Waking Up
If we burn, you burn with us -Katniss Everdeen, Mockingjay part 1
The moment Elena lost Catelyn a burning rage awakened within her. She had no idea how all of this had happened, the battle, the betrayal of the Freys. She had only woken up from her long sleep and landed right into this mess. All she knew was that The Frey's had attacked them, without anyone expecting it but them. They were cowards who stabbed their enemy in the back when they weren't looking or even expecting anything.
Slowly Elena stood up and unwrapped her wings. The screams and shouts from outside filled the air even in the Great Hall you they echoed loudly. She had only one thing to do now: protect the survivors of the Northern Army. It was the only thing she knew how to do.
Elena flew out of the window after she had picked up a sword from the ground. It had once belonged to a Northerner, who was now most likely dead. With the rage filling every part of her body it wasn't very hard to muster up the strength she had left in her.
Yes, the sleep had used all of her strength but when you lose someone you love dearly the rage consumes you making you forget everything but one thing: revenge. Elena killed every Frey she could see. Here and there they tried to hurt her, some succeeded but never did it truly hurt. It was almost like she was dead already, like she couldn't feel a damned thing. All Elena could see was red.
The Northern army had regrouped and was now fighting back with all of their strength. The Freys were still in majority though. When Elena came and fought some of them off, some with her powers and some with her sword, the Freys became disoriented. They didn't believe their eyes, a woman who fights with a sword and casts ice? A woman fighting was one thing but a Guardian? That was almost impossible since they were all extinct.
The Northern army regained hope when they saw a Guardian fighting for them. Soldiers who had tried to run were now fighting for their king yet again.
Elena knew that even though the Northerners had regained their hope, they were in disadvantage. So she mustered up the last of her power and casted an ice wall between the camp and the Twins. Now there were only a few Freys left they could fight.
The Freys eventually lost hope, they couldn't destroy the wall of ice, not even with a catapult. They pulled back and hid in their castle. The Northern army didn't have the strength nor the devices to break down a gate, not that they even wanted to. They ran towards the edge of the forest to avoid the rain of arrows that was coming from the towers of the castle.
"What do we do now?" One of the soldiers sighed and looked at a wound on his arm. His breath was ragged and fast, his eyes wide open and shooting from one place to another like a hunted animal.
"Where's our king?" Another asked.
"Probably dead. Seven hells, I'm going to kill that fucking bastard of a Frey." Another hit a tree in anger. Many had been killed that night, they knew that they had lost more men than they could possibly afford. "If that stupid boy hadn't married that foreign whore, this wouldn't have happened!"
"He's not dead." Elena said with her eyes narrowed at the man. "So you better keep your traitorous words to yourself before you say something you will regret." The men around her looked at her in confusion. They glanced at the blood that was covering her pearly white skin, her white hair in knots and covered in dirt. She was quite the appearance in the dark night, like a deadly siren.
"How the hell do you know that?" They looked at each other.
"I brought him to a farm just a mile north of here." Elena examined a wound on her arm, she knew it was going to hurt for a couple more days. She could try to heal herself but she didn't even want to try. Somehow the pain soothed her.
"How the hell did a puny little woman like you save a king and carry him a mile and then come back?" One of the soldiers definitely didn't believe her and stepped towards her. He probably didn't see her fight. She didn't look like a warrior, she had thin arms and a small body. "I don't think you could even lift a rock without falling."
When Elena heard the soldier insult her like this, she felt the rage building up again. She had safed their king after everything that had happened and still they dared to insult her and him? She stood up tall, grasped the sword that was hanging from her waist and unwrapped her wings threateningly. Her forest green eyes narrowed threathingly.
"A guardian." One whispered as he stepped closer to her with his eyes widened. The others only stood their with their mouths wide open, gaping at her as if she was a god. Somewhere deep inside their eyes Elena saw their fear for her.
"M-my... lady. I apologize for insulting you." The one that had insulted her slightly bowed.
