One call away
"Family don't end with blood." - Bobby, Supernatural
"So what's the plan exactly?" Elena asked her brother mentally just after they had taken off, the wind surging through her hair.
"Find Ethan, kill him if necessary." Damon answered. It pained him to know that he had to kill his own brother to save his sister and everyone else he loves. Even though he hadn't been like one for years, Ethan was still his brother. His big brother that took care of him during the years they spent in King's landing with their mother, the brother that sacrificed almost everything to keep his little brother alive. Maybe there wasn't anything of that brother left in Ethan, maybe it had become just a vessel for darkness after all these years, but every time Damon would look into his eyes he'd remember the memories they shared and the times they laughed and played together.
Damon didn't blame his brother for losing control. Hell, he blamed himself for everything that happened. He understood everything Ethan had done since the moment he himself let their mother die. The only thing Damon didn't understand was why Ethan killed Evelyn. Ethan himself had loved Evelyn also, so why kill her when he could take her for himself, even though she wouldn't take him voluntarily? Maybe it hurt Ethan too much to know that Evelyn loved his little brother instead, maybe Ethan killed her as a mercy so she didn't have to go through years of spending with him. Maybe he did have humanity left in that moment.
Damon glasped himself onto that thought, hoping that with the memory of Evelyn he could get his brother back. After all, Ethan had taken care of his daughter all those years without ever hurting her on purpose. That had to be for a reason.
Elena looked down at the battlefield. Stannis was in the midst of the battle with ser Davos close by, killing almost every Lannister that was within his reach. He wasn't exactly a hero, as Elena knew, but he could fight like one. Still the Lannister had an advantage over the northerners. They used trebuchets to knock down the scarred walls of Harrenhall and used rams to knock down the ever holding gates. Within an hour they will undoubtedly reach the castle, break in and destroy everything and everyone within.
But neither Jaimy, Tyrion or Tywin was leading the army. "The lions are still in their castle, cowering." Elena spoke to Damon when they flew over the battle. A few arrows were shot in their direction but they dodged them without any effort.
"Ethan probably leads this battle." Damon told Elena while searching for his demon brother midst the chaos beneath them. "So he probably also set a trap, which has probably taken Steven by now or else he would've been back."
"So what do we do?" Elena grew worried. She hadn't known Steven for too long but still the bond they shared was quite strong. Ever since they met that day near the wall they had been close, telling each other almost everything and anything they wanted to share. He almost felt like family.
"He went to the forest, did he not?" Damon turned towards the forest and for a moment stopped flying in any direction, hanging still in the air with his wings keeping him up.
"Let's find him then." Damon said and then dove right towards the trees.
"They're not going to do it, you know. Damon's smarter than this." Steven sighed, his body aching and trembling due to the torture Ethan put him through. Steven would ask himself why Ethan did it but then he would realize that there is no humanity left anywhere in Ethan's body, he probably only did it for the entertainment or just because he was bored.
The silver caused his body to not heal, which he mostly did immediately. Steven wasn't used to feeling pain for this long. He started to fear that he would never break out of that cage, never see his family, his wife and his daughters ever again. Part of him hoped that Elena and Ethan would come search for him but the other part hoped they didn't.
Steven frowned and looked up when the wind started to pick up and thunder started to ring through his ears. He knew something was wrong with Aidan, Steven knew he was creating the storm but why he didn't know. All in all it made him even more worried and frustrated that he couldn't do anything or didn't have any plan to get out whatsoever.
"Elena isn't though." Ethan chuckled and sat down on the rock while looking at Steven with a smirk on his face. "She's so stubborn and naive, especially now that they've lost Ella."
"They what?" Steven's eyes grew wide and his mouth slightly opened in shock. He bit on his lips to contain his cries of loss and looked down to avoid Ethan's studying gaze. That would explain the storm Aidan was creating. "Why on earth would you..." Steven hit the cage with his hands and yelled in anger. "She was innocent!!! She had nothing to do with any of this!"
"I know." Ethan shrugged. "But I had to make an example. It's your dear sweet Elena's fault, she refused to give in."
"You will never break her." Steven hissed as his hands clasped around the silver bars, his hands burning against the cold steel. Smoke came from his skin but he didn't seem to care.
"That's where you're wrong, dear Captain, I don't mean to break her, I mean to burn her." Ethan walked towards the cage and stopped right before the bars to look Steven right in the eye. "And there's nothing, nothing you can do to stop it. No silver hurts me, no sword can pierce my skin, no Arrow can reach my heart. I'm unbreakable."
"Everything can be destroyed." Steven growled and suddenly he grasped Ethan's shoulders and pulled him towards the silver bars and banged his head against the metal. But the silver didn't burn his skin, all it did was bend it.
Ethan erupted in laughter while Steven still held him tightly. "Really, Steven?" Ethan continued to laugh. "You never give up, do you?"
"I can do this all day."
"Arya, take your sister inside the castle." Robb ordered with a hand on Arya's shoulder so she looked straight at him. The cannon fire erupted all around them, stones colliding with the walls. The castle moaned and creaked under the weight of both the cannon fire and the wind. The battle on the other side of the high walls had taken an unexpected turn after the storm erupted, most people were trying to stay on their feet instead of protecting their self against the swords of their enemies.
