"I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now."
"Just like he promised you he was telling the truth about your father?" Ramsay's words echoed through Abigail's head as she was storming towards the dungeons. She ran down the stairs, skipping almost every step.
"He's called the dark one for a reason, sweetheart." Ramsay's voice continued. Abigail growled as she ran through the hallway and towards the dungeons. She had known for a while that she couldn't possibly trust her uncle to follow their agreement.
Not that all that mattered to her on that moment.
"Louis?!" Abigail fiddled with the lock, trying to get it to open. She didn't have the key nor did she know who had it.
"Not this time, door." Abigail growled and stepped away, aiming at the door with her hands. She closed her eyes and concentrated, immediately feeling every part of the door. She opened the lock with her mind, hearing the loud klick as it opened.
"Louis?" Abigail stepped inside the dungeons, looking around for him. He wasn't hanging in his usual spot, his chains were loose and dangling.
"Louis!" Her eyes had followed a trail of blood until they found his body, leaning against the wall with his hands resting on his bloodied chest.
"Dear god, please tell me you're okay." Abigail ran towards his side and checked for a pulse, her cold fingers touching his neck.
"Abigail?" Louis' eyes slowly opened to meet hers, a soft chuckle coming from his lips when he recognized her green eyes. "Came to finish the job?" Louis chuckled and closed his eyes again.
"Was killing my whole family not enough for you?" Louis continued when Abigail didn't say anything. "Was burning them in their own home not enough to satisfy your bloodlust?"
"Louis..." Abigail whispered, letting a tear escape from her eyes as she placed her hand against his hot cheek.
"Just kill me, I'm already done for. You know that." Louis spit out the words, looking up at her with disgust in his eyes. "You are with him, aren't you? Doing the Dark One's dirty work."
"What the hell does it look like I'm doing?!" Abigail half shouted as she looked at his blue eyes. "I made a mistake and I'm trying to make up for it."
"A mistake? Yeah, of course, just a small mistake. All you did was burn some innocent people with their brother watching, nothing more." Louis growled but then groaned in pain, his hands grasping at his flesh wound.
"I really did love you." Louis whispered after he had recovered a bit from the pain. His eyes teared up, his voice soft and gentle. "I loved you more than anything else."
Abigail sadly smiled and nodded, softly stroking his cheek.
"But then you betrayed me." Louis growled again, his voice dangerously low. His eyes narrowed at her. "Why did you do it?! Why?!"
"I didn't have any other choice." Abigail whispered while more tears started to run down her cheek. She pushed Louis back down when he tried to grasp her neck, not to protect herself but to make sure he didn't hurt himself any further.
"Bullshit!" Louis yelled and struggled, his jaw clenching to try and ease the pain. He then calmed down a bit, now only glaring up at her with all the hatred he had left. "You owe me the truth, Abigail, tell me why you did it!"
Abigail nodded and closed her eyes, her hand sweeping away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably. "The Dark One commanded me to do it, in return I could get my revenge against my father."
Louis stayed silent, making Abigail continue. "He had just told me about what my father did." Abigail looked up at Louis. "Do you remember that night before it happened, when I dared not look in your eyes?"
"Yes." Louis nodded.
"That was the night he had told me about what my father had done. He told me that every guardian was involved, that there was this group of guardians who had decided that my family had to die." Abigail looked down at her hands. "He named them, all of them."
"Steven, Aidan, Santana, Elena, Ella, Damon, your family and much more." Abigail looked back up at Louis again. "That night I decided that I had to take my revenge, for my family..."
"So you killed mine, the targets who were closest to you at that moment." Louis finished her as he glared at her.
"I'm sorry." Abigail sobbed. "I didn't...I didn't know that my uncle was lying, I was so blinded with rage that I..."
"Stop." Louis sighed as he closed his eyes. His hands laid atop of his wound, blood covering both of them. "Just stop."
"I loved you, I really did, and I still do." Abigail said as her hands reached for him again, caressing his cheek. She closed her eyes and let yet another tear fall down her cheeks.
