TG Nine
Last night Chanyeol stayed a little longer than he should, according to Baekhyun's opinion. But his mother insisted of Chanyeol playing Aggravation, one of her favourite games. Baekhyun wasn't the type to play things like that with her, he would rather stay in his room, exploring the internet. With that Chanyeol was obviously gaining her heart.
''Are you going on a date with Chanyeol again, Baekhyun?'' Ms Byun asked her son who just woke up and ran his hands through his soft ash brown hair. ''Nope.'' He replied and sat down on the chair. ''Do you expect me to see him every day?''
''Well, Yeah, I do!'' Ms Byun said. ''He takes you out, you see a little of the world. Isn't that good?'' She placed the plates on the table.
''Mom, he didn't even know anything about the bowling alley''
Ms Byun sighed. ''And?'' She shook her head. ''That way you two can show eachoth-''
''Mom, I think you forgot that this isn't a serious relationship between him and me. Also I am not searching for a boyfriend right now, I thought you were aware of that.'' Baekhyun stabbed his fork slowly into the tomato and put it into his mouth.
There was no way to let his mother realize that he wasn't searching for someone right now, he just has to place for someone else into his life. He needs to focus on getting a job, since his blog was nothing more than a hobby. He would like to do it in a way where he actually was able to gain money from it, but unfortunally an oppurtunity like that hasn't shown to Baekhyun yet.
''I know. I know but I just think that a relationship would help you-''
''What do you know about relationships?'' Baekhyun hissed suddenly, placing his fork on his table. ''The only relationship you have towards men is a sexual one, nothing more. Don't talk about having relationships when you're nothing but a fucking toy towards-''
A slap on his right cheeks shut him up. ''Don't forget who you are talking to!''
''To an irresponsible mother?''
The second slap followed. Baekhyun never talked like that to his mother. ''Leave!'' he yelled.
''Leave the house and come back if you're aware of what you just did.'' Ms Byun said, she sounded hurt. She looked serious, that's where Baekhyun just stood up and left, he didn't even know why he was acting like that, maybe he was still a little sensitive. Step by step he walked down the street, thinking about why he said something like this to his mother. Just then he realized that he was wearing his pajamas, he had nothing with him, just his phone.
''Hey.. uh, could you pick me up?'' He asked.
''Where are you?''
Baekhyun named the street he was waiting at. After fifteen minutes of embarrassment he was able to enter the car.
''Ugh, Thank you!'' baekhyun thanked. ''My mom threw me out of the house, for the first time in my life. I was so confused that I forgot what I looked like.''
''I always knew that you're an idiot, but that was really dumb''
''Shut up, Sehun.'' Baekhyun smacked his shoulder. ''I didn't know what to do.''
Sehun laughed. ''Let's go to my place, I'll give you something to wear.''
Baekhyun nodded sweetly and laid back into the seat. Sehun drove him to his apartment. Sehun was leaving all by him self for the past two years, he was one of Baekhyuns close friends. They got to know eachother in class seven, they even found out that they were attracted to the same sex at the same time, at their graduation time.
''Hop out.'' Sehun said. Both walked into the home. It wasn't big nor too small. It was enough for one person or even two. He went into his bedroom and gave Baekhyun things to wear. The shirt was obviously big around the shoulder area and the pants were too long. Sehun gave him pants which actually should reach above the knees but with Baekhyun wearing them they only reached under his knees.
Sehun made both of them something warm to drink. Baekhyun explained him the reason of his mother to throw him out.
''You have a boyfriend?''
''No. Yes. Something like that, I guess'' Not quite the best explanation of Baekhyun. ''It's complicated.''
''Oh, are you two fighting a lot?''
''Not that way.'' Baekhyun rolled his eyes. ''He is my new inspiration for my blog. His mother wanted me to help him with something and now we are kinda together. It's just for my blog though, he knows it.''
''So nothing serious?''
Baekhyun shook his and sipped his drink. He was asking himself what Chanyeol was doing right now. What would a casual day of Park Chanyeol be like?
''What are you doing Mr. Park?'' Do Kyungsoo asked, looking down at the tall male who was sitting at the couch. Chanyeol was wearing a beige pullover with a collared shirt underneath and a well fitting jeans. Innocent eyes were looking up to Kyungsoo.
''Sitting around.''
''I see that, Mr. Park but you never do that.''
''Oh.'' Now Chanyeol understood. ''I'm waiting for tomorrow''
Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows. ''Am I allowed to ask why?''
Chanyeol sweetly nodded. ''Baekhyun said he is busy today, so I am waiting for tomorrow to meet him'' A laugh left Kyungsoo's lips. ''But Mr. Park, you shouldn't waste your time with sitting here. There are a lot of things you can do, rather than sitting all alone here by yourself.''
With energy filled in his body Chanyeol stood up to let Kyungsoo show him what else he could do. Both headed towards the garden, walking towards the archey area. It didn't look too used.
''We had this?'' Chanyeol asked confused.
''It has been here for a long long time, your brother used to play it a lot.''
''Wait, I'll give you the arrows, I bet you know how it is done?''
While walking around Chanyeol said ''Yes, I do'' and smiled at Kyungsoo. He headed towards the sport where he was supposed to stand and shoot the arrows. Kyungsoo handed him the arrows and the bow. ''Here, Mr Park.'' he said and gained a thank you from Chanyeol. The grown male positioned himself and got ready to shoot the arrows. He pulled the arrow along the string and aimed towards the board. He loosened his grip around the arrow.
A chuckle made Chanyeol move his eyes from the board right to Kyungsoo. ''Mr. Park, are you okay?''
