29 | Terror
Ales' POV
I tied the last balloon to the back of a chair then took a step back, surveying my work. Gold balloons and streamers were hung all over the banquet hall room, splashing over the deep blue decorations. Blake and Ryan spoke quietly in the corner near the front stage, unable to keep their hands off each other. On the other side of the room was Rose, placing a floral arrangement in the center of a table. She looked mouthwateringly beautiful in a form-fitting pink-nude dress that accentuated her curvy figure.
Just hours ago, I held that figure in my hands, tracing my hands over her naked skin-
"How's it going?" Rose asked, snaking her arms around me.
I smiled softly, looking down at her. "I think it looks pretty good."
Rose glanced over at Blake and Ryan. "They look so happy." I agreed with her. Though I had only seen them both a handful of times, there was a different air surrounding them.
"How are you doing?" I asked, kissing her softly.
Rose hummed, her cheeks tinted pink. "A little sore, but I'm not complaining."
I swallowed down the lust that crawled up my body and brought my lips to her ear, brushing by them. "Just wait until next time." I pulled back to see Rose biting down on her lip, hands gripping my forearms.
"You two are the best for helping out," Blake called out, a knowing smile on her face.
Rose cleared her throat, averting her gaze from me. "When is everyone coming?"
Ryan checked his watch. "Anytime now."
And sure enough, people began crowding inside after an hour, milling about the venue, taking their seats slowly. My phone rang and I told Rose to sit down while I took the call.
"What is it, Marco?" I asked, walking off to a quieter area.
"After all the recent activity with the Russians, me and Roberto have been looking more closely into their communications and trying to gauge what their plan is. We thought maybe they just wanted more territory-"
"Get to the point, Marco. What's happening?"
"They know about Rose!" he blurted out. "They know what she means to you at least."
I swore, glancing back at where my girl was talking to Blake. My voice tightened, realization crashing down on me. I knew they wanted her as a way to get to me. "How far are they?" As he spoke, I hurried over to Rose, placing a hand on her back.
"A couple blocks away, maybe less. Listen, you don't have much time, you have to evacuate the building!"
A loud bang echoed through the hall and the doors shook. "They're here," I murmured.
Everyone looked around, confused, until a man ripped the doors open, screaming, "Get down!" Another loud bang and the man fell to the floor, a bullet whizzing right through him.
Screams and shouts rang through my ears as I grabbed Rose and shoved her to the floor, hiding under the table. Her eyes were wide with fear and I slapped my hand over her mouth, hugging my body with hers. She buried her head in my chest, flinching every time a gunshot. All I could see were shoes walking around and bodies littering the floor. Bodies I hoped were still alive.
The men spoke to each other in Russian, the rough dialect scratching my ears. I heard them run out of the building then absolute silence.
I let go of Rose who was silently sobbing. "Stay here," I whispered to her. She grabbed at my arm, but I pulled away and peeked outside. There was no one there. I looked back at Rose and handed her my phone. She took it with shaky hands. "Call 911."
I came out from under the table and stood, my eyes scanning over people who were coming out of their hiding spots. In the distance, sirens wailed, but that was interrupted by the sharp cry tearing out of a man's mouth. I turned, seeing Ryan crawling to Blake who laid on the floor, blood seeping out of her.
"Blake! Are you okay?" When she opened her mouth to respond, blood bubbled at her lips.
Rose ripped the tablecloth off the table, sending glass flying before falling to her knees beside her best friend. "We have to put pressure on the wound," she cried, placing the cloth over the bullet hole in Blake's stomach. "Ryan!"
Ryan was frozen in his spot, arms glued to his side.
I joined Rose, placing my hands over hers, putting more weight down. "See if she's injured anywhere else, I'll stay here."
Panic was written all over her face, she moved her hands from under mine and scanned her friend's battered body. "Blake, stay awake, okay?"
Blake's eyes were barely open.
"The ambulance is almost here, you'll be okay!" Rose said, nodding. "Then you and Ryan can get back and have your wedding!"
Ryan snapped out of his state and reached out, wiping a tear that escaped from his fiance's eyes. "You'll be okay. I love you, Blake." He was crying like he knew what was going to happen. "I love you so much, Blake, don't you ever forget that."
Paramedics streamed into the room, spreading out and helping the most injured. They helped a motionless Blake onto a gurney, yelling commands and words at each other. In under a minute, she was rushed into the back of an ambulance, Ryan climbing in behind her.
Numbly, I watched the injured leave, families embracing each other. Police taped off the area and taking photos of the wreckage. I looked towards Rose who seemed to be barely keeping it together, shaking with terror. "Rosa?"
Her eyes snapped to mine, filled to the brim with tears. "What just happened here?" she asked, her voice scratchy. She stared down at her bloodied hands, terror written over her face.
I pulled her into my arms, holding her tight. I kissed the top of her head, guilty relief flooding through me. Relief that they weren't able to get to my Rosa and that she was safe. But guilty at the lives that I had ruined just so she would be safe. "I don't know," I lied, burying my head in her hair.
She sobbed into my arms, body heaving with every cry.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, quiet enough that she didn't hear. "I'm so sorry."
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