
Wei Ying slowly looked up from his hiding place, greeted by the vision of one of his husband's smiles. He gave him a smile of his own and said:
"I still want to keep the rabbits, though. They can be our children and we can beat up anyone who says otherwise."
"I love you too, Lan WangJi."
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