chapter 3
I feel like I am float when I open my eyes. The bed in my room is so soft, and the blanket is so warm that I have to fight the urge to go back to sleep. This place really does feel like home. I still have a large bedroom, more clothes then I can count and an overwhelming fear of being killed. I really wish I could have stayed in bed, but Johanna is already here and loudly slamming her fist into my bedroom door. I really hate Johanna sometimes. With a groan, I decide to get up before she kicks my door down, which I know for a fact she is more than capable of doing. Groggily I walk up to the door and open it to find an angry Johanna on the other side.
"I'm awake," I tell her only to find her anger melt away as a smile appears on her face.
"Good it's time for breakfast so get showered and dressed, or you are going to be late," Johanna says, pushing an outfit into my arms. "Now hurry up before I drag you to the shower and scrub you down myself."
"As if you would do that," I mutter.
"You know I would do that Brainless," I always hate that nickname Johanna came up with for me. "You know first hand that I can't keep my hands off of a cute girl, especially when they are dressed like you are right now."
I just shake my head a close my door on her, Johanna is right I do know she would wash me if she wanted to and can't keep her hands off of any girl that catches her eye. It is for that reason that we first slept together, and Johanna became the first person to clam me in such an interment way. I still remember how she gave me a message and how it slowly grow into us sleeping together. I doubt that would happen again; I don't think I could spend another night with Johanna before the Games start. I don't know how Katniss appears on my mind right now, but now that she is here I start to wonder what sounds she would... Wait I need a cold a shower, a really cold shower and to get ready. I can't let these thoughts grow. I can't let them distract me. Let her distract me.
The nightgown I was wearing is surprisingly easy to remove, but I guess that's by design if what Johanna says about the fate of Victors after the Games is true. The warmth of the water in the shower feels as good as it does back home, and I'm glad the controls aren't any more complicated than the ones in my shower back home. I can imagine everyone else struggling, and it brings a smile to my face as I picture the sight of the frantic Tributes desperately pressing every button trying to make the shower stop. It's a shame I can't spend just a few minutes longer because already I can hear Johanna stepping into my room and opening my bathroom door. I knew I should have locked the door.
"Not bad," Johanna smirks. "But as much as I like seeing you like this, I think I would prefer it if you showed up for training wearing clothes like everyone else, but if you don't hurry up, then I will drag you there naked."
"Yeah, yeah I'll be ready in just a minute," I sigh switching off the water. "Are you going to stare at me or leave."
"What do you think?" Johanna crosses her arms and leans against the wall.
"Whatever," I shake my head before drying and dressing. It's not a big deal as Johanna has already seen me naked before. Once dressed, I turn to face Johanna. "Happy?"
"Thrilled," Johanna replies before turning. "Now come on its time for breakfast."
The outfit I am wearing is a tight-fitting black suit with a short-sleeved T-shirt that has my District number on the sleeves and a pair of sturdy but also comfortable boots to wear. This outfit really fits me nicely, and I'm surprised because as far as I am aware, the Capital only got my measurements less than twelve hours ago. I guess it is possible that there is a storeroom filled with these training outfits somewhere because I struggle to believe even the Capital can get a hold of an outfit this fast but then for the Games I guess they could have made it in time.
Anyway as Johanna and I join everyone for breakfast, it becomes more likely that these outfits are stored in some warehouse somewhere because I notice Karl is wearing the same training outfit as I am. My dad and Blight are already sat down and eating breakfast, and when Johanna sits next to them, I take the only free seat which is next to Karl and opposite our mentors. The instant I sit down an Avox places a plate of toast in front of me with a selection of small tubs containing jam and butter to be spread on my food.
"Uhum," I had a feeling this wouldn't be a quiet breakfast, and when my father clears his throat, it only confirms that assumption. "We need to discuss what will be happening today. For starters, you are not to give away your strengths. It will be in your best interest that neverof you stand out."
"That shouldn't be too hard thanks to District Twelve," Johanna remarks. "Thanks to them, the Career's will leave you alone unless you do something to antagonize them."
