Warnings: Remus, guns mentioned, who ordered all this fluff????
Roman opened the front door and was met with Remus standing in the hallway with his arms folded and a smirk on his face.
"Soooo...how's Virgil?"
Roman opened his mouth to deny it again but quickly changed his mind, instead, grabbed Remus' arm and dragged him up the stairs and into his room. Once they were both inside and the door was closed, Roman gripped Remus' shoulders and started bouncing up and down,
"He's as amazing as ever! We spent the day playing with Thomas in the woods and then they took me out for lunch and and and at the end when we were saying goodbye he kissed me on the cheek!"
Remus' eyes widened and a grin spread across his face as he started jumping up and down too, "holy shit holy shit holy shit!"
The brothers were giggling like teenage girls who were asked to prom by their crushes.
"Now you have to go up to him and fuc-"
"Come on Roman, you gotta grab this opportunity by the dick, you could do it literal-"
"Don't finish that!"
"Just go up to him, you kiss him, you two fuck, then live happily ever after"
"Remus, I can't do that. One, consent is a thing and two, I don't know if he wants that. He does have a mate"
"Yeah, but he's worm food"
"Remus!" Roman smacked him in the face, "don't say things like that"
"What? You should be grateful, it means you have a chance with him! V's mate is buried 6-feet under with maggots eating his eyes and beetles chewing through his stomach and puss pours out of the wounds like melted cheese!"
"Remus! Shut up!"
Roman squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to picture that horrific image.
Remus sighed and spoke in the softest voice he could muster, "do you really like him?"
"I think I love him, Re. That's the scariest thing, I don't want to mess it up. I've never been in a relationship before, Sam was a platonic mate"
"It's a good thing to be scared, it means that the feelings are real. But you can't let it stop you from pursuing a relationship with him. You love him and, by the way your face lights up whenever he's in the room, these feelings aren't going to go away anytime soon. So you need to tell him before you end up hurting each other"
Roman turned his head to face his brother, his mouth hanging open.
"I...how...that's the..."
"Emile's been helping me with the whole empathy thing. It's not going great but, I'm trying"
"I'm proud of you Remus and thank you; you're an amazing brother"
Remus' breath hitched as Roman's words sunk in. His big brother was proud of him. He smiled and moved closer so their heads were touching,
"Love ya, broski"
"I love you too"
"Now, tell Virgil that"
The weekend rolled around quicker than Virgil would've liked. It's not that he didn't like the weekends, he loved them, but it meant that his audition was closer and he was petrified to put it simply. He's never done an audition before. Despite Jasper and Eden's attempts to get him to join the school play, he always refused and stuck with being a techie. So to say he was nervous, was an understatement. He'd spent two hours pacing the living room as he rehearsed and rehearsed his lines, Thomas watching with fond amusement.
Virgil was now walking back from dropping Thomas off at Joan's for the day, once again running through the lines. It wasn't difficult, it was just a scene from the movie and then there will be an improv part to see how you would act with the park guests. As soon as he turned onto his street, he could smell something that was like Roman's scent but slightly off. He didn't pay much attention to it because it was familiar and just carried on walking with his mind in its own world. Once he reached his house, he realised what the slight difference was. Remus was sat on the steps leading up to the front door, playing a shooter game on his phone.
"Virgie!" he jumped to his feet and stuffed his phone in his pocket
"What are you doing here?"
"Welllll remember the day we first met?"
"Yeah? You attacked me and then I whooped your ass"
"Yes! Wait! You didn't whoop me! I was caught off guard and I was about to let you go so my defence was lower. THEREFORE! I challenge you to a duel!"
"Human or wolf?"
Remus beamed, "wolf"
"Alright, where we doing this?"
"We have a massive field behind our house that we use to spar. The field is so big that you could easily hide 10,000 bodies without having to double up!"
"Cool, come inside so I can get changed into my workout clothes"
Remus followed Virgil inside and didn't waste a second before jumping on the sofa and turning on the TV. Virgil shook his head fondly and went upstairs to change.
Remy jumped, causing Emile to almost fall off his lap, luckily he caught him. Remy turned his head to glare at Remus who had thrown the door open and slammed it against the wall. Remus didn't notice and carried on his conversation with Virgil about the best ways to kill a zombie.
"No no no, swords are boring! Machine gun is the best way so go.You can kill more zombies that way, and we're in America, you can find a gun anywhere."
"I mean true, but with a sword you're not worrying about running out of ammo and they're near enough silent so you don't attract any more zombies"
"But they're not as fun! Think of all the destruction that you can cause with guns and other things like that!"
"You're both idiots. One, zombies aren't real and two the best weapon would be a crossbow. You can reuse ammunition if you pull the arrows out of the re-dead corpses and if you run out you can easily make your own. Also, you do not require any particular skills as long as you can aim effectively and are able to pull the string back. Crossbows are also silent and don't require the same force as using a sword." Logan explained as he walked out of the kitchen with a mug of coffee
He smiled over at the two, "hello Virgil, I hope you have been well this week. Also, do us all a favour and punch Remus in the jaw for us, it should stop him from talking for a bit"
"I'll do my best" Virgil chuckled over Remus' offended dukey noises
A muffled, "Virgil's here?" could be heard from the kitchen.
"Hi Roman!" Virgil called before quickly followed after Remus, who was growing impatient and wanted to fight.
No one else in the pack was willing to fight with him, apparently, he was 'too violent'. But now Virgil was here and willing to fight with him, and Remus couldn't be happier to get rid of all his excess energy and practice his skills on someone unknown.
