TG Eight
[ How am I supposed to stop when I got sweet comment like these once when I announced that I am about to discontinue and more? Some people even private messeged me, I really do love you guys. Hope you won't stop supporting this story!]
Baekhyun jumped onto his bed, clicking the 'on/off' button of his laptop to start it. He went on his blog page. He still hasn't uploaded anything about Chanyeol, because he still wasn't hundred procently aware of what was going on with this guy.
He wrote down everything that happened on their date.
Such an external word for Byun Baekhyun. It was true that he had couple of relationships, but he wouldn't call the time he spend with his partner a date. Rather he would call it a waste of time.
With Chanyeol it was different, because the date brought him ideas for his blog, which obviously leads him to success.
"I am so ready to publish this as soon as its finished." He talked to himself. He looked at the time, almost three P.M. Chanyeol and him were about to have a second date. As people could already imagine it was Baekhyun who choose the place.
After turning his laptop off he went downstairs to his mother. To his surprise Chanyeol was sitting together with her at the table.
"Isn't he a little too young to be one of yours." Baekhyun commented sassily. His mother knew exactly what he meant but just chuckled it off.
"Don't be naive Baekhyun, he's all yours, right?"
Chanyeol just smiled and nodded.
"Wow, don't say things like that mom. You make all this sound serious."
Ms. Byun stood up and brushed with her palm against Baekhyun's back. "Isn't it time for your date?"
"Yea, it is." Baekhyun said. "Why didn't you tell me that you were here all the time?" He looked at Chanyeol who just stood up to walk towards the mother and son.
"Our date was at 3 P.M I thought you might didn't want to see me before that."
Why did he sound so innocent? Baekhyun felt a little stitch at his heart. Why would anyone think like that?
"Well, it's after 3 P.M now, so let's go." Baekhyun said and walked out of the house after taking his jacket and putting on his shoes. Chanyeol followed him to his own car, unlocking and taking a seat in it.
"Is the address right?" Chanyeol asked and pointed at the navigator.
Baekhyun nodded.
After their arriving both of them entered the huge building. It wasn't only a bowling area but had many other sections aswell, actually a quite perfect place for a date, Baekhyun realized.
"We need to get shoes first."
Chanyeol nodded and followed Baekhyun. A smaller guy was the one giving the players their bowling shoes.
"Why do we need shoes?" Chanyeol asked.
Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. "They are helping you to hold your balance so you won't slip. Did you never see those?"
The tall boyfriend shook his head. "No, never."
So many dates but none of them were about bowling
"Hey!" Baekhyun greeted the small boy, he named him his shoe size. The boy smiled and was about to reach for Baekhyun's shoes.
"Chanyeol! Name your shoe size." Baekhyun called him. The boy who was just about to give Baekhyun his shoes turned around and widened his eyes. Chanyeol named him his shoe size.
"Chanyeol?" He asked.
"Oh! Hello, nice to see you here." Chanyeol greeted the still unknown boy. "I didn't know you worked here." He said.
"I didn't know that you would find someone else this soon." He guys said and rolled his eyes. "You'll never change, huh?"
Chanyeol only smiled.
"So you're his new toy?"
"I told you to stop calling boyfriends of mine toys."
"What else are they supposed to be?" The guy asked Chanyeol and raised an eyebrow, scanning Baekhyun from head to toe. "Boyfriends, nothing more. I am sorry but please mind your own buisness." Chanyeol said in the most polite way he ever could.
"Just give us our shoes." Baekhyun said.
The guy rolled his eyes and walked to another room to get Baekhyun's shoes. Why did he get shoes from there when my size is right infront of me? Baekhyun questioned.
"Thanks" Baekhyun said and walked together with Chanyeol to a bowling alley. "One of your boyfriends?"
Chanyeol nodded gaining a sigh from Baekhyun. Both sat down on the benches, Baekhyun explained the beginner what the goals of bowling was, adding the different names for each pin he pinned down.
"Okay, let's begin!" Baekhyun stood up and walked towarss the bowling pins. "I'll show you how to do it, okay?" He turned around and saw a concentrated Chanyeol focussing on every movement of his. Baekhyun gulped and walked towards his position. While walking he slipped slightly catching his breath.
"Baekhyun." Chanyeol said and made the shocked boy turn around. "Be careful." He said with a slight smile. For a weird, reason Baekhyun smiled.
Bowling shoes aren't supposed to slip.
Showing Chanyeol how to do it wasn't the best plan since Baekhyun got a gutter, meaning he didn't even touched one pin, quite dissapointing. Baekhyun chuckled in embarrassment and walked back to Chanyeol.
"Okay so that's the way you don't do it." Baekhyun explained, playing it off cool as always.
"Okay! Is it my turn yet?"
"Yes, go ahead, but be careful it's not as easy at it seems." Baekhyun said.
Chanyeol walked ahead and grabbed a bowling ball. He moved into a specific position and took three steps forward before letting the ball roll.
