The battle of life and death -part 3: Elena's weakness
"All that is gold does not glitter"
"Elena!" Sam burst through the door with his sword ready in his hand, seeing how the guardian was being held up by The Mountain and how Jaime lay dying in Cersei's arms. It didn't take long before he had decided what to do, he jumped on the mountain's back and placed his sword against his throat while holding him. It gave Elena enough room to escape from Glegaine's hold, pushing herself free and landing on the floor to catch her breath.
"Elena?!" Sam yelled when Glegaine started to try to throw him off. "A bit of help, please?!"
Elena growled, her eyes narrowing while she slowly looked up from the ground, her throat raspy and aching. She stood up while watching The Mountain thrash around, desperate to get Sam off of his back. She lifted her arm slowly, concentrating on the blood flowing through his body. Only there was none, it was like he was a walking corpse with only dried blood in his body.
"Now might be a good time to do something!" Sam yelled when The Mountain threw him against the wall. He then furiously turned towards Sam who tried to grin at him. Glegaine ran towards Sam with huge, heavy steps and tried to hit him. Luckily Sam dodged by rolling aside quickly, looking how The Mountain had made an huge hole in the wall.
"Kill her, not him!" Cersei had been crawling back with Jaime in her arms who was still murmuring in disbelief. She grasped her sword that she had brought with her, holding it up to try and keep Elena away from her. Cursing, Elena tried to remember the lessons Liane taught her while the Mountain was storming towards her.
"Just focus on the vibrations, the small movement of every object or substance. Then make those vibrations bent to your will." When Glegaine was just a few inches away from hitting her she waved her hand, causing The Mountain to fall down with a loud crash.
"You may seem alive." Elena walked closer towards him while looking at his empty eyes, her hands balling into fists. She kept on pushing him down with her powers like there was a huge hand placed on his back. "But you are no more than her puppet." She made his helmet crumble with his head in it, hearing a loud crack when his skull gave in. He didn't even make a sound, not even a small groan.
"That was scary." Sam tried to laugh as he was slumped against the wall, his hand resting on his chest.
"Cersei." Elena narrowed her eyes further, her hands balled into fists while being surrounded in a thick light blue smoke. The queen looked up at her, raising her sword even further. "Surrender before you hurt yourself."
Cersei was no fool. She knew that she was defeated. Only her pride as a lion, like all the Lannisters before her, was too great for her to surrender to her enemy. "We entered the world together." Cersei said while holding Jaime. "And we will leave it together."
"Don't!" Sam tried to grasp the hilt of the sword before it was too late but he failed. Cersei had driven the sword through her own chest, her eyes filling with pain the moment the sword pierced her skin. "Well, dammit."
Elena knelt down before them slowly, looking at Jaime's closed eyes. When she saw his chest rise and fall slowly but surely, she sighed in relief. Without alarming his sister Elena froze the area around his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "Cersei." Elena said while looking at her sadly. "You know what it is like to lose your children. So please, help me. You've got nothing left to lose."
"Did you try to save him?" Cersei stammered, tears forming in her eyes. "Tommen? When he fell?"
Elena looked down to the ground, closing her eyes while letting out a deep breath. She would never forget how she saw the little boy fall from the castle and then his broken little body on the cold hard floor. Elena looked up at Cersei again, nodding slowly. "I was too late."
"Then I'm in debt to you." Cersei fought to keep her eyes open. "And a Lannister-" She grimaced in pain. "Ethan." Cersei said while looking at Elena. "He hid them, in an old burnt house near the market place. He put a spell on it, it can only be opened by a key which he has."
Elena nodded. "Thank you." She made an attempt to leave, standing up until Cersei grasped her hand and pulled her back down.
"Wait." Cersei said while squeezing Elena's wrist in her hand. "There's wildfire, placed under the marketplace. They're going to blow it all up."
"What?!" Elena's eyes widened. She knew that Robb intended to go there after breaking through the second gate. "How? When?!"
"When your army is there." Cersei answered. "There'll be a lot of guards to lure your husband in. He won't even notice before it's too late."
Elena turned towards Sam to look at him, both their eyes widened in fear. "If the plan went right he should already be there." Sam stressed, pacing in the small chamber. "But not only Robb is there, Lyanna and Gillian are there too. The house is near the marketplace, the explosion will bury them."
Elena looked back at Cersei, her heart thumping wildly. "Why are you telling me all of this?"
"Because Jaime must've loved you for a reason." Hatred was laced through her voice even when she lay dying. Elena stuttered but didn't know what to say. So she looked down at her hands, too confused to even look Cersei in the eye.
"Now finish it." Cersei nodded at Gillian's dagger in Elena's hand. Elena's head shot up again, looking at Cersei in bewilderment.
"Did you miss me, dear brother?" Ethan smiled as he circled around Damon, leaving a trail of thick black smoke behind him as the tips of his great pitch black wings dragged behind him on the floor.
"Honestly, I didn't." Damon growled as he unwrapped his wings too. Maybe they were smaller than his brother's but that didn't take away the fact that they were stronger, more muscled while Ethan's were more lean and agile.
"That breaks my heart." Ethan pouted while he put his hand on the left side of his chest. He then noticed Liane who was still busy trying to be unnoticed, hiding behind Damon's back. "Liane!" Ethan clapped his hand in joy. "Such a pleasure to see you, dear friend!" Liane crept even closer to Damon's back, whimpering softly. "I thought you and I had a connection, dear friend, no need to be shy. You know I was the one who taught you all about guardians."
"In my defence, you've gotten quite scary." Liane dared to look straight into Ethan's eyes, his head peeking above Damon's shoulders who sighed deeply.