"Right, cause when you love someone you burn their whole family just because some douche tells you that they complotted against yours." Louis rolled his eyes, his sarcastic temper not even disappearing when he was dying.
"No, listen." Louis interrupted her, knowing he didn't have much time left. His eyes bored into hers, demanding her full attention.
"I will never forgive you for what you've done. The only thing you can do now is to show me that you really seek redemption for your crimes." Louis said. "Join Robb Stark and fight against your uncle together with your father. Kill him."
"Shut up!" Louis growled. "I'm not done yet."
Louis sighed deeply and glared at her for another moment. "Ella." Louis said. "She's important, you know that. Protect her."
"I can do that." Abigail nodded.
"And this time you're not going to betray anyone, except for your uncle." Louis continued. "You're never going to leave Ella's sight, you understand? Not even when his father is with her."
"Okay." Abigail whispered.
"You can trust Robb, Elena, Steven and Aidan. Other than them, don't trust anyone." Louis spoke clearly but then started to cough uncontrollably, each cough sending pain through his whole body.
"Goddammit." Louis groaned and laid his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. "I guess I should've seen this coming."
"At least I won't be alone wherever I'm going." Louis whispered, thinking about his family.
"You're not going anywhere, not without me, understood?" Abigail said.
"I'm sorry, Abigail." Louis said as he looked up at her. Blood was now streaming down from his lips, his face pale and glowing. "But it seems to me that you'll have to finish the job."
"No, No, no." Abigail frantically shook her head no, slightly moving away. "I won't do that, not to you."
"You have to." Louis stated. "Remember what you promised me?"
Abigail sobbed and nodded, looking down at her hand that was intertwined with Louis', pressing on his chest.
"You promised that you'll never let me suffer." Louis said and started to cough again. Abigail shushed him, her hand softly stroking his hair away from his face.
"Now for once in your life, just keep your promise and end it." Louis demanded after the coughing had ended.
"Please." Louis begged, looking deeply into her eyes. Abigail sighed and nodded, knowing she'd have to keep her promise. She pulled her knife out of its sheath, holding it in her hands as she moved closer to Louis.
"I will see you, there, okay?" Louis's voice broke at the end, tears running down his face when Abigail towered over him.
She hesitated, holding the sharp end of the knife just above his chest. She knew this moment would haunt her forever. The choice was hers, keep her promise or keep him alive. She would've chosen the last, if it wasn't for Louis who had already made the decision for her.
"Okay." Abigail sobbed and looked at his blue eyes for one last time. She'd miss his cheeky attitude, his sarcastic remarks and his smile that never seemed to disappear.
She would hear Louis letting out his last breath. The life fading out of his eyes, the blue somehow becoming dull. Abigail busted into tears, clutching onto his body as she wrapped him in her arms.
"I just had you back." She cried and buried her face in the crook of his neck. The sobs wrecked her body as she began to cry uncontrollably. "I just had you back."
"The king in the north!" Robb's army shouted as they entered Winterfell through the destroyed gate, now inside the castle. They still had to break into the inner ring, they were in the outskirts of the city.
"Steven!" Robb yelled when Steven flew right above him. He looked down at him, seeing how the young king killed four Boltons while driving his horse through the streets.
"Get Aidan and find Elena!" Robb yelled while charging towards his next enemy.
"Aidan." Steven called him mentally. "Meet me at the keep, we're going to get Elena."
"Aye, Captain." Was Aidan's response.
Steven flew towards the location, landing on the walls and pushing the archers off it. He looked at the field, seeing two dragons claw at each other, their screeches and fire filling the air.
He knew he couldn't possibly help Damon in this fight, the only thing he could transform into was an eagle, which wasn't very helpful when it came to a battle between dragons.
A sudden pain startled Steven, his heart suddenly aching extremely. He fell to the ground onto his knees, not a sound coming from his lips as his eyes widened in agony.
Steven blinked a few times, his fists clenching while his sight became foggy. He could fagely hear Robb calling his name in the midst of the battle, his voice sounding miles away.
