The trial
"I never left."
Elena looked up at his face, studying his features like it was the first time she saw him. Now that she had seen Ethan's true eye colour, she saw the likeliness that it had to Damon's. Both looked like the sea, both a deep colour that you could look at for hours. Damon's eyes were more intense though while Ethan's were soft, gentle.
Elena looked down and bit on her lip. It had only made matters worse, seeing Ethan as who he really was, it made things so much more difficult. It was the same with Jaime. They both seemed so easy to hate at first but now that Elena knew them both she knew that they were just people, like she was.
"You saw him, didn't you?" Damon noticed the grim look on her face before she looked away from him, sitting upright. "I was with you when you went outside, watching you like I did the whole time, what did he do after you stabbed him?"
"You stabbed him with Evelyn's knife?!" Liane exclaimed and immediately knelt down before Elena. "Did it work? Is he dead? Did it even hurt him?"
"He didn't do anything, he just looked down at it." Elena whispered and looked down at her hands. "Nothing happened, he just sat there like he didn't really understand what was happening." Damon had been there, all this time, watching her. "Why didn't you tell me?" Elena's voice broke as she looked at Damon. "About Evelyn, about how Ethan saved her, about everything?"
"Because I didn't want to burden you." Damon tried to wipe the tears from her cheek as they fell but Elena dodged away from him.
"Burden me with the truth?" Elena stood up, ignoring the pain in her back. "All this time I thought that it was all Ethan's fault, that he just killed Evelyn because he wanted to, that he killed your daughter, Felicity, because he wanted to but all along he did it to save them?!"
Damon didn't say anything, he just stared down at the floor. He still felt guilty about their deaths. He knew it was his fault but he blamed it on Ethan still because he wielded the blade. Now though, he realised that it was all his fault.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Elena sobbed, she wasn't angry at him, she wished she could be. She just wanted to understand why.
"Because I didn't want you to think differently about me." Damon said. "I know I'm selfish, I always have been. But you always saw the good in me, only the good." He finally looked up at his sister. "I didn't want to see the disappointment in your eyes when you discover who I really am."
"You're not that bad." Sam interrupted, Elena and Damon both glaring at him. "He's not a saint, true, but he's also not like Joffrey or something"
"Shut up." Liane nudged him with his elbow rather forcefully.
Elena sighed and redirected her attention back to Damon who was still looking at her pleadingly. "I never could be disappointed in you, Damon. You're my brother."
A small smile appeared on his lips as he stood up, he was still weak but he managed.
"Speaking about brothers." Liane found the moment to start the painful bit necessary conversation. "Now that we know the dagger doesn't work since the dark one is still flying around, what do we do?"
"It does work." Elena stated, grasping the dagger from its hilt on her belt. "We just need to find out how. When I stabbed him Ethan did come back but he later disappeared. We need to find a way to make it permanent."
"Good, let's start right away." Damon said.
"No." Elena put her hand on his chest to stop him. "You can't stay here. The Lannisters might find out if Ethan hasn't told them already, it's not safe. If they find out we've been together the little trust they had in me will disappear."
"Then come with me, to Winterfell. It's about time you returned home, to Robb."
"I can't. I won't start a war. For the time being I will have to stay here, with Tommen and Jaime. Maybe it will be forever but at least there will be peace."
"What? You expect me to leave you here, in the lion's den?!" Damon shouted.
"She'll be with me." Sam put his hand up, trying to mingle in the conversation.
"Shut up Sam." Damon and Elena said simultaneously.
"Don't tell me what to do." He pouted and crossed his arms before his chest.
"As I said, just because I hate it here and probably am not entirely safe, that doesn't mean that thousands of people have to suffer because I couldn't handle it." Elena reasoned.
"I don't like it." Damon huffed and turned away from Elena, beginning to pace. "All this time when my body was locked in that doll," Damon pointed at the miserable thing. "-please do destroy it Liane while you're at it-" he looked at him. "My mind was drifting. I could see, hear but not feel anything. The pros were that I could eavesdrop on every conversation that I wanted to. I just so happened to overhear one of Cersei's with a maester."
"What are you trying to say?" Elena wondered as she followed him with her eyes.
"For starters, they don't like you. At all. Secondly, Cersei's been looking for the wildfire that was said to be hidden under the city by our father. Loads of it. Whatever she means to do with it, it can't be good." Damon finally stopped in his tracks, focusing his eyes on his sister.
