Save me
"Normally such a bold move would be suicide." Your father mused. He rested his elbows on the desk steepling his fingers in front of him. "But on account of your new abilities-" He smirked as you rubbed your arm nervously. "We will be in the perfect position to strike." Your father stood suddenly.
You found yourself locking your muscles into place to keep your body from flinching.
Your father circled the desk and ruffled your hair.
"You might just be useful to me after all, Spark."
You kept gaze on the floor as he spoke only once more.
"Now, go fetch me that gauntlet."
Your memory ended just as you pulled your hood lower. You watched as the last rays of daylight faded behind the horizon. Your foot falls were silent as you came to an old elevator. You had hoped the journey to this elevator would take longer. Even dusk provided too much light for your liking. But your father being the ever impatient man he was, you didn't have the luxury of taking your time.
Still for a few moments you hesitated. Despite the silence surrounding you, your heartbeat sped a million miles a minute. What if your father was mistaken? You would die. There was no question about how the demon bull family would react to the blatant attack.
You had never caught a demon before. You only hoped you could get in and escape without detection.
Shaking yourself from your stupor you rolled your shoulders to ease the muscles there. You would need them for the long decent. You secured your rope to a nearby building then, and tossed the rope down the shaft. The darkness below the elevator sending a shiver down your spine.
"This is a terrible idea." You mumbled as you began repelling down the shaft. You couldn't risk using the elevator, the machine was decrepit. It would make far too much noise.
At first your nerves were on edge. Vigilantly scouring the darkness below you for any sign of movement. But the shaft went on for miles. So soon your mind wandered back to your newfound abilities.
A 'Museling' was what your father had called you. A creature with the ability to control any demon with a single, simple kiss. The ability had dawned from a long forgotten goddess whom had married a mortal. She was then banished from the heavenly realm for the offense. This was the only ability left from her previous powers. Extremely few of her descendants inherited said ability.
You had simply been lucky.
A small snap riveted your attention on your rope. A small sharp rock which jutted from the wall had been soundlessly slicing your rope bit by bit with your movements. Now only strands secured your weight. Panic surged through you and you reached towards the rope. However, your sudden movement was too much for the frayed strands to take and the rest of them snapped loudly. The sound reverberated throughout the cave as you plummeted towards the ground.
Then again maybe you weren't so lucky at all. Your body hit the ground with jarring force but you rolled to disperse the momentum. The method worked albeit barely. Pain resounded through you. Coursing up your legs and back where you had put the most pressure. You checked yourself for more obvious wounds before-
"Well, well, well-"
You stiffened at the low voice.
"Look what we have here."
Your head snapped up, your gaze locking with the heir of the demon bull family. Fiery red hair pulled back into a ponytail, a long red overcoat, and an evil grin that made your stomach turn. Behind him stood several mechanical bull humanoids.
In an instant your mind whirred in to action, attempting to conjure up a plan, a move, anything! Then, your body moved on it's own accord. You jumped to your feet and dashed at the heir.
Stunned at the bold movement, he raised locked his body into a defensive position, but at the last moment you swerved. Dashing right past him.
"Gah! Get her!" The heir shouted behind you whilst you dodged between the mechs. In only seconds you flipped over the last mech using it's shoulders as a foundation, and raced through clear ground towards the gauntlet.
Perched on a pedestal not more that five feet away, you reached forward. Your fingertips had only brushed the metal when a fiery hand clamped around your arm, before effectively ripping you away.
The flames around his fist sent warning alarms through your mind, but shockingly, they didn't hurt. You attempted to discern why but your attention was quickly stolen as the fire prince pulled you nearly into his chest.
"I have no idea what you want with my gauntlet but I'm not going to allow it." The heir growled.
A yelp escaped your lips as he yanked on your arm. The movement threw your weight off a nearby ledge. Your pulse rocketted in your veins. You hadn't even noticed the ledge. Below your dangling form was a pit of lava. And the only lifeline keeping you from an excruciating death was the prince's firm grip on your arm.
