Epilogue: The north remembers
~ One year later ~
Winter has come
Cries turned into soft whimpers and later into absent stares, tears turned into stains never to fade again, memories turned into dust. Wounds became scars and turned into pained memories. Memories turned into stories which in turn turned into legends.
Just as the Starks had always promised, winter had come. The frost was biting away not only at everyone's skins but also the flowers, trees and animals. It seemed the dreaded cold had finally arrived and that it wasn't going away any time soon, as everyone feared. To Robb though, the winter's wind was soothing. Somehow the freezing cold reminded him of times before but also of how quickly things could perish. The beauty reminded him of someone, the pale white that covered everything like a sheet would cover a bed. It looked soft and mesmerizing, yet really, on the inside, it was dangerous and threatening.
The last 12 months were the heaviest months Robb ever had to pull through. After the fall of the last guardian, or so they called her ever since, Robb was forced to stay in King's Landing for another few weeks. With Stannis gone he was the only one who had the position and the authority to rein the Seven Kingdoms.
Yet, after 13 dreadful days, they discovered Robb wasn't fit enough to rule the seven kingdoms. Not in this state anyhow. He didn't talk often, didn't eat, refused to see his children or anyone else for that matter. It was only after Elena's funeral that Robb finally decided something and that was that he couldn't bear to be in King's Landing any longer, not with the dreadful memories that came with the rubble and ruins.
So he returned to Winterfell, leaving Steven to rein over the now six kingdoms. Steven managed surprisingly well. Especially with several people believing that guardians were monstrosities sent up by the darkness himself. The people soon learned though that there wasn't anyone else better fit to rein over Westeros, except for Daenerys who was on her way to claim the Iron Throne for herself.
"Good morning, your grace." Mary smiled after opening the curtains before his window. She put the tray with food on the desk next to his bed just like she did every morning. Before Robb had servants who did that for him but he disbanded them all, claiming he had difficulty trusting people ever since the incident.
"Mary." Robb acknowledged her while trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. He had huge, black circles under his eyes and he had lost a considerable amount of weight. Yet there was still a slight rosy tint to his cheeks as a result of Jon's endless support.
"It's a big day!" Mary tried to sound enthusiastic, just as usual, trying to lift his spirits. "Steven sent a letter yesterday, he says they'll be arriving around sundown. We'll have enough time to ready everything."
"I trust you'll handle it perfectly." Robb sighed deeply as he lifted himself from the bed, his feet touching the biting cold floor. His muscles were aching. Almost every day he would ride into the forest, trying to escape from reality. The way the wind flew right past him, the way he heard and felt his horse run swiftly with the trees rushing past them made him feel like he was escaping.
"'No, no, no, don't you put this all on me." Mary pointed at him while opening the last curtain and letting the sunlight shine right in his eyes. "You're the king and you're going to help me get everything in place." She squinted her eyes shut when the winter breeze hit her right in the face.
"How many times do I have to tell you, that you shouldn't leave your window open at night! You'll catch a cold!"
"You know I can't sleep without the cold, Mary." Robb slowly dressed himself. He sat down on the edge of his bed, staring out of the window with a distant look on his face. Mary saw his expression and sat down next to him, laying her hand down on his shoulder.
"I know how much you miss her, Robb." Mary whispered after a while. "But she wouldn't want you to pain yourself like this. She would want you to live your life, see your children grow up. She wouldn't want you to be stuck in your bedroom." She put some of his locks behind his ear that were previously hanging before his eyes. "Lyanna and Gillian, they need you right now. They don't understand what happened, don't know what to do. They're lost without you, Robb, they need their father."
Robb remained silent, glancing at Mary's warm eyes after some time. "What would you have done if Steven had died that day?"
"I would scream and cry for months, I believe." Mary frowned as she looked down. "But after that, I think I would realize that his sacrifice wasn't for nothing." Her eyes locked with Robb's again. "Elena sacrificed herself to end the war. If she hadn't made the throne room collapse, Stannis would've started the war all over again. She saved us from yet another war and the many casualties that come with it."