"So you want me to start a war just because Cersei is looking into a rumour about wildfire?" Elena raised an eyebrow.
"Don't be ridiculous-"
"I'm not being ridiculous, Damon! It's a bloody myth!" Elena shouted but then realized that she had gone too far. "Look, I understand that you're trying to look after me. But I've made my choice and I chose duty."
"She's planning something, Elena." Damon stepped closer to her. "You need to at least look into it."
"I will if you leave for Winterfell. Protect the Starks for as long as you can, maybe even Steven's family if necessary." Elena begged.
"You are a Stark." Damon whispered. "You belong there, with me, with Robb. Not here with Jaime Lannister and his ego."
"I belong here where I can keep the peace and find out what Cersei's planning with the wildfire, Damon. Robb will understand if you tell him." Elena said. "And, by the way, Jaime's ego is not that big anymore." She crossed her arms before her chest.
"Seven hells!" Damon exclaimed. "Are you seriously defending the cunt now?! Is he why you're staying here, because you've developed feelings for the man who killed your family, crippled Robb's little brother and started this entire war?!"
"I don't have feelings for him Damon! You know it's not that simple!" Elena shouted back. "You know I would never do that to Robb, ever. All I'm saying is that Jaime has his motives, and reasonable reasons for the things he's done. Just like us."
"I can't believe I'm hearing this." Damon pressed the palm of his hand against his forehead, turning away from Elena and starting to pace again.
"Look, just go back to Winterfell, tell Robb I'm doing fine and that I'll send for him if need be, protect him if you must and I'll keep an eye on Cersei." Elena suggested.
Damon looked at her for a few moments. Liane and Sam were glancing between the two, feeling the tension rising between the two. "What if something happens to you?" Damon said after a while. "What if they decide to kill you in your sleep when I'm gone? I'll never be able to forgive myself for that, Robb won't be able to forgive me, Steven also won't be as the rest won't. I can't take that chance."
"You wouldn't have to forgive yourself because it wouldn't be your fault. I chose to stay here, I chose to take the risk. You don't have the responsibility, I do." Elena said.
Damon sighed, dropping his arms to rest beside his body. He glanced at his sister, her desperate eyes that were staring at him. "I'm not going to convince you, am I?" He asked and looked as she shook her head no with a small smile playing on her lips. He walked towards her, wrapping her in his arms and resting his chin on the top of her head.
"Tell Robb I love him." Elena's voice was muffled by Damon's clothes. She felt him nod and soon enough he let her go, nodding at his friends before walking to the door of Liane's mansion.
"Take care of her for me." He said and left.
"Urgent?" Robb questioned as he stared at his brother, Jon, who was standing near the doorframe. He had just barged in on Steve and him with fear covering his face. When Jon motioned for them to follow him the two quickly obliged and ran up to him as they ran through the courtyard.
"The Umbers just brought them here, said they found them wandering the woods near their castle all alone." Jon puffed as he neared the gate with Robb and Steven followed suit. "At first I didn't believe what they were saying but then they showed them."
"Who's them?" Robb frowned when they came to a halt, looking at his brother who was smiling at something in front of him.
"Robb?" A small voice called his name. Robb immediately moved his gaze in the direction of the sound, his eyes finding ones he didn't believe he would ever see again. His light brown curls fell before his dirty face, mere dirty rags covering his body. He looked like he was homeless but the direwolf at his side proved otherwise.
"Rickon?!" Robb called, his eyes widening and without him noticing his legs carried him towards his little brother whom he soon engulfed in a strong brace. "By the gods, you're alive!"
"How did you get here? Where's Brann and Summer? Where's Hodor? We thought Theon killed you both!" Robb ranted and kept his little brother at arm length.
"Apparently it were two farmer boys." Jon said. "And if it hadn't been for Osha, Rickon wouldn't be alive."
"Not only because of me. This little lad is a strong one." Osha smiled as she ruffled his hair. Shaggydog, Rickon's direwolf, barked in agreement.
"Thank you." Robb breathed as he looked at Osha. Once she had tried to kill Brann and now look at her, protecting one of the Starks who had captured her.
"No need to thank me." Osha smiled.