"Any last words, peasant girl?" He mocked, the previous scowl now replaced with a sadistic grin.
Your jaw fell slack, but no words escaped your lips.
"No? Huh pity." And with that parting remark, he released his grip on your arm.
The instant he released, your mind caught on to one last plan.Your hand shot out and caught ahold of his collar, dragging him off the ledge with you. You didn't have much time and it was slipping away fast. Your last chance was your ability. So, in one last desperate effort, you tugged his collar closer and slammed a kiss onto his lips.
Fireworks exploded in your mind. Was it meant to feel that amazing, or was that simply your ability doing its job? You weren't sure, but you quickly noticed the prince hadn't pulled away, so did. The moment your lips parted you forced your mind back to your original plan.
"Save me!" You shouted over the wind whistling your ears.
The heir's eyes widened but his body reacted instantaneously. He snaked an arm around your lower back and tugged you flush against his chest, taking up your legs with the other arm. When you both landed it was directly in the lava. Yet, the heir hardly seemed to notice the heat, and only bent at the knees slightly in order to catch you and his weight combined.
"WHAT MAGIC IS THIS?!" He demanded staring at you in shock.
"Put me down over there." You instructed, barely able to think straight from your previous fear.
The heir obliged, but glared at you as if tempted to light you aflame.
The moment your feet touched solid ground, you collapsed to your knees as tremors racked your body.
"Pathetic." The heir scoffed before gripping your arm, and yanking you upright. "Now answer me. What have you done to me?"
"Only what you told me to." You panted with a cruel smile.
"You're the one who wanted to hear my last words."
The heir gaped at you a moment then growled.
"Answer my question!"
The more cruel part of you seemed to take over at this point.
"Alright, I will. After we get the gauntlet and I'm allowed to go."
"WHAT?! If you think-"
"Come on." You urged, starting toward a flight of stairs to your right. Despite his hold still on your arm. But to your relief he released as you walked away. Out of shock or simply out of instinct you weren't sure, but you hardly cared to muse on it.
Begrudgingly, the heir was forced to follow you. As you neared the top of the stairs you remembered the bull bots. So, you threw a glance over your shoulder at him.
"Hey. When we get up there, you need to tell the robots to leave me be."
The heir scoffed.
"As if I'd ever-"
The moment your foot touched the top stair a bull clone reached for you. Only, the heir held up a hand. Signaling the bull clone to halt.
"Leave her be."
The bull clone seemed shocked, but retreated immediately. And you giggled as the heir's jaw dropped.
That was the moment you remembered. Rushing back over to the gauntlet and stuffed it into your backpack. Shockingly, the heir made no move to stop you, nor did he command his bull clones to do so. Maybe this ability wasn't so bad after all. After adjusting your backpack to a comfortable position, you entered the elevator only to pause when the heir stepped in as well.
"No, you can't follow me. Stay here."
The heir rose a brow at you and folded his arms.
"I didn't decide to follow you. Just as I didn't decide to save you."
You frowned in worry.
"But I didn't tell you to follow me."
The heir only glowered at you.
"Of course I would be cursed by an idiotic witch."
The elevator jolted upward at that moment throwing you forward. Before you could catch your balance or grip the railing on the inside of the elevator, you crashed into his chest. The prince's arms shot upward at that instant grasping your upper arms. A movement that kept you against him for a lingering moment. In that moment your eyes locked, then the prince seemed to recover his senses and quickly shoved you back.
"So, you don't even understand what you've done." He concluded folding his arms once again.
You only huffed as you were regained your footing.
"I guess not." You muttered the answer more to yourself than to him.
The trip home was awkward to say the least. The heir threw insults most of the time.
"What type or inept, idiotic, useless-"
"Ugh. Just shut up! You're not allowed to talk until I say different." You snapped back. The heir's lips sealed and silently his hair and eyes exploded into flames.
You likely should have been terrified of the display, but instead you only gasped at the beautiful colors. Your eyes widened admiringly, watching the beauty the flames had to offer. If there was one good thing to be said of this demon, it was how breathtaking his flames were.