Robb nodded, looking down at his hands as they fiddled with Elena's feather that he had never let out of his reach. He twisted the thick, soft pearly white feather with the light blue spots on the tips. "You have to understand." Mary made him look at her again as she took his hand in hers. "She was born a guardian of the north. With what she did, sacrificing herself, she fulfilled her duty and her fate. There isn't a more beautiful, honourable death for a guardian than that."
Robb sadly smiled, giving Mary's hand a little squeeze. "You do always know what to say." He locked his eyes with hers again.
"Steven has a good influence on everyone around him." She chuckled.
"Indeed." Robb answered as he got up. His legs protested, not being used to standing up so abruptly. "Has Damon returned yet?"
Just like Robb, Damon had it difficult in the past months. After the destruction he had fled from the city only to return for Elena's funeral. He hadn't said much, he remained in the back of the temple while staring at her coffin. After that it appeared that he had taken on a quest. He was going to search for the remaining guardians to make sure that the people wouldn't hurt them. After all, the faith had always told the people that they were monsters.
So Damon took it upon himself to safe those guardians from their fate and to train them back in Winterfell. He would search for one if he had heard any rumour while Abigail trained them in all the powers. In the end they would use the little army they had recruited to defend Westeros from the white walkers back at the wall. All in all it resulted in Damon being alone for most of the time, just like he no doubt wanted. When he was with people though, he was kind and calm, always trying to do everything he could to make the other smile. It was quite the contrast with how he was before, sarcastic and silent.
"Not yet." Mary answered. "He's been gone for weeks searching for a girl that was said to be able to teleport somewhere near The Eyrie."
Robb had walked up to the window and was staring out at the statue of Elena in the courtyard. Then he turned his gaze to the training grounds. He saw Abigail with Jon and Arya, training the 3 other guardians that had joined their company. "I hope he returns before Daenerys arrives today."
"Anakin, drop the bloody twig and concentrate for once." Abigail sighed deeply. She was sitting in a meditating pose, her legs crossed before her with her arms resting on her legs. Jon and Arya were watching from a distance, sniggering from time to time. The newly found guardians were mostly around 12, still new to their powers and abilities. Some had been there from the start which was almost 6 months past, but Anakin had just arrived 2 weeks past.
Abigail opened her eyes when she heard Ben whine for yet another time, glaring at Anakin who was sitting next to him and was poking him with a twig. She was trying to teach them telekinesis, the meditating usually helped but the little boy refused to close his eyes and keep still for more than a minute. Abigail narrowed her eyes at the boy, giving him a slight push which caused him to fall backwards into the stream behind him.
"Hey! That's not fair, you're stronger!" Anakin whined as he stumbled out of the water. The other two, including the irritated Ben Kenobi, laughed at his punishment.
"Clara, why don't you tell him the basics of telekinesis?" Abigail closed her eyes again, remaining in her pose like nothing had happened.
"Most of all, concentration is necessary to feel the energy that surrounds every object. Furthermore it takes determination and a lot of learning to master this powerful ability that only few guardians poses. The great Elena-"
"That's enough, thank you Clara." Abigail smirked at the young girl. She was very bright and had brown, short hair and big doe eyes. Clara smiled proudly, straightening her back. "So, Anakin, what have we learned today?"
"To not piss of our teacher."
Abigail scoffed as she heard Jon burst into laughter behind herself which only made matters worse when it came to Anakin's arrogance. If it was one thing that they had discovered in the last few weeks it was that Anakin was a troublemaker, and a terrible one at that.
"Master Abigail?" Clara made Abigail turn her attention back to the group. "Do you know where Castiel is?"
"Yes, Abigail, why don't you tell us why Castiel is permitted to skip lessons while we are never allowed to leave?" Anakin crossed his arms before his chest and knotted his dark brown eyebrows together. Yet his emerald eyes still showed hints of worry.