"What?" I ask as Johanna's eyes fall upon me.
"Nothing," Johanna shrugs. "It's just that you seem more likely then Karl to piss them off."
"Just because I annoy you doesn't mean I will annoy everyone in the training center," I reply, but Johanna just shakes her head.
"Whatever you say Brainless,"
"Anyway, you should try to learn some useful skills," My father continues. "Medical, food gathering, and other things that may be useful to you once you are both in the arena."
"Just stay away from the axe station and other weapons station," Blight tells us. "Going anywhere near them will only attract the attention of the Career's, and you want to be invisible to them if you wish to live through the opening bloodbath of the games."
"While it's about time these two go meet their killers," Johanna says receiving a stern look from my dad.
"They both could win," My father tells her.
"And I still think your daughter will piss of the Career's," Johanna responds.
"While I disagree with Johanna about your chances, but she is right you two should be heading to the training room before your late," Blight says and my dad agrees after a quick look at the clock.
Less then a minute later, we are in the elevator and heading down to the training center with my stomach rumbling. I wish I got up earlier so I could have finished my toast. I just have to wait for lunch, I'm sure I can last that long and knowing the Capital's lavish lifestyle I know I can eat my feel from the feast they will have prepared for us. I take a deep breath as the elevator stops and opens its doors.
Karl and I step out of the elevator to find that District Six, Nine, and Three are here along with the Career Tributes. Johanna was right. I probably will piss off the Career's as I see them sizing me up and hear the comments they are making about Karl and myself. I clench my fists and fight the urge to punch Cato as I walk by him hearing the big brute commenting on my looks and what he would do to me. Thankfully District Ten arrives and takes the Career's attention before I do something I would regret before the Games even starts.
"Hey look at the little insect," I hear Cato say and turn to see him and the other Career's laughing at the little girl called Rue from District Eleven as she hides behind her giant of a District Partner. "A little bug I can't wait to squash."
"Leave her alone!" I yell, walking up to the brute from District Two.
I can't believe these Careers. I expected the Careers to be tough fighters but never did I expect them to be so disrespectful. I don't know how anyone could pick on a kid especially a cute one like Rue, and it's even more cowardly when you see that Cato is five maybe six times bigger then the girl he's picking on. I hate bullies. My mother terrorized me, and now Cato and the Careers threaten to take her place if I let them. I won't let them. The Careers are not my mother and don't scare me half as much as she does. Even as Cato walks up to me and we both stop inches apart, I feel no fear. He may be bigger and stronger then me, but if I am to die in the arena, I will not let someone bully me in there, so I don't back down from Cato. I can tell Johanna won't let me live it down. She probably loves that she is right and gets to tell me I told you so when I see her again after training ends.
"Give me one reason why I should Seven," Cato taunts me just asking for a fight and as I hear the elevator doors open I am ready to give him what he wants in front of this growing crowd of witnesses. "If you can give me one good reason why I should leave her alone I will be more then happy to do so."
"Cato just wait until we are in the arena," I hear his partner tell him. I think her name is Clove and Cato just ignores her advice by not responding or backing down.
"You should leave her alone because it's cowardly to pick on her," I tell him feeling proud that my body isn't shaking and my voice breaking. He is not my mother. Cato doesn't scare me like her. Cato has nothing on mum. "But I guess that's just what you are a cow..."
I don't get to finish. Before I can finish saying the word Cato strikes. The brute's finger wrap around my throat as his powerful body pushes me back until I slam into the wall feeling an incredible pain in my back. I wouldn't have cried out if I could have. Thankfully Cato's hands have prevented him from having the satisfaction of hearing me groan in agony.
"You little bitch!" Cato spits as his hands tighten around my throat. I claw at his hands but can't pry them loose. "What did you call me?" I start to see black spots, but in Cato's rage, he has forgotten something important that in desperation I exploit. "Say it a..."
