An unexpected arrival
"Sometimes to go up, you have to go down first."
"Lift your arm!" Robb yelled while practicing with Elena. She didn't listen to him, making Robb hit her with the wooden sword where she should've defended herself.
"Seven hells, Elena. Why can't you just lift your arm?" Robb sighed while looking at Elena who was now lying on the floor, looking at the skin where Robb's sword had hit her.
She mumbled something Robb couldn't understand while she slowly got up from the floor, brushing the dirt from her blue dress.
"I've been saying it over a hundred times now. Why can't you just listen?" Robb complained, clearly irritated. He had been training her for a few months now, yet they had made no progress. Elena was too proud to follow his advises.
"Because I could easily defeat you with my powers. But since I'm not allowed to use them..." Elena rolled her eyes and picked up her wooden sword with a groan.
"I'm here to train you in sword fighting, Elena, not in your little guardian powers." Robb sighed and raised his sword again. "Now please, just raise your goddamn arm and defend yourself."
"Can we stop, please?" Elena sighed and sat down on the bench behind her. All these training sessions were stressing her out. She just couldn't find out how she felt about Robb. Sometimes he was this gentle and caring man but other times he was demanding and angry.
"What's going on?" Robb asked and sat down next to Elena. She buried her head in her arms and sighed deeply.
"Do we really have to go to Robbert Baratheon's nameday?" Elena mumbled while still hiding. She had to leave Arya, Jon and Gillian behind just because Eddard wanted Robb and her to join him. Maybe there was a reason why Ned wanted her to come with him but she just couldn't see why.
"Yes, we do." Robb sighed and layed his sword down on the ground.
"Why us?" Elena mumbled.
"Father thinks that we still hate each other. He wants us to come with him to make sure we don't kill one another." Robb chuckled.
"Still hate each other? You think we don't?" Elena looked up at Robb and raised her eyebrows.
"Elena..." Robb sighed and closed his eyes.
"You just hit me with a wooden sword!" Elena exclaimed and got off the bench.
"You think that when the time comes, your enemies won't?" Robb chuckled.
"You could've been gentler." Elena huffed and crossed her arms before her chest.
"Like I was during our archery lesson? When you couldn't concentrate simply because I had my hands on your waist? You want me to be like that so you can start blushing again?" Robb laughed at Elena, teasing her.
"I wasn't blushing! I just felt very uncomfortable by your unwanted touch." Elena protested. She hadn't thought that Robb had noticed it, she remembered that she had been shivering under his touch.
"Unwanted touch?" Robb laughed even harder than before, especially because he saw Elena's cheeks reddening.
"Yes!" Elena exclaimed. Robb laughed even harder after that.
"Alright, fine." Elena huffed and turned to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Robb immediatelly got up from the bench and grasped Elena's arm to stop her from walking away.
"You're embarassing me." Elena mumbled and looked down on the ground, hiding her face that must've looked like a tomatoe.
"Why are you locking yourself away from me?" Robb chuckled softly while trying to make Elena look at him. Somewhere deep down he realized that Elena was feeling something for him and that that feeling wasn't one sided.
"Just, leave it alone." Elena mumbled while trying to get out of Robb's grasp. If Eddard hadn't told her to only protect his family and nothing else, maybe she would've told Robb about her feelings for him.
"Elena, come'on." Robb's chuckle became more nervous. He was actually getting scared that something was going on. Elena stopped her attempts to leave and looked at the ground.
"Just tell me." Robb whispered softly. He saw that something was troubling elena, and that something wasn't him.
"I can't." Elena closed her eyes.
"Why not?" Robb urged and put a hand on Elena's cheek, lifting her head up so she'd look at him. She still had her arms crossed as he slowly pulled her towards him.
"Listen, I just can't tell you allright? I promised something and I-"
Robb cut Elena off by pressing his lips against hers. He had no control over his actions anymore, just by seeing the look in Elena's green eyes he wanted to do it. He pulled her closer with one hand on the small of her back.
It took Elena a while to respond to the kiss, she was surprised, it was te first time Robb had kissed her. She'd thought that Robb hated her. Fire ignited under her skin, it got even worse when Robb pulled her closer by her waist.
Elena waved her hands through Robb's hair while standing on the tip of her toes to reach him. She didn't know what the hell she was doing, it was her body that reacted but her mind was still processing everything that was taking place.
Robb deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into Elena's mouth while his hand pulled her closer by the back of her neck. When they both were out of breath Robb left a trail of kisses down her jaw to the crook of her neck, making Elena whimper softly.