"Damon." Elena's voice suddenly rang through his head, his hand shooting up to his face to try and hear her more clearly. "They're not in the tower." Damon's eyes widened immediately, forgetting about Ethan who was stalking before him. "I'm out."
"What?" Damon stuttered, his hands beginning to shake as he looked up at the tower where she was supposed to be. Then he noticed the clouds that were getting thicker each second, the frost that covered the whole floor and the wind that was picking up. "Elena? What's going on?"
Ethan started to pick up on the changes too, frowning while catching a snow flake in his hand while Liane was still talking to him. Ethan then chuckled lightly, knowing what this meant. "You know, Damon, our sister has never been one to be able to hide her emotions. Especially not fear." He glanced at his brother who was looking at the tower worriedly.
"Elena? Are you there?!" Damon held his index finger to his temple which usely helped with telepathy. Only this time he got no response whatsoever.
"You know, you're quite predictable, you and Elena. Always coming to rescue the people in distress." Ethan laughed, clasping his hands behind his back. "But I never thought you'd be this stupid, to trust Jaime Lannister, the only true lion that's left in this world. You really think I'd make it this easy to get back the little ones? Make it easy for any of you?!" Ethan actually seemed offended.
"Where are they?" Damon suddenly became furious, fire erupting from his hands and licking his arm till his shoulders. "What have you done to Elena?!"
"That's the least of your concern right now." Ethan hissed and then smiled, walking closer towards Damon slowly. "'Cause if I'm not wrong, Robb is marching into the marketplace right now." Ethan's voice drifted off as he held his finger against his temple, concentrating on the minds of people there. He laughed when he found what he was looking for, directing his attention back to Damon. "I'm afraid he might get burned."
"Damon? Do you hear me?" Elena talked to him mentally while flying over the remains of the city and towards the marketplace. "Damon? They're planning to bomb the marketplace with Robb on it." She tried again when the marketplace came into sight. She was holding a mental debate whether she'd search for the children or Robb, since both of them were in danger but at two very different places.
"Damon?! Goddammit!" She stressed when she came even closer and saw Robb making his way towards the Lannisters at the front of his army with Grey Wind and Loki by his side.
"Steven!" She saw the other guardian at Robb's side, battling with his sword and shield. Also he didn't seem to hear her. Ethan must've messed with our telepathic powers somehow. Elena cursed. She came to a halt in the midst of the air right before the centre of the marketplace. Robb was too far away and way too engaged into the fight to notice her, just as Steven and all the others were. She was close enough to make out the light blue figures that were fighting with them.
"Gillian." Her eyes widened when she recognized the way he walked, the way he held his daggers and the manner how he fought. It was definitely him, only was he a ghost. With that came the old memories that she'd shared with him; the good, the bad. All in all it summoned a smile on her face.
Right at the moment that she decided to go to Robb, Damon appeared from behind one of the buildings, flying swiftly towards Robb.
First Building on the right side of Aegon's street. Elena repeated Sam's words inside her head and swung her wings to guide her there. After all, with the way Damon looked she was sure he knew.
"Lyanna? Gillian?!" When she arrived there was no soul to see. Just an empty street, completely abandoned and quiet. Too quiet. Elena thought to herself as she turned around swiftly, looking in any direction.
"Lyanna!!" Elena yelled louder in frustration and worry, her heart thumping wildly in her chest like it was trying to break out of its cage. She walked towards the half broken house which Sam had shown her earlier, her home.
It was still in the broken and crumbled state she had first seen it. There was no way Ethan had somehow hidden her children in the pile of wood. Elena kicked some of the planks in frustration, sending it a few feet away.
"Mom?" Elena's head shot up immediately.
"Gillian? Are you there?" She looked around frantically.
"Mother? I'm right here!" She heard him and soon after Lyanna's soft cry. Even though she couldn't see them, their voices seemed so close-by that she should've been able to touch them.
"Gillian, listen to me well, Ethan has got you trapped in there. Just tell your mom what you're seeing right now and I will get you out of there, okay?" Elena's voice trembled. She knew she was running out of time, the city could blow up any second.
"I... I'm in a house." Gillian sobbed, his little voice coming from right beside Elena.
"Go on, sweety."
"And it's dark, mommy, it's so dark." He cried. "The-the room is small and there are four beds. There's a table with some food and shiny gold. There's a hole in the wall where Lyanna and I are hiding."
"It's an illusion of the past." Elena whispered to herself as she glanced at her former hiding place which was now just a pile of wood. "Listen, Gillian, it's all fake, all right? You need to find some kind of glitch, something that doesn't look like how it should've looked. Because mommy can't reach you if you don't."
She heard some ruffling and Lyanna's sobbing. The little girl probably had no idea what was happening, just that she was trapped in a dark room.
"Gillian? Did you find anything?" Elena rushed as she heard more and more shouts and battle cries coming from the marketplace. The battle was starting and soon after the explosions.
"Mommy, I'm scared." Gillian sobbed. "I-I can't find anything, mom, please just get us out. Lyanna is bleeding and I don't know what to do."
Elena bit on her lip as she fell to her knees, trying to keep calm. "Just keep looking, sweetheart, then I'll get you both out and we'll find your dad, okay?"
It was silent for a while except for some soft footsteps as Gillian was walking around. Suddenly Elena heard the first explosion from far away, the city shaking and trembling. "Gillian?! Hurry!"
Elena tried everything, ice, water, telekinesis, but nothing seemed to be able to break the illusion. Meanwhile the explosions seemed to get closer and closer till the sound was almost deafening.
"Yes?" Elena sobbed as she fell to the ground in a hopeless mess, extending her hand towards where she heard his voice. She pulled her knees to her chest when another explosion seemed so close that it should've blown them to pieces.
"I love you, mommy." She heard Gillian cry from right beside her.
"I love you too."
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