Alternate ending: A guardian's blessing
Requested by: @blubb456, give her a follow! You're amazing :)
"Please, take care of them." Elena spoke to Damon as her breath formed tiny clouds.
"ELENAA!!!" Robb yelled at the top of his lungs and tried to run towards her. Only Steven had grasped his collar and pulled him back, holding him firmly as he thrashed and cried out. His protests stopped though as his eyes locked with Elena's for one last time.
"Please." He whimpered softly. She sadly smiled at him before pulling her arms towards her chest. The building collapsed right down on them, on Stannis, Melisandre, Ser Davos, the battalion of soldiers and Elena.
When the rubble had settled and the dust was cleared, all that was left was a pile of rubble. Somewhere in the middle the top swords of the Iron Throne poked out from under the piles of glass and stone. Other than that, there was nothing. Not even a sound or a whimper.
"Elena?!" Damon quickly flew towards the top of the pile, knowing that only 3 metres down she was buried under the rubble. He began to lift the large chunks of stone with the help of Steven, both trying desperately to hold onto hope while Robb fell down to his knees. "Elena! Please, if you hear us, say something!"
There was one last piece of rubble that they had to lift to reach the bottom. Steven and Damon both looked at each other, their faces contorted into fear. They simultaneously grasped the edges and threw it away, revealing multiple bodies that were laying on the floor.
"Elena?" Robb ran towards her after seeing her body. He knelt down on the stone, his hand reaching out for her wings and softly touching the top of it. "Say something, please." He whimpered.
Instead of saying something, her wings moved slightly beneath his touch which resulted in everyone letting out a surprised gasp.
"Elena!" Robb moved her so he could hold her in his arms, letting her head rest on his shoulder as she struggled to open her eyes. "You're going to be all right, you're fine." He whispered as tears of happiness fell down his cheeks.
"Robb..." Her voice was croaked as she fought to move. "Have I ever told you how much I hate official meetings?"
"I don't believe you have." He laughed through his tears as he rocked her body in his arms. Damon sat down before him, examining his sister's body as he smiled broadly.
"How are you feeling?" Damon asked.
"It think I broke a few ribs." Elena smiled through the pain as she moved in Robb's arms. "And I-I can't... I can't feel my wings, Damon, I can't feel them." Instead of laughing she started to cry. "I can't feel them."
"Sssh, calm down." Robb soothed her while Damon started examining her wings and back. He let out a deep breath after seeing the hole in her dress and a huge bruise forming on her back, right at the spot where her wings came out of her torso.
Robb glanced at Damon for answers, his eyes filled with desperation. Damon only shook his head and bowed down, sighing deeply. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
A few months later
The morning breeze swept through the window and then Elena's hair, warming her exposed skin and filling her nostrils with the smell of the sea. She breathed it in deeply and closed her eyes as the sunshine warmed her, enjoying the feeling as she tied the bedsheets a bit tighter around her body.
Liane told her the day before that her wounds had healed almost perfectly. Only scars remained. Some injuries couldn't be healed though, some were permanent. He had been sure about her wings, the crash had crushed her bones and injured her nerves there. Liana explained that she could never fly again.
At first that was the most horrible thing she had ever heard. She adored flying and remembered how in the past it had been her only escape in life. Now that sense of freedom, the wind flowing through her hair and the gliding over the soft hills and clouds, was gone permanently.
She decided that Robb would be her only escape after that. The past few months he was almost over worried, constantly trying to make her stay in bed so that she could heal properly, not letting her go outside without any guard or escort and above all constantly asking if she was feeling alright.
Elena didn't mind it, of course, because it only showed her how much he loved her. After what happened in the Throne Room she understood that Robb had lost some of his trust in people.
Especially because his trust in Stannis had scarred his beloved permanently. His betrayal didn't only affect Elena physically, it affected the whole family.
Her wings weren't the only thing they had lost. During one of the weekly check-ups by Liane they discovered that the wound in her belly had not only left a scar there, it also inabled her to carry more children.