"Louis." Steven muttered as his gaze settled on the castle in front of him. The ache stopped, now only leaving emptiness behind.
"No..." Steven sighed and closed his eyes.
"Noo!!" He shouted and immediately flew up and then down towards the castle, searching for the entrance towards the dungeons. In his rage he killed more than a dozen soldiers without truly acknowledging what he was doing.
Before he knew it he was down in the dungeons, running towards the open cell at the other side of the hallway. His mind was filled with fear, sweat running down his face.
He entered the cell, his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness around him. He heard her whimpers first before he saw Abigail on the ground, her head resting on Louis's bloody chest.
Steven didn't say anything. He couldn't have even if he wanted to, the words were stuck in his throat. He saw his friend he had known for years, his friend who had made him smile when the time was darkest.
Abigail looked up at him with a tear stained face, her eyes locking with his blue ones. "I'm sorry." Abigail sobbed, not knowing who he was. By the look on his face, even though he was hiding his emotions, she saw he was dying on the inside.
"He asked me to..." Abigail whimpered and pressed her eyes shut. She clenched Louis's shirt inside her fists.
Steven tried to swallow the growing lump is his throat and held the tears inside. When it felt like he was failing, he abruptly turned around and left the cell, leaning on the wall for support. He tried to ease his shaky breath, his heart thumping wildly.
He closed his eyes, thinking about home. He knew he could never give up, he had to keep his promise. That included coming home alive and well.
Steven took in a deep breath and calmed himself. He stood up and shut the feelings out, focusing on the reason why he came there. He couldn't risk her life now.
"Elena!" Steven yelled, his voice still shaky. "Elena!" Steven repeated but then mentally, looking around in the dungeons.
His feet carried him to another cell door, and another one after that. There were much more than he could count but he had to check them all nonetheless. Until he looked into one and saw him sitting there, his dark brown hair hanging before his eyes.
Steven' eyes widened, recognizing the man inside the cell. He kicked the door open, running towards the body and knelt down before him.
"Gillian?" Steven took his shoulders and awakened him, seeing his dark brown eyes open immediately. Only Steven didn't recognize the look inside them.
"Get away from me!" Gillian yelled and pushed Steven away with all the force he had left. Gillian scrambled backwards until his back hit the wall, holding his arms before him protectively.
"Gillian, what's going on?" Steven was startled, his eyes widened. Please not you also. "I came here to rescue Elena, she told me you had died."
"Who are you?!" Gillian's eyes frantically darted between Steven and the door, like he was a caged animal.
"You know me." Steven frowned and held up his hands, showing he meant no harm.
"It's me, Steven, the one who helped you hide the doll, remember?" Steven slowly took a few steps towards his old friend.
"Don't take another step!" Gillian yelled and backed further against the wall. He uncovered his chest when he moved his arms against the wall.
Steven's eyes landed on the gash in Gillian's chest, his eyebrows furrowing when he only saw dried blood.
"No..." Everything clicked inside Steven's head, the puzzle pieces falling together. He pressed his eyes shut, knowing that no matter how he felt about it, he'd have to do what was right.
"I'm sorry, Gillian." Steven spoke softly as he took his sword from his belt, sighing deeply as he walked towards Gillian. Dread was already filling Steve's entire body when he thought about what he had to do.
"But it's better for you to die now before you turn into someone you're not."
Author's note
Hellooo there little guardians,
It has been a while since I wrote my last author note, so I just wanted to say hi
So, Hi!!
I know a lot of you guys will want to kill me after reading this chapter. So before you stress the fack out, don't worry about the thing. The thing will be alright. (Not telling which of the 2 things so you'll have to do with this :P(I know, I'm mean))
Also I wanted to say an huge thank you because we just hit 14 k reads!! Guys, this is amazing. Now I only need to publish this and someone will make a movie of it with Richard J (lol, just kidding, no one would even want to publish it xd)
Sooooo that's it for this chapter, see you next one!
(the one who votes last will get a dedication next chapter
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