"He is not permitted to skip class, Anakin." Abigail shot daggers at him with her eyes. "What he is allowed to do though is help the princess and prince. They're searching for Loki in the woods." Abigail let out a deep breath as she slowly relaxed, unfolding her legs and stretching them before her. "They should've been back for hours though."
"Maybe Castiel is showing them his powers again." Jon suggested. "We know how much he likes to impress Lyanna. Either way, if something happens, I'm sure Grey Wind is more than capable to protect them."
"That's not what I'm worried about." Abigail said as she stood up. With Robb not really able to take care of his children, besides Mary Jon and Abigail were the ones who took most of the responsibility. With Sam being the new lord commander of the night's watch and Liane his assistant, they too weren't able to help raising them. "What I'm worried about is that they won't come back in time for the queen's arrival."
Jon shifted uncomfortably, glancing at Abigail's pupils who were looking at him curiously. He was teaching them how to fight with a sword, most of the time Arya would join those lessons. She wasn't doing it for the sword fighting anymore but more for Anakin who she liked a bit too much in his taste. He then walked up to Abigail and pulled her into a hug, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. "I will search for them, don't worry." He whispered.
"Just come back in time." Abigail looked at him, standing up on her toes so she could give him a swift kiss.
"Ewww, Grosss!" Anakin whined immediately, earning a poke from Ben.
Ben Kenobi smiled broadly. "Shut up, Anakin."
Damon saw the chaos from a mile away. The people in the courtyard were running around with either food or decorations. He knew he was somewhat later than had been expected of him. To be honest, he had been dreading this day for weeks. He was going to see his half-sister again, the one who looked so much like Elena. He remembered how they had the same hair, eyes and most of all the same stubbornness.
His feet touched the ground softly right in front of the guardian's statue. It was near 6 feet tall, towering above all the houses in Winterfell. Elena's stone face was almost hidden under her hood, her wings unwrapped behind her back and seemingly protecting the city from evil from above. In her right hand was her bow and in the other was the dagger. Damon stared down at the white roses he had brought with him and laid them down in front of her statue, together with all the other hundreds of flowers.
"It's been a while." Damon whispered as the normal city life continued around him. Merchants, men and children were running around and screaming at the top of their lungs to try and make themselves hearable. They often didn't spare a second glance at the statue in the middle of the marketplace. They didn't even fully understand what had happened or who she was, only that she was the one who stopped the war and saved them all.
Damon looked up again at the eyes of the statue, seeing the lifeless grey eyes staring down at him from above. "I was too late for the girl at the Eyrie. They had already... discovered her." He sighed, closing his eyes. "I don't know if I can do this, Elena." His voice broke at the end. "Daenerys, I don't know what to expect of her. And if she decides to fight, I don't know if I'm strong enough to protect Robb. Not without you."
Damon took in a deep breath as he stood upright. He stared at all the flowers on the floor. Mostly they were flowers that could be found on the hills nearby the castle. He could still see his flowers from months past since nobody was tasked to clean them up. All those pearly white roses had turned brown yet it wasn't obvious since there were enough fresh flowers covering them. Damon made a mental note for himself to ask the king's hand to order someone to take care of the statue.
"I thought I'd find you here." Damon turned around when he heard Robb's voice.
"Stark?" Damon frowned and tried to straighten his back. He eyed the armour Robb had on, the armour he always wore on the battlefield during the war. His curls were tussled and messy as always and there was a slight redness on his cheek. If Damon hadn't known him any better, he would say that Robb looked fresh and healthy. Yet Damon could still see the dullness of his eyes and the bags beneath them. "I'm surprised to see you here."
"It was time to get out of bed." Robb shrugged as he walked up to the statue. It was the first time he had seen it from up close. He had watched it being built but he never went to see it when it was done, fearing that it might break him. "They captured her likeliness very well." Robb commented dryly. "Did you find the girl?"
