The Red Wedding
The heroes will always be remembered, the best and the worst and the few who were a bit of both.
The moment Elena arrived at the Twins she knew something was wrong. Soldiers were at the gates, some were walking around in a hurry with fear evident on their faces. The Northerners didn't have a slightest idea of what was going to happen that night, they thought that there was only a beautiful wedding going on in the castle. Most importantly, they thought they could just party without a care that night and forget about everything the morning after. They could never have been more wrong.
The first instinct Elena had was to call out and tell them that the Freys were going to attack them. She had to decide against it though, it would bring Robb's life in even more danger. If Walder Frey realized someone knew about his real intentions shit would go down immediatelly.
All of this she knew the moment she saw one soldier coming from the castle. To say she was smart wouldn't be true, she only relied on her instincts. She was a guardian, she existed only to protect. With that came some abilities that would come in very handy in the future.
She walked past the gates in a hurry to get inside the castle as fast as she could. Fear was running through her body but also exhaustion. She had been asleep for almost a year, you could call it some sort of hibernation. She heart Grey Wind the moment she raced through the courtyard. Soldiers were standing around the cage he was trapped in, mocking him and throwing rocks at the fierce dire wolf.
"Excuse me." Elena tapped on one of the soldier's shoulder. He turned around immediately and Elena took the chance to hit him on the head. He passed out but soon the others were on top of her. With some skillfull moves she knocked them out too without drawing any futher attention.
"Come on Grey Wind, run." She opened the cage and lead the wolf towards the gates of the castle. First the wolf didn't listen, he was searching for his owner frantically. He whined as he pushed against Elena's legs, begging her to let him pass. Only she didn't. All she did was kneel down in front of him, stroking the side of his head as she forced him to look in her eyes.
"It's me, Greywind. I'm here." She saw the wolf's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of her face. He began to squable, licking her hands. Yet he didn't cease his attempts to get past her. "He will be okay, I promise." Elena said as she pushed Grey Wind towards the gates. A few more whines passed his mouth until finally he obliged, running towards the woods.
"I'm sorry miss, I can't let you pass." One of Walder Frey's guards stopped Elena from going in The Great Hall after she had walked towards the door. Without any second thought Elena pulled her sword and sliced his throat. The other guards noticed the commotion immediatelly, their swords held high when they charged at her. With ease she killed them too, she had been training in sword fighting almost her whole life.
When Elena had killed the last guard without making much of a noise she pushed the door open. Her heart skipped a beat as her feet froze to the ground when she saw what was happening. Bowmen were stationed around the great hall with their arrows pointed at Robb, who had two of them in his chest. Elena gulped as she forced herself to remain calm. Everyone looked at her, Walder Frey with a confused glance.
'I didn't get an invitation, did I?' Elena looked around the room. "Pity.'
"Elena?" Her eyes landed on Catelyn who had Walder Frey's wife in her arms with a knife to her throat. Catelyn looked at her, confusion was clear in her eyes what soon changed into hope. That one glance was all it took to get Elena angry. She had known Catelyn almost all her life, she had taken care of Elena, raised her like her own child when she was abandoned and alone.
"Let them go and maybe I will let you live.' Elena glared at Walder.
'Why would I listen to a little girl?' He laughed and soon all of his men joined him. That didn't bother Elena though, she was too occupied with Robb. She had then only noticed him lying on the floor while struggling in agony. He was crawling to a woman. She looked like she came from a foreign country yet she looked like a highborn. Soon Elena noticed the gash in her belly and the ring around her finger, the same Robb had. He had a wife? After... All that had happened? What did I miss during the past year? Elena thought.
'I'm not a normal girl, haven't you heard?' The fury that came from Robb being hurt was so great that Elena almost exploded. She couldn't hold it back any longer, she had to kill the men who hurt Robb. He was one of the few people Elena truly cared about, even though Robb had been an asshole in the past.
The wings that had been hidden under Elena's cloak broke free from her back and soon filled the room. They weren't just wings, they were big and strong. It was one of the only benefits that came with being a Guardian.
Now almost all of the Guardians were dead, thanks to the Targaryens. They knew the Guardians posted a threat to them. Almost the only threat actually since they had dragons back then. Guardians are strong, they posses powers nobody could even dare to imagine. Only most of the guardians posses one power: the power from the kingdom they were born in. With the North comes ice, the Riverlands water, and from the land across the narrow sea, the Red waste comes fire and so you go on. The most powerful one though is manipulation. Nobody has ever discovered where that power comes from, or how a Guardian can learn it.
There was only one who possessed that power. Only that one hasn't been seen for years, nor has anybody ever known his name. Most people call him the Dark One, thanks to his not too kind nature. He possessed every power in the world. That's why nobody could kill him. He would kill every man and woman that would stand in his way.
But everyone dies eventually. The Targaryens made a deal with the rest of the Guardians to take down the Dark One and end his destructive rule. They succeeded, but not without a great price. For almost a century the people in Westeros lived in peace, that is until the Targaryens betrayed the Guardians and hunted them all down.
Except for Elena.
Now here Elena was, thought to be the last of her kind. She was born in the North thus her ice powers are one of the few powers she possessed. Though with her skills in sword and bow fighting she was almost as powerful as one of the best warriors.
