Battle of life and death -part 4: The rise of the phoenix
Damon felt the air flowing through his dark brown locks as his wings carried him towards the market place where Robb would soon find his doom if he didn't get out of there soon. He knew though that Ethan wouldn't make it that easy for him, so he wasn't surprised when he felt his arm grasping his leg and tugging him down so forcefully that Damon crashed onto the ground beneath him, creating a large grater till he collided with the wall.
"Why can't you just give up?" Ethan sighed as his feet softly touched the ground, gracefully landing next to Damon. "I mean, this isn't pleasant for me either. I have to watch you fail time after time. It's getting kind of hilarious but sad at the same time. It just makes me feel like a bad guy, you know?"
Damon only growled, lifting his hand towards Ethan in one swift movement, making him fly backwards. Damon didn't waste any time getting up and spreading his wings, knowing he didn't have long till the market place would blow up with Robb on it. So he immediately flipped his wings and flew again, feeling his limps aching due to the fall.
"Damon!!!" He heard Ethan yelling from behind him. Only Damon ignored him completely. "You can't escape me!!"
Damon felt a sudden surge of heat flying by right next to his head which soon turned out to be one of Ethan's fireballs. Cursing, Damon began to zigzag and fly closely to the buildings, skilfully manoeuvring his way through the streets.
He heard numerous buildings collapsing just after he flew past them. Ethan was still trying to hit him, flying right after him.
Damon saw a tower coming up on his right. So he used his telekinesis to break the walls of the bottom, making it collapse onto the street but just on time so he could fly right underneath the rubble. Damon heard Ethan cursing loudly and chuckled, knowing it had bought him some time.
Soon after he landed right in front of Robb who looked at him with wide open eyes. He had nearly dropped his sword in shock due to the suddenness of Damon's appearance. Robb's grey armour and clothes were almost completely covered in blood, his eyes coming out even more due to the redness of his face.
"Damon?" Robb walked towards him after Damon's landing basically knocked down all the Lannister's soldiers around them. "What in the seven hells are you doing here? Is Elena all right?"
"She's fine, at least that's what I hope, I don't know honestly, but-" A blast hit him right in the back, sending him towards Robb and towards the ground. "Seven hells." Damon cursed and rolled off of Robb, waving his hand and sending a fireball towards Ethan.
"Why are you even protecting those humans?" Ethan dodged the fireball with ease whilst walking towards Damon with long strides, his dark wings dragging behind him on the floor. "You know we both will survive the fire. The only thing it will do is cleanse this place off filth like him." Ethan pointed at Robb with disgust in his eyes. He was clearly infuriated by Damon's little stunt with the tower.
"Fire?" Robb tried to get up from the ground but Ethan held him down with invisible force. "What's he talking about, Damon?!" Robb struggled against the hold, kicking and pushing but he couldn't get up.
"The only thing that needs to be cleansed from this world is you." Damon created a sword of ice which he held tightly in his hand, walking towards Ethan slowly. "Robb, you need to get out-"
"No, no, no, don't you spoil the fun." Ethan waved his hand and send Damon flying back once again. Ethan chuckled and followed Damon with his eyes. "When it's done, there'll be nothing holding you back dear brother. It will be only you and me. We will finally be able to end all this, together."
"And how exactly do you plan this will end?" Damon slowly got up from the ground again. It wasn't like he was hurt, it was like Ethan was only feeding into his rage more and more. He could feel the fire crackling beneath his skin, the heat rising up to his head.
"With me on the Iron Throne and your dead body beneath my feet."
"Man, I thought I was crazy but," Damon and Ethan both turned around at the sound of his voice. "You really are the bloody god of craziness." Gillian chuckled while skilfully flipping a knife around his fingers. "Not even the mad king can defeat that level of madness."
"Leave, you fool-" Ethan started to spurt at the light blue appearance until other ghostly figures appeared at his side. They all stood behind Gillian in the shape of a V, glaring at Ethan with their glowing blue eyes.
"Father?" With the force gone, Robb was able to lift himself off the floor and glance at the newcomers. He stumbled towards them while Ethan was stuttering in confusion, looking at the very real body of Eddard Stark.
Ned nodded at Robb with a proud smile playing on his lips as he held his great sword. He looked to his right where the deceased king Robert stood together with Santana, a man with a robe covered with suns, little Ella with her dog and other people Robb didn't recognize.