To Baekhyun's surprise he hit more than the half of the pins. Baekhyun stood up, cheering loud with a "Wow, Chanyeol!!" Chanyeol turned around and smiled lightly as always. "That was awesome for your first time!"
"Oh, really? Thank you." A light blush was built on Chanyeol's cheeks.
"Yea, really! Okay, my turn." Baekhyun said and got ready. I have to do it just like him. He convinced himself. That's where he stepped back, ready to jump forwards in three steps.
He did the except three big steps as Chanyeol and threw the ball with all his energy at the alley, losing his balance. His shoes didn't cooperated once again with his balance and let the smaller one fall onto the ground, whilst that his right elbow smashed against the bowling ball keeper. Feeling the bone crashing against the metal made Baekhyun yelp in pain.
"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol called his name and walked towards the hurt human. "Are you okay?"
"Do I look like I am okay?!" Baekhyun hissed because of the stupid question. "My shoes kept slipping, why is that?"
Chanyeol raised his shoulders.
"Did your ex boyfriend give me bad shoes om purpose?! That's ill, Chanyeol."
"I don't think that anyone had the intention to do so."
"But that makes no sense! You know what, shut it. I want to go home." Baekhyun said, he didn't mean to sound rude, he just couldn't handle the pain and tried to shoe it off otherwise.
"Okay, let me lead you to the car."
"Yeah but first we need to take off these shoes."
Chanyeol helped Baekhyun to stand up, both walked over to the bench. Chanyeol was fast in changing his shoes, but Baekhyun kept struggling with them.
"Am I allowed to help you?"
Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. Was he serious? "Eh, yea, I guess?"
Chanyeol got on one knee and helped Baekhyun to take off his shoes. Baekhyun felt embarrassed once again, Chanyeol seemed so gentle as if he was able to hurt Baekhyun. He even helped him putting on his shoes.
Afterwards both of them gave the shoes back, Baekhyun was about to complain but he didn't want to ruin the date atmosphere. He felt stupid for tsking this date serious.
Chanyeol drove Baekhyun home, walking him to his door. Ms. Byun opened the door, seeing Baekhyun supporting his elbow with his left hand.
"What happened?!" Ms. Byun started to panick.
"A date accident."
"Come in, I'll give you some cream to calm the swell." Ms. Byun waved into the house. Baekhyun nodded and walked in. "Chanyeol what are you waiting for? Come in!"
"I think it'll be better if I get going." Chanyeol said.
"No, I just made food. Please have dinner with us, you guys must have been hungry."
Chanyeol agreed and got in. The house had the same cosy atmosphere as before. He followed Ms. Byun into the kitchen where she placed cream on Baekhyun's elbow. "Mom it's cold!"
"Shut it Baekhyun!"
"But it hurts!" Baekhyun yelped.
"You're a grown man, shut up now. It's done."
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and left the kitchen. Chanyeol took a seat on the dinner table and placed his palms on the table. "Do you need any help, Ms. Byun?"
"No, thank you Chanyeol." She smiled.
"I am really sorry." He apologized.
"I am really sorry." He repeated. "That I wasn't able to protect Baekhyun from getting hurt. You gave me the responsibility to take care of him and that's what happened. I hope you're not mad at me."
Ms. Byun was confused, she didn't know what happened but it was clear to her that it wasn't Chanyeol's fault.
"Chanyeol, don't blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault. Baekhyun is fine, forget about it, let's enjoy our dinner."
He smiled at her. Baekhyun entered the kitchen, he changed his clothes into something more comfortable. Baekhyun sat down.
The three of them began eating, it tasted amazing, he loved self cooked meal more than ordering some. It had another taste, a better one.
"Are you feeling better?" Chanyeol said, still filled with guilt.
"It's fine, really! Look." Baekhyun showed him his elbow, the cream was already gone, the redness aswell. A relief was now filling Chanyeol's heart.
"I'm sorry." Now Baekhyun was the one apologizing.
"You were doing so well there and I ruined the mood."
"Your health is more important than bowling, Baekhyun."
"Awwww!" Ms. Byun squeaked "You guys are too adorable!"
"Mom!" Baekhyun facepalmed. "You're making everything in earth worse, are you aware of that?"
"Really?" Chanyeol questioned. "If it is true than I always want the worst food ever, because it tastes amazing Ms. Byun." Chanyeol complimented her food.
Ms. Byun smiled. "You're so cute!" She said. "Here, here, eat more!" She suggested and filled his plate once again with food.
"Stop kissing her ass, Chanyeol!" Baekhyun hissed
"Stop talking like that to my future son in law!" Ms Byun smacked Baekhyun's head.
"Mom?!" He looked at her. "It's just an experiment!" Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Ms. Byun was about to respond when a beautiful sound of laughing interrupted them. It was Chanyeol, he was laughing which was strange to Baekhyun since he has only seen him smile in every situation, making now Baekhyun the one who's smiling.
This story has it's comeback!
I really missed you guys, don't forget to check out BM.
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