"I was too late." Damon answered and watched how Robb nodded. "I don't think Littlefinger really likes guardians, especially not since that day.' He shifted on his feet. "Let's just say he's taking a liking to the concept they call ' the moondoor.'"
"Well, I'm sure Elena stopped a few of his masterplans." Robb smiled softly, picking up one of the white roses in his hand. It was almost as if an electrical impulse went through Damon's whole body at the mention of her name. He cleared his throat and glanced away for a second, trying to focus on the chatter of the people around them. "Do you mind if I take this for Daenerys?"
"Go ahead." Damon shrugged and walked with Robb as he made his way to the main road of the city. Everyone was getting ready for the queen's arrival, so there were already a lot of decorations that were hanging around the streets.
"I'm not sure what to expect of her." Robb admitted as he twisted the rose between his fingers. "Also not of what she wants from me, why she's even coming here."
"Do you want me to be honest?" Damon asked when he glanced at Robb. "I think she came here to make sure you don't break your vows. To make another... deal, for assurance." He continued after Robb nodded. Damon saw that he didn't fully understand what he was hitting at. "I think she intends to marry you."
Robb almost dropped the flower in shock, his mouth hanging agape as he glanced at Damon. "Think about it, she agreed to your terms yet she wishes to negotiate about something else, something that doesn't concern war or land or anything of that matter. You're almost the only highborn left that is fit to marry a queen of her status since Jaime is working at the wall and Theon is well, castrated. Not to mention that Littlefinger is a bit old for her and not as influential as you."
Robb stood still for a while, twisting the rose around in his hand and not noticing that its thorns had pierced his skin several times. "I don't know." He concluded. "I can't marry her because honestly, I don't think I could. She's so much like Elena and I..." He sighed. "Yet I do know that it is the most logical choice and that it would benefit the kingdom. Maybe even wipe away every chance of another war. She would've wanted me to do it."
"You'll have to make the choice quickly." Damon said after the bells of the tower began to ring, signalling the arrival of the queen. "Com'on, we have to hurry."
Just like that day when King Robert Baratheon arrived at King's Landing, all the Starks stood in a line in front of their home. So much had changed, much more than they could possibly bare. Arya, Sansa and Jon had grown much taller (and Jon a beard, which changed a lot) and Robb looked much more fierce and stern than before. Where first stood Eddard and Catelyn, the spot on Robb's right was empty except for Grey Wind. Only there was supposed to be another wolf and two other children.
Robb bowed his head and closed his eyes, thinking back to the times when he could still go to his father for counsel and seek his mother for guidance. Now, he had no one to look up to. He had Jon for support and maybe Damon but he was mostly gone. He didn't want to trouble his sisters with his problems, thinking that they had enough already. For the first time in years, he was alone.
"Are you allright, Robb?" He felt Jon's hand nudging his, shaking him from his trance. He looked up and saw the queen's parade coming from around 100 feet away.
"I was just thinking about the last time we stood here like this." Robb admitted honestly. "Mom and dad were stressed out, Arya was wearing a helmet-" Robb chuckled lightly. "Sansa was still crumpy and you, you were standing behind us."
"Well, thanks to you I'm a Stark now." Jon smiled broadly, standing proudly beside Robb. "Back then I didn't have the right to stand here."
"Rickon was still a little boy." Robb looked at his youngest brother and only then just noticed how much he had grown. "And Elena..." He frowned as the words seemed to get stuck in his throat. He could feel Jon's gaze burning the side of his head. "She was standing next to you, her hair weaven into one braid that hang loosely on her shoulder, wearing her blue dress with the golden flowers embroided on the bottom of the skirt, the one she'd gotten from mother. But they weren't visible anymore because they were covered in mud." Robb chuckled again, remembering the sight of her like it was just yesterday. "She'd gone hunting that morning and tripped over one of the branches in the Godswood. I remember how much she loved it there, the trees, the stream, the animals."
