TG One
A bright and shiny day in the city. Everyone seemed to have a good and pleasing day, everyone except Baekhyun who was laying on the couch and sighed, growled.
"What's with that frustration, Baekhyun?" His mother said and walked into their living room. "It's good weather outside, go out with your friends. Do something!"
"I don't want to!" Baekhyun whined. "My readers want me to update a new story in my blog, mom."
"Then do it, outside."
"Why are you trying to throw me out of my own house?"
"I'm getting a visitor."
"Ew." Baekhyun sickened. "Mom, you should stop doing nasty things, you're a mother after all."
It was true, Ms. Byun had a lot of male visitors, sometimes once, or even twice a day. There was no actual reason for his mother to do this kind of stuff, since his mother and his father got divorced, she tended to, how she called it 'enjoying life'
Baekhyun didn't stop her, instead he wrote a blog about her life, anonym.
That's what Baekhyun just does. His blog called ByunniesStories, got viral after that blog of a divorced woman living her life, it attracted a lot of feminists because under his blog, the anonymous lady, which was representing his mother got a lot of hate comments from men. Therefore women tended to comment as well, it even got around on social medias as well.
From there on, Baekhyun started to write a blog about humans lifes. He had no specific genre, he just wrote for slice of life, to show people what's behind the facade of someone.
The difference between Baekhyun and other bloggers was the fact that he wrote things he really experienced. It wasn't fantasy, nor his own life.
"By the way, Mrs. Park wants you to visit her."
"Why?" Baekhyun asked and sat straight.
"I don't really know why, she talked about her son for some reason and your blog. I think someone told her that your blog is helping a lot of people and it might help her son."
"Does her son need help?"
"Like I said, I don't know. What about I call her and you walk over to her, huh?"
"If the story of him seems interesting, I could finally update! Thank you mom, finally you're useful!"
"Byun Baekhyun!" She shouted after her son who ran upstairs to change his clothes.
Ms Byun and Mrs. Park were friends for a long time. They met often, but their sons never met. Baekhyun found the friendship of them weird, but he guessed all female friendships were like theirs.
"She's a whore."
"Wow, mom. I thought she's your friend."
"She is." Ms. Byun told Baekhyun. "She's still a whore, though. Doesn't change the fact that I like her, she's a good whore."
Baekhyun left his room, running downstairs. With him his bagpack with which he was prepared for everything. He had his camera and most importantly his notebook. It was a normal book for everyone else, but a holy one for Baekhyun.
There he wrote his first ideas for his blog. He wanted to keep it and not buy a new one. Maybe one day his children will read it or it will become something worthy.
"I'm heading to the Parks, mom." Baekhyun shouted and left his house.
The Parks didn't lived far away, he could reach it in 10 minutes. It was just a bit excluded with a big wall. Their house seemed big, was it even a house or a villa, that's how huge it seemed.
While walking through the neighbourhood, Baekhyun wrote down some key points he had to focus on today. Of course he first wanted to know what the matter with Chanyeol was.
Baekhyun wrote down.
Name: Park Chanyeol.
Baekhyun wasn't to mention his real name or age in his blog, but he wanted to create a character that suited the original one too.
"What could the issue of a boy from a rich household be?" Baekhyun questioned himself as he arrived at the villa. He pressed the button on the gate. A deep but smooth voice asked.
"Who is there?"
The man could obviously see Baekhyun through the cameras, but his face was unknown to him.
"B-Byun Baekhyun. My mother told me that Mrs. Park wants to speak to me."
Silence. Baekhyun didn't receive any answer, but he still waited. Two minutes later the gates opened. A long reddish pink path lead to the big house door of the villa, surrounded by fresh green grass and flowers.
A women, wearing an underknee dress wait smiling and headed towards Baekhyun. She had short black hair, looked young for her possible age.
"Baekhyun" She smiled and hugged him for a short time. Baekhyun hugged back. "Mrs. Park." He smiled.
"I see you didn't refuse my offer."
"To be honest, Mrs. Park, I want to know what the matter is with your son before deciding if I am doing it or not."
She nodded. " I understand, I understand. She repeated. "Please, follow me."
Both walked into the big house. Baekhyun was shocked about how gold it looked on the inside but white on the outside. Baekhyun didn't even know if he should take of his shoes or not, how should he behave?
"Baekhyun, this is Kyungsoo."
The male named Kyungsoo bowed. "Hello."
It was the guy who talked on the gate. "Hello." Baekhyun greeted back, he smiled but didn't receive any reaction.
"Kyungsoo, please tell the maid that she should bring us some tea, would you?"
"Yes, madam." He bowed and left.
"Follow me, Baekhyun." Mrs. Park waved at him. They walked through several rooms before arriving to the living room. Mrs. Park sat down in the modern leather couch, crossing her legs. Baekhyun sat on the next couch.
"I'm wanted you to write about Chanyeol, to make him realize that he isn't capable to do anything in life!"
Bawkhyun only looked at her.
"Was he really that irresponsable?"
"Yes, totally." She clearified. "He doesn't know how to handle money. I'm aware of that we have a lot of money, but he keeps spending it without thinking twice." His mother rolled his eyes. "I wanted to let him be the next CEO, but I think Yoora will be it."
"His older sister."
Baekhyun nodded.
"He isn't even capable to keep his relationships stable."
Baekhyun took out his notebook and started taking notes.
"Mh hm." He nodded.
"He changes his partner almost every month, I can't deal with him anymore. I want him to be a respectable business man."
Baekhyun nodded once again. "Is he here?"
"Yes, I think he must be around. I told him to break up with his boyfriend today, he was just using him, that's not acceptable in any way. He also treats everyone the same, there is no difference for him, everyone is the same in his eyes no matter what they do."
So he uses people?
He does spend money as if it meant nothing to him?
Relationships every month?
It sounded interesting, very interesting to Byun Baekhyun. Everyone knew the stories about the rich douche, but which of them where based on true events, huh?
"Ah, he is here." She said and stood up. "Chanyeol, my darling, look who's here." She smiled and walked to irresistible attractive young male. He was tall and well dressed, his hair looked fluffy. The scent of his perfume lingered in the air, it smelled indescribable. He smiled at his mother and hugged her. A smile, so bright, it could blind you.
Baekhyun opened his mouth, no words left his mouth. He really looked like the rich male protagonists of a good novel who was rich and full of himself. That would treat everyone like a piece of shit and wouldn't even dare to speak to someone of a lower class.
The tall male looked at Baekhyun, his gaze lingered on the face of the smaller one.
Baekhyun stood up, Chanyeol walked towards him. Baekhyun prepared several things he could say to him if Chanyeol would say rude things.
To his surprise the taller male reached out his hands and smiled childishly.
"Hello!" He said, showing off all his white teeth. "I'm Park Chanyeol, you are Baekhyun right? Ahh, I'm so glad I could meet you."
"Eh, yes. .hello."
"Is there anything you need? Are you hungry? Come on, let's eat." Chanyeol said and walked away, leaving the living room.
Baekhyun was left in shock, he didn't know what to think. Chanyeol seemed so different, was he playing?
Baekhyun was left in a sea of confusion, did he just met the one and only prince charming?
A new story, what a surprise!. . .
The first chapter didn't show a lot of the plot
But I didn't want to show too much in the beginning
Hope you're going to support me, my kokkiries~
Don't forget to read beautiful memories
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