The sixth member.
Spell for the day :
Allows people to
utilize the art of mind reading. It will reveal memories and also forces the victim to re-experience them.
**Lilia's POV **
"You deserve an Oscar for that acting, Lili." he chuckles.
I laugh along with him.
"Really an Oscar?" I question.
"Oh yeah. And we need to keep up the act. We don't want Iryll to get suspicious and also ask the others to stay away from me, just in case." he says all serious now.
"Why does he even want my blood?" I ask curiously.
"To become powerful. Maybe it's time I tell this. He is--"
"Kylian?" a voice whispers from the other side of the room.
I turn around to see Ingrid standing by my closet.
"How did you get inside?" Kylian asks.
"Oh, so there is a secret tunnel here," he says, answering his question.
How did he know that?
"Babe, I can read minds," he says answering my question, which I didn't even ask out loud.
"What the hell is he doing here? Who let him in?" asks a furious Ingrid.
"I did," I answer sheepishly.
"Care to explain why? And since when did you start talking to him?" She asks still furious. The air around slowly changing and the temperature rising with every passing second.
"Well, this was also just an elaborate plan of ours." Kylian answers in a firm tone.
"Oh, and what is it?" her voice changes from anger to hurt as she slowly takes a seat by my bed.
Shit! Ingrid.
"Ingrid, we just didn't mean this to happen, it's just that--"
"What plan is it ?" she questions, completely ignoring me.
"We wanted to test Iryll. I guessed that he probably doesn't know everything about you guys and we just wanted to test that. We wanted to see if he knows you guys are twins and if so, how much does he know about you guys."
"And what did you find out?" she asks, in a fierce and firm tone.
"Nothing yet, but it's safer for you guys to stay away from me. So he doesn't suspect you guys," he says looking at me directly in the eyes. His eyes show he is afraid of what might happen, tho I don't see that in his demeanor.
Ingrid just huffs in agreement. But nevertheless, she calms down.
"I think it's better that you guys start your training, now that he is here, you need it more than ever."
Ingrid doesn't talk much given how angry she is. She just huffs and puffs and rolls her eyes like a big bad wolf.
"Ahem!" Kylian coughs to cover his laugh.
Oh god, he is reading my mind again!
I give him my best glare but he just winks at me, and I look around to avoid him or else I'm sure I'd melt.
After a while, they actually sit and make plans on what to do and how-to. I am bored and I don't notice when I fall asleep. I feel someone stroking my hair and a warm kiss placed on my forehead. But then, for all I know I could be dreaming.
I wake up the next day to the incessant banging on my door.
"Lili, get up. You are getting late for school." My dad says from the other end.
"Get up princess." whispers a husky voice. It sounded like a melodious symphony and I sure am lost in it.
I roll around to the other side and see Kylian standing there- shirtless might I add. I always imagined how it would be underneath his shirt but never did I think he'd look like Michelangelo himself carved him.
Oh my god! What happen last night? And why is he shirtless?
Arrgghhh ! I close my eyes and shout, but no voice leaves my throat.
"Shush Lili. Nothing happened but your dad might kill us if he sees us like this," he says with a smirk.
"Lili, are you up or want me to get a bucket of water?" my dad yells again.
"Up daddy. UP !" I shout, hoping he won't come in.
"Kylian go out, if he sees us, we are dead," I say and shove him towards the window.
"And here I thought you like me," he says, faking a heartache.
"Stop it, drama queen. I gotta get ready. See ya at school." I laugh at his antics and literally push him towards the window.
"Looks like no one likes me here. I'm gonna die," he says jumping from the window facing me, with his arms and legs stretched as if he is flying.
"Oh Kyle!" I smile at his antics and watch as he gracefully hops on his feet and walks back to the outhouse. Another loud bang on my door woke me up from my haze and I get ready quickly.
Thankfully, Ingrid waits for me and we both go to pick up Em. She doesn't talk to me all the while, up until we reach Em's place.
"I sense something wrong here." Em say getting in the car.
"Well, ask Lili, She is the one whole did it," Ingrid says, still hurt from last night.
I proceed to tell her my tale of how Kylian and I pretended to fight so as to test Iryll.
"So he isn't going to need your blood or kill you?" Em asks a little shocked.
