TG Fourteen
''Let's start then'' Baekhyun jumped, his body was filled with excitement. He always loved helping people when it came to things like relationships. Even though he might be single as a Pringle, he for sure knows how to deal with other people's love life problems.
Chanyeol stood up, looking down to the already hyped boy, asking ''Start with what?'' He straightened his glasses which slid down his nose.
''With showing you the things you do wrong.''
With wide smiles they headed towards the city, making themselves a good day there. Baekhyun was standing in front of the ice cream parlour, waiting for his turn to him and Chanyeol some ice cream. ''Yes?'' The ice cream seller asked. ''One scoop of strawberry ice cream and one-'' He turned to Chanyeol who mouthed ''Vanilla.'' ''Vanilla, please!'' he ordered sweetly.
''I don't know what the point of this is, Baekhyun.'' Chanyeol said and licked his melting ice cream.
''You need to be okay with people buying you stuff.''
''Well, as you can clearly see, I am.''
Baekhyun raised his eyebrows and stopped walking, giving Chanyeol a judging look. ''Do you really think I didn't notice you putting money in my jacket?'' Baekhyun questioned. ''At least you're able to lie.''
''Is that even a good thing in a relationship?'' Chanyeol looked confused, but Baekhyun shook his head. ''No, don't. It's just that sometimes you have to tell your partner things to comfort him, maybe tell him things that you know are actually not the case but it will make them feel better.''
A light smile was built on Chanyeol's face, looking at the ground and slowly nodding, agreeing with Baekhyun's words. ''But what if they lie to you about something else in specific?''
''What do you mean?''
Chanyeol shook his head. ''I don't know, forget it.'' he chuckled.
''You're weird.''
''I know that already.'' Chanyeol just sighed.
Baekhyun laughed. ''Anyways, can you borrow me some money?'' He asked. Chanyeol nodded, ready to take out his wallet. ''Chanyeol, no!'' Baekhyun waved in front of Chanyeol's face. ''Stop throwing away money!''
It seemed confusing for Chanyeol to understand what Baekhyun really wanted from him. He was the one asking him for money, right? So why wouldn't he want him to give it to him. Baekhyun led Chanyeol to a specific place, actually, it was the navigator on Baekhyun's phone who lead the two. The tall male who currently was driving wasn't allowed to see the address but only listen to the navigator's voice.
The ride didn't take too long, while Chanyeol was driving, Baekhyun told him the things he and his mother had spoken about. They had an intensive conversation when a woman's voice said. ''You have achieved your destination.''
Chanyeol drove to the parking lot, asking ''Baekhyun, are you sure we're right here?''
''Yes, I am a hundred per cent sure. Oh, there's a free spot!'' Baekhyun pointed at a free parking spot. Without further ado, Chanyeol parked his car, both leaving the car. The excited male didn't even wait properly and headed towards the entrance of the park. ''Chanyeol, come on.'' He waved at him.
He looked around, realizing the beautiful flowers that were placed at this place. People were entering and some were leaving this place, they all looked happy. Seoul Land Chanyeol read.
''One person?'' The woman asked. Baekhyun nodded and paid for his ticket, so did Chanyeol. Both walked in with slow steps, scanning the unfamiliar area.
''So, why are we here?'' Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun.
''Why?'' Baekhyun pouted. ''Don't you want to be here?'' Chanyeol shook his head. ''I just thought we could spend time here, showing you how to behave right as a boyfriend.''
A chuckle left Chanyeol's full, for some reason glossy lips. ''Weren't I one before?''
''That's not what I meant.'' Baekhyun shut him up with a hand gesture. ''I will just explain to you what you should avoid in the future, with your real boyfriend.''
Chanyeol only smiled.
''I only have read about Seoul Land, I never thought about going here for real one day, but since we have the opportunity to, why not, right?'' The atmosphere was really glowy and sparkling around Baekhyun, he seemed very excited about it. ''Also it's a common place for dates, so it's perfect for me to show you your no-goes.''
