TG Seven
The next day arrived. A day where Baekhyun decided to meet up with Chanyeol's friend, Xiumin, once again to discuss things. This time Baekhyun visited him at the café Xiumin worked at. He took his headphones off and walked towards a table where he sat.
"Shht, Xiumin!" Baekhyun waved him to him. Xiumin nodded and walked towards him. "Don't you have your break now?"
"Yes." Xiumin nodded. "Give me two minutes." He walked behind a door which only employees could enter and took his pinafore and took a seat next to Baekhyun. "Do you want to drink something first?"
"No no, thank you. I have to leave soon, you know?"
"So, what did decide to do after you left so soon yesterday?" Xiumin questioned and leaned back, scanning the younger males looks.
"I asked him if I could be his boyfriend, to see everything from this position! Good thing that you brought me to this idea."
"What?!" Xiumin widened his eyes and sat straight. "You asked Chanyeol to become his boyfriend?" He left a chuckle. "I can't believe you've done this, what do you want to achieve with it?"
"It's better for me to see what all his boyfriends are seeing. Anyways, he agreed. Of course I clearified that I did it for my blog and not because I have any feelings towards him, somehow he seemed to be pretty okay with it." Baekhyun raised his shoulders at the last sentence. "We're about to hang out today."
"I have no words to be honest."
Baekhyun laughed. "Don't worry! Maybe I can figure his true self out."
Xiumin still had no words leaving his mouth. He didn't know what Baekhyun planned and if he should even trust him, but remembering that Chanyeol had a lot of boyfriends anyways and that he was able to handle them, relieved Xiumin.
"But I need your help a little." Baekhyun
Xiumin raised an eyebrow. "My help?"
"Yes. . " Baekhyun paused. "What am I supposed to do in a relationship with Park Chanyeol?"
"Are you being serious?" Xiumin began laughing. "How am I supposed to know this, haven't you been in a relationship? Just do whatever you want, Chanyeol agrees with everything."
"I have been in a few ones, until they decided to betray me, every single of them. Well, whatever, let's change the topic. Can you tell me what Chanyeol's dislikes are?"
Xiumin rubbed his chin with two fingers. "I can't tell, Chanyeol never complained about anything until now."
"He didn't?"
Xiumin shook his head.
Baekhyun was confused, how should he act around Chanyeol if he doesn't know what Chanyeol likes or dislikes. What did all his other boyfriends do?
Unfortunally there was no time left for Baekhyun to think about it, times rushed and it was time for the real date with Chanyeol.
"We arrived, Baekhyun." Chanyeol informed the petite boy who eventually fell asleep while Chanyeol was busy driving the car.
The small male stretched his whole body, letting a soft moan escape his mouth. Speaking of escape, both of them arrived at the so called escape room, which Baekhyun wanted to visit for a long time, but none of his friends wanted to.
Taking the chance, he asked Chanyeol to spend a part of their date there. As expected he agreed.
Both left the car and headed towards the building, Baekhyun was nervous and excited. He ran into the building and asked if there is any game going on in the following minutes. To their luck there was a group which still needed group members to join.
The bow boyfriends sat down on chairs and waited for two other people to join there group.
"Yes?" The excited male looked up to Chanyeol.
"What is an escape room about?"
"I haven't told you this?!" Baekhyun was shocked for not even explaining that the game they were about to play was about. "So, the escape room is an adventure game in which players solve a series of puzzles and riddles using clues, hints, and strategy to complete the task to get into the next room. Players are given a set time limit to unveil the secret plot which is hidden within the rooms."
Chanyeol nodded, listening carefully.
"I always wanted to join this!" Baekhyun cheered, gaining a smile from Chanyeol.
Soon the last two players arrived, it was time for the game to begin. Of course Baekhyun didn't see it as a typical date but as a chance to look deeper into the perspective of being Park Chanyeol's boyfriend.
They spend good ten minutes in the room without getting any clue, it was confusing, way too confusing. But that was what Baekhyun kept happy, he never liked things that are easy to solve, such as Park Chanyeol.
Baekhyun watched Chanyeol walking around the room, it seemed like he was having a conversation with himself. That's where Baekhyun walked up to him and asked. "Chanyeol, did you find anything?"
Chanyeol turned around, smiled but shook his head.
Baekhyun raised and eyebroe and walked to the place Chanyeol was standing infront of. "Do you think here's a clue?"
"I'm not sure, possible." Chanyeol raised his shoulders.
"Chanyeol, you should help us if you have any idea."
That was the point where Chanyeol looked Baekhyun in the eyes and nodded, before beginning to solve everything in this room. It almost seemed like he was obeying Baekhyun after he said that Chanyeol should help them.
At the end they solved everything with the help of Chanyeol, who gave all the credits to Baekhyun. Eventhough Baekhyun didn't do a lot, he really enjoyed it and that's exactly what he told Chanyeol.
"I really enjoyed it, eventhough I was useless."
Chanyeol chuckled. "You weren't, you helped a lot."
The petite boy only rolled his eyes at Chanyeol. Why was he praising him so much, couldn't Chanyeol just accept that he did all the work, it wasn't a bad thing though.