"And I remember how pissed off mother was at her for ruining the dress." Jon added. "Not to mention in how much trouble Gillian got when his father realized that he was the one who made Elena trip. He too was covered in mud, more than Elena was."
"Well, Elena could never be bothered by her looks and neither could Gillian."
"Right." Jon said as they both laughed. It seemed to get off some of the tension that was hanging on them. "Just like Ed."
"Now that you mention him." Robb looked around. "Where are Lyanna and Gillian?" Robb nudged Damon's side impatiently.
"They went after Loki this morning who ran into the Woods. Don't ask me why, because I don't know either. The wolf has been disoriented ever since..." Damon broke off midsentence and awkwardly adjusted his jacket. He was wearing black pants and a black cloak, covering his dark blue jerkin that made his eyes pop out.
"Daenerys is not going to like them not being here." Robb said through knitted teeth as Daenerys dismounted off her horse a few feet away. He had yet seen her face, he wasn't sure if he even wanted to. When he did though he was left breathless. Not only because of her remarkable beauty, but because of the likeliness she had with Elena. They had the same shape of eyes and high cheekbones, the same wavy silver hair. Yet instead of freckles and green eyes, Daenerys's skin was spotless and she had crashing blue eyes.
The Starks all bowed down, remaining like that for a few seconds until Daenerys told them to stand up. "Robb Stark." Daenerys smiled faintly which got off some of the tension between them. "I've heard much about you."
"As I have heard much about you, my queen." He took her hand and brought it up to his mouth, pressing his lips softly onto the top of her knuckles like he was supposed to do. All the while he took Deanery's face in, scanning her eyes for some sort of emotion which could tell him what to expect. Yet he saw the same coldness as in Elena's, the same iron determination that couldn't be broken.
"Steven told me everything." Daenerys smiled wider after Robb had let go of her hand. She looked over her shoulder, glancing at Steven who was shifting uncomfortably. He was itching to run to his family who were standing just a few feet away from him. "I am sorry for the loss of your wife."
Robb nodded, glancing down at his feet. "As I am sorry for the loss of your sister."
Daenerys glanced at Damon. "For a long time I didn't even know I had a sister or a third brother. I can't say I can really mourn about her death since I met her only once. All I know is that she was much like me." Daenerys looked back at Robb. "Back to the matters at hand."
Robb took in a deep breath, thinking about what Damon had suggested she'd want. He still hadn't made the choice himself. It was like there was a curse on him, a curse that prevented him from having a happy marriage. The two women he loved died in his arms and his first betrothal was to a Frye, which didn't end well either. Yet it would be for the sake of his family's and country's safety.
"I want to reunite our kingdom. Not in the sense of making it one kingdom, but to make sure we're able to trade and work together and above all, protect ourselves from the threat in the north." Daenerys said. Robb took in the people that were standing behind her, including a girl with black hair and a toned skin and a man he presumed to be Jorah Mormont. "There is only one way known to me that may make that possible."
Robb's eyes locked with hers again. There was still no emotion, no happiness or reluctance just coldness, like it was all business to her. He felt a chill run up his spine, his fingers hanging awkwardly at his sides. Inside he was screaming out, begging for it to end, praying that she wouldn't ask this of him, that she'd make the choice herself. He didn't want to disappoint his country yet he also didn't want to marry someone he could never love.
Right when Daenerys tried to speak up again after his lack of response, they both heard a loud bark.
"Loki?" Robb immediately escaped from the conversation, kneeling down in the mud so he could get to eye level with the wolf. Elena's wolf stared right back at him, sitting down in front of him and swaying his tail back and forth. "Where have you been?"
"Dad!" Robb's head shot up at the sound of his voice. "Gillian? What on earth are you doing?"
Robb didn't notice the way Daenerys was standing there awkwardly, glancing between him, the wolf and the little boy that was covered in both mud and twigs and was breathing heavily like he'd just run ten miles.