"No need, I've had worse." She looked at the faces of the survivors, sighing deeply. She knew a fight would be pointless right now no matter how much she wanted to hit the man in front of her. "How many survived the attack?"
"I think around 8 000 of the 18 000 my lady."
"10 000 Men..." Elena sighed and looked at the ground. They couldn't even afford losing 8000, let alone 10 000.
"Call the men. We're setting camp near the farm." Elena ordered. She knew that the men would follow her now, she was a Guardian. The men knew that Guardians would not sent them to death. Eitherway they didn't have a choice but to follow her, their king was miles away and their officers and captains dead.
"Of course, my lady."
The Northern army had set camp around the farm just as Elena had ordered. Many wounded were taken care of and the remaining men guarded the camp. The soldiers had gotten afraid, afraid that another army would come and this time kill them all. After all they had plenty of enemies. Now not only the already much more powerful Lannisters, but now also the Freys who had the bridge they so desperatelly needed.
Elena, as exhausted as she was, still kept walking. Her wings were damaged. The coming weeks she wouldn't be able to fly without having to scream out in agony. She groaned in pain as she rolled her shoulders back, stretching the long and aching muscles of her wings. She didn't pay any attention to the men that were gaping at her, glancing at her wings as if they were some kind of illusion. She entered the farmhouse after folding her wings behind her back and greeted the family that lived there as the tips of her feathers dragged over the ground as she walked.
They were afraid but also proud that they had taken care of a King. They led her to his room where he was sleeping in a bed with his curly hair moist with sweat. His thick eyebrows were knotted together as whimpers fell from his lips every so often.
"How is he?" Elena asked the woman who's name was Helen.
"He's doing good, I hope it will stay that way." She was trembling, she knew that Elena meant no harm but there was blood all over her. Besides the fact that she was a guardian Elena's eyes looked threatening, almost like a natural born killer. Helen couldn't have been more wrong.
"Thank you for your help." Elena nodded at her, dismissing her from the room. Elena did not know since when she had become such a leader. Just then Elena noticed Grey Wind in the corner of the room, looking over his owner. She smiled to herself, glad to see that even the wolf had survived the past few years. She walked up to him and stroked his fur softly.
"Hey there, boy." She whispered and ruffled the hair on his back. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" The wolf barked in response and licked her hand.
Helen left the room and closed the door behind her. Robb had woken up when the two women were talking but then didn't want them to know he was awake. He didn't want to talk to anybody. He had lost his mother, wife and child all because of himself. If he had just married Walder's daughter, all of this wouldn't have happened. Evidently he blamed himself, how could he not?
"Robb?" Elena sat down next to him. She had known him for most of their lives, right now he was the only one alive that she cared about for as far as she knew. She had no idea where all the other Starks were.
Robb opened his eyes in confusion and looked at her. His eyes scanned her face as his hand reached for her cheek. "Elena?" He mumbled as his eyes kept scanning her eyes, lips and rosy cheeks. He couldn't believe it, he thought she had died a year ago. He saw her dead body with his own eyes. "You died, how are you here?"
"Evidently I'm not." Elena snapped back from the trance she was in, admiring his blue, gentle eyes. She lifted the bandages around Robb's chest so she could examine the wounds. Three arrows had pierced his chest. If it hadn't been for the good care of Helen, he would've been dead without a doubt. Robb sat up, ignoring Elena's protests.
"I saw your body, you hadn't moved nor breathed nor woken up. You were as cold as ice!" Robb exclaimed. He thought he was losing his mind after everything that had happened. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breathing ragged.
"I was asleep Robb. I told you about what happens when I heal people, did I not?" Deep inside Elena was angry with him. She thought they had something but clearly they never had, he had left her for dead and found another within a couple of months. Elena sighed and soothingly placed her hand on his shoulder. "I... I'm sorry, Robb. I should've been there."