"I believe, son," lastly Aidan appeared from behind Gillian. He walked around the group but never let his eyes leave Ethan's. "That you pissed off some ghosts."
Ethan didn't hesitate for another second. Shouting in fury, he sent out a shockwave that knocked every non-ghost over. He then stumped his foot on the ground which created a wave of fire that expanded around him. While everyone was trying to shield themselves from the heat, Damon shielding the ghosts with his fireproof wings, Ethan drew power from everywhere around him and turned it into a black mass that formed between his hands.
"You have ghosts?" The veins around his eyes turned black and his skin turned white. "That's fun, maybe even a bit smart." Ethan grinned madly as he held the growing mass in between his hands. "Try fighting this."
The dark mass exploded into numerous shards which turned into shadow of monster-like creatures as big as a horse. Some were unrecognizable but others were shaped as werewolves, tall men with knifes as hands, cloaked figures and panthers as large as cows.
"Does anyone have a plan?" Gillian swallowed as he took a few steps back from the growing army of monsters. "'Cause if we don't, I'm gonna run away and scream like a maiden who has just lost her first puppy."
"We'll distract him while Damon takes care of Robb." Aidan yelled over the noise of the battlefield. "And you, Gillian," Aidan turned towards him. "Get the key."
"You got it." Gillian nodded and dashed towards Ethan while Damon was distracting him by waving his sword at him.
"Aidan!!" Steven landed right next to him while blocking one off the monsters attacks with a shield he had found. "I'm glad you came." He smiled as he threw the shield at one of the werewolves, watching it shatter into billions of black shards.
"Yeah, me too." Aidan patted Steven on the shoulder. "But you need to get everyone out, this place is gonna blow up and it's going to happen soon. You might want to take care of the king first."
"Yeah..." Steven sighed while knocking a werewolf over as he looked at Robb who was fighting by his father's side. "He ain't going to consent with that."
"You know I can hear you, right?!"
At first the trio chuckled lightly but that was soon over when the first explosion hit the other side of the marketplace. It all happened in a split second; Damon knew that the next explosion was going to be within seconds, that it was gonna hit them and that he didn't have time to save anyone from it.
So when the next explosion erupted from right beneath him, instead of running away and attempting to save Robb, Damon instead reached down with his hands towards the source and drew all the energy towards him.
"What?" Ethan, who had expected that everything would've blown up, looked at how all the green energy was being sucked up by his brother who was bowing slightly. "You can't handle that much power, you'll break before it ends! You'll only kill yourself!" Ethan groaned in frustration.
"Maybe, but it will shorten the explosion radius." Damon bit on his lip, trying to contain all the power that he was drawing to himself. Ethan yelled in frustration and then ran towards Damon to stop him.
"Steven, no!" Aidan tried to grasp him before it was too late. He could feel the fabric of Steve's blue shirt slip from his fingers as he extended his arm towards Ethan in one swift movement.
Trying to shield Damon who was still trying to suppress the explosion and with that keep everything from exploding, Steven started to drain all of Ethan's powers just like he did with Ramsay Bolton. Some kind of tunnel of pure light formed between the two, light sparks flying from Ethan towards Steven who was trying to absorb his power.
"Gillian, get it, now!" Steven's feet fastened themselves into the ground as he was being drawn towards Ethan, holding tightly onto the bond that formed between them. While Ethan was yelling in anger and frustration Gillian reached for the golden key in his pocket which was supposed to save Lyanna and little Gillian.
Knowing it was too late and even more risky to stop Steven now, Aidan turned towards Santana. "Get Robb out of here, now!" She nodded and grasped Robb who sputtered in protest. Only he didn't get enough time to fully express his unwill before Santana had carried him off.
"Steven." Damon looked up as he fell to his knees. He could feel the power weighing down on him, the weight off all that energy crushing him down as it threatened to take over his whole body. "Just... go." The floor beneath him started to crack open, revealing the blinding green light.
"No, I'm not leaving without you! I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself!" Steven protested as he tried to keep Ethan at bay. The dark guardian was too strong for him though and they both knew it. Soon the bounds in which Steven held him would break and all of Ethan's powers would snap right back to him.
"I can't hold this Steve." Damon's hands formed into claws on the ground. The dirt crept beneath his fingers as he scratched the surface in pain. "I'm not going to let you die in vain."