Even with these powers Elena knew she could never defeat all men in the room on her own. The sleep she had awoken from had exhausted her powers. So she did what Guardians do best: protect. She ran to the other side, killing the guards who tried to block her way and pulled Robb to Catelyn, where she wrapped her wings around the three when Walder Frey commanded the archers to shoot. The arrows came down like rain, it did hurt but if it was the only way to save Robb and Catelyn Elena wouldn't doubt for a second. If she had to, she would go through this agony her whole life to protect them.
The wings of a Guardian are unpierceable by simple arrows or swords, making it a shield. She wished that she could stay just there, protecting her loved ones simply by shielding them with her wings. It was easy. Nothing is easy though when it comes to protecting people, within seconds the Freys could figure out a way to force Elena to get up. Plus Robb was bleeding out and would soon die if they didn't get out of there. He couldn't fight, that Elena knew. His eyes were opened with fear and disbelief.
'Talisa...' He couldn't even form words, only soft whispers.
'Catelyn.' Elena looked up inside the small cocoon she had made with her wings. 'I can't carry 2 people out of here.'
They both knew there was only one way to get out of here now. The doors of the great hall were now guarded with tons of soldiers, who were storming towards the small cocoon that was Elena. Catelyn knew that the only way to get out was for Elena to carry someone with her as she flies through the windows of the great hall.
'Please make sure he's safe.' Catelyn whispered. There was no fear in her eyes, only courage. Elena had always known her to be a strong and brave woman, Catelyn never disappointed her.
"I will." Knowing that she could never find the words to express her gratitude, Elena only nodded at Catelyn and then helt Robb tight against her chest. She then spread her wings, knocking a few guards over in the process. She then lifted her wings and with a great swing she brought Robb and her 5 feet above the ground.
She had no time to waste now that all of the arrows could hit their mark. She flew out of the window, breaking the glass when she went through it. She heard the furious screams of Walder Frey and a few seconds later Catelyn's scream as shards of class flew around her.
It would haunt Elena in her dreams every day after that night, the scream of despair and the dreadfull noices that came after that. After all Catelyn had done for Elena, she couldn't even save her. She forced those thoughts out of her mind and looked down at the camp. The battle had started, the tents were catching fire and Walder Frey's army was attacking the Northerners.
Robb had gained weight, that she knew for sure. She also knew that she won't be able to fly with him long because she wasn't that strong. She could already feel him slipping out of her arms as she desperatelly clung to him.
Luckily he had passed out so he didn't struggle. With much effort Elena brought them to the closest farm she could see within a minute. She could fly almost as fast as a dragon, maybe even faster. When she was younger she would fly all day long, exploring new parts of the North she had never seen.
She landed right in front of the door. She had no idea who lived here but when she opened the door and saw the people who did, she knew they would take care of Robb. That was also one of the many instincts of a Guardian, they mostly know who to trust and who to not with one glance at the person. Only the ones with great skills in lying could anyone betrust a Guardian while they should not.
"You need to take care off him. Tell nobody he's here and don't ask any questions. I will come back in a day at most." She laid Robb down on a table while the people looked at her wide eyed. They hadn't noticed the cloud of smoke that now hung above the Twins nor had they heard the screams of the soldiers.
"Winter is coming." That was the only sentence that needed to be said to make the inhabitants of the farm know that they were on their side. They immediately rushed to Robb's side and took care of his wounds.
"Where will you go?" The man said, while he was pulling the arrows from Robb's chest. Robb winced in his unconsciousness state but luckily didn't wake up.
"The Twins." Was all that Elena said before she left the farm to fly off to the Twins again. She had little hope left for Catelyn, but she had to try.
Soon she again flew through the window only this time did she enter. Walder Frey had left the Great Hall, only a few soldiers were still killing the Northerners that had survived. Finding what little power she had left, Elena froze the soldiers. They were surrounded by ice, within a few minutes they would die of cold.
Elena ran to Catelyn's body when she noticed that she was still alive. She quickly fell to her knees, lifting Catelyn's weak body up in her arms. Her hand reached out to the wound in her chest.
"Is he safe?" Catelyn struggled to talk, the men had put a knife in her chest.
"Yes, yes he is." Elena sobbed when she realized she was too late to heal her stepmother.
That was the second power Elena possessed. She could heal people, only always with a price. She couldn't just randomly heal everybody. No, if she healed somebody she would drain her own life essence. If it was too much there was even a possibility of her dying too.
But now Elena was too weak to perform such a spell. Either way she couldn't have done it, she would have fallen into a sleep even longer than the one she just had. Maybe she wouldn't even wake up at all. So she scooped up Catelyn in her arms and helt her with tears brimming in her eyes.
"The Lannisters... They did this..." Catelyn found it hard to breath. Yet she fought against the urge of closing her eyes, struggling to keep her focus on Elena.
Elena stroked some of Catelyn's brown hair from her face, soothing her.
"Kill them. Kill them all." Catelyn spoke with hatred laced through her voice. Elena's eyes widened in shock as she begged Catelyn to stay with her, begged the gods to show mercy for her mother. She whimpered and cluthced herself onto Catelyn while desperatelly trying to find a way to save her.
"Protect him." Catelyn's eyes softened as she could barely speak. When the light vanished from Catelyn's eyes Elena froze. Her body became limp as she died in the arms of the last Guardian.
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