Elena's eyes snapped open suddenly, remembering the promise she'd made with Eddard.
Elena put both her hands against Robb's hard chest and pushed him away with all the force she had, making Robb whimper in surprise as he stumbled backwards, trying to regain his balance.
"I'm so sorry," Elena mumbled with wide open eyes as she looked at Robb, who was staring down at her with confusion in his eyes. "but I can't, I promised." Elena whispered and then ran away, leaving a dumbfounded Robb behind.
"We need to defend the Wall first, after that you can argue all you want about what we're going go do next." Damon sighed deeply, getting irritated by the never ending discussion between the last Guardians. He had his boots on the table where they were all sitting around, lazily sitting on his chair. They were back in Castle Black, they had inspected the wall and the castle for ideas on how to properly defend it.
"No offence, but I don't think that'd be a great idea." Louis protested.
"Why not?" Damon pouted childishly.
"Because it's your plan." Santana rolled her eyes. Elena discovered that not only Steven but also Santana hated Damon. Apparently Aidan was the only one who liked him a bit.
"It's better to think foreward, this way we will have multiple options to choose." Steven stated while standing. Everyone was actually standing on their feet, only Damon was sitting.
"Look, I really like all of you but I've just met you and I've got Robb to protect. I won't do anything if it means It'd not be possible to protect him." Elena quickly said, she was afraid they'd ask her to leave him. Damon rolled his eyes at her comment.
"Look, Elena. It doesn't happen very often that we call all the last Guardians here. When we do though, it means that something terrible is happening and that we've got to stop it." Steven said gently while looking at Elena.
"The white walkers are coming back, I know what they are and what they can do. Believe me when I say that we need all the help we can get." Steven continued and looked at everyone, except for Damon.
"Then why are we going to kill the Wildlings while we can convince them to fight with us?" Elena frowned and looked into Steven's soft blue eyes.
"Are we going to kill them?" Ella's big brown eyes widened as she looked up at Aidan. Just a few moments ago they had told Elena that Aidan was Ella's father. It didn't surprise Elena that much, seeing they both had blond hair and brown doe eyes.
"No, dear one, we're only going to hold them back from hurting our friends." Louis whispered and kneeled down before her. Till now it seemed to Elena that Louis was great with kids, a few moments ago he was playing with Ella.
"So, now. Since we're in the war of the five kings, which one do you guys want to fight for?" Damon yawned and looked around.
"Robb Stark." Elena said without hesitation.
"Stannis, obviously." Santana said.
"Deanarys Targaryen, she's the blood of the dragon and the rightful queen." Aidan stated.
"I really don't care. First I followed Renly but since he's dead now..." Louis chuckled lightly. "I follow myself. I'm my own king."
"Steven?" Damon said and looked at him. Steve had said nothing, he was only standing there with a thoughtfull look on his face. "What do you think?" Damon urged when he didn't say anything.
"From what Elena has told us, Robb Stark does sound like a just king. But he only wants the North, not the South. We could ask Deanarys to join forces with him but she's miles away, maybe she won't be coming any time soon.
That leaves us with Stannis but he doesn't want to lose one of the kingdoms, let alone let Robb Stark rule the North as King of the North." Steve sighed.
"I say we begin with joining him, make sure he gets the North back. When he's safe maybe Elena will go with us to defeat the army of the dead." Steve continued after a moment of silence. To Elena it was already clear that he was actually the leader.
"I'm going to stay here." Damon simply stated while looking at his nails. "I kind of like the Night's Watch, there are multiple interesting minds and stories to explore." He smiled.
"Okay..." Steven sighed, not at all angry about the fact that Damon was leaving them.
"Ella and I will go to Meereen and speak to the Queen. Maybe then she'd sail our way." Aidan offered.
"Then I will go back to Highgarden. I don't even know why in the seven hells I came here." Santana sighed.
"I'm going with you." Louis smiled at Santana, who rolled her eyes at him.
"You guys forget one thing." Damon put one of his hands up. "We've still got the Lannister's lapdog and Ramsay Bolton to worry about. These two aren't just easily defeated since they're working together."
"Ramsay won't post a threat." Steven sighed, thinking about something that happened in the past.
"You didn't take all of his powers away, popsicle." Damon smirked as he looked at Steven. "Since only you and Elena are left, you two will have to find a way to make your mistake right and kill Ramsay."