''I am fine, thank you. Are you okay?''
Kyungsoo shook his head. ''That's not the way I meant it. You shot the arrow way too the left, is everything okay with your eyes?''
''Oh.'' Chanyeol said and looked into the distance. ''Maybe I am seeing a little blurry.''
''Didn't you realize that before?''
Chanyeol was now the one shaking his head. ''I never thought about it'' He said and smiled at Kyungsoo. ''Let me call the doctor, sir.'' Kyungsoo bowed and went into the building. The park were of course a family with a private doctor, but not one for the eyes. Kyungsoo grabbed the phone and arranged a doctor who could take a look at Chanyeol's eyes as soon as possible.
Meanwhile Chanyeol placed the arrows back into their bag and walked into the house as well, searching for his phone.
What are you doing?
A message from Baekhyun. A smile appeared on his lips.
Hello, Baekhyun. I was shooting arrows with Kyungsoo. What are you doing?
he stared at his display. The offline sign turned green and typing was shown on the screen.
I'm at my friends house, had a little fight with my mother, guess I'm staying here for the night.
''Who are you texting to?''
''God you scared me.'' Baekhyun jumped. ''I'm texting Chanyeol.''
''I thought it's nothing serious.''
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. ''Just because I am texting him, it doesn't mean that I have any relation towards him, don't be stupid.''
Sehun walked over to the table and placed the chips and sweets on it. ''Why would you message someone you have no relation with?''
He was right. Why was Baekhyun even texting him and telling him about the fight with his mother. A sound popped out of his phone, he grabbed it and pressed the home button. It wasn't Chanyeol, why was he waiting for a fast reply of Chanyeol anyways.
It felt weird. Sitting with Sehun and talking about life. They were friends for years and so many things had changed. In the past they always talked about school and crushes and now they talk about work and money, is that how being grown like feels like. Atleast Baekhyun knows that he has no time for love.
Again a sound popping out of his phone, this time it was Chanyeol.
I don't have the intention to disturb you and your friend, but need to buy some glasses, would you like to accompany me? I have no one else coming with me.
How could Baekhyun reject this offer, he asked so polite. Baekhyun texted him back and sent him the address of Sehun. It didn't take Chanyeol too long to arrive at Sehun's flat. Baekhyun grabbed his pajamas and walked towards Chanyeol's car who got out of the car and waited patiently of Baekhyun. ''Hello, Baekhyun.'' He greeted his boyfriend.
''Hey. Chanyeol, this is Sehun, my friend.''
''Hello, i am Chanyeol.'' Chanyeol introduced himself and was ready to shake Sehun's hand. ''Baekhyun's boyfriend.'' He added, somehow proudly.
''I know what's going on.'' Sehun chuckled and shook Chanyeol's hand. ''Baekhyun told me about it all being just for his blog.''
Chanyeol only smiled and went to the car.
''So, why do you need new glasses?'' Baekhyun asked and picked a few of the glassframes.
''Kyungsoo made me realize how bad my eyesight is. That's why he called a doctor and the doctor told me that I need glasses as soon as I can.'' He explained. Without saying anything Baekhyun got on his tip toes and put the glasses he chose on Chanyeol's face. Chanyeol was confused because of this sudden action but let it happen.
''Wow, these look very good on you.'' Baekhyun said. ''Actually I think that every glasses do fit your face type.''
''Oh, really? Thank you.''
''No problem, actually you do look better without glasses but you don't look bad with them. I think they make you look cute and without them you're handsome.'' Baekhyun stated honestly.
Chanyeol blushed lightly. Of course it wasn't the first time he heard that he was probably the most handsome man on earth, but he knew that Baekhyun meant what he said and that it wasn't all an act. ''Then I'll buy these.'' He said. ''And these three.''
''But none of them are the once you chose?''
''I like these once more.'' Chanyeol smiled.
''What are we doing here?'' Baekhyun asked, touching the soft material of the clothes.
''Buying you some clothes. I guess the owner of the once you are wearing is Sehun?''
Baekhyun nodded. ''But I don't need knew once, he just gave me these so I don't walk around in pajama.'' He realized that he was being ignored by Chanyeol. The boyfriend was too busy searching fitting clothes for the smaller one. ''Are you even listening?''
''Baekhyun.'' Chanyeol said and turned around. ''Are these your clothes?''
''No, that's just what I explained.''
''So there is no need to wear them.''
''What is the problem with it?''
''If you want to wear clothes of someone else, you can wear mine. The clothes of your boyfriend.'' Chanyeol emphasized. Baekhyun watched him in confusion. ''I didn't mean to make it sound in that way. I apologize.''
Instead of saying anything towards this topic, Baekhyun simply said. ''I like the shirt in your hand, let me try it on.'' Chanyeol felt happy that Baekhyun wasn't mad at him. Both of them chose well fitting clothes and drove to Chanyeol's house, Baekhyun didn't feel like facing his mother now.
''Do you want to spend the night here?''
''Huh? Eh, no no. It's fine, I can sleep at Sehun's-''
''It would be an honour to the Parks family.'' Chanyeol said and walked upstairs, Baekhyun following him.
''I don't want to be a burden.'' Baekhyun said. ''Baekhyun, look at this huge bilding, there is no place for a burden'' Chanyeol led him into a room. ''You can change your clothes here, please feel free to sleep here, I'll notify your mother about your location.''
That's where Baekhyun's first night at the Parks household began.
I had to cut the chapter, otherwise it would be too long.
I bought laptop, which literally means that I am about to write long ass chaps
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