The last goodbye
I'll come back when it's over, no need to say goodbye.
Elena stared up at Robb, noticing that his eyes were like a mad man's. They were hopelessly scanning her face for any emotion. Elena knelt down on her knees without saying anything and put her hands up in defeat while trying to remain as calm as possible.
Robb frowned, tears forming in his eyes. Elena knew something was wrong, something was messing with his mind. That something most likely being the Dark One. Elena knew she couldn't do anything but to feel the pain Robb felt by looking into his eyes.
"Elena." Robb tried to breathe, it looked like he had no control over his body. His eyes seemed desperate but his face showed no emotion.
So Elena just continued to stare up at him with the sword against her throat, afraid to trigger something in his mind. She wasn't only protecting herself, the thing she found of most importance was that Robb couldn't kill her because it'd break him when he would realize what he had done.
Robb's body began to shake, his eyes still frantically and desperately staring into Elena's.
"Elena." Robb mustered out. "There's someone in my head."
Elena nodded. She tried to hide her emotion, she knew it would only please the Dark One. It was hard for her though, she could see the pain and confusion in him but she couldn't do anything about it.
"But it's not me." Robb's body began to shake uncontrollably but his sword was still held dangerously hard against Elena's throat. Yells of Robb's guards came closer after they had realized that their king wasn't behind them anymore.
"I have to kill you." Robb said sternly and pushed his sword harder against Elena's throat. It cut into her skin and drew blood.
"Your grace!" The soldiers arrived and saw the two standing there, Elena on her knees with her hands up in defeat and Robb looking at her with his sword ready.
"My king?" One of the soldiers spoke, it woke something in Robb. The man saw the hesitation in Robb. "She's a danger, your grace, just like you said. You will only be protecting your people."
Robb nodded and pulled back his sword a little so he could put more force against his next blow. Elena realized that he was going to do it, he was going to kill her right there and then. She took in a deep breath, fear filling her and her hands shaking. She closed her eyes with a single teardrop falling down her cheek.
Suddenly a snarl erupted from behind the tree followed by soft footsteps coming closer. First Elena thought that it was Grey Wind, Robb's dire wolf. But Grey Wind would've never attacked him, this one did though one moment after he made the snarl.
The guards started screaming and attacking the unknown animal while Robb had been knocked down by it, now laying on the ground beneath him.
Elena opened her eyes immediately and saw the black panther growling at Robb before he attacked the other guards. They screamed for help, other soldiers in the forest yelled back but they were far away.
Elena jumped up but hesitated on what to do. She could run away and put distance between Robb and her but she could also attack the panther. She couldn't just let it hurt him, not even after what had just happened. He was still her Robb, some guardian with mental abilities couldn't change that.
The animal had saved her though, she couldn't attack it. So she just stood there, unsure of what to do as she examined the animal. It was a black panther, unlike she had ever seen. It was abnormally huge. It had big and powerful muscles,a lean body and it was as dark as the night.
Elena could feel the power radiating off him and she knew it was no ordinary animal, no, it wasn't even one.
The creature turned towards her when he had taken down the last remaining soldier. Robb was still lying on the ground grasping his wounded arm. He looked at the panther, his wounds weren't even big or painful, the animal had avoided hurting him too much.
"Jump on my back." Elena heard a voice in her head, the Dark One's. Just then did she see the dark of his eyes, the familiarity of the colour of them and the black of his hair.
She took in a deep breath, unsure of what to do. What was the Dark One planning on doing? Why would he protect her from Robb when he made Robb attack her in the first place? How does any of this make sense?
"Just bloody do it, you're not safe with him and you know it." The Dark One growled in her head, his eyes looking at her angrily. The panther stepped towards her, his paws making no sound when they touched the ground.
"How can I trust you?" Elena came back to her senses and looked at the panther's eyes.
"Elena?" Robb was terribly confused as he looked at the animal and her who were staring at each other. He felt like he had completely gone crazy. "What are you doing?!"
"You're a smart girl, why would I save you when I am the one who put you in harm's way?" The panther circled around Elena while never taking his eyes off of her, testing and provoking her.
"Because you're not the one to put me in harm's way in the first place." Elena realized her stupidity. The Dark One wasn't the only guardian that could mess with people's heads, there was another one out there who was clearly more powerful and dangerous than him.
"Clever girl, now get on my back before he regains power over our minds again." The Dark One urged and stepped before Elena. She hastily climbed on his back. She looked at Robb for one last time, his face was the pure definition of confusion.
Elena knew this was the last time in a while that she would see Robb's face. So she took him in, his mesmerizing blue eyes, his dark curls and his strong built. She knew that she was taking a risk by leaving him but she would take even a bigger risk by staying with him.
So she pulled out a feather and gave it to Robb. He knew how it worked, when he was in danger he could just hold the feather tight and Elena would know that he was in danger immediately, no matter where she was.
"Take care." Elena said with tears in her eyes as Robb took the feather from her. He was still sitting on the ground with a confused look on his face.
"Hold on tight." The Dark One commanded and then sprinted away from the King in the North with his guardian on his back.
The day was dark and cold, Eddard told everyone during breakfast that winter was coming, and it was coming fast. That wasn't the thing that worried Elena the most though.
Jon had spoken to her after breakfast.
