Azor Ahai
"They're only as good as the world allows them to be." - The Joker (creds to for helping me with the quotes, thank you!!)
Soft groans erupted from Elena's lips when she woke up. Cold metal was holding her in the air by her wrists, her wings trapped in chains behind her. Her arms were aching in exhaustion, the weight of her body pulling them down.
"Louis?" Elena's voice broke. She coughed, her throat dry and sore. She pulled on the chains to see if she had any leverage, it only caused the skin under the metal to hurt more and bruise.
Elena opened her eyes and saw Louis on the opposite of her, also chained. His khaki wings were bound in chains, bloody and bruised just as his body. His left foot was missing, a puddle of blood forming beneath his body.
"Louis? Wake up!" Elena started to desperately pull on her chains, trying to get to Louis. If she could just get a few meters more chain she could heal him. But that wasn't the case, she actually also didn't know if he was still alive.
"-should be nearby all ready, my lord,-" Elena heard voices coming closer. She looked at her surroundings, they were in a cold, dark room with only one way out. There was a tiny window where cold wind blew through but it was too tiny to go through.
"They counted more than ten thousand soldiers, two thousand on horse -" the voices came closer, it sounded like they were descending a staircase.
"Louis!" Elena loudly whispered. Ice covered her hands, the skin on her whole body freezing as the fear started to fill it. Louis' body shifted a little but then remained unmoving.
"Damon?" Elena tried calling to him mentally. She looked around to search for something that might help, the only thing she found was a knife on a table in the corner of the room. She couldn't possibly reach it, not without using her powers. But to use her powers she had to move her hands and arms which was impossible now that she was chained.
"Steven, can you hear me?" It took a lot of power for her to conjure up the strength to call to them, especially now that her body was weakened. Elena felt warm blood trickling down her back from where the arrow had pierced her, her movements had probably reopened the wound.
"Aidan?!" Elena sighed and looked back at Louis. His head was hanging lifelessly. As was his body, the chains holding him in the air. Only the part down from his knee was touching the ground.
"Just a small party, I just want to play a little, lit something on fire and kill some horses. Enough to break their spirits." A man entered the room and kept talking to someone next to him, walking towards the table in the left corner. "The sell swords will leave first, then the rest of Stannis' army, then the Northerners and then Stannis himself."
"Robb Stark's spirit we've already broken now that we have his guardian." Ramsay grinned and turned to look at Elena, holding the knife in his hand. "We now only need to break Stannis."
"Who are you?" Elena tried to stop her voice from shaking, tried to keep her eyes from the knife in his hand.
"That's what I want you to find out." Ramsay said gleefully and walked towards Elena while swirling the knife around his fingers.
"It's a game." Ramsay smiled and came abnormally close to Elena, his breath hitting her face, making her scrunch up her nose. "Who am I, why am I doing this to you, where are we, it's all up to you to guess."
"What if I don't answer?" Elena gulped, her eyes flickering between Ramsay and Louis. Soft groans erupted from Louis' lips, Elena tried to keep the attention to her so they wouldn't damage him further.
Ramsay's hand collided with Elena's cheek, sending her body jerking back. The chains then held her in place.
"You're in my domain now." Ramsay smiled when he took a hold of Elena's jaw, forcing her to look at him. "You will follow my rules, sweetling, or your friend will pay for your actions."
"Elena?" Louis mumbled after he had heard Elena's cry of pain. He slowly lifted his head, taking in his surroundings. He cried in pain when he moved his leg, the place where once his foot was now gone.
"Finally!" Ramsay half jumped happily and walked towards Louis. "How are you?"
"You have to unchain him." Elena's eyes widened when she saw the paleness of his skin. "He has lost too much blood, high chance that the wound is already infected. If we don't unchain him now he will certainly die!"
"Show her some manners." Ramsay pointed at the woman. He grasped Louis' chin so he could examine him, his eyes scanning over his face.
The woman walked towards Elena, grasped her arm and then sliced open the skin on her shoulder with a dagger, blood flowing down the wound immediately.
"Hey!" Elena cried and tried to push her away, the chains rattling and groaning when she continued to struggle.
"Help... Me..." Louis could barely muster out the words, too weak to move his body.
"Now, now. We haven't even started yet." Ramsay smiled.
Elena closed her eyes, trying to shut everything off that was happening around her. Her heart was beating way too fast, her head was feeling like it was going to explode. But she knew that this was just a taste of what the man was going to do to her.
"You're Ramsay Snow." Elena's eyes opened again, tears of fear flowing down her cheek where it immediately froze.
"Ramsay Bolton now, actually." He walked towards Elena while frowning, still swirling the knife around his fingers.
"Steven took your powers away, didn't he?" Elena lifted her chin as she glared at Ramsay, trying to appear stronger than she felt.
"An action for which you're going to pay." Ramsay smiled, holding the knive before Elena's face.
"If you'll excuse me now, I've got a wife I need to visit." Ramsay grinned, knowing this was a soft spot. "She's lovely, still a bit resistant. Some violence is always needed if I want to..."
"You bastard!" Elena growled and pulled on the chains, her body jerking towards Ramsay. "Leave her alone!"
"I will, maybe. Everyone eventually succumbs to my wishes." Ramsay slowly walked towards Elena.
"Eventually everyone loses theirselfs." He smiled while dragging the knife over her cheek, blood flowing down the soft skin.
"I swear I will hurt you for this." Elena growled, her fingers digging into her palm to stop herself from screaming in pain.
"Good luck with that." Ramsay pulled the dagger away, walked towards the door and turned around again. "No one has ever escaped this place without my permission, guardian, not even your sweet Steven."