The place was built with a lot of flower beds in every possible colour, it looked amusing. People were screaming because of the rollercoasters and other amenities. They walked under a big metal bridge with a sign saying Welcome for the visitors and Goodbye on the other side for those who leave. Together they walked to a big map which was near the entrance.
''Where should we go first?'' Baekhyun asked.
''I don't know, whatever you want.''
''Ugh,'' Baekhyun sighed. ''Chanyeol that's one mistake here already. Look, you need to say what you want to do too! Do not only listen to your boyfriend.''
''Okay, Okay.'' Chanyeol calmed him down. ''Mh, let's see.'' He looked at the map, moving his index finger above the map. ''What do you think about here?'' He looked at Baekhyun who was scanning the map.
With the agreement of Baekhyun both headed towards the little boat station there. It was a really long line, but they didn't bother too much about it. A couple tried to walk in front of the two boys. The boyfriend of the lady bumped into Baekhyun, making him lose his balance. Out of reflex, Chanyeol wrapped his fingers around Baekhyun's waist, pulling him towards his body. ''Be careful.'' He said while trying to help his boyfriend. The unknown male apologized while walking.
It was their turn to enter the boat, there was room for six people to sit, three at the front, three behind them and of course the one who drove it. Chanyeol went on first, stretching his hand out to Baekhyun, so he could grab it while stepping on the dangling boat. Baekhyun gladly accepted his hand and step beside Chanyeol. Both sat at the front side, Baekhyun at the middle seat, Chanyeol on the right one. On Baekhyun's left sat an elder man.
The boat started floating slowly.
''I hope the man doesn't start talking about the history of Seoul, I hate it when they do it.''
Chanyeol chuckled. ''I hate that too, I just want to enjoy the beautiful view.'' watching Baekhyun while saying it. Baekhyun only nodded and looked to his right, seeing the birds diving into the water to grab some fish.
''Is the water deep?'' A young woman behind them asked.
The captain answered a simple ''No, the water may only touch your chest.'' Baekhyun watched the man directing the boat. He was only holding a piece of metal, pulling it to the right or left.
''Woah, Chanyeol look!'' Baekhyun said and pointed to a big wheel, which was shining pink and blue. ''Let's go there later.'' Chanyeol nodded. ''Okay, is there any restaurant here?''
''Yes, probably over there.'' Baekhyun pointed to the left side. ''You see that big M sign?'' Baekhyun took Chanyeol's glasses off. ''Can you even see without your glasses?''He put them on. A few seconds later Chanyeol felt something pinching his stomach lightly. He realized it was Baekhyun's hand and looked at him, giving him a is something? look With a head movement he gestured to his legs. Chanyeol found it weird to look at his legs, but when he did, he realized that the older man next to Baekhyun was touching Baekhyun's left leg. Actually, Baekhyun would have whopped his old wrinkly ass, but he was way too shocked to do so right now.
''Eh, Baekhyun, let's change places, I don't feel well here.'' Chanyeol said and both stood up. Baekhyun took of Chanyeol's glasses because his head got dizzy from them. They changed places but just when Baekhyun was about to sit, the captain sneezed very hard. Suddenly the boat was turned to the left. Baekhyun almost fell, but Chanyeol could prevent that in the last second.
Baekhyun didn't even seem to care, he only looked at the water.
''Baekhyun, sit down.'' Chanyeol said.
''Y-Your. .'' Baekhyun couldn't find any words. ''Chanyeol, your glasses.'' He pointed at the water. Chanyeol looked down, they were not there. ''It's fine, sit down now. I have other ones.''
''But these were your favourites.''
''I can buy it again.''
Baekhyun knew it was a lie, Chanyeol can't easily buy glasses over and over again, that's not how it worked it Seoul. ''Now would you please-'' Chanyeol couldn't even finish his sentence, he only heard how everyone made shocked noises. Baekhyun jumped into the water, full of fishes and god knows what else.
''Baekhyun!'' Chanyeol yelled.
''Wait, I'll find them!'' Baekhyun shouted back.
I have an idea for another Chanbaek story!
I wish my brain would've worked at school like it does
when it comes to Chanbaek stories,
but who cares, I graduated anyways.
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