9 | Hopeless Romantic
Ales was being the perfect gentleman. Our hands were intertwined while he drove, resting near his thigh. His thumb drawing tiny circles on the back of my hand, sending shivers up my spine. I struggled to keep myself in check, my nerves taking over my body. He made me nervous. Not because I was scared of him, but I was scared of myself around him.
"Is something wrong?" he asked when we stopped at a red light, turning his head to look at me.
"Why would anything be wrong?" I asked, swallowing hard.
"You're shaking, love. And your breathing is uneven," he pointed out. My mouth dropped. "I'm an observant person."
"I'm just a little nervous," I admitted, forcing a laugh. He frowned, the car rolling forward as the light changed colour.
"Do I make you nervous?"
"No! I-I'm just not very good at dating," I stammered, blushing furiously. Ales had to be the only man who made me look a tomato all the time. "It never really worked in my favour before."
"That's ridiculous," he chuckled. When he glanced over at my serious face, his smile dropped. "You're serious?"
"A hundred percent. I've never been in a serious relationship with someone before. They usually just wanted to-" I dropped my head in shame, "sleep with me. Then they'd be gone the next day." It was true. After the third man I dated pulled the same move on me, I had stopped pursuing a relationship. It had become a poison that I no longer wanted to be affected by.
"Fucking idiots, they are."
"Well don't curse them yet. You've only been on one date with me," I joked. "You never know, I might be a crazy bitch."
"I'd never be with you if I just wanted sex, Rosa. You deserve better," he said quietly. My eyes widened as I turned to watch him, holding back a wave of tears. "Plus, if we were to be in an actual relationship, sex doesn't have to be a one-time thing." I giggled through blurry vision.
"Truer words have never been spoken." As I spoke, we pulled into a parking lot. We stopped in front of a restaurant I did not recognize, but looked extremely luxurious. Ales quickly exited the car and opened my door, offering me his hand. After I got out, a man quickly approached us.
"Sir?" he spoke to Ales. My date chucked his keys to him, holding my hand in his.
"We're eating here?" I asked, still shocked at the fact.
"You don't like it?"
"This has to be super expensive. I can't afford this," I reasoned, shaking my head. Ales squeezed my hand, laughing.
"That's what I'm here for." He gently tugged me along with him to the front door. Upon entry, the hostess smiled, picking up two menus.
"Good evening, sir. The regular table, I assume?" Ales nodded. My head whipped back and forth at the robotic interaction but followed Ales silently. We were lead through the crowded restaurant to a dimly lit back booth, secluded from the rest of the customers. We sat on the same side of the booth, our thighs pressed tightly together even though there was plenty of space to sit. The hostess set our menus down.
" Would you like anything to drink?" she asked.
"Do you want anything?" Ales turned his attention to me.
"Um- can I have a minute to decide?"
"No problem, ma'am." The hostess left and I scowled at Ales.
"You didn't tell me we were going somewhere so fancy!" I accused, my eyes wide. "How did you even get a reservation at this place? It looks like it's a long waitlist." I glanced around the bustling restaurant before my eyes settled on the man in front of me.
"Darling, I didn't need a reservation. I own it."
I opened my mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again. "You what?"
"I own it." I couldn't believe it. I hadn't realized how wealthy this man was, clearly much higher than my pay grade.
"Wow...okay." I picked up the menu, but then Ales placed his hand over mine. I looked up, meeting his gorgeous eyes. His gaze seemed to melt into me, burning through my skin and grabbing my heart.
"If you don't want to eat here, we can go somewhere else," he whispered gently, turning his face so he was inches away from me. I suppressed the urge to touch my lips to his and instead shook my head hard.
"I'm fine here. What do you recommend?" I asked, changing the subject. His eyes stayed on mine a moment longer before he spoke.
"Everything on the menu is approved by me, so you can order anything you want," he explained. His thigh shifted slightly, rubbing against mine. I bit my lip and closed the menu, setting it down. What did people do on dates? Talk about themselves and their lives, right?
"I'll just get whatever you do." Ales handsome face smiled. God, he looked so good tonight. Good enough to eat.