Ramsay chuckled when he saw the confused look on Elena's face, knowing Steven hadn't told her.
"I will see you tomorrow." Ramsay said and then left, The woman followed him, giving one last glance at the two guardians in the room before she left.
Elena sighed deeply and looked at Louis again, seeing how his body was already giving up. Their eyes locked, both knowing there was no way they were going to get out of that place, not without losing theirselfs.
So Elena just closed her eyes to shut everything out but one thing. She knew she wouldn't see him again, his auburn curls, his bright blue eyes, prominent jaw or even his angry glare.
Elena knew that she wasn't ever going to see Robb again, the man she had promised to protect. She knew she should've listened to him, followed his orders. She knew she had failed the love of her life and that there was nothing to do about it anymore.
Elena looked at the small ray of sunshine that shone through the tiny window. "Damon, if you're there, please make sure Robb is all right."
"How long has he been doing this?" Aidan sat down beside Steven. They were looking at Robb, the king was lashing out on a tree. His cries and groans got lost in the air, his sword repeatedly slamming into the already destroyed tree.
"Since before sundown." Steven sighed deeply, looking how Robb was trying to take out his anger. Aidan looked at the horizon and saw the sun rising, the sunlight blinding him.
"She should've been back by now." Steven clenched his jaw and sat up straight, trying to conceal his worry.
"Maybe they just got into some trouble along the way." Aidan tried to brighten the mood even though he knew it was false hope.
"You and I both know that Ramsay has now got Louis and Elena locked up in his cellar." Steven said. "He's probably now punishing them for what I've done to him."
Aidan nodded, knowing his friend was right. Ella sat down next to her father, her dog following her every move. "Father, why is he destroying the tree?"
"The tree has done nothing wrong." Ella looked up at her father with big eyes.
"Because he's afraid." Aidan sighed and looked at his daughter. "Why don't you go and comfort him, darling?"
Aidan watched as his daughter slowly walked towards the Northern king, her steps cautious and careful.
"Robb?" Ella softly took his arm when he had stopped lashing out at the tree for a second. She looked up at him with big eyes, her tiny hand enveloping his.
That was all that was needed to break Robb, the tears running down his face as he fell to his knees. He whimpered, dropping his sword to the ground.
"It's all right." Aidan heard his little girl say as she wrapped her tiny arms around Robb, her hand softly petting his head. "Everything is going to be fine."
"She's so innocent, so pure." Steve frowned and looked at her. His eyes softened when he saw Robb.
"That's why we need to protect her." Aidan turned towards Steven. "We have to find Damon."
"We don't have a clue where he is, Aidan. The Dark one hasn't shown up either after the meeting." Steven said. "Damon's probably long gone by now."
"Then we will never win this war." Aidan said, looking at Steven with determined eyes. "You know we can't give up on him just yet. Damon is our only hope for defeating his brother, you know that."
Steven sighed deeply, turning his head away from Aidan. He knew he was right, it pained him to know that Damon, who Steve hates and loves at the same time, was their only hope.
"Nobody else will be able to defeat him; not me, not you nor Stannis, not even Elena or Robb. Damon. He's the strongest and the wisest, he's the only one that knows Ethan and how to destroy him." Aidan paused as his eyes burned into Steven's.
"He is the chosen one, he is Azor Ahai."
"Then how do you plan on finding him?" Steven said and looked back at Robb and Ella.
"I have no fucking clue." Aidan sighed and watched as his daughter gave Robb a single flower, the king accepting it with the tiniest of smiles flashing on his lips for a moment before it turned worried again.
"She's special, your daughter." Steven said. "She may be our only salvation."
"She's much like her mother." Aidan smiled when Ella showed Robb one of her tricks; she grasped one of the seeds in her pockets, laid it on the palm of her hand and made it grow into a rose within seconds.
"You never told me what happened to her." Steven looked at Aidan.
"Like Ella, her mother always saw the good in people. Most of the time she helped everyone she could, no matter what they'd done. She used to say that everyone had both light and dark inside of them, all that mattered most was which part they chose to act on. So she kept on encouraging the people around her to act on the light, helping where she could." Aidan looked down at the ground. "One time a murderer appeared on our doorstep. He was lost. I didn't trust him but my wife, being the woman that she is, let him in and took care of him as best as she could."
"Next morning I found her raped and killed in the barn next to our house." Aidan clenched his jaw and bit on his lip. "I've found it hard to trust people ever since that moment."
"I'm sorry." Steven's eyes softened as he laid his hand on Aidan's shoulder.
"What the worst part of it all was that she had done nothing, absolutely nothing to hurt him. All she did was help him yet he chose to kill her in cold blood." Aidan said through his clenched teeth.
"From that moment on I knew that men can't be trusted with women like my wife and Ella. They're too good for this world, a world full of lies, corruption and greed. You see, everyone may have both light and dark inside of them. But most people choose for the dark because it's the easy way. People don't care about kindness anymore, all they care about is theirselfs."
"Bad things always happen to good people." Aidan looked down at his lap. "I'm planning on changing that."
Author's note
Helloo there little guardians,
It was funny how last chapter you guys only commented about the fight between Damon and Ethan but not about Elena who practically amputated Louis' leg and then got captured by Ramsay xd (just wanted to say this because it was hilarious)
So I guess you guys really like Damon, right? *laughs evily* That's good to know
I dedicated this chapter to @Ilseexx because she helped me out with the quotes at the beginning of the chapters. If you guys know any, please comment and maybe your quote will be the first sentence you read on the next chapter!
That's it for today, see you next chapter!
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