TG - Twenty Two
Enough. Enough of this back and forth .
''Let me in, don't be stupid!'' Baekhyun yelled around, trying to slide through the security guards.
''You have no permition to get in here.''
''Do I look like I care? I know them, they know me, I Need to talk to Chanyeol!''
''That's what we hear every single day, there is no evidence of you having any Kind of relationship towards the Parks.''
Baekhyun still didn't stop moving, he was Standing here for the past 15 minutes, trying to convince them to let him in. He was Walking from left to right inn a straight line until he saw Mrs Park.
''Mrs Park!'' He shouted.
''What is happening?'' she looked around, fingers intertwined, stepping slowly Forward.
''Can you please, tell them to let me in?''
''Baekhyun?'' She raised her eyebrows. ''Is there something you need?''
''Yes, I need to talk to Chanyeol, please. He is angry at me, I am angry at him, I want to clarify things.'' He placed his palms against each other, gesturing a please sign.
MRs Park stopped Walking and instead turned around. ''I don't know him.'' She said and headed back to the mansion.
Baekhyun's eyes widened. ''What?'' The security guards grapped his arms. ''She fucking called my name, she does know me!'' They were ignoring him, dragging him out like a potato bag. ''Please just let me talk to him for 5 minutes!''
Winter has come, fifteen days have passed, the thermometer liquid shows -3°, but that still didn't stop Baekhyun from sitting infront of the mansion for the past few days. His finger tips started to change ist colours, the feeling in his toes started to fade with each day.
Mrs Park obviously didn't care too much about what was going out outside of her house. No one cared, until Kyungsoo walked pass Baekhyun, noticing him for the first time in weeks.
''What are you doing here?'' He asked.
''Kyungsoo!'' His adrenaline rised. ''You need to let me talk to Chanyeol.'' Baekhyun stood up from the ground, grabbing Kyungsoo by his collar. ''He isn't answering my calls, Mrs Park is being the biggest bitch and I don't know what to do. He was so angry, he shouted at me for thinking that I only used him. Well, to be honest, at te beginning I obviously did all of this for my blog but-''
''Baekhyun.'' Kyungsoo said and stopped him from blabbering.
''Chanyeol isn't here. He left his phone at home, but he is travelling around for the past three weeks.''
''What?'' Baekhyun's grab lightened. ''Why did no one tell me?''
''Well, probably because Mrs Park got what she wanted.''
''I don't undestand. .''
''I think no one does. Follow me.'' Kyungsoo said and walked back together with Baekhyun into the mansion. The parks have left, no one was in the building, only Kyungsoo who took care of the birds.
Both walked towards the kitchen where Kyungsoo made some warm tea for Baekhyun who was currently trying to warm himself up a Little after sitting outside for the past two hours.
''So,'' Kyungso began talking, placing the mug infront of Baekhyun. ''You want to talk to Chanyeol?''
Baekhyun nodded, placing his fingers around the warm glass. ''What did you mean before? You were saying that Mrs Park has what she wanted.''
''She wanted Chanyeol to be a Business man, the same Thing in every single successful Family, we don't need to Chat about the Details, it's all cliche.'' Kyungsoo took a sip from his coffee. ''After the second heartbreak chanyeol went through, he decided to listen to his mother. He hasn't become the cold hearted Boss or whatever, he started small and got more quiet than before and more careful towards others.''
''Second heartbreak?''
''I guess it is time for the Story that will clarify all of Chanyeol's behaviour, the Story we all hae been waiting for.''
Baekhyun nodded, waiting excitedly for Kyungsoo to begin.
''Chanyeol once took relationships serious you know? There was someone he cared a lot for, they really did love each other, until one day Chanyeol hurt him. Well, at least that's what Chanyeol is thinking until now, he doesn't know the truth, because he is not allowed to know it, as muc as I am not allowed to tell him, no matter how much I want to.''
It wasn't the first time Baekhyun got that much confused, it was the same Feeling as the one he had when he was talking to Mrs Park.
''Chanyeol really was ready to sacrifize everything for him, but like I said the Person he loved got hurt a lot. He had an accident, wasn't able to walk anymore, it got that worse, that after months the Feelings in his fingers got numb, well it was about to, but he still had the strengh to take his own life, a painful death.''
''How? Well he had some Buttons on his wheelchair and drove to a cliff where he just throw himself, together with his wheelchair down the cliff.''
''I-I actually meant the accident. .''
''Oh, that one. No one is sure of it.''
Baekhyun just looked at him. ''Well,'' Kyungsoo continued. ''Everyone is saying that Chanyeol was drunk and got angry and let his frustration out from his boyfriend.'' Baekhyun's eyes widened. ''It was his mother.'' Kyungsoo paused. ''Like in every little why is he an ass story, it has something to do with his parents. Okay, wait, not totally, it is his Brothers fault.''
''Wait, what? Sorry but I am way too confused, what the hell is going on? Chanyeol was in a relationship where his lvoer killed himself because of Chanyeol eventhough it was not Chanyeol's fault but his mother's but not hers but his brother's? What? What brother?''
Kyungsoo chuckled. ''Wait, we will take it slowly.''
''Chanyeol has a brother, the actual future CEO, got it?''
''I think.''
''But his brother fell in love and gave everything up because the business destroyed his relationship. He actually would have been the perfect, perfect CEO.''
Baekhyun nodded, because he finally understood a Thing.
''But well, since he left his family and most important the Company, the only future CEO would be?''
''Exactly. That's why Mrs Park tried to ruin his relationship, by damaging them , no matter how.''
''That's why she did such a Thing?''
''She has to, the Company is all they have, all Chanyeol will have in the future, does he look like he is working? What will happen after his parents die? The Company will fade away, because Chanyeol has no knowlegde about how to lead a Company or anything.''
Baekhyun didn't say a word.
''The Thing she did was wrong, I don't protect her at this Point, but she didn't do it for no reason. The worse Thing is that Chanyeol still thinks that he is the reason for that. By the way, you should thank the Lord that you're still able to walk.''
''Why me? She wanted me to get to know Chanyeol.''
''Not in that way.''
''What way?'' Baekhyun got annoyed.
''A way that makes Chanyeol fall in love with you.'' Kyungsoo said with a harsh tone. ''The reason for all his relationships were, the thought that he couldn't please his ex-boyfriend. The thought of that he ruined the life of someone he loved the most. That's why he had different People and gave them everything they wanted, just so he could sleep with the thought of being a good boyfriend.''
That were deep thoughts. Seeing Chanyeol how he normally did, wasn't the way he did now. He could never imagine Chanyeol being that broken. But isn't everyone broken somewhere, without no one else knowing about it?
Well and then there are the ones, that are trying to fill a some kind of hole in their heart, with stuffing a lot of people in it.
Suddenly these words of Chanyeol got popped up in Baekhyun's head
''Wait, but why did Mrs Park get happy about the fact that I was in a relationship with him in the beginning but got angry afterwards?''
''She probably thought that you're just playing because of you blog.''
''Just like Chanyeol does. .''Baekhyun got sad.
''But then she probably realized that you fall for him as much as he does for you.''
Baekhyun looked up to Kyungsoo.
''You did fall for him, right?''
Long ass chap cuz my babes deserve it
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