My knee crashes into his crotch crushing his package and bring Cato to his knees. I also fall to my knees, gasping for breath as I can fill my lungs again. We both recover at the same time and are about to continue where we left off only for a pair of Peacekeepers to restain us both. Even being held back, we still struggle to fight, and the only thing that stops us is when we hear the buzz of their tasers. I freeze, and I can see Cato do the same. A taser has hit me before thanks to Johanna talking me into doing something stupid and don't wish to repeat the experience.
"Fighting with other Tributes is strictly forbidden," One of the Peacekeepers restaining me warns me in a cold robotic voice that sends a chill down my spine. "Don't let it happen again or you'll both rerate it."
As soon as the Peacekeepers let us go neither, Cato or I try to continue our fight. It seems the Brute isn't a complete idiot. Cato walks back to the other Career's with a slight limp while I stand next to Karl just as the Head Trainer arrives, so I'm guessing that every Tribute arrived in time to see my fight with the brute. So much for staying invisible because from the looks Cato is giving me, I can tell that know I am on the top of his kill list.
"Are you ok?" Karl asks as I reach him.
"Fine," I answer, although my neck is killing me.
"May I have everyone's attention," Everyone turns to face the Head Trainer giving her our full attention apart from the Career's who only have eyes for the weapons stations. "Over the next three days, you will be learning who to fight and survive in the arena, so use your time wisely."
As soon as we are allowed to start training the Career's run straight up to the most deadly looking weapons before they wield them with alarming proficiency. When I turn back to examine the rest of the room, I find I am stood by myself while everyone else has already chosen a station. I spot Rue and her partner at the camouflage station, Karl is learning hand to hand combat, and then I hear sweet laughter which I follow to Katniss. My stomach twists and my heart flutters when I see her and her partner at the knot tying station. They seem to close, and the way Peeta stares at her and makes Katniss laughs starts to I start to feel the same white heat building within me that I did when I heard Cato pick on Rue.
I can't fight him. I need to find something I can vent this anger on before I walk up to Peeta and ruin his pretty little face. Finally, I see it. For the second time in such a short period, I do something else I am not supposed to do. I walk straight up to the axe fighting station and pick up the first axe I reach. The instructor attempts to show me something, but after he sees the fire in my eyes, he backs off and leaves me to do as I please. Judging by how easy it was to get him to back off it must be common to leave Tributes alone if they wish to be.
I find my unfortunate victim; it's a training dummy that's the size of a man. I quickly get a feel for the axe then I start putting the moves Johanna showed me when we were bord one evening into practice. Soon the dummy loses its limbs first its arms and then its legs. After I decapitate the dummy, I take my first look around the room to find everyone is staring at me including the Careers, so I decided to give them a little extra demonstration of my skill by throwing my axe and hitting another dummy squarely in the chest.
I can't keep the smirk off my face when I see the irritated look on Cato's face, and that grin doesn't disappear until my eyes meet Katniss's and I see the mixture of fear and amazement in her eyes. I'm not sure why it bothers me that I may have scared her off, but it does. Why should I care if I scared Katniss Everdeen off? I think I need some more stress relief. I walk over to the hand to hand combat station to let out some of this aggression I'm feeling. Soon everyone starts to train again, and I struggle to focus as I continue to train because I hear the Peeta start to make Katniss laugh again. I try to ignore them, but it's impossible. It's a relief when lunch comes a few hours later because hopefully, the food will keep me distracted.
Lunch is served in a side room where I see I was right about the Capital throwing us a feast because I see there is enough food in this room to feed my entire District. The Capital always has too much, and it's the people in the Districts that surfer for their appetite. As I wander amongst the tables and look at the variety of food on offer, it becomes clear that the Capital has made us all the dishes that Panem has to offer. I'm not in the mood to be adventurous and try new things, so I stick to foods I know from my home District and hope the Capital doesn't try to mess with them. The bread I pick up seems fine, but the pigeon stew smells like its had either some spices or herbs or maybe both added. I don't know why the Capital or my mother can't leave a good thing alone because both seem to think they know better than the people in the Districts.