Everyone around the table nodded, making Elena look around confussionally. When she entered the tower that morning she'd thought that this was a team that'd work together. Now she saw just how independent everyone was.
"So you're going to leave all the problems to Steven and me?" Elena frowned as she looked around.
"That's ridiculous, I thought we were here to protect all of the people, not only ourselfs." Elena continued, clearly dissapointed. She'd thought that she had finally found the way to stop the war but the idea turned into ashes in her mouth.
"She has a point." Steven sighed and looked around at everyone. "We're a team. We're the only team that can make this right if we work together."
"Yeah, right. Like we can save every innocent." Santana rolled her eyes. "Wake up. There is no way the good will win. The real world is not all happiness, justice and magic."
"It is." Louis chuckled. "like, have you seen those rainbows?"
"If you don't want to join us, fine. Just know that you would be shaming your race and ancestors by leaving the people unprotected. " Steven shot back.
"You want to go home and take care of your farm? Fine. Just know that that farm of yours will cost thousands of people's lives because you weren't there to help them." Steven ranted. Everyone was silent after that, looking at the ground.
"Why do you always have to make me feel guilty for protecting myself?" Santansa sighed deeply and closed her eyes. "Fine, I will join you. Just know that not every evil guy will get the punishment he deserves."
Steven looked at Aidan, who nodded at him in approval. That'd mean that also Ella was going with them. Louis chuckled lightly as his blue eyes lighted up. "You think I'd want to miss this? Hell yeah, I'm going with you."
"Damon?" Steven looked at te Dark Guardian who had a thoughtful look on his face.
"Your minds are interesting enough the play with." Damon smirked devilishly. Steven sighed in relieve.
"What's going on?" Elena asked Jon while they walked down the stairs outside on the courtyard of Castle Black. Jon was wearing his standard clothes: black boots, black pants, black coat. Everything in black.
Elena also wore black, only she had a dress that hugged her tightly, her curves showing. At first she'd felt uncomfortable like this around all these men but she just didn't have anything else to wear.
"I don't know." Jon frowned while looking at all his brothers who were walking around frantically. Suddenly they heard a horn blowing, just once.
"There are riders coming." Jon frowned as he looked at the gate. He and Elena were standing on a balcony which was looking down at the courtyard.
The gate opened and several soldiers entered. There came more and more, after a few seconds finally one of the men carried a flag with the sigil of the house he fought for. It was the dire wolf of house Stark.
"Robb is coming here?" Jon frowned and then smiled. "Why didn't you tell me he was coming?" Jon asked Elena while he ran down the remaining stairs and searched for his brother, eager to see him again alive and well after everything that had happened.
Elena on the other hand stayed on the balcony, afraid of what Robb would do when he saw her. The last time they saw each other he had tried to kill her. She took in a deep breath when she saw him, riding through the gate of Castle Black with Grey Wind by his side.
Robb looked around at all the men who were standing outside, searching for his long lost brother. When he found Jon storming towards him with a smile on his face Robb quickly dismounted and engulfed Jon in a long and crushing hug.
"You're okay." Jon sighed heavily in delight. He let go of his half brother after a long moment and smiled at him.
"Black really is your color." Robb chuckled and looked at the clothes Jon was wearing. He tried to hide the sadness he felt, he realized Jon had also lost many things he loved.
"It is." Jon chuckled and then hugged his brother again.
"It's good to see you again, Snow." Robb smiled sadly. Then suddenly a glimpse of white hair caught his eye. He looked and saw Elena standing there on the balcony. Her eyes widened in fear when she realized he had seen her, she feared that maybe he was still angry with her. Maybe he would try to kill her again.
"What is she doing here?" Robb frowned and looked back at Jon who also worried about how Robb would react. Elena had told him about everything that had happened.
"Stark, please. She didn't mean to hurt you, something was controlling-"
Robb interrupted Jon as he softly pushed him out of his way and stormed towards Elena.
"I need to see her." Robb growled.
Author's note
Ooooooh snap
What's he going to do?!
So helloo there ^^ since this chapter was also a bit late I made it longer than usual, hope that makes up for it.
But guuuuys, why did last chapter only have 5 votes? :( what happened? Let's get this chapter back up to 10, alright? :S
Since I'm uploading thos from my phone right now I can't put a dedication in this chapter. I will put it as soon as possible though!
For next chapter I want you guys to comment which secret you think the doll holds. (from last chapter)
The one who gets it right will get a dedication and a follow from dear old me.
That's it for today, see you next chapter!
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