Robb looked at her in confusion but soon he turned away from her. He remembered the night before, it came crashing down on him like a waterfall. "It doesn't matter. I've lost everything." He closed his eyes as a single teardrop rolled down his face. He hid his face in his hands, letting out a deep breath to try and calm himself down. They had killed his wife, his child and his mother right before his eyes. They had betrayed him when he was most vulnerable.
Anger build up inside him. He wouldn't sit here and grieve like women do. No, he was going to destroy and torture Walder Frey like he had done to him. He was going to take down the Twins and after that the dammed Lannisters. For everything they did to him, he would do to them. "Where's Walder Frey?" Robb's voice was low and dangerous, his eyes narrowing. He had found his strength back in a matter of seconds.
"In his castle probably." Elena answered truthfully, not noticing the menacing tone of his voice. She continued to take care of his wounds, rubbing the blood off his chest with a wet cloth.
"We will attack tomorrow at sundown. Call the officers, I'm holding a small council." Robb stood up after pushing Elena off of him, completely ignoring the pain in his chest. Elena stumbled backwards.
"Robb listen-" She protested after she had regained her balance.
"Tell the soldiers to get ready to fight." Robb looked around the room and soon found his cloak.
"Robb, no-"
"Where's my sword?" Robb draped his cloak around him and fastened his belt around his waist.
"I'm not going to do anything until you sit back down before I make you." Elena spoke threateningly after standing up abruptly with her hands balled into fists at her sides.
"What did you just say?" Robb rose his eyebrows in anger. Normally he wouldn't get angry this fast but he had lost too much.
"You heard me." Elena narrowed her eyes. She had never been one to listen, she had always been stubborn. Never had she followed orders from anyone except for Ned Stark. Robb knew this after all these years of spending time with her. Never had it truly bothered him, he liked that she was different from all the other women. Now though he couldn't take it.
"They betrayed me, murdered my wife, child and mother and you want me to sit here like an old man?" He rose his voice with every word he said until he was yelling at Elena before he walked out of the room. His shoulder brushed hers as he sped through the door.
"You think that risking the lives of your bannermen will bring them back?" Elena followed his long strides. She wasn't going to let him out of her sight after all that had happened.
"Sitting here will?" He spat at her.
"Doesn't a King protect his people at all cost? Will he not give up everything he has just to keep his people safe?" They walked out of the building and through the camp. Many soldiers bowed their heads at their king and followed them with their eyes until they were out of sight.
"We're going to kill every Frey. That's the end of it." Robb was getting irritated. If he hadn't known Elena, he would've hit her even though she was a woman. He wasn't himself, he knew that but the craving for revenge was too strong to hold back.
"You think butchering people will make you feel better?" Elena was getting frustrated, she knew what Robb was going through but putting so many lives at stake for revenge just didn't feel right.
"You're not one to talk. Remember the Kingsroad?" Robb spat.
"HEY!" Elena yelled angrily, grasping his upper arm and forcing him to stand still abruptly. "What I did was unforgivable but putting this as an excuse for what you're going to do is..." Elena stuttered. She was getting angry like never before. There were just too many things going on at once, too much to take in so quickly that she was breaking at the seams. Her inner demon was dying to get out of his cage, clawing at the metal like a mad man.
Elena sighed deeply and closed her eyes as they both remained silent. What Elena didn't see was Robb giving her an apologetic glance. He knew he had gone too far, even after what he has been through. "Elena, I..." He sighed, letting his arms fall in defeat. Elena noticed it, laying down her hand on his cheek and forcing him to look at her.
"You can't fight now Robb. Three arrows pierced your chest. It's a miracle you're even walking. Going to war now is not the answer." She tried to reason with him. It was her only hope now. She looked up at him with desperation in her green eyes, pleading for him to listen. But instead of hers, he could only see Talisa's eyes as she died in his arms.
"Tomorrow at sundown we attack. Now, if you are going to argue with me or stand in my way, you will be treated no differently than the Freys." Robb glared at her once again and walked away.
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