"What about Brann?" Steven stepped forward. "What about Hodor and Summer?" This made everyone look at Rickon for an answer.
"They went beyond the wall." Rickon murmured as he looked down at his feet.
"They did what?!" Jon exclaimed. "Have they lost their minds?!"
"Steven, I need you to get them immediately." Robb turned towards him.
"Your Grace-"
"No!" Rickon yelled. "Bran needs to be there, he needs to be with the three eyed raven. Yoyen said so and so did he."
"Yoyen?" Jon frowned.
"Rickon, your brother is in danger and if we don't do anything-" Robb started.
"No! I won't let you!" Rickon balled his little fists at his side.
"Your grace, even if I did search for him I won't ever be able to find him. The North is big and treacherous. I won't even know where to look." Steven stated. "And Elena ordered me to watch over you and your family."
"Brann said it was his destiny." Rickon looked up at his brother. "I believe him and so should you."
Robb stood there for a while, contemplating on what to do. Brann was his brother after all and with the white walkers the north wasn't safe anymore. He looked down at his little brother. "I'm just glad you're back."
"Ser Loras and Cersei Lannister's trial." Sam said as he looked up at the tall building that was the sept of Bealor. "Never thought I'd live up to the day where high borns will be prosecuted and not only the poor. Guess that's the only good thing about the faith in the end."
Sam and Elena were standing near the entrance of the sept as a lot of people were already streaming inside for the trial. It had been two months since Damon's departure. Not that a lot had happened since then, Cersei only continued to give Elena threatening glares during dinner and other events, Tommen continued to ask Elena for advice on how to rule a kingdom, Liane continued to study the dagger and Jaime remained awfully gentle towards her. He must've forced it because their wedding was within a few days.
Even Robb was invited for the wedding, not that Elena expected him to come. The only word she had received from him was that Rickon had returned to Winterfell alive and well. Loki on the other hand had grown immensely to the point that Elena started to doubt if he even was a normal wolf and not a dire wolf. To be sure of his safety she made him stay in the Red Keep where people couldn't see him. Her handmaidens, Felicity and Angelina had come to love the wolf as if he was their own. Whenever Elena was out they'd take care of him.
In the end, Elena also started to like her own handmaidens even though they were a bit too girly to her liking. It was always enjoyable how they could talk hours about the new hair trends in the capitol. Felicity, in contrary to Angelina, seemed to take an interest in Elena's wings. She always found new excuses so she could touch the soft feathers.
"Don't let anyone hear you say that." Elena glanced up at the pikes that were stationed around the sept. What she saw there made her pull her cloak around her wings tighter, hiding her face and body beneath the heavy black fabric. At first she wasn't afraid of what the faith could do but by seeing them hanging there she surely was. From the pillars were hanging guardians, ropes fastened to their wings and bound to the cold hard stone of the sept. They had died of either hunger or pain, seeing that the people must've thrown stones at them as they were hanging.
"Or what, they'll kill me?" Sam glanced down at her and noticed that she was staring at the dead guardians. It did made him shiver too, their great wings covered in blood and dirt. "You're probably right." Sam sighed and looked at her with sympathy. He knew she was angry, that he noticed by the ice starting to cover her wrists and hands. "The trials will start soon, I'll be going inside to claim us some seats. Will I see you there?"
Elena nodded but couldn't take her eyes off of the bodies. They were mutilated before they were hanged up there. Big gashes and cuts were covering all their bodies, the females ripped of their clothing and hanged there for the whole city to see. What Elena didn't understand was why they did it.
"The guardians." A voice startled her. He stood by her side, glancing up at their bodies. Elena recognized him as the High Sparrow, what she began to wonder immediately was why he was here and not inside. Then again the man seemed to know everything so he must've probably also known she was one of those that were hanging there. "Great power they possess. Too great for their own good." He turned towards Elena and looked at her with curious eyes. "What I wonder is why you take such an interest in them."
She shivered under his gaze, not because he looked threatening, not at all, it was because his eyes were gentle and soft. She knew though how dangerous he could be in the end. "The Guardians were made to protect the seven kingdoms. They've done so for millions of years, serving their kings and queens. They never brought dishonour on them or have they done anything that would make anyone question their loyalty or honour." Elena said while she stared at one guardian in particular, a young girl with golden flowing hair and light blue wings. The girl reminded her of Ella, of her innocence and purity. "What I wonder is why the faith would ever condemn them to such a fate."