Arya nodded and started to walk towards the entrance of the castle when Robb grasped her arm and stopped her from doing so. She looked down at his hand and discovered that he was handing her a sword. "Protect her if necessary, okay?" Robb whispered.
"You have my word." Arya looked at Ella's body for the last time while taking the sword in her small hands before taking Sansa with her.
"Aidan, please!" Abigail yelled over the chaos while trying to walk towards him. There was some kind of wall around him made out of wind, making it almost impossible to reach him without being thrown away. "You're going to kill us all!" Abigail shouted and looked at his eyes. There was no familiar light gray in them anymore, only dark stormy gray with light blue threads like lighting sewn through it. Aidan stared in front of him at the body of his daughter.
Just when Abigail almost got hit by debris that was floating through the air Jon pulled her back from the tornado around Aidan. "You have to hide inside!" Jon said while keeping her steady on her feet with his arms wrapped around her.
"I can't, this is all my fault!" Abigail half cried while still trying to get out of Jon's arms and towards Aidan.
"What are you talking about?!" Jon tried to keep her back from escaping. When Abigail didn't answer he pulled on her arm, pulling her away from the storm and near the safety of the walls. "Look, we need to get inside before the storm gets any worse."
"What about Aidan?" Abigail looked back at the old man, seeing him there, sitting alone in the mud with furious tears storming over his cheeks. He was almost hidden by the debris that was flying around him.
"We can't do anything for him now, please Abigail, get inside." Jon pushed her towards the door.
"Aidan!!" Robb yelled over the storm after getting his sisters inside. "We need your help! Ethan brought several other guardians and they're destroying the army!"
Aidan didn't reply but Robb knew he heard. "Please, Aidan, this isn't what Ella would've wanted! She would want you to fight!"
"You know nothing about what she would've wanted!" Lightning struck around him as Aidan got up and glared at Robb, his voice hoarse, sounding just like the storm around him.
"Maybe not but she wouldn't have wanted you to kill everyone!" Robb tried to shield himself from the debris that was flying everywhere. "Maybe she wouldn't want you to fight but she would want you to save people, right?!" Robb knew that if the storm continued like this they'd all be a pile of pudding soon. Especially after a chuck of stone just hit him right in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground with his hands clasped around the spot. "You're only doing exactly what Ethan wants right now! He would want you to do this, to wreak havoc right in the base of his enemies' camp. He's afraid of you Aidan, can't you see?!"
The storm slightly dropped while Aidan looked at Robb's calming blue eyes.
"That's why he killed your daughter, that's why he took the last thing you loved, to make you crumble, to make sure you weren't going to fight him anymore, to make sure you gave up. But you can fight him Aidan, to avenge Ella!" Robb said, this time softer. But Aidan's eyes narrowed after hearing his daughter's name. Robb realised his mistake and soon corrected himself. "To save people in her name."
Aidan's wings slowly unwrapped behind his back as the storm inside the castle started to die down, the debris falling down to the ground slowly. Aidan looked up when the lightning struck but this time outside the castle. "Bury her body on a hill no where near civilization, that's what she would've wanted." Aidan's face softened before flapping his wings forcefully and flying up.
"What?" Robb mumbled and looked after him as he flew towards the battle with the wind carrying him. Robb looked at Ella and knew that Aidan wasn't planning to come back, not this time. He understood what Aidan wanted but it still pained him to know that Aidan let go. To know that Aidan was planning to die in the battle.
"Steven?!" Elena saw him inside the cage. She ran towards it with her wings still unwrapped behind her back. "Steven, are you alright?" She pulled back her hands immediately after they wrapped around the cage, her palms burning.
"What are you doing here?" Steven croaked as he slowly got up, his arms shaky. "And where's Damon?"
"we've come to save you, of course." Elena slightly smiled as sbe frowned. "And Damon's looking on the other side of the forest, we split up."
"You shouldn't have come here." Steven groaned and finally managed to get on his knees. "Just go, get out of here."
"What are you talking about? We're family Steven, I'm not going anywhere without you." Elena searched the nearby ground for any key to open the cage. She then looked at his light blue eyes that reminded her of Robb's.
"He's going to come back, Elena. I don't want you to die for me." Steven crawled closer to the bars.
"Steven!" Elena scowled at him. "Don't you dare tell me to leave you here, dammit. We've already lost Ella today and I'm not going to lose you too. Just man the fuck up and help me search for the damned key."
"I knew this would happen." Steven sighed and looked down at the ground.
"I did tell you, didn't I, Steven?" Another voice rang through Elena's ears. Her eyes widened but she was too late to turn around, already feeling a knife on the base of her throat. "She's too stubborn to even listen to a word you're saying." Ethan whispered in her ear. "My dear sweet sister, ready to save the day." He chuckled while one of his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled out the weapons on her belt while the other held the silver knife against her neck.
"Well, I'm Always only one call away for family." Elena whispered while looking at Steven's frightened eyes. She winked at him. "And you're not one of them."
Dedicated to TTYL_XOX for her rain of votes :)
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