"I'm so sorry, father." Gillian bend down, resting his arms on his knees. "It's Lyanna. We'd gone after Loki after he ran into the Woods. He wouldn't stop running even when we yelled at him. We got lost, father, and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly there were these big, scary men surrounding us and Lyanna-..." Gillian looked up at his father with his big green eyes as a dark lock fell before one of them. "I didn't know what was happening. It all happened so fast, like she was struck with lightning."
"He is his son, I presume?" Daenerys whispered to Steven who nodded. She frowned at the way the so called prince looked, at the mess that was his hair that had twigs and leaves tangled in the black locks. She wasn't used to meetings or conversations that went this downhill after a matter of minutes.
"Gillian, where is your sister?" Robb's voice was slow and low, almost like a wolf's growl as he narrowed his eyes sternly. Gillian sighed and got up, turning around and yelling his sister's name.
From behind the gate a girl with her mother's wavy long hair emerged. Her head was bowed down, her arms folded before her chest like she was cold. Her blue dress was dirty like her brother's but on her back it was completely turn open. Most of Daenerys's men were just astounded by her unwavering beauty, the kindness in her eyes and the softness of her face.
"Seven hells." Damon's mouth dropped open as he took her in. "She... She's..."
"Lyanna." Robb smiled encouragingly as he extended his hand towards her. "Come here, love."
First she looked around herself like someone was going to hit her, her big green eyes eying Daenerys like she was a dragon. But when she looked at her father she let out a loud sob, running right into her father's arms and hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
"It's allright." Robb whispered as his hand softly stroked her hair.
"What is happening to me?" Lyanna sobbed loudly as she clutched herself onto her father. "Dad, I'm scared."
"Lyanna." Robb sighed, placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing her away till she was on arms-length. He placed his hand on her cheek, forcing her to look right into his eyes. "Don't be scared."
"But I don't want them!"
"They are the greatest gift of all that anyone could get. So don't you say something like that again." Robb's eyes turned stern for a few seconds. "Now, just take a few deep breaths. They will take some getting used to but uncle Damon will show and teach you everything. One step at a time, okay?"
Lyanna nodded as she glanced at her back. The two tiny wings that had sprouted from her back were almost spotless. Where Elena's were covered with light blue spots, hers were completely pearly white. They were still small, yet she could already notice that they'd be thin and elegant, not as strong and big as her uncle's wings.
"Now, you have a big task laid out before you." Robb smiled at her as tears began to form in his eyes. He didn't think it'd be possible, one of his children, a guardian. He hadn't dare to hope or to think. He wasn't even sure if it was a blessing or a curse, all he knew was that Elena would've been proud of her own daughter. "And a huge responsibility to your kingdom."
"I won't fail you, father." Lyanna promised as she wiped away her tears.
"I know you won't."
Castiel and the others broke through the barrage of people after noticing the commotion. When they noticed their friend's new wings, all they did was run up to her and hug her tightly. Robb had chuckled, stood up and glanced at Damon.
"Look at them." Damon smiled as he crossed his arms before his chest. "The new guardians of Westeros. Maybe even the last guardians."
"And Lyanna..." Steven couldn't even form the words. All he could do was smile and watch his son and Lyanna, admiring each other's wings and powers as they cheered loudly. The little kids, including Arya, Anakin, Ben and Castiel had lifted Lyanna up on their shoulders, parading her around the courtyard.
Robb sighed deeply. For the first time in a long time, he felt happy. The war was over, Daenerys was here and wasn't planning on another, Steven had finally returned after so many years and his own daughter, his Lyanna, was a guardian. So much had happened the past 4 years. So many deaths and losses, broken hearts and bones. But they'd made it through, together. It wouldn't have been possible without them, not without his Elena.
Robb looked at both his sides when he felt Jon's and Damon's hands on both his shoulders. He smiled and held back a tear as he looked at his daughter.
"She's just like her mother, a guardian of the north."
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