"He will need my blood, but he doesn't need to kill me for that ."
"But what about Iryll, he will need to kill you for that ?"
"Who knows ?" I say and am wondering what would happen if Iryll figured that I am the answer to his quest.
"Oh and Em, stay away from Kylian. That's their plan." Ingrid says.
Wow, she actually is siding with us on this.
"I still haven't forgiven you, but Kylian is right. Let's keep our distance," she says and I see a ghost of a smile appear on her face. It looks like she is back!
We were careful the whole day and keep our distance from both the vampires. Unfortunately, I shared a few classes with Iryll and he is always observing the kids around and I caught him staring at me a few times too.
It looks like he is up to something. I catch Kylian in the lunch, and I also catch a glance of Iryll lurking behind him waiting for us to make one wrong move. Kevin and Jake join us at our table for lunch.
"These powers are cool. I aced my test today. All thanks to the guy in front of me. Poor soul doesn't even know I read his mind." Jake says setting down.
"Oh my god! And here I thought no one is abusing it," Em says, rolling her eyes.
The bell rings and thankfully the argument stops and we head on to our classes. I see posters everywhere, about the Fundraising event which was in a few days. Decoration and activities seem to be in full swing as I see people everywhere talking about it.
"So do you have any plans for this event?" Em asks, walking beside me to my next class.
"Um, no. I am contemplating if I should even go," I say, as my eyes fall on the poster on the notice board. Em notices this too and reads the poster.
"Oh. There is going to be a kissing booth too. Maybe this one won't be so boring after all!" She says, gazing off yet again into space. Dreaming!
"Em, we gotta hurry, " I say shaking her and dragging her through the mob of students to our next class- French.
Fortunately, I don't share any more classes with Iryll and the day goes by peacefully.
Triinnnnngggg !
Phew! That bell took forever to ring.
"I know right !?" answers Jake from beside me.
I gotta control my thoughts around him.
"Well, I could read that too," he says laughing.
Ingrid is driving as usual, and we are on the driveway when I spot that the lights in the outhouse were turned on. But, Kylian is in a car behind us.
"Who could it be ?" I ask the obvious.
"The key to what Iryll is up to, probably," Em says. She also came to our place to greet my dad.
"You guys wait here and I'll go and check who is it. You guys enter from the back door. Okay ?" Kylian decides.
We all nod our head in understanding and my eyes are focussed on the house lest we lose this person.
Ingrid parks the car in the garage and we are hoping it wouldn't alert the person.
"Okay, Em and Lili go from the backdoor and I will come from the window."
"But Ingrid, that ain't safe," I argue.
"Trust me, this way we can take that person by surprise and catch them," she says, determined.
We go from the backside and end up near the backdoor, which is open and I wonder 'why?'.
We step in to see papers strewn all around and everything is thrown around as if that person was searching for something. The silence in the room is killing me, and I could feel the air changing around. Looks like Ingrid is here.
I go to the hall and see that Ingrid and Kylian are standing face to face with someone sitting down in a hunched position. I look around to see that the web that Kylian worked on is nothing but a mess now.
"Who is it ?" I ask treading lightly over to where they were standing. The floor is littered with glass pieces, candles, and papers- lots of it.
"Take a wild guess." Ingrid states, sneering.
I walk around to see that it is Mrs. Potts.
"Mrs. Potts ?!" I question bewildered.
"What are you doing here ?" Em questions.
"I am here to find out what this bloodsucker is up to," she says snarling at Kylian.
"But he is innocent," I state, unconsciously sliding close to Kylian.
"He is a vampire," she states as if she made a big discovery.
But she isn't supposed to know that? How did she know? Isn't she under Kylian's spell, didn't he hypnotize her?
"And how do you know that ?"
"He told me," she states nonchalantly.
"But he hypnotized you, you weren't supposed to remember that,"I whisper out, praying that what I am thinking turns out to be wrong.
"Oh, this is going to be fun," Kylian states and drags a chair to sit beside her.
I am still in shock, how does she remember that? Don't people usually forget it?
"Well, I'm a witch, just like you all," she states matter-of-factly.
"And you didn't bother to tell us ?" Em asks.
Author's note:
Hey, readers. How do you think this chapter was?
I hope you all liked it.
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Until the next update.
Lots of love
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