Liana had been trying everything to heal her, potions, medicine, diets, you name it and he tried it. It seemed that some things just can't be healed.
All in all it resulted in Elena feeling guilty. She was the reason Robb couldn't have more children, she was the one who failed her husband. The one thing that a queen was supposed to do according to traditions she wasn't able to because she failed to see the deceit in Stannis's eyes.
Robb wasn't an option for being an escape anymore. So instead Elena chose for this, imagining herself to be flying among the clouds as the breeze greeted her every morning. It wasn't like flying at all but it was close enough.
"Good morning love." Robb's breath tingled the back of her neck as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, softly kissing the delicate skin.
"You have to give it to them: King's Landing can be a beautiful place." Elena smiled as she stared at the sea crushing against the paved stone.
"It's just a pity that it's filled with horrible people." Robb chuckled and laid his chin on her shoulder, following her gaze out onto the sea. His scruffy beard tickled her skin.
"Preach." Elena laughed and turned around in his arms, giving him a swift peck on the lips.
Robb smiled at her but then frowned as he placed the palm of his hand on her lower belly. "Do you..." He sighed. "Do you think it's working? Liane's remedies?" His eyes shot up to meet hers.
"I don't know." Elena avoided his gaze, quickly becoming uncomfortable as she removed his hand from her belly. She wrapped her arms around herself and shifted awkwardly on her feet.
"I'm sorry Robb but I..." Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at his blue eyes. "I don't think I will ever be able to... I don't-"
"Hush now." Robb quickly pulled her towards him and wrapped her tightly in his arms, laying her head on his chest as his hand got tangled in her hair.
"I'm so sorry." She cried.
"No, no, no." He got her at arms-length, forcing her to look at him. "Don't you apologize. It's not your fault, you hear me?" He stroked a strand of hair behind her ear delicately. "I don't care whether or not you're able to carry more children."
"But Robb you-"
"No." He put his finger on her lips and narrowed his eyes slightly. "I love you, Elena. Dammit, I love you." He put his hand on the side of her face. "When are you ever going to understand that that's all I need?"
Elena leaned into his hand, closing her eyes and letting a few more tears escape. "At least..." She opened her eyes to look at him. "At least we've got Lyanna and Gillian."
"We do." Robb smiled softly and kissed the top her head. "Speaking of them, where are the little devils?"
"Probably off somewhere wreaking havoc with Damon." Elena chuckled and wiped away her tears. "He's stealing our kids, I swear. Before you know it he will take them off to Highgarden or something without saying a word."
"Maybe." Robb laughed. "It's better than those lessons Liane is giving them."
"Robb!!" She swatted his arms. "He's teaching them things they need to know."
"He's doing nothing except boring them to death." Robb countered as he pulled a shirt over his head. "Let them play with Damon. They've got enough time in the future for school, responsibilities and knowledge."
"If only your mother could hear you now." Elena crossed her arms before her chest and pursed her lips. "She would first slap you and then hold a speech about responsibility."
"Most likely." Robb chuckled, pulling Elena towards him by grasping her arm. "I've got you to do that now." He looked down at her seductively as his hand slowly wandered up her arm.
"Stop that." She narrowed her eyes and swatted his hand away.
"Because you need to get ready and look somewhat appropriate."
"And why is that?"
"Seven hells." Elena groaned, face palming herself. "Deanarys is arriving today, you idiot!"
"Right." Robb nodded slowly. "I knew that!"
"Of course you did." Elena crossed her arms and raised one of her eyebrows. "Now get ready before I make you."
Robb threw his hands in the air as he walked towards his closet, pulling out his uniform and crown. "Yes, your highness."
"The whole escort is standing ready near the docks, the decorations are in place, Jaime is safely locked away in the dungeons, Jon and Abigail are off to Winterfell with the rest of the Starks, my family is safely back in Highgarden, most off the rubble has been cleared and the food is also ready." Steven summed up as he walled next to Elena down the courtyard of the Red Keep.
"Nothing can go wrong." Steven smiled encouragingly and put his hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, have you met the Starks?" Elena looked up at him as nerves wrecked her body. "If there is even a tiny possibility of something going wrong, it will. It's like we attract trouble."