"So, tell me about Blake. She seems really excited about her fiance," Ales started. I was sure he could see how nervous I was and started a conversation.
"It's pretty much all she talks about. I think they're planning to have the wedding late next year," I said, nodding. "It's like a fairytale."
"How so?"
"Well, I became friends with Blake in college. She and Ryan hated each other. Ryan hooked up with her roommate freshman year and passed out on Blake's bed, while she was still sleeping. She woke up to find him lying on top of her and from there she hated him," I told Ales, my smile fading a little. "Long story short, they started dating junior year and have been ever since."
"That does sound like a story."
"They love each other so much, it's crazy to see."
The waiter returned with a bottle of wine in his hands. "Would you like some wine?" Ales asked me. I nodded my head and the waiter poured it, swishing the bottle at the end so none spilled. The red liquid sloshed into the glass cup.
"Are you ready to order, sir?"
"Yes, we'll both have the cider-brined pork chops with the maple bacon chutney." That sounded mouth-wateringly delicious. As soon as the waiter left, I took a small sip of wine, immediately sensing it was expensive. I definitely wasn't a wine enthusiast, but growing up my parents always had wine stock at home. I would play a game where I'd sneak tiny sips and guess the price.
"Do you not like wine?" I asked, taking another sip. Ales' eyes darkened instantly and he looked away.
"I don't drink," was all he said.
"Oh." I didn't ask him why or what happened. I could tell it was a sensitive topic. I dropped my hand to the table, away from the cup of wine. There was a silence that fell over us. Then Ales placed his hand over mine, squeezing it gently.
"I'm a recovering alcoholic. I've been sober for four years," he admitted. My eyes widened a fraction but I swallowed down a reaction and nodded. I reached my hand around to the crook of his jaw, guiding his face down to mine. I kissed him gently, working on his soft lips. He added a sprinkle of passion, his hand dropping down to my waist. Almost hesitantly, his tongue slid into my mouth, the grip on my waist tightening. I tangled my hand in his silky locks of hair, moaning softly.
I didn't hold back as I knew we were hidden out of view, but knew I had to stop now before things escalated too quickly. I pulled back, incredibly breathless. I opened my eyes and giggled, softly then louder. "What's so funny?" Ales asked, raising a brow.
"I-I- you have lipstick all over you," I managed through hiccups. Ales rubbed a finger across his swollen lips and they came back covered in red. "I'm sorry."
"For some reason, I can't find it in me to care," he shrugged, cupping my face. I pressed my lips against his and kissed him again. Then he pulled back again, breathing heavy. "I'm sorry for being so physical. I don't usually do that on the first date." I picked up my napkin, wiping the red smudges across his lips.
I smiled. "Then consider this our third date." As the words left my mouth, two plates of food made our way to the table. I smiled briefly at the waiter, whose eyes told me he knew exactly what was going on. Ales cut a piece of pork off the bone and held the meat slathered in chutney to my mouth. I opened it, taking the savoury food in my mouth, a swish of sweet and sour chutney chasing it. "That is so good."
"I know," he replied before taking some for himself. I watched him take a bite and swallow it, his adam's apple moving with the action. And it continued. He wouldn't let me feed myself and insisted on giving me each bite. At first, I was reluctant but realized Ales had nothing but good intentions. He was hopelessly romantic. And I savoured each bite.
Once the plates were empty, I held Ales' hand, my head on his shoulder. "I hate sounding so persistent, but do you want to go back to my place?" I lifted my head off my shoulder and his eyes widened in alarm. "We don't have to do anything, we can just chill."
I laughed quietly. "I wasn't going to decline, Ales. Let's do it." I didn't understand why I had this intense desire to hold onto him and never let go. His brows raised up and he took a second then nodded. "Why do you look so surprised?"
"I just didn't think most girls would agree to it," he explained, standing. "I got the bill, it's my place." He slipped a fifty dollar bill under the plate as a tip and we shuffled out of the table. We walked out of the restaurant and to the parking lot. As he opened my door for me, I grasped the lapels of his coat, touching my lips to his cheek.
"I guess I'm not like most girls."
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