Dragon's blood
"Let's fight a war."
Ever since that day the war of the guardians had begun. At first it seemed like a normal war, the sieges, the battles, the losses. Later on though people noticed just how different this time was. Not only because of the guardians that were fighting in it but because of the hope that most soldiers had.
Just like Robb planned the army moved to Casterly Rock, destroying every city with its houses on his way there. What he hadn't seen coming was Stannis who soon joined their fight. The extra men were needed but Stannis himself was another story. Robb seemed to hesitate whether or not to let Stannis aid them but he knew he needed his men. The question of what comes after the war seemed unimportant.
With the four guardians by his side he seemed more confident in his choices. Steven was always there to help him with the strategies and make up new ones if necessary, Damon always pointed out the mistakes before they could happen, preventing Robb from sending his men towards their deaths.
Even though Damon strongly advised against it, Robb continued to capture more and more of his enemies instead of killing them. Just like last time he took more hostages than he had provisions for but he couldn't kill them in cold blood.
Steven and Damon were his trusted advisors to say the least, even more so than his bannermen who had fought by his side even before the others. But Edmure Tully and the Blackfish, his uncles were his most trusted bannermen. They always aided him in battle when the guardians could not. His most trusted advisor though was and always will be his Elena.
She always supported him in every choice he made but not without pointing out the consequences. If he'd made a mistake, she was there to help him make it better or to soothe the pain it caused him. The two grew closer again through time even after everything that had happened.
Jaime still lingered in the back of Elena's mind. Just like the thought of the other innocent men they were raging war against. Robb was there for her on that matter, to point out the reason behind their attacks. If it wasn't for revenge for Eddard, it was for the others they had lost and the destruction Cersei would bring on Westeros.
When the news came that Jaime had been captured and held in the prisons of King's Landing by Cersei himself, Elena grew more confident. Even though she had yet to succeed in convincing Robb that Jaime was innocent, she had hope that she could save him after all that he had done for her.
With the final battle in sight Elena knew she needed to become even stronger. She remembered the promise Damon made, that he'd train her to control the darkness. Even after the last time she had conjured fire she didn't lose hope of controlling it. Maybe it was because she was stubborn.
"The darkness is something you can't just control in a few months." Damon told her after she'd asked him. He paced in front of her on the training grounds of one of the castles they had just taken. They were both clad in armour from the battle before. "Especially after everything that has happened to you it will take years. I don't even know if I can teach you."
Elena nodded and glanced at the ground beneath hr feet. Damon took in a deep breath and straightened his back. "Buutt..." He dragged the word out at which Elena's head shot up so she could look at him. "I can teach you something else." He smiled and walked towards Elena, circling around her with his hands clasped around his back.
"Telekinesis is one of the strongest powers a guardian can possess. It is easy to learn, if you have the right teachers." He stopped before her, looking at her face while smirking. "Just so happens you have. I will teach you how to use it and Liane, he will show you how to control it."
Ever since then Elena got up early every morning, much to Robb's dismay, and trained with Damon to strengthen her powers. Every night she'd go to Liane to dive into the books and discover how to do telekinesis.
"Every object, every stone or body is made out of tiny parts that the human eye can't see." Liane explained to Elena in the midst of the night. The light of the candle danced on his face, casting dancing shadows on his features. "Each tiny part vibrates softly. Even metal moves constantly even though we might not see it. The trick behind telekinesis is to feel these vibrations and to control them and bend them to your will."
It took Elena months to move even a small coin. Liane continued to encourage her every day, telling her to concentrate on the tiny movements everything around her made. It just didn't work.
That until one day they were inside a castle talking to its lord about his surrender when a chandelier fell down, probably a trap the lord had set. Robb was standing right beneath it and as was Damon who both had no clue.
It happened so fast Elena didn't really know how she'd done it but soon enough she was holding the chandelier in the midst of the air without touching it.
"It wasn't the vibrations." Elena explained to Liane that night. "It was the energy that I felt, the energy that flows through every object in the world."
Her powers grew stronger ever since. Steven also trained her how to control water and air, something Aidan had taught him to do. For Elena water was easy as it was close to ice but Air, that didn't work out that well. Her bond with Damon however grew even faster.
"So, how's it going between you and Robb?" Damon once asked her while they were sitting on a cliff already near Casterly Rock in the midst of the night.
"Well, you know, the usual." Elena said while throwing a stone off the cliff and watching it fall. She could feel Damon's eyes burning into the side of her head. "It's the same as before only just... Deeper, it seems. More intense. Every time it seems like it may be the last, which is possible of course."
"Do you love him?"
"With all my heart."
"Then what's stopping you?" Damon asked her.
Elena remained silent for a while, taking in the view before her. The stars shone down on her making her look like a ghost. "I think I'm just scared of repeating history. Last time Robb married for love other people paid the price."
