18 | The Good and the Bad
Ales' POV
Please take care of her. She's been hurt too much before by herself and the people around her.
That was what Rose's mother had whispered to me before we left. I didn't think about what she meant until I had dropped Rose at her apartment. I offered to stay or for her to go home with me, but she had softly declined, wanting to be alone. On the drive home, the words tumbled around my mind. Hurt by herself? What did that even mean?
The more I thought about it, the darker my thoughts got. I knew all about her depression and therapy. I had the files her therapist kept on her but had not bothered to look through them. But I knew the first thing I would do when I got home.
I sat at my office chair, a thick file folder sitting in front of me. I opened the front, a photo of Rose as a teenager clipped to a paper, and her information under. I flipped through the papers until I landed on the notes her therapist had taken during their sessions. They were messy and written in an illegible scrawl. I scanned the pages, finally finding what I was looking for.
The kids at school tease her and whisper when she walks by. Told me it makes her hate herself and reluctantly told me she cuts. Also begged me to keep it a secret because her parents would "kill her".
I flipped the page to an entry dated a few days later.
She was admitted to the hospital as she was hurting herself. Her parents were horrified but supportive. I suspect she has attempted suicide before but she refuses to talk to me anymore. I also believe she will no longer come to therapy anymore.
I set the files down, cussing. She wasn't just "in and out of therapy" as Marco had casually told me. The thought made me angry, surprisingly so. I was angry at her classmates for bullying her for who she was. The situation reminded me of Marco but where I was Marco's support system, Rose didn't have anyone to depend on. A soft knock broke me out of my mind.
"Why are you still here?" I asked Marco who leaned against the door frame. I hadn't talked to since our fight a week before. He dug his hands deep into his pocket, shrugging.
"Was about to head home but saw your light on. What's up?"
I lifted up Rose's file. "She had a lot of problems growing up. Did you know she was suicidal?"
Marco frowned. "No. I just thought she had depression."
"She tried to kill herself when she was 17." I handed Marco the notes and he read them then shrugged.
"Why do you care?"
"What do you mean?" I frowned.
"This was supposed to just be for fun right? You meddling in her life and fucking with her? So why do you care about her mental problems?" I opened my mouth then closed it. "You like her, don't you?"
"You like her a lot and you feel like a horrible person doing this," Marco continued.
"I don't like her."
"Sì, va bene, ma la ami?" (Translation: Yes, but do you love her?)
"No!" I shouted, abruptly standing. "I haven't gotten attached to her. Lei non significa niente, per me." As if she knew I was talking about her, my phone lit up with a text notification. Before I could read it, Marco snatched it. (Translation: She means nothing to me.)
"Thank you for tonight, Ales. I don't know how I would've been able to tell my parents about the baby without you,'" Marco read, his voice and taunting. He tossed the phone to me. "So what you got her pregnant?"
"No, it's not my baby."
"I told you not to get involved in her life. I fucking told you, Ales! What are you planning on doing? Dating her? Marrying her? Raising her baby as your own?" Marco slammed his fist down onto the table.
"Or do you plan on leaving her when she's eight months pregnant? Or maybe you'll even stick around for her to have the goddamn baby then you'll leave-"
"Enough!" I screamed. Marco stood in front of me, breathing heavy. "I don't know what to do, Marco. Is that why you want me to admit? That you were right?" My best friend took a seat in front of me, sagging into the chair.
"No," he said quietly. "I don't want to be right, Ales. I was just trying to look out for you from the start."
"Lo so che ho fatto una cazzata," I rubbed my hands over my face. (Translation: I know I fucked up.)
"You're falling in love with her, Ales." I looked away from Marco, unable to reply.
Rose's POV
Ales had invited me to go Christmas shopping with him that morning. I had been planning to do so I took his offer and we went to the mall together. After wrapping both our hands around a hot cup of cocoa, we walked around the mall. Ales stayed uncharacteristically quiet, sipping on his drink and keeping a foot distance away from me as I entered a bookstore. I scanned the shelves mindlessly, not paying attention to the words floating across my vision. I was exhausted, from the fighting with my parents the night before to nausea tearing me out of a good night's sleep.
"Have you read this before?" I picked up a book by Blake's favourite author, showing it to Ales. He was typing on his phone, not paying attention. "Ales?" He grunted but didn't look up. I let out a soft breath and put the book away, continuing down the aisle. Ales was never this distant. "Is something wrong?" He didn't respond. I threw my cocoa in the trash, wrapping my arms around myself.
"If you wanted to ignore me, why did you bring me here with you?" I finally asked, my lips downturning. "Is about last night? Did I do something wrong, Ales?" He lifted his eyes to mine. "You said talking is how relationships work."
"I'm sorry," he sighed, setting his cup down, rubbing his eyes. "I don't know how to do this." I swallowed hard.
"Do what?"
He muttered to himself. "A relationship with you. I don't know how to do this anymore," he said. My blood ran cold and I stood a little straighter.
"You want to break up?"
He rubbed his hands over his face. "No, I want to be with you. But you deserve someone good, someone better than me." I laughed softly, placing my hand over his.
"Ales you're a good person, okay? You're perfect for me," I kissed his hand. "What made you think this?" He shrugged.
"I'm not a good person, Rose," was all he said.
I turned to the book aisles, picking up the novel I was holding. "I'm going to buy this for Blake and a recipe book for Ryan." I picked a pastry cookbook and headed to the register where I paid for both. Ales stood behind me, his hands in his pockets. Words could not even begin to explain how I felt. Confused? Hurt?