Bright yellows, sparking oranges, and blinding white lights danced infront of your eyes. The lights brought an overwhelming warmth that flooded the darkened, lonely street surrounding you two.
Almost instinctively, your shoulders eased and your pace slowed a step or two.
The heir paused. His gaze studied your features for a moment. Then he abruptly extinguished his flames, folded his arms, and looked away stubbornly.
You tried not to show your disappointment as you quickened your pace once again. Your father was expecting you.
When you finally arrived home, your father opened the door. With a start he looked between you and the heir. Then he grew a grin.
"Well, well, welcome home Y/n." He greeted opening the door wider. "Come along." With that, he lead you both to his study.
"I see you brought home a stray." Your father mentioned amusedly. Strolling behind his desk, he seemed to be looking for something. Pulling open drawers, he would sift through whatever was concealed in each one's depths, seemingly find nothing, and close them again.
You were used to him ignoring you, and with his unavailability came your safety. So you hardly minded.
Your forced guest however, glowered at your father over his spectacles impatiently with folded arms. He didn't speak, but then, he didn't have to. His look conveyed more than enough.
To distract yourself from the scathing look you spoke up.
"He was forced to follow me. I don't know how to stop the effects."
You kept the explanation simple and to the point. Just the way your father preferred it.
He nodded.
"Well that's to be expected. There are really only two ways to handle a situation such as this." Your father seemed to find what he had been looking for at that moment. He pulled a long silver dagger from his desk and twirled it between his fingertips thoughtfully.
Instantly, the heir stiffened and his look shifted to caution.
"Um what is that for?" You ventured nervously. Memories of past attacks from your father flicked into your mind's eye. He had only used a knife once. The scar down your back throbbed at the memory and you squirmed a bit.
Your reaction did not go unnoticed by the heir. His eyes seemed to flick restlessly between you and your father. Confusion mingled with determination in his eyes.
"Well it's to handle our situation of course. One way is to kill the demon." Your father's eyes focused on the heir. The dagger still twirling, it's light glinting off the polished metal.
The heir met his gaze unflinchingly and smirked almost as if he was amused by the challenge.
"And the other?" You asked carefully. You didn't want to invoke your father's wrath. But perhaps there was a peaceful way to resolve this.
"You needn't worry about the other. The first will do nicely." You father dismissed with a wave in your direction. "This blade is blessed and can kill any demon easily."
The heir took a defensive stance as your father walked around the desk.
"This won't take long. As he cannot harm you, nor anyone in your bloodline." Your father informed you simply. His voice was calm as if he was only talking to you about the weather or something just as trivial and not someone's life. Meanwhile, the heir's fists burst into flame.
In a blink your father lunged at the heir and stabbed towards his chest.
The demon dodged the blade and raced towards the door only for his body to freeze.
Your father took on a smirk and used the opportunity to slash at the demon once again. This time the blade met it's mark slitting open a scar on the heir's cheek.
The demon shouted in pain and knocked the dagger from your father's grip.
"Y/n! Command him to be still!" Your father ordered.
Make him hold still? You could never do that, could you? Were you a murderer? You didn't want to be. Panic raced through your veins. And due to your indecision you froze.
The demon ducked under a punch and blocked a kick from your father all the while his gaze raking the room. Then his gaze locked on you.
Realization seemed to alight in his eyes and he shoved your father aside before running towards you.
Fear gripped your heart and you rose your arms to cover your face on instinct. You waited for the blow. Only, no blow came. Instead, the heir lifted you bridal style and jumped at your father's bay view window. The glass shattered with the force of his shoulder, and you both fell onto your father's bushes. Thankfully, they cushioned your fall.
Still the demon pulled you back against his chest and took off in a run. You had no idea where he was taking you. And for a moment you were tempted to command him to stop. But then your father's voice flashed through your mind.
'Y/n! Command him to be still.'