Damon nodded. "This may sound completely wrong but people are already dying as it is. You two are already wanted dead by a lot of people. What would a marriage change except for the fact that you and Robb will be happy?"
That was what left Elena speechless. There wasn't enough time to think though because in a few days the siege of Casterly Rock took place.
It was at the end of the battle that Robb finally decided to do it. Elena had almost been killed if it wasn't for him, he killed the man who almost stabbed her in the back. The possibility that Elena could've been dead made Robb see what he had to loose.
Deciding that he never could and never wanted to lose her, he asked her to marry him as he picked her broken body from the cold hard ground whilst the battle raged on around them. It wasn't romantic or any of those kind of things but it was enough for them. They didn't need the roses or fireworks, they just needed each other and nothing else.
The battle of Casterly Rock was won just like the others. The remaining Lannisters, cousins of Cersei's, were taken hostage. This time Robb commanded Steven to watch over them as he did not want a repeat of last time. Killing Gillian's father was still one of the hardest things Robb had done and still one of his biggest mistakes.
After 2 years most of King's Landing's supply routs had been destroyed by Robb and Stannis. They were planning to hold it for a few years and to conquer Highgarden also for they were not yet ready to lay siege to King's Landing. What happened during those 2 years though is something you might not expect.
Robb and Elena's wedding took place soon after Casterly rock had been defeated. It wasn't a grand feast but it wasn't small either. For them it was perfect, it took place during a sunny day in the mountains in a rather peaceful village.
To say it wasn't peaceful that night is an understatement. Liane, Sam and Damon, them being a mischievous trio, drank too much and soon walked around in dresses singing songs with mugs in their hands. A few things were also destroyed by a certain guardian, including several tables, chairs, plates and possibly a barn. I'll leave it up to you to guess which Guardian it was.
For Elena it was perfect, not only because it was the first day she'd seen Damon cry as he walked her down the aisle but also because she'd finally see him laugh. It was a rare occasion.
"Now it's your turn." Steven told Elena while watching his children run around chasing each other.
"My turn?" Elena laughed as she took off the crown that was placed on her head. She laid it down on her lap, looking at her white dress that had light blue roses embroided in it. It was probably the first time she'd willingly put on a dress. "I don't see me having children anytime soon."
"Why not?" Steven laughed as he looked at her.
Elena scoffed when Robb almost tumbled over her wolf, Loki. "Fighting a war whilst pregnant? Not a good idea."
It wasn't a good idea, that's for sure, but that didn't stop her. Nor did it stop the rest of the attendants to hold a bedding ceremony. Luckily both Elena and Robb were too drunk to care, or just too happy that they were finally together.
There was one day when Elena finally realized it. She ran toward Steven's tent in a hurry, tears covering her face as she opened the tent to see Mary cleaning everything.
"Your grace? What's wrong?" Mary stood up and put everything aside, quickly walking towards Elena to hold her up.
That was also something Elena needed to get used to by the way, people calling her "your grace" or "my queen". As if being called my lady wasn't bad enough.
"I'm not sure, but I..." Elena sobbed. "I can't be, Mary, I just can't."
Mary didn't know that she was talking about until she looked at how Elena's hands were clasped around her belly. Then Mary realized that it was slightly swollen.
She looked back up at Elena and grasped her cheek. "Take a few deep breaths." She commanded.
"Robb will be furious." Elena shook her head no as the sobs continued to wreck her body. "I can't bear a baby during a war, I cannot not fight. Think about what this will do to him after he-"
"Elena!" Mary interrupted her as she softly slapped her cheek, scolding her. "Stop ranting and listen to me." Marry ordered with a stern glance. "Robb will be more than glad to hear this, trust me."
"You don't understand-"
"Yes I do." Mary glared at her. "Give me one good reason why he shouldn't be happy about this." Elena opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again, repeatedly. "That's what I thought." Mary said. "Now go to your husband and tell him you're bearing his child."
That's exactly what she did. First Robb just stood there, mouth hanging agape while his mind took its time to process it. "Wha-what?" He stammered while his mouth closed and opened repeatedly, just like Elena's did before.
"I'm so sorry-" she began to apologize but then suddenly felt his arms envelop around her and her body being lifted and swirled around in the air. It's what he did quite often after she came back from King's Landing.
"Robb!" She scolded him while he literally laughed and cried at the same time, putting her down on the ground as his hands flew down to cover her belly.
"I can't believe this." He mumbled and then laughed in glee, showering Elena with kisses.
"Well, I couldn't either but Mary confirmed it." Elena chuckled, softly pushing Robb away so he'd stop covering her with kisses.
"A baby." Robb smiled widely while his hand cupped her cheek. "This is all I ever wanted." Tears ran down his face.