Despite his reassurance, my insecurities crept up on me. I pocketed my change, offering my hand to Ales. He stared at it for a second before intertwining his fingers between mine. Things were good between us and Ales had usually been the stable and confident one between us.
"Do you wanna head back to my place?" Ales offered suddenly.
"Yeah, why not?" I nodded. "But you have to give me a kiss first." Ales smiled, shining his classic charm.
"You're an amazing girl, you know," Ales said. I rolled my eyes. I swung my arms around his neck and he touched my hips, pecking me then kissing deeper. All I could think about was how good of a kisser he was. I placed a hand on his chest, stopping us before we got too far in public. "Let's go." He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked to the car and headed to his apartment.
Like always, I took a deep breath before entering his home, taking a moment to realize that a man as obviously wealthy wanted me. We headed up the elevator and up another set of stairs. Another man sat at his kitchen table.
"You must be, Rose!" he exclaimed, standing to greet me. He was not much taller than me and had shaggy blond hair and electric blue eyes. Ales groaned behind me.
"Why are you here, Marco?" my boyfriend asked the blond man. Marco shrugged.
"I wanted to meet your girlfriend that you talk about all the time," he said. I raised my brows.
"And what does he say about me? All good things I hope," I said. Ales walked around me, opening the doors to his fridge.
"More than you could ever imagine. He's basically in love with you," Marco said, smiling. The doors of the refrigerator slammed closed. "I'm kidding," he added.
"It's okay," I said, lowering my voice. "Is there something I can eat?"
"Yes, I'm making lunch," Ales answered, pulling ingredients out of the cupboard. "How do you feel about some pasta?"
"That sounds great," I said, my stomach grumbling. I placed a hand over my belly that swelled ever so slightly.
"So Rose, how is your pregnancy going?" My eyes widened.
"I hope it's okay that I told him," Ales said. I nodded, shrugging.
"It's fine. The morning sickness is honestly the worst part, right now. My OB-GYN told me that's normal so I'm not too worried," I told him.
"Is it true that pregnant women are always horny?" Marco asked, dropping his voice. I laughed, glancing at Ales who stirred something into a pot.
"I think that's more in the second and third trimester. My sex drive is at an all time low if I'm being honest. "
We both looked up at Ales who didn't hear us, then promptly burst into laughter. "I have a feeling we're going to be great friends," Marco said. I looked around the kitchen, appreciating the luxurious design of it. All the cupboards were an offwhite shade, matching the pearly marble overtop the counters. Minutes ticked by as me and Marco talked before Ales placed a huge pot before us. We sat up excitedly as he lifted the lid, revealing a steamy pot filled with carbonara. My mouth watered.
I stood and took three bowls from Ales, serving everyone. Marco moved seats so Ales could sit beside and we all dug in. I couldn't help but moan as the buttery noodles touched my tongue. "This tastes amazing," I commented, twirling some more onto my fork.
"Anything I cook impresses you," he said.
"You're trying to fatten me up, I swear," I joked, patting my belly before caressing it. "It's weird, you know."
"What is?" Marco asked.
"Knowing that there's something growing inside of me. I feel like a vessel," I admitted. Ales placed his hand over mine, lifting it to his lips. I smiled and continued eating until I was full. I sat back.
"Upstairs?" Ales asked. I nodded, standing.
"Be safe! Use protection!" Marco shouted from behind. Ales flipped him off and we headed into his bedroom. I laid back on his bed, propping myself with my elbows.
"So..." I trailed off. Ales smirked, standing before me.
"I'm sorry about before. Doubting you and our relationship," he said. I held my hands out and he put his own in mine before I pulled him beside me. He fell onto the bed, our faces inches apart. "You are absolutely perfect for me."
"And you are too smooth with words for your own good," I whispered, grasping the front of his shirt. I pulled him to me, kissing him softly on the lips. Ales rested his hands on either side of me, pressing me down to the bed. He gently bit down on my lower lip, meeting my eyes. "I really like you, Ales."
"I like you too, Rosa," he murmured. I was falling. Falling too fast. Much faster than Ales definitely was and that worried me. "You look like you're a million miles away." He pressed a flirty kiss against my jaw, sending shivers down my body.
"I'm just thinking," I said, looking dreamily at my boyfriend.
"About what?"
"About what you said today." With that Ales rolled off me, choking out a chuckle. "How are you a bad guy?"
"I've done some messed up shit before," he said. I sat up, putting a hand on his arm.
"Look at me, Ales," I said. I cupped his cheek, pulling his face to me. "Did you cheat on your ex?"
I twisted my lips. "Did you rob someone?"
"Did you kill someone?" I joked.
A beat. "No." I rolled my eyes, swinging my legs around him so I was straddling him. He sighed loudly. "I'm sorry, Rose."
"Ales, stop apologizing to me-"
"This is new to me, Rose. I've never been in a serious relationship before," he admitted, lowering his gaze. My heart melted. "It's my first time liking someone so much and if I'm being honest, I'm scared you're going to leave when you get to know the real me." I ran my fingers through his thick strands of hair.
"I won't leave you, Ales. I'm staying for it all, the good and the bad, even if you don't believe me," I promised, locking my eyes with his warm gaze. He swallowed, nodding a little. "Okay?"
"Okay, baby."
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