The field was exactly what you would expect. A large square of grass that could actually hold 10,573 bodies without doubling up, to be precise. There's nothing else to say about it, it's just your bog-standard field. Remus led them to roughly the centre of it before he spoke,
"The first rule of fight club is, there is no fight club. Okay but seriously, these rules were set up by Logan, I have to follow them otherwise I can't play. So!" Remus cleared his voice and then spoke in a fairly decent Logan voice, although he's not that difficult to impersonate, "you're not allowed to hit the eyes, private parts or any existing injuries or scars. Biting is only acceptable when in wolf form and it mustn't break the skin. And that goes for all hits, no making the other bleed, bruising is unavoidable but cuts are unacceptable"
"Gotcha, oh about the previous scars thing, ignore that rule with me okay? Do you have anywhere that I need to avoid?"
"Oh okay, I'll try not to though. I don't need Roman trying to kill me because I hurt his c-friend. Oh and I have a scar on my stomach, but it was from years and years ago so there's no need to avoid it"
Virgil nodded as he took his boots off and Remus did the same, both chucking them in the direction of the house. Remus gave Virgil the thumbs up and shifted into his wolf.
His wolf was a light grey and still had his white streak but it went from a diamond on his head into a stripe along his back. Remus' wolf was taller than Roman's and would tower over Virgil when he shifted. His teeth and claws were sharper than average, partially genetics and partially personal grooming. Sure enough, there was a large circular scar on the left of Remus' abdomen. It looked like it hurt but Remus showed no signs of pain, and it didn't hurt him anymore. He doesn't even remember getting it, he was only 3 at the time and no one will tell him how he got it so he just came up with his own wild stories on how the scar came about.
Virgil let out a deep breath to try and relax his muscles to make the shift as effortless as possible. He was worried about Remus seeing his scars but knew that he could trust him and that Remus wouldn't be disgusted. He'd probably be fascinated, and he was. As soon as he saw Virgil's black wolf his eyes widened. He looked at the scars for a few seconds before he focused back at the matter at hand. Proving that he can beat Virgil. Virgil was grateful that Remus didn't dwell on it, and he copied Remus' pouncing stance. The two opened up a mind link between them so they could tap out if needed.
As soon as Remus heard the word he launched himself at Virgil, who instinctively rolled away. The pair seemed to balance each other out, Remus preferred the offensive tactics whereas Virgil preferred defensive. The two rolled around the field, getting a few hits on the other but nothing too drastic. Remus pounced at Virgil and took them both tumbling to the ground, Virgil's neck gently pinned underneath Remus' paw. Not long after, both of them were hit with a strong feeling of worry causing them both to falter and for Remus to release him.
'Was that you? I'm sorry, I thought I pulled my hits back enough'
'No...I thought it was you?'
They looked at each other until they realised that the nervous aura was coming from Roman. Being an alpha meant that his aura was a lot stronger and was felt by everyone in his pack if left unchecked. Others outside of it could also sense it, although not as strong. The pair of them turned back towards the house to see Roman standing by the back door biting his nails.
'What's wrong?'
Virgil's anxiety started to rise, thinking that something bad had happened. He turned to see Remus rolling his eyes as he spoke to Roman,
'He's worried that I hurt you when I tackled you. I'm trying to tell him that we're just sparing and that no one is hurt, but he's not believing me and is having a go'
'Oh, why's he so worried?'
Remus didn't get a chance to reply as Virgil had shifted back to normal and was marching over to Roman. As soon as he saw him, Roman started walking to meet Virgil.
Remus had gotten the fuck out of dodge and went to watch from inside with popcorn.
"Are you okay?" Roman took ahold of Virgil's shoulders and was giving him a once over to check for injuries. His eyes settled on the black eye that was starting to form, as well as a bruise on his shoulder from where he landed.
"Roman, I'm fine. Remus just wanted a friendly sparing match, which was what we were doing. I have a few bruises but so does he. You can't blame him for something we were both doing. And that's another thing, why are you so worried?"
"Because I don't like seeing you get hurt. You're too important to me to see you get hurt" Roman blurted out quickly
Virgil's breathing quickened at Roman's words. He tried to move backwards but with Roman's hands on his shoulders, he couldn't go anywhere.
"Wha-What are you saying?"
Fuck it. There's no backing out now, Roman!
"Virgil...I...for a...no screw this. I had a big and dramatic speech planned but it never sounded right and now I know why. I don't need a big, dramatic scene with you, because that's not who you are and I never want to make you uncomfortable so I'm just going to say it because then I can't chicken out. Like I'm doing now. I'm just rambling because I'm too scared to come out and say it. 'Come out', ha that's funny. I-"
Roman's jaw snapped shut and all words left his mind as he stared down at the lopsided grin Virgil was giving him.
"Shut up and kiss me"
Roman's hands moved, seemingly on their own, to the sides of Virgil's face and leaned closer to him. He hesitated just before their lips touched, but Virgil rolled his eyes and grabbed Roman's shirt in his fists and closed the gap.
Slightly chapped lips moved in sync with warm and softer ones. The two were in their own world, their only focus being on each other, that they didn't hear Patton's squeal and the 'woo's from Remy. They pulled apart, both of them gasping for breath but goofy grins plastered on their faces.
"Virgil...will you go on a date with me?"
"Of course, Princey"
let there be fluff!!
enjoy it, because there may be angst later on???????i hope you enjoyed and feel free to point out any mistakes :)
have a good 24 hours
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