Steven tried to swallow the lump that was growing in his throat. He looked at Damon whose body was glowing a bright green, his eyes seemingly shining the same green light while the wildfire was licking at his skin. Steve knew that the explosion would kill even Damon with all the energy that he had sucked up.
"Please." Damon pleaded. He knew he didn't have to say the things that he wanted to say, knowing full well that his eyes said everything there was. Maybe he and Steven had always been rivals in the past but in the past few months they had grown a bond that was even stronger than that between brothers.
Steven let go of Ethan who fell down due to the sudden loss of something holding him back. Just when Steve was nearly out of radius, Damon let go with a bloodpiercing scream and the last explosion blew up the market place. It shook all of the city like a roar of a dragon, the deafening sound of the earth breaking and exploding into billions of pieces. Then came the thunder of all of those pieces falling back down like a meteor rain that was crashing the city. Numerous buildings fell apart as the earth shook violently, stones breaking off of the highest towers.
"Steven!" Robb saw him appearing from the cloud of smoke with his wings swinging behind him. Steven almost fell down right next to him, his balance was somewhat gone due to the explosion. They were on one of the streets that lead straight to the red keep. There were some of Robb's soldiers there but in the distance was a legion of Lannisters waiting for them. "Where's Damon?! What happened?"
While angrily dusting off his clothes, Steven stood upright and glanced back at the cloud of smoke and fire. "We lost him." Steven turned towards Robb with tears of anger rolling of his cheeks.
"Bloody hell." Santana cursed while looking at the remains of the marketplace. "That guy was our last hope, dammit."
Steven leaned his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "Does this mean Ethan is gone too?" Robb asked him.
"See for yourself." Steven nodded at the cloud of smoke where Ethan just walked into sight with two sword clasped in his hands.
"Getting tired yet? Maybe even a bit depressed after losing my dear brother?" Even though he was trying to act tough, he was clearly distraught after what had happened. "Of course, that was all Steven's bloody fault if he hadn't held me back!!!" Ethan yelled angrily while dashing towards Steven.
Steven straightened up, preparing himself for the collusion but he didn't make any attempt to protect himself. Aidan, noticing the anger and danger inside Ethan, started directing Robb with the others towards the other end of the street where they would protect the other side of the group from the Lannisters.
"You killed my fucking brother!!" Ethan threw Steven against a tower which soon after collapsed right onto him. "He was mine!" Ethan threw another rock at Steven in anger. "MINE!" He threw even more rocks and other debris.
"ETHAN!!!" They all turned around in shock when Damon appeared from the fire.
"What..? How?" Steven muttered while clasping his arm around his wounded body, doubling over in pain.
"Damon?" Ethan dropped the rock he held in his hand and slowly walked towards him. "How? That much power should've killed you, tore your body in a billion pieces. Even I'm not able to hold that much power."
"Guess I'm tougher than I look." Damon smiled while holding his sword that suddenly started burning with fire. The ashes slowly fell of his body as he unwrapped his wings behind his back.
"No, that can't be..." Ethan's mouth dropped wide open when instead of Damon's usual pitch black wings he was greeted with the sight of burning ember, like a newborn phoenix.
Damon spread his wings further as the fire grew all around him by just the mere touch of his wings. "You haven't defeated me just yet." He smiled.
Author's note
ThoughtI'd give you guys some kind of present since I kinda forgot to upload on Christmas. But here it finally is, the second to last part of the battle. After that there are only 2 chapter left including the prologue. So hang on tight!
See you next time, my dear little guardians J (I sound a bit like Ethan, don't I? God, maybe I'm a psychopath after all. Hey @ilseexx Maybe you should start running away from me because apparently Im dangerous)
Ps: I don't know why but the title "a song of ice and fire" almost seems fitting to this story also, since Elena is basically "ice" and Damon "Fire", since he's kinda become a phoenix and all... I don't know, the guardian of the north just sounds rather dull really when I come to think off it. What are your guys thoughts?
Pss: I almost forgot to thank all of you again fr your support! I know I've been forgetting to make authors note's (partly because I'm also not sure if anyone even reads these things) so I just wanted to send out an huge thank you because of the 10 votes last chapter J (Which also reminded me that maybe I should start writing this story again, because maybe, just maybe I forgot about it for a while. Exams and all.. pffff)
psss: I'm so sorry for this long ass authors note xd (How many ps'sss can I write? Let's make it a challenge for next time)
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