I sit next to Karl as I eat, and it seems like everyone else has the same idea because apart from the Career's we sit in pairs with some space between us. So far from what I have the only people that are threats to me apart from the Careers are the girl Tribute from District Five who has a face like a fox and looks like she is Pretty sly, Tresh, the giant from District Eleven because of his strength and both Tribute's from District Twelve. Both Tributes from Twelve looks stronger than the average person from their District with Peeta looking like he could come close to rivaling Cato regarding strength, but the real threat comes from Katniss. Katniss Everdeen looks strong, quick, and has a good set of eyes and ears as I observe her taking in the room like I am. It goes without saying that her looks will also play a part in this year's games as I bet already she has a line of sponsors ready to give her anything she may need in the arena.
Our eyes meet for a moment, and I feel a heat start to build before both of us quickly look away, and I'm not sure what Katniss does, but I look down at my food suddenly finding it very interesting. How? How can she do this to me? I hardly know Katniss, and before a few days ago I didn't even know she existed but somehow in that short amount of time Katniss Everdeen has wormed her way inside me and taken hold. I find shaking my head doesn't banish her from my thoughts so I look up hoping to see something to distract myself with and my eyes soon fall on the girl from District Eleven. The girl from Elven is just so adorable, and I think I would be able to kill her even if she was holding a knife to my throat.
"So what have you been up to?" I turn to face Karl and welcome the distraction.
"Axe fighting, hand to hand, archery, tracking, and edible plants," I answer just as the pair from District Twelve start to laugh and joke. "What about you?"
"Hand to hand, knife fighting, knife throwing, and knot tying," Karl replies as the laughing gets louder and more annoying. When I look over to the couple, I meet Peeta's eyes, and he gives me a look that says Katniss is his before whispering something into her ear that makes Katniss giggle. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah," I lie as I wipe my hand free of crumbs from the piece of bread I didn't realize I was crushing. "Everythings fine, it's just that the two from Twelve are starting to get on my nerves."
"I know what you mean," Karl agrees. "I'm starting to get a headache and wish that someone would just shut them up already."
Training flies by now and my memory of it is blurry, so I hope I remember what I learned over the last couple of days once the games start. Before I realize it the time has come to perform like some trained monkey for the Gamemakers. My weapon and skill of choice are easy as I grab to axes and find a training dummy to be my first target. I spin the axes and quickly get a feel for them before I begin. I didn't plan out what I was going to do and never thought about it until now that I am stood before the people who can make or destroy my chances of sponsorship during the games. I'm just going to have to wing it and hope for the best.
I face the manikin I selected and start by quickly severing its limbs then taking its head before I start on the dummy next to it by slicing open its belly then slitting its throat. It's a deadly display and one that I'm proud of, but when I look up at the Gamemakers, I am not seeing the impressed looks I was expecting to see. Instead, I see the Gamemakers drinking and talking amongst themselves while I hear their drinking songs. I didn't think I just acted. Ever since my name was drawn a white heat has been burning inside of me. First I was being forced into a death game, second a twelve-year-old was in the same games, third Cato and the Careers piss me off and fourth and finally Peeta is really getting on my nerves. All those things combine as my axe leaves my hand and head straight for the drunk bastards ignoring me shattering the light above their heads and showing them with glass. I can't help but smile as I watch them jump out of their skins.
"Miss Littleton what is the meaning of this?" One of the Gamemakers shouts, and I think he is the Head Gamemaker this year, but I don't really care enough to find out.
"Getting your attention," I reply. "But since your too drunk to pay attention in the first play I don't see the point."
I start to walk out only to hear that same Gamemaker again shouting at me.
"Where do you think you're going we haven't dismissed you?" He yells, but I don't stop or look back.
"I dismissed myself!" I yell back as I reach the elevator. I take it straight to my floor then head to my room, locking the door and collapsing on my bed before muttering into my pillow. "I'm not your trained monkey."
I feel proud of myself and actions as I drift off to sleep but I know deep down I will have to pay for what I have done and when the games begin those drunk Gamemakers will make my life a living hell before I die.
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