"What do you you want to do next?" Chanyeol asked while looking at Baekhyun who was currently looking out of the car window.
"Uh, actually. . "
"So you two are really going on a date?!" Mrs. Park clapped her hands. "Great, I love it!."
"Yes, Mrs. Park but I already told you why, please don't set your hopes too high."
"I don't care, I'm just happy to know that Chanyeol is going on a date with someone I find good for once. I didn't know anything about all the other guys, but knowing that you're going out with him relieves me. I think I can go one day without thinking about what he is doing for once as well."
Baekhyun smiled at her.
"Oh, Baekhyun." Mrs. Park said and grabbed something from her drawer. "See, Chanyeol wanted to visit this place tomorrow, but I guess since your date is tomorrow he won't attend there and rather go to the place you want to. ." She sighed. "Do me a favour and go to this place." She handed him a ticket.
He looked at it and nodded. "Of course, no problem."
"Great! I already expected this answer so I bought you a ticket as well, don't say Chanyeol anything about this."
Baekhyun nodded and left.
"I heard about this theatre play you know, I just thought that maybe we could go there?" Baekhyun asked and raised his shoulders. "If you want to, of course."
"I agree with everything you say." Chanyeol said. He didn't even look happy about the fact that this was a theatre play he wanted to visit.
Chanyeol drove to the theatre. The journey was quiet, no one spoke. Is this how he spends the other dates too? All he did was going to the escape room with me and do nothing until I told him to and now this theatre, he acts like a maid or something like that. Baekhyun talked to himself.
"So, Chanyeol. . " Baekhyun tried to break the ice with opening any topic. "Which of your dates were your favourite?"
Chanyeol looked confused by the question. "All of them, I guess."
"How is that possible?"
"I am pleased with ajy date I had so far." Chanyeol clearified.
Baek shook his head. "But wasn't there someone you felt special to be with? Or is every date the same to you?"
"It's all the same."
All of his hundred of boyfriends were the same?
"Well, okay." Baekhyun ended the conversation. It was fifteen minutes before the theatre play even began, it was all planned nicely.
Both entered the theatre, Chanyeol still didn't speak any words. Baekhyun was slightly annoyed of his behaivour, that's not how a date should be.
Chanyeol showed them the tickets, they were free to enter the hall. The theatre looked huge, Baekhyun didn't even know what this play was about. He looked st their tickets. "Keep it from the world." Baekhyun whispered while reading.
"Yes, it's a great story they're about to show us, atleast that's what I heard." Chanyeol finally spoke.
Baekhyun was glad that Chanyeol finally spoke without being told to. The theatre play began, it was way more interesting then Baekhyun thought. He glanced over to Chanyeol who sat on his right. He was smiling, a weird smile, a smile Baekhyun hasn't seen before. It felt real, Chanyeol seemed so interested, like he was in his own world.
The way he sat wasn't unnoticed as well, he seemed relaxed and wasn't sitting in a straight way like he always did.
Soon the theatre play ended, everyone applaused, Chanyeol also did. He let out a sigh and looked at Baekhyun.
"Should we leave now?" Chanyeol suggested and gained a nod from Baekhyun. They left the building and walked slowly to a park. The sky was already changing it's colour to a more orange shade.
"Did you enjoy it?" Chanyeol asked Baekhyun.
"I surprisingly did. It was something new, not like the tipical theatres, also it was a genre that is including us, right?" Baekhyun chuckled, Chanyeol smiled.
"Do you like theatres?"
Chanyeol nodded. Why were his answers so short?
"Why?" Baekhyun asked.
"They're full of emotion." Emotion? "And creativity." Baekhyun agreed with nodding. "As same as your creativity with writing in your blog about other peoples lifes."
Baekhyun widened his eyes. "But I only copy the things I see and the things they tell me, so it's not my credit."
"But you present it in your own style."
Baekhyun felt flattered, did Chanyeol search for his blog? He didn't answer but smile, Baekhyun somehow felt honoured.
Both bought ice cream and sat down on a bench, an awkward silence was filled between them.
"Huh?" The small boy looked up to Chanyeol.
"I think this is my favourite date." Chanyeol spill out, out of no where.
"Wh- eh, really?"
Chanyeol nodded.
"I don't feel like telling you, I apologize." Why did he sound so polite?
"Chanyeol. . Why did you actually agree of being in a relationship with me, eventhough you know that I don't love you and only do that for my blog?" He had to know it.
"I just thought of you as my boyfriend, even for a few days."
"I don't get it, don't speak in puzzles."
"I liked that imagination of you being my boyfriend, Baekhyun." He said straight forwards and continued eating his ice cream. "That's why I agreed.
But aren't you tired of being together with people for a specific time that don't even love you? Was what Baekhyun wanted to ask, but couldn't.
Today I am very very happy, I hated my school so much for the past few years (I've been on that school after class 10)
And now I finished my 13th class!
Also, the 'Keep it from the world' theatre play was inspired from the theatre play of
Wherefore are thou, Chanyeol
that's why I didn't spoil anything. Did you read that story? If yes, please write what you think about it in the last chapter of it! <3
I still don't know why but I don't like this story a lot yet, but since you guys do, it does give me the courage to continue! <3
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