"Babies?" Damon opened the tent with wide open eyes and soon saw the two standing there, Robb's hand on Elena's belly. He didn't need to read anyone's mind to know what was going on. Damon dropped everything that he had been carrying, including armour and pots. "Seven hells."
The 9 months passed quicker than Elena wanted, leaving her stuck in bed at the ninth month while Robb was out fighting in a battle. Elena never liked the idea but she didn't like the idea of losing a baby because she couldn't leave Robb either. Soon enough she found herself calling for Mary and screaming out in pain.
When Robb heard of the news that Elena was giving birth after he'd returned from the battlefield he wasted no time and immediately sprinted towards their tent. His breath was ragged and fast, his mind going haywire as the thought of Elena dying at childbirth crossed his mind.
"Elena?!" He barged into the tent still with his armour that was covered in blood on. His eyes soon landed on her face, it being covered with tears. Her arms were holding a baby.
Robb let out a small whimper as he dropped his sword and walked towards her side, looking down at his first child. His shaking hands reached out to touch the small face, looking at the tiniest of hands and its eyelids that were closed.
"It's a girl." Elena smiled and the baby opened her eyes, her tiny hands reaching out and tucking on Robb's curls while a small smile already played on her lips.
"She, she's..." Robb choked on his own tears, looking down at the wonder he had created. She had beautiful white hair just like her mother but the eyes, the eyes she inherited from her father.
"She's beautiful." He cried as he sat down next to Elena with his arm around her shoulders to pull her close and place a long, loving kiss on her forehead.
"What will you name her?" Elena whispered as she leaned against his chest, her eyes closing in exhaustion.
"Lyanna, her name is Lyanna Catelyn Stark."
"Elena?!" Damon suddenly bursted into the tent, he had also just returned from the battlefield. His dark armour that was covered in blood and the several daggers on his belt were quite the contrast with what was happening before him.
When he'd received the news that Elena was pregnant he hated the idea, the idea that he had another to lose and that it would leave them vulnerable. But now as he saw the baby in his little sister's arms and the happiness that was evident in her eyes he came to love the little girl more than he could ever have dreamed of. In a brotherly kind of way of course.
A year after Lyanna's birth there was another. Robb quite often said that Damon had stolen his daughter since he was already teaching the little girl his wisdom, which is why Robb needed another child.
This time Robb was there while Elena gave birth, holding her hand the whole time without faltering or leaving her side. This time it was a little boy. The boy, who had his father's auburn hair but his mother's green eyes and freckles, was named Gillian Eddard Stark.
So you could say that matters went rather well for Elena and Robb. Two new children, something Robb couldn't have dared to imagine or hope for before, had been given to them. The two had been like two rays of sunshine, seemingly brightening up everyone's mind and driving the thoughts of the ones they had lost away.
Damon finally got a new chance to see a little girl grow up fully and Steven, well, for Steven it was quite the same. He was happy though, happier than he had ever been. He had become like a brother for Elena and was leading more and more troops as Robb came to trust him. Yes he did lose some battles, but that can never be evaded. HIs family was always there to support him. Even the little Castiel had been taken by Damon who was teaching him how to fight with a sword.
Abigail and Jon was a whole other story though.
Abigail still doubted herself. After the whole fiasco of her working for Ethan and burning Louis's family, something she found reasonable back then, was now like a death sentence in her mind. She had been so driven by revenge and hatred that she wondered if she even had some light inside of her. Her powers seemed to proof that she was wholly bad since she could only raise the dead and bend them to her will.
Jon though seemed to think something else about her. He saw how much effort she put into helping other people, how hard she tried to pay her debts. Yes, she had risen Gillian from the death and put him through even more misery, yes she had watched how Elena was being tortured by Ramsay but she was also the reason why they had won many battles since the war began again.
They had their ups and downs, many fights which ended in tears but they always seemed to get together in the end. Jon was the shoulder she could cry on, the shoulder she could lean on if need be. Abigail was stronger than she ever could imagine herself for wounds heal stronger, even mental ones. She had Jon and Damon and it was more than she could ever dare to ask for.
Speaking about Damon and the Targaryen family, Robb received word from a spy two months after Gillian Eddard's birth that Daenerys was coming to Westeros with a whole fleet.
"She may not know it, but she's our family." Elena said during a council meeting. "Maybe Damon and I can convince her to join us when we show her that we have the same blood."
Even though Robb didn't like it at all, Damon and Elena soon left and flew towards the enormous fleet of their half-sister. They noticed the dragons from afar, the green one reminding them both of Ethan. The numbers though, the immensity of the army was what shocked them the most. Daenerys had gone from a lost little girl to a queen in a matter of years.
"This was a mistake." Damon mumbled to Elena mentally as they neared Daenerys's ship. Several lances and spear were being pointed at them as they landed in the far front of the ship, the three dragons watching them suspiciously.