You had froze. When your father had given you a direct order. If you turned back now, you were as good as dead. So, you allowed the demon to go where he wanted. The wind whistled around you, but no chill touched you. The demon's chest was unsurprisingly warm and even comforting. You had to stop yourself from leaning into him or he would surely drop you.
Eventually his run died out to a walk. He entered a nearby park and dropped you hard on the grass.
The landing was a touch unexpected and slightly stung but not much. Especially not compared with how your father treated you. The demon sat a ways away from you panting to catch his breath.
You waited patiently for his chest's rise and fall to take on a more steady rhythm before speaking. Silence filled the brisk night air around you and you glanced at your surroundings trying to figure out where you were. Nothing appeared to be familiar. The sun was long since gone and you had no plans of returning home.
Suddenly, the future seemed rather bleak for you. Especially if this demon kept following you everywhere.
You glanced back at the red head deciding he'd caught his breath enough for you to speak.
"Why didn't you run?"
His head snapped up. His features first held shock which quickly morphed into anger.
"Apparently, I have to remain within a certain distance of you or I can't move."
Guilt pricked your conscience, so you looked away.
The demon remained silent for a few minutes then spoke with a bewildered tone.
"Why didn't you obey him?"
"What?" You asked looking back at him.
The demon heir grew annoyed.
"Why didn't you obey your father? He told you to command me to be still. But you didn't."
You thought for a moment. Was there a reason? Or had it simply been panic? Taking a deep breath you slowly put your thoughts into words.
"I'm not entirely sure. I didn't want to be a murderer. And I didn't think you should have had to die just because I don't know what I'm doing."
A small pause filled the air until the demon scoffed.
"Nice speech, peasant girl. Real touching."
Suddenly, you wanted very much to slug him.
"Well you don't seem very grateful."
"Grateful?!" The demon yelled. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation."
You huffed. It was the truth, and you knew it. But that didn't make listening to it any easier.
"Well, now what?" You mused to yourself. "I suppose I should release the spell."
The demon quirked an eyebrow at you.
"I thought you didn't know how."
"Well no." You agreed.
The demon groaned.
"But dad does."
The demon stared at you with a deadpan expression for a moment.
"Oh look who finally learned how to think."
Your patience ran thin at that remark.
"Be quiet!"
The demon's lips sealed but his hair burst into flame along with his eyes. You were sure he wanted to burn you to ashes at that moment.
"Listen, If dad knows then he had to have learned somewhere. And he has tons of books about Muselings in his study."
Intrigue sparked in the demon's eyes suddenly and you felt like you had finally made a connection.
"What do you think?"
The effects of your command for silence faded instantly with your question.
"I think you should stop silencing me before I rip you apart." He warned darkly.
You flinched but then he sighed.
"But you have a point. My knowledge on Muselings is... Limited to say the least. If that's truly what you are I have no idea how to remedy the situation."
You smiled excitedly.
"So we sneak in, steal the book he's been studying on Muselings and remove the spell."
The demon leaned his back against a tree folding his arms.
"One question."
"Mhm?" You asked shivering a bit as a breeze blew past you both.
"What's in it for you?"
You paused. What would you get from this? Death if your father caught you. Likely death, if you released the demon. This was simply a no win situation.
"Here, if I help you then you have to help me." You began feeling nervousness creep up your stomach.
"And how would I do that?" The demon asked exasperatedly.
You bit your lip for a moment.
"You have to make sure he doesn't kill me."
The demon tensed and shock was painted across his features.
You wrung your hands.
"He'll kill me for this...If I help you, you have to make sure he can't."
Something akin to concern laced the confusion that over took his face.
"But he's your father."
You laughed a little bitterly.
"Ok and?" You waited for him to continue.
"Your father would do that to you? His own daughter?"
You scoffed.
"Without hesitation."
A long silence broke the conversation and you simply sat and watched the demon think.
"..Fine." He huffed begrudgingly. He offered you his hand. "It seems we have a deal."
You gripped his hand and shook it only then remembering that deals with demons very rarely ended well.
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