"Believe me," Steven chuckled. "I believe we've had enough trouble already. Sooner or later you reach the maximum of bad things happening in your life. You've gone through enough shit to last you three life times."
"Yes I did." Elena confirmed. Her headshot up when she heard the laughing of her children, spotting them in the middle of the courtyard chasing fire bulbs Damon had conjured.
She watched how Lyanna and Gillian chased after every tiny flame, dancing in circles around Damon who sat on the ground with the biggest smirk on his face. It was the happiest she had ever seen him, making a huge smile appear on her face too.
"But you know what?" Elena saw how Damon doubled over in laughter when Lyanna fell down while pulling her brother with her. She could feel Steven's gaze burning in the side of her head.
"In the end all of it was worth it." Elena said as tears brimmed at the corner of her eyes. "The pain, the loss, even the fear we went through. It all brought us to this point in life and I'm going to be honest with you Steven, some things still suck. I lost my wings, my capability to carry children, my brother... Yet here I am, watching my children dance around my brother while knowing that my husband and most of his family are safe and sound inside the castle. I feel... Complete, I guess. Like nothing can hurt us anymore."
"And nothing will." Steven smiled at her, giving her shoulder a tiny squeeze.
"Mother!" Gillian's voice drew back her attention. She was just in time to see him storming towards her, leaving her able to ready herself for the impact.
"Hey there, little fella." She smiled after he briefly hugged her legs.
"Uncle Damon says he's going to transform into a dragon mom!" His eyes lighted up excitedly. "Can you believe it, a dragon?!"
"You and I better believe it because soon you will see three dragons at once." Elena knelt down to his height and ruffled his dark hair teasingly. "Now get your sister and make yourself ready."
"But moom-" Gillian whined as he pouted.
"Gillian." She warned him. "What did I tell you about whining?"
"All right, I will do it." Gillian looked down to the ground.
"You're just like him, you know." Elena smiled at him proudly, thinking of her lost friend. "Now go." She pushed him gently, watching how he ran over to his sister. She saw her face drop just like Damon's did.
"Hey, sister!" Damon got up on his feet swiftly and ran over to her. "What is this I hear about doing formal stuff?" He crossed his arms and smirked.
"You know very well what it is." She narrowed her eyes playfully.
"At least let them stay for the transformation." Damon begged.
"Yes!" Lyanna and Gillian jumped excitedly. "Can we stay?! Please, mom!" Gillian added.
"I guess they can spare a few minutes." Steven smiled when Elene looked at him for advice.
"All right, all right!" Elena decided when both children continued to beg. "But you will do it now, you hear me?" She nudged Damon on his chest.
"Of course, your majesty." He bowed elegantly and took a few steps back. He then unwrapped his wings and stretched them fully behind his back, earning a few ooh's and aah's from the children.
It was when the feathers started to transform into thick leather, when his dark hair turned into long spikes, his legs stretched, claws formed and his clothing turned into dark red scales that Lyanna and Gillian couldn't even utter a thing.
Damon stood proudly after the whole transformation, looking down at the children who were the size of mice to him now. He demonstrated a loud growl and spread his wings.
"Yep, I'm sure about it now." Gillian nodded and crossed his arms before his small chest. "I want to be a guardian."
"It's not as fun as you think." Elena laughed at her son.
"You coming or what?" Damon spoke in her mind as he lowered his head and neck for her to climb on.
"Please make sure they're ready when we're back." Elena asked Steven as she mounted Damon. She held onto the spikes on the back of his neck.
"Of course." Steven smiled, putting either hand on one of the children's shoulders who were still gaping at the dragon.
"Try not to knock them over." Elena patted the side of his neck.
She could feel him laughing as he raised his wings. "Now where's the fun in that?" Damon powerfully swung his wings down, creating a huge wave of air that blew both children over as he himself lifted more than 10 feet.
Elena sighed but couldn't hold back a smirk. "I hate you."
"No, you love me."