"Ethan?" Tyrion Lannister frowned as he took a step towards Damon.
"No, I'm his brother, Damon." He sighed deeply and directed his eyes towards Daenerys while still there were lances and spears pointed at him and his sister. He tried to walk towards her but was forced to stay still by the men shouting at him.
"Why have you come here?" When Daenerys noticed that they made no attempt of attacking her, she raised her hand to command her soldiers to stand down. Missandei frowned and slightly shivered at the sight of the guardian's wings.
"We have come here to seek your aid." Elena stepped forward. It was frightening how much Daenerys and she looked alike, the only differences were that Elena had green eyes, paler skin and freckles. Even Daenerys noticed the similarity, looking at Elena as if she was a ghost.
"Why should I help you?" Daenerys raised one of her eyebrows as she looked at the two suspiciously, commanding her guards to form a path so she could walk towards them. She stood abnormally straight as she tried to look down at them but failed when Damon was a lot longer than her.
"Because we're your family." Elena's voice was soft and gentle, her eyes begging for her to understand. Daenerys's eyes widened, her suspicions confirmed as she continued to eye Elena. She could understand that Elena, who was almost a copy of herself, was family but Damon was a whole other story.
Daenerys seemed to overthink what she was going to say, taking both of the guardians in while eyeing their wings. She knew that her father wasn't exactly the loyal one when it came to his wife but she had never known that she had a half sister or brother. After seeing her brother die she'd thought that she had lost the only family that she had left.
"Prove it." Daenerys pointed at one of the braziers that were stationed at the corners of the ship. Elena understood what she wanted but Damon only raised one of his eyebrows.
"She wants us to burn ourselves?" Damon's voice sounded freaked out while his eyes followed Elena who was walking towards the fire without any hesitation.
"Just watch." Without any further thought Elena put her hand in the midst of the fire, watching as the fire licked her hands without harming it. When she looked back at deanery's she saw the recognition filling her eyes but also fear since her experience with family wasn't pleasant at all. After Daenerys had watched how Damon followed Elena's actions and proved that the fire didn't harm him, she nodded and looked at them.
"We don't need much, just your help. We don't even want that much in the end. Only that Ro-..." Elena stopped when Damon nudged her softly. Daenerys only raised her eyebrows. "My husband, King Robb Stark may reign the North as King in the North. We've already conquered most parts of Westeros but we've too few numbers to conquer King's Landing and the Iron Throne with it."
"And why should I help you when instead I could conquer all of Westeros?" Daenerys said.
"Because we'll do everything in our power to stop you from taking our home." Elena narrowed her eyes slightly. She had known beforehand that this wasn't going to be easy.
"I've got three dragons, an army of unsullied, all of the Dothraki hordes, the Greyjoys and the second sons at my command. What chance could you possibly have against me?"
"We've got an army of true northerners, Knights of the Vale, The army of Dragonstone and the army of the Riverlands." Elena said but then took a step towards Daenerys, her eyes narrowing even further while her voice seemed to chance to the sound of a dragon's growl. "But above all we've got four of the most powerful guardians. So if you want to fight us, fight us and loose half your army in the progress. You may be able to kill me and my husband and our whole army, I won't argue with that. Just know that you won't be able to conquer all of Westeros in the end."
Daenerys didn't move a muscle. She didn't even flinch or show any kind of emotion on her face. Her eyes though told enough of a story for Elena and Damon both. When Damon read her thoughts he knew that Daenerys still wasn't sure what to think of the whole family thing but after seeing the fire in Elena's eyes she saw herself in another person.
Daenerys looked back towards Tyrion, silently asking him for advice. "I was Robb Stark's mother's prisoner once." Tyrion said. "If the guardians and the army are as fierce as her then we won't stand a chance against Robb Stark's army."
Daenerys nodded and looked back at Elena. She took in a deep breath, straightening her back. "I see some of myself in you." she told Elena who nodded with a small smile playing on her lips. "I will arrive at Westeros in four months. There I'll discuss everything with your husband."
Elena nodded and slightly bowed, her wings already unwrapping behind her back. "Your grace." Thus the pair left the fleet of the queen, flying back towards their own leader.
"So here we are." Elena said as she stared at King's Landing from the top of a hill a few months later. The whole army had set camp around the castle, trapping the enemy inside their stone fortress. She looked at Robb who stood by her side, examining his features. She heard her children's laughs behind her and knew that Damon was playing with them again, probably showing them some of his powers.
Robb nodded, his eyes determined as he scanned the castle and the guards that were walking on the numerous walls from afar. He took in a deep breath. "It's now or never."
WOW! Huge chapter, I know! But so much happened!
I kind of had to summarize like 3 years of war into one chapter. I know it's a lot to take in but otherwise this book would've become way too big in the end. So there are only like 5 or 6 chapters left.
Hang on guys! The end is near!
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