"They were born out of sin. Made to create war and death so they could aid their master in his quest for power." The High sparrow frowned at Elena.
"Then isn't it their master's fault, for a guardian cannot choose who he or she serves? Not all of them follow or aid the sinful, not all of them reek of sin." Elena turned towards him and took her hood off her head. "They're human, just like you. They were born out of the mother's love, just like you. The only difference is that they were given powers to protect the innocent. How does this take away their right for a trial?"
The High Sparrow scoffed, looking at her dumbfounded. "Power makes men weak." He said after some time. "It possesses and conjures the mind, making people mad. We take the guardians down before they can learn to access their powers so they won't be able to use it for the bad."
"So you kill the man before he can learn how to fight just because there is a slight chance he might fight for the wrong lord?" Elena narrowed her eyes. "It isn't the guardians that are dangerous here. It's the people they follow or protect. People fear what they do not understand."
"You seem to know a lot about guardians, my lady." The High Sparrow said. "Am I wrong to assume that it is because you know of one?" Elena directed her gaze away from him, knowing she was treading in a dangerous situation. She could feel his eyes burning into the side of her head as she looked at the pavement beneath her feet. "No matter." The High Sparrow said. "I'm certain that you'll do whatever is best." He laid his hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "But now I've got a trial to attend to."
Minutes after he had gone inside the sept Elena hesitantly followed him inside. It didn't take long for her to notice where Sam was, he was quite the giant after all. She sat down beside him but her mind was too busy to follow what was happening before her. Without her truly noticing Loras's trial had ended and Cersei's was bound to begin.
"Elena." Sam nudged her side and soon she awoke from her trance.
"What?" She looked up at noticed that Margaery was walking towards the High Sparrow in quite a haste. She noticed the distressed look on her face. "What's happening?" Elena asked and looked at Sam's hazel eyes.
"Cersei's not here." Sam looked around the inside of the sept. "Neither is Tommen or Jaime. They're all not here."
"Not here..." Elena mumbled and stood up, looking around at all the faces of the people around her. Maybe Cersei was too afraid to attend her own trial. But even then Tommen would be here, wouldn't he? He loved Margaery and wouldn't leave her alone during her brother's trial. It was when Margaery started screaming for everyone to leave that everything clicked inside Elena's head. "Sam, run, now. Get Angelina and Felicity and pack my things."
Something had awoken inside her, something that was buried all this time. Even though Sam wanted to refuse something inside of his head forced him too. His eyes became glossy and slightly green. His body moved towards the exit without him giving it the commands, shoving through the barrier of people that had formed. He together with a few other people had managed to escape and without Sam wanting to leave Elena behind in there he did and ran towards the Red Keep.
Elena ran down the steps towards the High Sparrow, looking straight at his face as she took off her cloak and unwrapped her wings from behind her back. The screaming was too loud to hear the multiple gasps that escaped from several people's mouths at the sight of her wings inside the holy sept.
"You-" His eyes widened as the High Sparrow glanced at her wings.
"You need to get these people to safety immediately. Cersei's going to blow up the sept and she's going to do it soon." Elena commanded but the High Sparrow yelled for the guards the take her. Elena angrily waved her hands, creating a wall of ice between her, Margaery and the high sparrow and the rest of the people. "Command your men to let the people leave, now!"
"Let them go." The High Sparrow said without him wanting to. His eyes widened even further when he realised what Elena was doing.
"I should've known that this would happen." Elena mumbled and looked around as the people were streaming out of the sept. It wasn't going fast enough, that she knew. Only a mere 20 had left when she heard it in the distance. The threatening thunder-like sound that erupted from beneath the sept. She had just a moment to observe the shocked look on everyone's faces when the floor beneath them broke apart in a green light. She couldn't watch.
Elena closed her eyes when the fire erupted around her.
"Damon was right."
Thank all of you for reading my story and for all your support.
Key bye.
( Just kidding, I love you guys. Still about 7 chapter's left, don't worry my little guardians. Just remember who Elena is and you'll be fine. This chapter is extra long because I haven't updated in a while due to a camp I went to and work. (bleeeeh) I'll soon be leaving for France so I won't have any internet which means that the next update will take a bit longer than usual.
Happy holidays everyone!)
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