Elena relaxed as she laid down on his neck, her arms wrapped around him as he carried both of them to the sea. Her fingers fidgeted with the scales. "Hey, Damon?"
"What's up?"
"Is it weird when I say that I miss Ethan?" Elena sighed deeply, his name feeling odd rolling off her tongue. "I mean, I only got to see the real him for a few minutes before he... You know, died. Yet it felt like I knew him before just like I know you."
Damon remained silent for a while. "I don't think it's strange at all. The ones we love always remain with us, in our hearts."
"I know but Ethan wasn't dead he was just gone, trapped inside his own body." Elena sat up and wiped a tear from her eye.
"In a way he was. Everything he had been before was gone. The gentle, caring brother we had was replaced by a dark warrior. Isn't what we are the thing that makes us, that lets us live?" Damon gave Elena a few moments to let it sink in. "And I guess, since he was trapped inside his own mind, that he was actually gone. His presence was still there though. I think that's what you felt, that's what made it possible for you to somehow connect with him and get to know him, even though he wasn't actually there."
"I suppose you're right." Elena looked at the horizon and saw Deanarys' ships emerge. "Damon, we need to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. Darkness cam be a vile thing, before you know it it captures someone else."
"What do you suggest we do?" Damon tiled his head towards her slightly as he flew towards the upcoming ships.
"I don't know, start a school or something? We need to teach the new generations of guardians how to deal with darkness so we do not get an extra case like Ethan. Besides, they really do need some extra protection from these faith fanatics." Elena said as her eyes spotted the three dragons. "You could teach them how to control the darkness, I could teach them how to use their powers, Sam can teach them some martial arts and Liane could teach them the basic knowledge."
"I think you're onto something." Damon said. '"Can you imagine it, me, a teacher? Those girls would excel in their classes just to impress me."
"Damon." Elena groaned. "I'm trying to be serious here."
"I'm dead serious! It would be a great asset-" Damon stopped when Elena slapped him. "All right, I will stop." His body shook with his laughter. "But I really do think it's a great idea, that school of yours."
"I hope it is."
"Do you think Gillian and Lyanna are guardians?"
"I don't know. It's a recessive gene after all. At least, that's what Liane said. I have no idea what it really means but I do know that that means that not every child of a guardian will be a guardian itself." Elena made herself ready for the landing when they came into range of Deanery's' ship. "I hope they're not though. I don't want that kind of responsibility on their shoulders."
"Neither do I." Damon changed back into his human form after Elena had jumped off his back. He himself landed right beside her on the front of the ship. He followed her lead and bowed before Deanarys as she walked towards them.
"Your grace." Elena straightened her back again. "Welcome back to Westeros."
Daenerys's eyes flickered between the two siblings and King's Landing. "Thank you." She walked past them, leaning on the balustrade and staring at the Red keep. "I see you've done all the conquering for me."
"Yes, well, it's a long story." Damon shifted uncomfortably. "The short version is that they captured our prince and princess. We didn't have much of a choice."
"I recon you also didn't have a choice but to blow up the whole keep." Deanarys raised her eyebrows but a small smile played on her lips as she looked at her half-brother.
"We didn't." Elena looked down at her hands. She could feel Deanarys' confused and analysing gaze on the side of her head. "But there is still some conquering to be done on Dragonstone since Stannis rebelled."
"I suppose there's a reason for that?" Deanarys's frown deepened.
"He wanted the Iron Throne for himself, always had." Elena explained. "If you want to fight the real threat though, you should look to the north. The dead have taken command there."
Deanarys nodded. She had heard off the white walkers before and knew how great of a threat they posed to Westeros. "With you two by my side I believe we can fight them."
Elena and Damon both glanced at her in surprise.
"After all," Deanarys laid both her hands on their shoulders. "family can conquer anything."
Sooooo I made this (alternate) ending because maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't have killed Elena. (Yes, writers can feel guilt. It's not like we do not care about our characters, we have feelings too.) I'm still contemplating on wheter or not to make it the official ending so I could really use your advise on that!
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