He told her that he was going to leave, he was going to the wall and become a brother of the Night's watch. He had asked his father for permission, which he granted. With his uncle Benjen leaving soon, Jon would join him with his journey to the wall.
Elena just couldn't let him go. Jon had become one of the most important things in her live, just the thought of not being with him broke her. So she made her choice; she was going to join Jon and go to the wall.
Elena was packing her things, not that she had much. She hadn't told anybody of her plans and she wasn't going to, she knew they would only try to stop her. Especially Robb, since they were kind of together now.
You would think that Elena would stay with Robb since they were together but she couldn't. You know, guardian things.
Elena knew that Robb would be safe here in Winterfell. Jon on the other hand would be in danger at the wall. All of those rapist, murderers and thieves posed a threat and Elena couldn't bear the thought of Jon being amidst them without her.
"What are you doing?!" Robb stormed into the room, making Elena jump in surprise. She sighed and stuffed some more clothes into the bag she'd carry with her.
"Elena." Robb said with that demanding tone of his as he looked sternly at Elena.
"I'm going with Jon." Elena stood up tall and looked Robb right in the eye. Her body was shaking, she was nervous of Robb's reaction.
"No you're not." Robb said simply, still with his voice lowered. He walked towards Elena and closed the bag, lifting it on his shoulders, stopping her from packing.
"I can't let him go alone, Robb." Elena whined and reached for her bag. Robb took a few steps back, denying her to grasp it.
"Yes you can, and you will." Robb stated sternly. He looked at her, thinking of how she even came to the idea of going to the wall. He saw the light blue dress she was wearing, which reached just under her knees, her hair in a braid while she wasn't even wearing shoes. The men of the night's watch would eat her alive.
"Robb, please." Elena whined and tried to take her bag back again but failed. Robb blocked her way by lifting his hand towards her, his eyes narrowing while looking straight into hers.
"You're not going with him, Elena." Robb commanded, he really did sound like a true lord, as he once was going to be.
"You can't command me!" Elena lifted her voice, her body shaking in frustration. How could Robb just command her around like she was some servant girl? He knew she wouldn't listen.
"Yes I can!!" Robb screamed. Elena jumped in surprise, he had never raised his voice at her, ever. Her eyes widened as she stepped away from him.
"Dammit, Elena." Robb sighed, clearly frustrated. "How can you even think about leaving?!"
"Because I can't let him go." Elena said, making Robb take in a deep breath to calm himself down.
"You can let me go though? You would just leave me here and follow Jon wherever he goes? Do I mean nothing to you?!"
"You know you do." Elena casted her eyes down, avoiding Robb' furious gaze. Honestly, it was scaring her.
"Then why in the seven hells would you leave me behind and go with that bastard?!!" Robb yelled even harder than he had before, his whole body shaking in anger, his fists clenching. He threw Elena's bag towards the wall. Tt made a loud thud, making Elena's body jump in surprise.
"He's your brother!" Elena yelled back, offended by the way Robb spoke of Jon.
"I don't care!" Robb stepped towards her while screaming. Elena's fear grew stronger, her heart beating frantically in her chest. She had never seen him this way, he was always honourable and gentle, not like this.
Robb was practically seething while he stood before Elena. He looked down at her, he was towering over her small frame. They were only a few inches apart, Robb could feel Elena's breath on his neck. Yet she still managed to avoid his glare.
"He will be in danger, Robb." Elena whispered and looked at the ground.
"You. Are. Not. Going." Robb growled.
Elena sighed deeply and closed her eyes, sending the tears to roll down her cheeks. She knew she wouldn't win, not this time and not with him. She took a shaky breath and looked up at Robb's burning eyes.
"At least let me say goodbye to him." Elena's voice trembled. She didn't even blame Robb for being angry, she understood why he was. She'd react the same if she was him.
"Of course." Robb whispered back, his voice suddenly gentle and loving. His hand reached up to her cheek and stroked a strand of hair behind her ear.
He leaned in and kissed her, his other hand pulling her closer by her waist. Elena wrapped her arms around him, one around his shoulder while the other was tangled in his dark hair. Their lips moved together in sync, their bodies melting together.
Robb pulled back a little when he tasted the salt of Elena's tear on his lip. He stroked the remaining away tenderly with his thumb, his eyes looking deeply into Elena's green ones.
"Please don't ever try to leave me again."
"I won't." Elena promised and looked into his blue eyes.
"Good." Robb sighed deeply and leaned in to kiss her again.
Author's note
And hellooooooo there.
This chapter is dedicated to @Blue_Topaz_ because her comment really made me laugh last chapter ^^. I would also like to specially thank AGNight and Ilseexx for their sweet comments every chapter, you guys really make me want to finish this story.
So the last few days I had trouble writing this story, I can't of wasn't excited or inspired to write it. So I hope this chapter wasn't complete rubbish.
Also for this chapter I would want to ask everyone to please recommend this story to other people! It would really inspire me and make my day to see this story getting more popular. I actually am still amazed on how popular it is now, we hit 4k reads yesterday! Thank you!
Since I'm just a normal human and not very perfect, I would really like it if more people read this story xd. I'm still more than grateful for you guys, so thank you again!
At last for this chapter it's going to be the same as most: the one who votes the last on this chapter will get a dedication next chapter. AND I will follow them if I already don't! So vote!
Thank you guys and see you next chapter!
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